Avalon Travel

Hachette Book Group

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Editor: Kristi Mitsuda

Series Manager: Sabrina Young

Copy Editor: Ann Seifert

Graphics and Production Coordinator: Rue Flaherty

Cover Design: Erin Seaward-Hiatt

Interior Design: Darren Alessi

Moon Logo: Tim McGrath

Map Editor: Albert Angulo

Cartographer: Erin Greb

Indexer: Greg Jewett

eISBN: 978-1-64049-195-3

ISBN-13: 9781640491960

Printing History

1st Edition — 2016

2nd Edition — June 2019

5 4 3 2 1

Text © 2019 by Carolyn B. Heller.

Maps © 2019 by Avalon Travel.

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Front cover photo: Banff National Park, Rocky Mountains, Two Jack Lake, and Mount Rundle © Pietro Canali / SIME / eStock Photo

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