Whether you call the newest healthy food craze a Buddha bowl, hippie bowl, rainbow bowl, or bowl of ancient grains and veggies, it’s guaranteed to deliver plenty of balanced nutrition to keep your body and brain healthy and happy. For a lunchtime ritual, create a vitamin- and mineral-packed nourishing bowl of rainbow-colored foods. Include fresh or cooked veggies, fruit, protein, and fat but limit the carbohydrates. Follow these simple steps:
1. Establish a base of colorful, freshly washed leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and a variety of lettuces in a midsized bowl.
2. Add raw veggies such as green broccoli, yellow sweet corn, sliced purplish beets, red onion, orange carrots, beige mushrooms, and white swords of jicama, or cooked vegetables such as green lentils and others of various colors and sizes.
3. Drop in protein-rich ingredients (grilled meat, hard-boiled egg, or tofu).
4. Add a source of healthy fat (fish, avocado, nuts).
5. Sprinkle nuts, seeds, or berries over the top, and toss together if you desire to mix the ingredients.