We were greeted like rock stars upon our return to school. Everyone wanted to talk to us. Some kids wanted to hang out and talk music while others just wanted to congratulate us.

“Do I know her?” I asked Daniela (now that she was Daniela again) and pointed to a short girl with curly hair who had just hugged me.

“Don’t think so,” Daniela replied.

“What about that guy?” I asked referring to a tall kid who had just invited me over to his house for dinner.

“No idea who that is,” said my cousin.

The school wanted to hold a little party the next day in honour of the band’s victory.

“Maybe we’ll sign some autographs,” said Meena.

“I’m willing to kiss my fans,” said Sludge generously.

It sounded like fun! Lisa, Janine, and Sarah were organizing the festivities. Amazingly, Principal Losman agreed to cancel last period so we could all meet in the gym and celebrate. But first, he insisted on having a meeting with the band.

“He wants to see us during lunch time,” said Daniela.

I swore I saw Sludge elbow Eldrick in the ribs.

“We can’t make it, man,” said Sludge.

“Why not? This is important,” I told them.

“We, uh...umm. We, uh…” Sludge fumbled for words.

“I’m tutoring Sludge in geography,” said Eldrick.

Something sounded fishy. “You’re tutoring a grade eight when you’re only in grade six?”

“I’m a land-and-water whiz,” offered Eldrick.

Why would Sludge want to spend extra time with that twerp? Something was up, but I didn’t have time to get to the bottom of it. Lisa was insisting on going over the party plans.

“We’ve asked everyone to come dressed in either yellow or blue,” she said excitedly. “Isn’t that cool?”

“Sure, I guess so,” I said reluctantly. My favourite colours were black and green.

“Yellow and blue,” she said, eyeing me with exasperation. “The national colours of Sweden. We’re going to arrange everyone in the bleachers so we make a human flag. Don’t you think Olaf will love that?”

“He’ll love it—if he can make it,” I told her. She had caught me a bit off guard. “He’s got a big report due in Stockholm this week.”

Lisa’s face crumpled up. “He has to come!” she wailed. “The party’s in his honour! Sarah! Janine! Olaf might pull a no-show for his own party!”

Janine and Sarah showed up out of nowhere. “What do you mean he won’t be there?” They were getting hysterical.

“Okay, okay,” I said trying to diffuse the situation. “I’ll see what I can do. Maybe he can finish his report tonight.”

“He has to come,” cried Sarah.

“He is the band,” sniffled Janine. “It’s called Olaf’s Army, not Adam’s Army.”

I got her message loud and clear. The awesome support we got at the District Donnybrook was because of our tall, Swedish, lead singer. Without him, we’d just be another band. I was in a bit of a pickle. Olaf’s Army was the key to our success. I had to keep them happy, even if it meant making Daniela hobnob with her fans.

“I’ll make sure he’s there,” I told them.

Daniela was going to kill me!


In the end, I was the only one who met with Principal Losman. Sludge and Eldrick had their mysterious tutoring session. Beena and Meena were busy giving an interview to the school newspaper. And Daniela was too furious to speak to anyone.

“I am not going to any stupid party as Olaf,” she had huffed when I told her. “I don’t speak Swedish and I don’t want Janine Stroop hanging off of me.” She stomped off angrily. I headed to the office by myself.

Principal Losman led me into his room. “Congratulations on your victory.”

“Thanks,” I said. “And thanks for letting us celebrate during last period tomorrow.”

“That’s what I want to talk to you about,” said Principal Losman, getting straight to the point.

“Adam,” started Prinicpal Losman. His tone made me think of my parents—not a good thing. “Maybe it’s time to end this charade. The school is going wild for a student who doesn’t even exist. I think it’s becoming too much.”

Janine’s words, “It’s called Olaf’s Army, not Adam’s Army,” echoed in my mind. I knew what would happen if our hoax was revealed.

“Please, Principal Losman,” I begged, “let Sick on a Snow Day compete in the City Championship with Olaf as lead singer. I know I promised you he would be 33,000 feet in the air right now, but I never expected to make it this far. Daniela still needs him. Our band still needs him. The whole school is supporting our group, and Olaf is the star attraction. Please let us take the final step. We’ve worked so hard—all of us. And nothing’s ever meant more to me.” And I meant it.

Principal Losman looked thoughtful for a moment. “In the nine months that I’ve known you, Adam, you’ve been in my office quite a few times. I have to say, it’s nice to see you getting involved in an appropriate school activity. Your teachers are still concerned about your tendency to daydream in class, but so far, your marks are holding steady. And, albeit in a strange way, you’re demonstrating some fine leadership skills.” He took a deep breath.

“School spirit has definitely been high over the past few weeks, too. That’s certainly worth something. So, let’s play it by ear for the next little while. Olaf is welcome to appear at the rally tomorrow—but then you’ll need to send him off on a field trip for a few days.”

“Thanks, Principal Losman,” I said as he shook my hand. “We’ll keep everything under control. I promise!”

So, Olaf’s invitation was extended! Now I just had to figure out what to do about the assembly. And Daniela.