Write a Blessings List

Laughter, love, health, friends, family, money, spiritual growth, and a loving and powerful support network represent a cornucopia of blessings that suggest a prosperous and joyful life. In the fast-paced work environments that characterize the modern world, you might not realize how blessed you are. Almost every culture has rituals and symbols to draw abundance. An Eastern tradition is to hang in the northeast corner of a home or business a yantra (or mystical diagram) representing Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, or Shree Kubera, mentioned in the Vedas as the ruler of wealth and riches. The northeast corner is also known as Eshaan corner, a highly energized space for worship.

Inside a red envelope, write a list of your blessings. Insert a dollar. Close the envelope and rub it between your palms to generate positive energy that will attract more of the same. Place the envelope in the northeast corner of your sacred space. Intensify the energy by placing a crystal on top of the envelope and cover both with a red cloth. Each week during the year, open the envelope, review, and add blessings to your list. Shake the dollar and the red cloth, and reassemble as before as you recite: I attract an abundance of all good things that bless me and mine.