Serves 6–8
Sotong is the Malay work for squid. The name of this dish is derived from its colour, which is due to the ink of the squid. The Portuguese also have a similar dish in their repertoire, and this dish probably originated from there. The squid ink sauce will turn your teeth black, but the taste is worth it all!
Squid 1 kg (2 lb 3 oz)
Cooking oil 5 Tbsp
Onions 3, peeled and sliced
Garlic 10 cloves, peeled and sliced
Red chillies 5, sliced
Dark soy sauce 1 Tbsp
Water 3 Tbsp
Salt ½ tsp
1. To clean squid, pull tail and tentacles apart. The head and innards will follow.
Locate the silver coloured ink sac among the innards and be careful not to
puncture it. Cut away eyes and innards from the area just behind the eyes and
discard. Squeeze out beak from base of tentacles and discard. Remove quill from
body of squid and discard. Wash squid tube and tentacles. Cut squid tube into
rings. Set aside.
2. Heat oil in wok and fry onions, garlic and chillies until onions are soft.
3. Add squid, soy sauce, water and salt. Lower heat and cover wok with a lid.
Simmer for 10 minutes or until gravy is thick and black.
4. Dish out and garnish as desired. Serve hot.
• Depending on your taste preference, you may adjust the heat of this dish by adding more
or less chillies as desired.