About the Authors

Julie Cross is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of new adult and young adult fiction. Julie lives in central Illinois with her husband and three children. Her knowledge of the modeling and fashion world comes from viewings of the movies The Devil Wears Prada and Zoolander and her unwavering devotion to the first three seasons of Ugly Betty. On a recent trip to NYC, she also took the time to walk past both the Gucci and Prada stores, spending at least fifteen seconds viewing items through the windows.

Mark Perini began his career as an international fashion model eleven years ago, while simultaneously obtaining a business degree from Seton Hall University. Turns out fashion’s hurry-up-and-wait mentality lends itself quite well to writing. Mark is now a New York City–based author, and You Before Anyone Else is his second young adult novel. He is also a featured author in the new adult anthology, Fifty First Times. When he’s not working, Mark’s traveling the world. He’s made a blood pact with friends to see all seven ancient wonders of the world before he’s thirty. Five down, two to go.