
When Mel got to Keith’s manor with him at six P.M., she soon realized the night had actually only just begun: A fire snapped in the living room, and the smell of burning pine cones filled the house. The lights in the room were low. A table had been set, a candle burned on it. Red wine waited for them. And the smell of roasted meat made her mouth water.

Keith pulled her chair out, eased her into it.

They dined.

She skipped the Chocolate Sundae for dessert because, heck, she’d eaten more ice cream in the last ten days than she had in the last year! But Keith had bought it for her, just in case. His freezer was full with it. “Just in case you plan on spending any nights here. I’ve had a room prepared for Jacob as well.”

She melted. And all she wanted now...was for him to take her.

Christian Grey had nothing on this guy! Here, in front of her, was a real man! Not even Mr. Darcy came close to Keith Devonshire!

It was time to let go of her book boyfriends, she realized.

Keith wiped his lips with a napkin, poured a glass of wine for both of them. She sipped hers. He stood up, eased around the table, held out his hand. She took it. The lights in the room changed, darker now. Gentle music appeared. They danced. She took her shoes off, because she hated dancing in heels. He pressed her to himself.

“You swept me off my feet today,” she admitted. Her defenses were down, she noticed. She had let him in.

“You swept me off my feet over a week ago.”

“When precisely?”

He swung her around, brought her back, pressed her against him again. “When you asked me why I kept seeing you. I have an answer for you.”

“What is it?”

“Because I can’t bullshit you. I know you’d leave me in a second if I disrespected you. I know you’re confident, that you don’t need a man; that you could get any man you wanted if you wished. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman.”



They danced more. She felt him stir. She knew it was going to happen again tonight. But tonight it would be different. Tonight they would make love, perhaps for the first time. She pressed her lips into his neck, kissed him slowly, stretched out her tongue and licked his skin. His right hand slid gently down her back, over her butt, between it. His finger pressed down the middle of it, rubbed up, then down.

The music was gone to her now. She couldn’t hear it, although she knew it was there. All she heard was her heart, stampeding in her chest. All she felt was the nervous sweat on her skin, and the gentle moisture seeping out below as her nether lips began, slowly, to fill up for him.

He pushed her backwards, eased four fingers into the top of her dress, slid them across her chest. The tips of his fingers slid ever so slightly into her strapless bra. Then he moved them back again. She felt the slightest of trembles in her legs. Her breathing became ragged, quieter, as she waited for him to take her.

He turned her so her back faced him and she was looking out the windows into the garden. Rain pitter-pattered against the glass. Fire crackled on her right. His lips met the back of her neck. His tongue slid slowly down her spine. Her head fell and she shivered. He unzipped her dress, eased it lower. Then, without warning, he let it drop, and it fell at her feet.

Except for her underwear, she was completely naked now.


Still behind her, he kissed her ear, her shoulder. His hands eased up under the cups of her bra and fondled her nipples lightly so that they tautened up tighter than if they’d been squeezed in clamps. Her breasts spilled out. She shivered again. “You cold?” he rumbled.

“On the contrary...”

“I can put more wood in the fire.”

“I’m not fucking cold. Just don’t stop what you’re doing.”

His left hand fondled her breast, massaged it. His right hand, unchecked—merciless renegade that it was!—slid lower, lower, over her belly, her belly button, under the seam of her underwear...

He stopped at her mound, pressed down on the curvy swelling of it. He was so close, so unbelievably close to it, and yet he waited. He moved his finger a fraction of an inch down. His middle fingertip was easily an eighth of an inch above her nub! She felt warmth ooze out of her like a waterfall. Her breathing became so fast she felt her chest heave with it!

He waited. He kissed her spine again... And, still, his right hand lingered.

Instinctively, she moved onto her tip-toes, pushed out against him and—“Oh, GOD.” He touched her, and as she had pressed out, he’d pressed in, and turned on the faucet of desire in her.

She was ready, so ready. His finger curled and twirled at her sweet spot. Her legs began to lose strength. His left arm clutched her and held her. His right middle finger moved down further, just grazed her lips below. She felt the moisture on her trimmed hairs, cried out agonizingly in her mind as he stayed there, pressing, moving left, then right. His cock, behind her, was hard and pushed against her butt. She wanted to feel its own moisture, sliding between her cheeks, then lower...inside her.

His finger moved lower still. Now it was right at the sodden entrance, waiting, like a sentry at a gate. She took her hands, which up to now had each been clutching at his wrists, and moved them both onto the back of his right hand.

And she pushed him into her.


He thrust in, plied her. The movement was furious, fast. She gasped, lost all strength in her knees. It was as if his hand was holding all her weight up. And still he pushed and pumped her. “Oh god this is turning me on so much!” she cried. Every touch made her wetter. She rocked her pelvis into him!

And then, he stopped! He held her against him! Pushed her ass to his crotch. She tried to get some movement going but couldn’t.

She started settling down, slowly. Every pore on her body was on fire but it was easing off now.

She turned, smiling. Ready. Keith’s face was all desire, his lips parted, sweat sheening on his brow. His mint-green eyes glowing with desperate appetite. “Shall we go to my bedroom,” he said.

“We shall,” she joked.

She lifted one foot to get out of the puddle of her champagne dress below her, which is when Keith swooped her into his arms! She was nervous, because, hey, she knew she was a big girl. But he held her. He held her firmly in his arms, not a tremble from him. His biceps bulged underneath her. They felt like rocks under her torso.

Horny was not the word anymore for what she felt. She was about ready to give herself to him for twenty-four hours non-stop the way she was feeling right now!

He carried her up the stairs to his bed, laid her gently on it. She took off her underwear, threw off her bra. Keith ripped off his shirt, buttons splattering everywhere, almost did the same with his slacks. His cock glistened with need. She wanted to taste him. She wanted to feel all of him. He stalked over to her. She got up on her knees on the bed and yanked his shaft to her, buried it in her mouth faster than he could resist.

He leaned back and growled. She licked his length, filled her mouth with him. Then she pumped him with her hand, hard and fiercely! “Mel, no, please, I’m going to— OH GOD!”

He did. And she let him, because she knew Keith by now. Once was never enough for him. She squeezed it all out of him, pumped him harder while he convulsed and throbbed frenziedly in her hand. He grabbed a shirt from a drawer, wiped his juice from her arm and hand. And then, without warning or waiting, he put her on her back, climbed above her, kneeled between her legs, leaned his body on one palm by her head, and peered into her. She was smiling, waiting for him, ready for him. He took his left hand, grabbed his shaft, looked down at her tantalizing entrance, maneuvered himself to just between her lips...

And he entered her.


Mel had been selfish, she knew. It always took Keith at least two turns to settle him down fully. Although he didn’t stay completely hard after the first time, he never fully flopped. And the second time before he climaxed was always longer. She wanted to feel him inside her for good and long before he exploded in her. And she’d also wanted to see him shatter under her hand.

She relished him now as he pushed and thrust in and out of her. She was dripping. Her liquid seeped onto the back of her legs as he rode her. She’d never been so aroused before.

Keith was a wild bull, the primordial man coming out in him as he made love to her passionately. She lifted her feet off the bed. Every thrust was maddeningly exciting. His eyes were clenched, his brow shining. He held her, then lifted himself, then held her again, moved lower, higher, but always always pumped in and out of her.

The orgasm in her own body took longer to arrive than she’d expected. Her hormones had settled after he’d come in her hand. It had satisfied her to see him break under her will like that. But now, she watched him. She watched his flexing abs, his striated chest, his clenched jaw.

Keith’s face was red with need and desire. His thrusts grew ever faster, ever more desperate. Melissa pushed her heels into the back of his butt and tried to get him deeper into her.

He’d grown much harder by now. He’d been thrusting and pumping for at least twenty minutes into her and by now he was as large and hard as he’d ever been before. He’d turned her, leaned in from behind her as she’d lain there on her breasts, and entered her that way. He’d lain on his side behind her, held her left leg up and thrust into her like that. He’d put her feet to his chest with her on her back and pushed fabulously deep into her, so much that her body had thrust up an inch backwards.

Now he was above her, she was facing him.

He paused for a second, catching his breath, sweat drenching his obsidian hair. He looked at her eyes, grinned, caught his breath. “You ready?” he asked.

She knew what that meant—it meant he was now ready. After half an hour of nonstop sex, Keith was ready to burst. Mel bit her lip, smiled, nodded.

Keith bent his head down, looked at where his and her body joined. He slid his thumb onto her sweet spot, twirled and pressed it until “Hah! Oh, god, Keith. That’s— Oh my goodness— I’m tightening up— Oh. Oh. OH!” Every muscle around her butt and center clenched. Her stomach closed in on itself. Her legs began to tremble. Keith’s finger twirled and pressed and pushed.

He removed his finger.

And he took over with his manhood.


She first heard the orgasm in him as a low rumble, like an old-time airplane flying in the distance, propellers and engine stirring up the sky. In herself, it felt like being wrapped in cellophane—her entire body!—and then...squeezed.

Until it didn’t anymore...

Then the cellophane burst into millions of shreds of flying shards and debris. And the airplane broke the sound barrier, imploding everything in its path into shattered fragments of wood and metal and glass.


And Mel, simultaneously, in sync, harmoniously, “Goddamn! FU-U-U-U-U-U-U-CK!”

They were frenzied dancers in a trance, surrounding a fire, thrumming in an otherworldly rapture.

Everything escaped Keith, and blood returned to Mel’s muscles.

They caught their breath like athletes after a four-mile run, with a sprint in the last two hundred yards. He rested on her, holding his body up just slightly so he wouldn’t squash her. She held him.

Their skins were drenched.

She loved him. She loved him endlessly. She knew this now. She had let him in, and she’d let him cross that barrier where him leaving her now would cause more than a few random tears. It would cause a piece of her to die a little. Sure, she’d survive it if he ever did, but she’d never be the same.

What she didn’t know, however, was that she actually had nothing to worry about. Because Keith was never going to let her go. Ever. He decided this now.

She was stuck with him, he told himself, even if she didn’t yet know it. He’d do everything he could to keep her. He’d change, he’d remain the same, whatever it took! Whatever she needed him to do, to be—he would. He knew this now. He was humbler, he realized. Humbled by a woman. He could live with that. It was pretty darned thrilling if he did say so himself.

He eased himself out of her, stood up, held his hand out for her. She grabbed it, lifted herself off the bed.

Standing there, both of them, nude, satisfied, he held her, pressed his lips to hers. He wanted to make love to her all night, and he would. And he wanted to make love to her tomorrow as well, all day, every day. But there was something more important to be done, something he actually looked forward to doing, not only tomorrow, but for a very long time. Maybe even...the rest of his life?

“What do you say you, me and Jacob spend the day in my garden tomorrow? Or maybe even Hyde Park. They say the weather is going to be lovely.”

Mel smiled, rested her head on his chest. The weather couldn’t be lovelier right now.

And it was raining cats and dogs outside.