Ruin’s world narrowed down to endurance, taking the next bruising impact that sent his battered body swinging while his aching shoulders protested. Breathing was reduced to shallow inhales because those didn’t cause his ribs and diaphragm to seize in protest. He lost track of time as it warped and curled in strange ways under the constant bombardment of abuse. It took a while before he realised the whimpering protests of his body weren’t being interrupted by new strikes designed to hurt, not kill. He didn’t dare raise his head or make any move to give away that he was aware of the change.
He could hear them moving around. River Man and his Bookend Bullies. The creak of weight settling into a chair, the scuff of a boot or shoe against the hard floor, a muttered curse followed by the bark of dark laughter, the metallic groan of protesting hinges as a door was dragged open, letting a cool breeze sneak in. It brought along the unique combination of spiced foods and ammonia, helping to cut through the stench of pain-laced sweat, the coppery bite of spilt blood, and other things best left unexplored.
‘Drop him.’
It was his only warning before two sets of treads closed in. Rough hands yanked him around, twisting the chains. A hard arm wrapped around his bruised stomach and lifted, releasing the tension on the chain. He couldn’t stifle a couple of groans. There was more clanking and then the snick of a lock being released. Suddenly the pressure on his shoulders disappeared. He dropped like a stone. The only thing keeping him from smashing face first into the unforgiving ground was the small mercy of the restraining hold at his waist. He was dragged back, his arms all but numb, the chains trailing along before they dumped him on the ground. He lay there, gritting his teeth against the agonising sensation of blood returning to his strained shoulders, his head spinning.
His minor reprieve was interrupted when a hand gripped his hair and yanked his head back. Damn ass was going to snatch him bald if he kept that up. ‘You alive, Vulture?’
Since he wasn’t sure he could form more than a growl, he didn’t bother answering but managed to force his one working eye open.
River Man was crouched in front of him, a smirk riding his lips. ‘Yeah, you’re still there.’ That reptilian gaze roamed over Ruin’s battered face, savage delight creeping in. ‘Not such an arrogant prick now, are you?’
Ruin continued his baleful glare and remained silent.
It didn’t stop the dickless wonder’s ego. ‘You just sit tight.’ Using his free hand, River Man patted Ruin’s cheek, leaving a sting to merge with the existing aches. ‘Reznik’s looking forward to talking with you.’ With that, he tore his hand out of Ruin’s hair, got to his feet and walked towards where his sidekicks waited. ‘The two of you go make sure things stay clear.’
The one with acne scars jerked a thumb in Ruin’s direction and glared daggers. ‘What about him?’
River Man looked over his shoulder, his smile all teeth. ‘He’s not going anywhere.’ The unholy trio walked away and disappeared through the opening.
Unfortunately, he was too right. When they were gone, Ruin finally let his eye close. His mind scrambled for options and found nothing but a slippery slope of doubt. Where the hell was Charity? Or better yet, Vex and Havoc? He was running out of time. Once Reznik arrived, all his bullshit bluster would get blown away, leaving his ass wagging in the wind. While it was surprisingly easy to get under River Man’s skin (what was that saying about no honour among thieves?), he wasn’t sure it was enough. Pitting the puppet against the one pulling his strings was a damn long shot. And there was something else going on, something he couldn’t quite see and it involved the kids. Considering Reznik kidnapped not just Lilith’s kid, but the son of the Free Nation leader suggested the crime lord was looking at leverage. But for what?
It made Ruin think the hit on Crane was just what Charity feared, an opening move in a much more deadly plan. A plan, based on the fact he was still breathing and waiting on Reznik, now involved the Vultures. And that’s where he came up short. What the hell role could the Vultures play? Why would Reznik target them? Poisonous doubts slunk closer. It wasn’t as if there was a personal vendetta involved as far as Ruin knew. Unless Havoc or Reaper were keeping secrets.
He almost laughed, but since it would make his ribs scream, he choked it back. Of course, Havoc and Reaper had secrets. Every-fucking-body had secrets. Even him and Vex. Take some of the choices they made to survive as children, yeah he wasn’t hanging that nasty stained laundry out any damn time soon. Still, he knew, down to his bones, if Havoc or Reaper thought something they carried factored in this mess, they would have spilt.
The one who liked her damn secrets was Charity. Not that she didn’t have her reasons, but it made it hard to trust her intentions.
‘Where are you taking him?’ Her last desperate question to River Man echoed through his dark thoughts, accompanied by the banked panic in her gaze as she tried to follow. Those weren’t the words or the actions of a woman intent on betrayal. Those belonged to a woman worried about her man. That nugget of realisation shored up his shaky resolve.
Lying in a battered, beaten heap as he waited for his house of cards to be ripped apart, images of her anchored him, gave him strength. Charity standing at his side, coolly taking out the Raiders as he ran hell-bent for leather to get to Simon, uncaring who had him in their sights. Her care in handling Simon’s injuries, her determination to do whatever she needed to keep him alive. The heartbreaking pain and fury on her face as she held a broken little girl. Her exchanging snarling barbs with his twin, then teaming up with Vex against Reaper. Her determination to stay with him, no matter how hard he tried to shake her. The feel of her, soft and heated, under him. Her quick wit. Her passion. Her strength of will. Her courage to share her past with him.
The flash of uncertainty when he told her he was keeping her. The sense of pride and the lessening in the hollow spots of his soul when she stayed and took up his challenge.
The searing fear and violent protective streak that had him offering his ass to River Man because the thought of her near a monster like Reznik made him sick. Made his fucking heart break.
Son of a bitch, he lost his damn mind.
He was in love with Lilith’s ‘Hound.