
Organizations that promote seed saving are growing in numbers and impact every year. Some are national or international in scope, while others focus on a particular region. Also, there are some well-known and not so well-known seed companies that are focusing their efforts on open-pollinated and heirloom seeds; some grow and sell certified organic seed. These organizations and companies offer a wealth of educational material and resources for seed savers, both home gardeners and farmers. Connect with them to find in-depth seed-saving information through their publications, blogs, videos, and webinars, as well as at in-person workshops and conferences. Here’s a sampling of the many fine organizations and businesses that offer resources for seed savers.

Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co.

Bountiful Gardens

Fedco Seeds Inc.

Fruition Seeds

High Mowing Organic Seeds

Hudson Valley Seed Library LLC

International Seed Saving Institute

Native Seeds/SEARCH

Organic Seed Alliance

Renee’s Garden

The Seed Ambassadors Project

The Seed Library Social Network

Seed Matters

Seed Savers Exchange

The Seed Site

Seeds of Change

Seeds Trust, Inc.

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange

Sustainable Seed Co.