
Knowing Allah Is a Matter of the Heart

The human being’s honour and merit, with which he surpasses a number of other created beings, is due to his potential aptitude to know Allah Most High which is, in this world, his beauty, perfection and pride and will be, in the Hereafter, his asset and provision. But his aptitude for gnosis is through his heart, not through any external limb. For the heart is the one that knows Allah, draws near to Allah, exerts effort for the sake of Allah and hastens to Allah just as it is the one unto which is revealed what is with Allah. The limbs are but followers, servants and tools which the heart uses like a master uses his slave or a person of responsibility uses those under his care or a craftsman uses his craft. The heart is the one accepted by Allah when it is sound from other than Him; and it is the one veiled from Allah when it becomes preoccupied with other than Allah; and it is the one demanded to comply, the one addressed and the one reprimanded; just as it is the one that will become happy for being near Allah and gain success if one cleanses it or it become wretched if one tarnishes and corrupts it. It is the heart that is the true obedient to Allah Most High, for what spreads over the limbs in the acts of worship is its lights. And it is the heart that disobeys and rebels against Allah Most High, for the vices that manifest through the limbs are only its signs and traces, just as it is through its sombreness and enlightenment that the bad and good traits appear on the outward.

It is all about knowing Allah! The heart is the vehicle for such knowledge which forms the essence of spiritual life. Once the heart submits to the Will of Allah, the soul ascends and forever continues to climb from one spiritual station to another. It will attempt to be perpetually conscious of its Creator, love Him and seek His mercy. At the same time, this loving relationship, state of felicity and knowledge of Allah have a great positive impact on other fellow human beings and the environment through sharing this gifted love and mercy with others and trying to bring them to the same state of happiness.

But if the heart rebels and turns away from its Creator, it descends into an abyss of darkness and becomes oblivious to the light that fills the universe, including the innumerable hearts of His true lovers. This spiritual darkness makes it difficult for the heart to discern between right and wrong.

It is the heart that is moved by the Divine light for more intimate knowledge of Allah through prayer, supplication, and contemplation. One reaches this level when one tastes the sweetness of the relationship. A sign of those who reach this level of intimacy is that they find refuge, comfort and spiritual nourishment in their acts of devotion. Their limbs reflect and translate the light coming from the heart into actions in line with the Divine Will.

The spiritual heart is the best gift that can be bestowed on us. Yet, there is a level of honour that has been granted to all human beings, when compared to other creatures. It is granted regardless of belief, the most important criterion in the sight of Allah: And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference. (Qur’ān 17:70)

Every human being is guaranteed protection of life, property, progeny, intellect and freedom of worship, especially for Jews and Christians who are described as People of the Book, a phrase that never fails to soften their otherness.

38. Al-Ghazālī, Iḥyā’ ʿUlūm al-Dīn, edited by Sulaymān Dunyā, Beirut: Dār al-Maʿrifah, vol. 4, p. 2.

36 Knowing Allah Is a Matter of the Heart

38. Al-Ghazālī, Iḥyā’ ʿUlūm al-Dīn, edited by Sulaymān Dunyā, Beirut: Dār al-Maʿrifah, vol. 4, p. 2.