Serves 4–6
Many Asian cuisines have recipes for kangkong or water spinach, a popular dish being a stir-fry prepared with sambal belacan and dried prawns (shrimps). The Eurasian take on this stir-fry is lighter in flavour, accompanied only with onion, garlic, red chilli and tomato. This simple dish goes well with rice.
Water spinach (kangkong) 1 kg (2 lb 3 oz)
Cooking oil 4 Tbsp
Onion 1, peeled and sliced
Red chilli 1, stem removed and sliced
Tomato 1, sliced
Garlic 3 cloves, peeled and sliced
Salt ¼ Tbsp
Light soy sauce 1 Tbsp
1. Trim off lower stems of water spinach and discard. Pluck leaves and cut stems
into short lengths. Rinse well.
2. Heat oil in a wok and fry onion, chilli, tomato and garlic until onion is soft.
3. Add salt, soy sauce and water spinach. Fry for about 1 minute, mixing thoroughly.
Dish out and serve hot.
• Increase the number of chillies added if a spicier dish is preferred.