Chapter 27

“May I speak with you privately for a moment, Beverly?” Liberty was so nervous about this discussion, but the ache in her stomach had only gotten worse when Jovan held her last night. She was now certain it was him who was making her sick.

“Of course,” Beverly said. She placed Killian in a bouncy chair and went over to Hudson who was chopping vegetables at the kitchen counter. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay?”

He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “Sure, honey. I’ll keep an eye on Killian.”

“Should we go talk in my quarters, Liberty?”


They rode the elevator down in silence, Liberty’s nerves jangling harder by the moment.

“Come in and sit,” Beverly led her over to a blue loveseat that faced a large TV. In the corner was Killian’s crib. “What can I help you with?”

Liberty sighed. “I think I am ill.”

“Why do you think that, Liberty? Are you feeling sick or is something hurting?”

Liberty looked at her hands. “I believe that Jovan is making me sick.”

There was a beat of silence.

“Why would you think that?”

She met the very green eyes of Doctor Beverly, and they reminded her of Jovan’s at night, except they weren’t bright or as dark a green.

“When I’m in proximity to him, I get an ache in my stomach, right here,” she pointed to her lower belly. “I also feel moisture between my legs.”


There was more silence while Liberty studied her hands. Finally, she met Beverly’s gaze.

“Do you like Jovan, Liberty? Do you like spending time with him?”

“Oh, very much so. He is a wonderful male.”

Beverly nodded and sat back in the couch. “I don’t think Jovan’s making you sick.”

Liberty disagreed and told the doctor how bad the ache in her belly had been last night when Jovan was comforting her.

Beverly smiled. “Honey, he’s not making you sick. I believe what you’re feeling is a strong sexual attraction to him. Did you ever join with anyone on SR44?”

Liberty shook her head. Sexual attraction? To Jovan?

“Being near him . . . how can I say this . . . turns you on.”

“Turns me on?”

Beverly exhaled and smiled. “Yes.”

Liberty looked around the room. Done in blues and browns, it was a pleasant place to tarry.

“I don’t believe I understand, Beverly.”

Beverly nodded. “Would you be okay if I called in Abby and Faith? Maybe they can help me explain it better.”

“That would be fine.”

Beverly walked over to the phone on the nightstand and spoke in low tones. She came back over and sat down.

“Jovan also told me to ask you what this fucking was. I hear it, but I’m confused by the word. I have heard it used to describe something, and also as an object.”

Beverly smiled and patted Liberty’s hand. “We’ll cover that as well.”