I would like to thank the following people for their help with this book: Kim Davies, who read it first and gave much encouragement along the way; Ruth Binney and Christopher Summerville for their shrewd comments on the manuscript; Robert Goldie and Alisa Jaffa for their fine work on the translations; Ame Verso and Margaret Harris at David & Charles; Frau Renz of the Bibliothek fur Zeitgeschichte in Stuttgart; and the elusive Frau Frischmuth of the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv in Freiburg. Thanks are also due to Viktoriya Valeryevna Kokhenderfer of the Muzei-Panorama Stalingradskoi Bitvy in Volgograd for keeping the archive open to me on the eve of a kapitalny remont.

I owe a special debt of gratitude to Lora Fyodorovna Petrova, chief archivist of the Muzei-Panorama in Volgograd, and to Valentina Alexeyevna Polyakova, its senior research officer. Their friendly and generous cooperation made this book possible.


Plates: 1 RIA Novosti; 2 © 2004 Topfoto; 3 akg-images; 4 Imperial War Museum; 5 RIA Novosti; 6 akg-images/ ullstein bild; 7 and 9 akg-images; 8 and 10 Imperial War Museum; 12 RIA Novosti; 13 Mary Evans Picture Library; 14 RIA Novosti/Topfoto; 11 Mary Evans/Weimar Archiv; 15 Mary Evans Picture Library; 16 Mary Evans/Meledin Collection; 18 Cody Images; 17 and 19 RIA Novosti; 20 Mary Evans/Meledin Collection; 21 RIA Novosti; 22 Topham AP; 23 Ullstein-Bild; 24 and 25 RIA Novosti; 26 akg-images; 27 RIA Novosti; 28 Topham/AP; 29 Topham Picturepoint; 30 RIA Novosti; 31 RIA Novosti / TopFoto.

Front cover: German soldiers positioning themselves for urban warfare in Stalingrad, 23rd September 1942.

Front and back cover images supplied courtesy of The Taylor Library