Praise for Primal Fat Burner

“Gedgaudas deftly describes the link between what we eat and what we become. Millions of years of human evolution made us omnivores with well-muscled bodies and extraordinary minds that could not have developed without a diet rich in fat, including saturated fat! Read this book and you’ll understand why much-maligned animal fat is so important to your health and why it is critical that it come from animals grazing on healthy land (and not confined to feedlots). I cannot recommend this book highly enough.”

—Allan Savory, The Savory Institute

Primal Fat Burner is always engaging and flawlessly referenced. For everyone who is interested in the science and practicality of prolonging the health span, this book is a must-read.”

—Dan Murphy, DC, Professor, Life Chiropractic College West

“This unique book provides a much-needed big picture, addresses the state of humankind, the errant direction we have all taken, the dark influence of global corporations, and most important, how we can regain our power and embrace a truly healthy, sustainable future. Nora makes the case to focus on what we all share: a common biological design, and a need for a food economy that restores local, natural systems. In this way, we can take back what was once ours, and what is fundamentally our primal birthright.”

—Helena Norberg-Hodge, author of Ancient Futures

“Gedgaudas’s nutritional knowledge is about a decade ahead of 99 percent of U.S. physicians, who are taught virtually zilch about healthful eating in medical school. Counterintuitive though it sounds, increasing your fat intake will promote weight loss. The real nutritional villain is sugar (a fact kept hidden from us by the sugar industry!). The low-carb, high-fat diet in Primal Fat Burner actually protects people from obesity and heart disease. When it comes to making the overweight and chronically ill American healthy again, Primal Fat Burner is destined to be a real game changer.”

—David Edelberg, MD, author of The Triple Whammy Cure

“Nora’s recommended primal fat-burning diet is different from other ketogenic diets and low-carb, high-protein diets. For those who are serious about their health, have “tried it all” and have still not attained optimal health and their ideal body weight, transitioning to her primal fat-burning diet will not only get you there, but with no sugar/carb cravings AND feeling great along the way. Well-written, easy to read and follow, Primal Fat Burner has great recipes and resources.”

—Joan Grinzi, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

“Primal Fat Burner has a wealth of new information and science showing the power of a ketogenic diet in addressing many health issues including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, neurological diseases, and cancer. Nora writes with passion, enthusiasm, and a warm sense of humor as she takes you on a life-changing, easy-to-implement journey to take control of your health by putting fat front and center! Should be read far and wide.”

—Vicki Poulter, Director, Nourishing Australia and international advisory board of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation