All chapter headings in this book are either titles of traditional dance pieces or quotations from traditional songs. The headings from Chapters 5 and 6 are taken from “There was a Lady” as sung by Tríona NíDhomhnaill; “Da Mihi Manum” I learned from The Penny Whistle Book by Robin Williamson; “An Caoineadh na d’Tri Muire” I heard from Jim Duran; and most of the others I rook from the book Irish Dance Tunes for All Harps: 50 Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, Airs by Sylvia Woods. I have no idea who first sang “The Foggy, Foggy Dew” for me. I learned “The Bear Went Over the Mountain” from my mother.
The Santa Cruz, California, of the story has been geographically twisted (like a rope), to fit the needs of my plot. It is possible that Trondur Patursson never gave a medallion to Pádraig ÓSúilleabháin, as I have it, because Pádraig is an imaginary character, while Patursson is not.