When Charity finally resurfaced, it took her brain a few moments to kick into gear. Her body was stiff and everything ached—ribs, knee, hands, shoulder, and spots she didn’t know could ache. She didn’t dare move for fear of setting off a boatload of bodily protests. Instead, she snuggled deeper into the pillow where Ruin’s familiar scent dominated. She was in Ruin’s bed at Grave’s Hall in Pebble Creek. And she wasn’t alone. She stroked the arm lying over her hips but didn’t open her eyes. Not yet. There was time enough to face what waited. For now, she wanted to enjoy the feel of Ruin, alive and breathing. Her heart clenched, and she forced her thoughts to veer away from the nightmares that chased her dreams.
The trip back to Pebble Creek was a blur of teeth-gritting endurance, one she didn’t want to repeat any time soon. But neither she nor the Vultures, wanted to stick around Kennewick. Especially after they left the mansion behind as it burned in a massive bonfire. It made body disposal so much easier. Besides, she was sure no-one would be looking for them anytime soon. Nope, they had enough trouble waiting for them here. By the time they made it to Pebble Creek, she was barely upright and vaguely remembered Reaper’s deep voice rumbling at the others. She didn’t even remember making it to Grave’s Hall.
The heat at her back shifted as the hand on her hip gently tugged her to her back. She gave in and rolled, blinking her eyes open to find Ruin staring down at her. His tousled hair provided too much temptation, and she gave in, stroking her hands through his hair. He had a hell of a shiner, but at least it wasn’t puffy. He leant in and she helped by pulling him close so she could kiss him. Something she feared she would never get a chance to do again. Their tongues tangled and stroked, neither one in a hurry. The now familiar hunger rose, drowning out her lingering aches and pains. Soft kisses trailed over her chin and dropped at the base of her throat. She arched her neck with a soft groan that morphed into a hiss as a muscle twisted wrong. She was tempted to keep going, but Ruin pulled back.
He lifted his head, his gaze narrow. ‘We’ll pick this up later.’
She licked her lips. ‘Promise?’
Something hot and wicked turned his amber gaze gold. ‘Hell, yeah.’ He stroked her face, making her toes curled. ‘Right after I tan your ass.’
It took a second for his words to sink in. ‘Excuse me?’
He caught her face between his hands, forcing her to meet his gaze. She was stunned to see the depth of worry and anger, underlined by something she didn’t dare name. ‘What the hell were you thinking coming in on your own like that?’
His reprimand lit the fuse on her temper and outrage went up like wildfire. She lifted her head, straining against his hold, and clutched his shoulders. ‘As if I’d leave your sorry ass hanging out there!’
‘My ass was just fine.’
‘Are you kidding me?’ She yanked back with a huff. ‘What was your plan? Wearing out their fists?’
His grip shifted to her uninjured shoulder and he gave her a short shake. ‘Who do you think would last longer until Havoc and Vex arrived? You?’ Another shake that left her gritting her teeth, her nails curling into his skin. ‘I didn’t want them focused on you.’
‘Boo fucking hoo, Ruin.’ She grabbed his hair and pulled him in until they were nose to nose. ‘I wasn’t leaving you.’ The truth of her words tore through her heart with stunning force, leaving it raw.
He froze above her, his gaze searching hers. ‘Neither was I.’
Recognising the wary hope staring back, she accepted what Vex figured out earlier. She was in love with this idiot. God help them both. Unable to outrun her battering flood of emotions, she swallowed around the thick knot in her throat. ‘I can’t lose you.’
His wicked, wicked smile returned. ‘Planning on ditching me now that you got what you wanted?’
Despite the teasing tone, she didn’t miss the shadow of real worry under his question. Cupping the side of his face, she leant up and pressed a soft kiss to the side of his mouth. Drawing back, she whispered, ‘Who said I got what I wanted?’
His smile softened. ‘You looking for something more?’ Something in her expression gave away her thoughts because he leant in and whispered, ‘Yeah, me too.’
Three words and her world shifted, then righted at a whole new angle. ‘Well, shit.’
Ruin threw his head back and laughed.
After a shared shower, she followed Ruin into the back room of Grave’s Hall where reality waited for them. It was crowded. After giving Boden a quick hug, Charity moved towards one of the mismatched chairs but didn’t sit. Ruin slipped by and after exchanging a high five with a wan-looking Simon who was situated in a comfy, easy chair, he bumped fists with Vex. Behind the table, Reaper leant against the wall, arms crossed, a glower darker than pitch on his face as he watched his Vulture enter.
What the hell crawled up Reaper’s ass now? She got her answer when she caught sight of the stunning redhead sitting at the end of the table. She didn’t bother fighting her grin. ‘Hello, Lilith.’
Lilith rose with a smile and came over to give her a hug, her hold mindful of Charity’s battered body. ‘Glad to see you upright.’ She stepped back, her sharp gaze taking in everything, including how Ruin came up to Charity’s side. Instead of commenting, she simply raised an eyebrow, a mocking light in her jade eyes.
Ignoring her silent question, Charity asked, ‘How’s Tabby?’
It was startling how fast the lazy humour turned into a chilling hardness. ‘Dealing, but she’ll be better knowing you’re okay.’
‘You need to keep a better eye on the girl.’ The growl came from Reaper.
Lilith’s lips tightened, her spine snapping ramrod straight before she turned with a predatory deliberateness. ‘My daughter, my concern, Vulture, unless you’ve changed your mind?’
Reaper’s pissy mood downgraded to forbidding.
Charity braved the icy tension. ‘Changed your mind about what?’
Surprisingly it was Simon who answered. ‘I asked Reaper to take Crane’s place.’
Charity didn’t like the smug curl of Lilith’s lips. Obviously, neither did Reaper, because he spat, ‘Temporarily.’
‘Until we figure out what the hell is going on,’ Simon said, his attention on both Reaper and Lilith.
Reaper pushed off the wall and stalked to the table. He laid his hands flat against the surface and leant into Simon. ‘What’s going on is we’re being played.’
Lilith crossed her arms, her smile fading to be replaced with her normal unreadable expression. ‘I’m not playing you, Vulture.’
He turned his head slowly. ‘What the fuck do you really want, Lilith?’
‘I want you to prove me right.’
She shrugged. ‘Will it matter? In the end you’ll know exactly who set Reznik loose.’
Whatever private war Reaper and Lilith had going on, there was one thing that needed an answer. ‘I’d rather know why he targeted Tabby and the other kids.’
‘If we’re voting,’ Vex cut in, ‘so do I.’
‘Me three,’ Ruin added. Even Simon nodded.
Reaper’s gaze went to Havoc, who dipped his chin. The Vultures’ leader pushed off the table and straightened, his arms crossing over his chest as he stared at everyone gathered. Everyone but Lilith. ‘We start turning over rocks, we’re liable to uncover a shitstorm.’
‘What else is new?’ Ruin asked.
Reaper turned to Boden. ‘You sure you’re okay with this?’
Boden looked at Simon, then back to Reaper. ‘As long as Simon is, I’m good.’
‘Fuck me.’ Reaper paced along the back wall.
Being in charge of something you didn’t want was a shitty position to be in and Charity almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
Finally, Reaper broke the heavy quiet, stopping on the other side of the table to face Lilith. ‘I’ll fucking honour Crane’s deal with you, but only until we figure out who was pulling that shit’s strings and why he targeted the kids. When it’s settled, Pebble Creek goes back to Simon.’
Charity tried not to wince when satisfaction lit Lilith’s face. ‘Fine. Until then, I want to know what your birds find out.’
‘Fine,’ Reaper snarled.
She inclined her head. ‘I’ll take Tabby back to Boulder.’
‘I’ll ensure Katori makes it to his father.’ The unexpected offer came from Havoc.
Reaper nodded. ‘Take Vex with you.’ Vex stirred but settled under Reaper’s hard look.
Lilith turned to Charity. ‘For the foreseeable future, I need you here, keeping an eye on my—’ she smirked, ‘—partner. They’ll need your expertise to decide the next step.’
There wasn’t much to say to that, so Charity kept it simple and nodded.
‘Good. That’s good.’ She gave Charity one last hug, then sauntered out without looking back.
‘Fuck me,’ Reaper muttered again, his attention narrowed on the now empty doorway. Then he shook his head.
Ruin braved the waters. ‘Guess we’re working with Lilith now?’
Reaper wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and grimaced. ‘For now.’
Charity looked at her boots to hide her grin. That had to hurt. When she was sure the smile wouldn’t escape, she lifted her head to come face to face with Reaper’s dark gaze.
His attention drifted between the two of them. ‘You two head to New Seattle. Find out what you can about what that fuckwit was involved with, then get your asses back here.’
Ruin wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her in close. ‘Hear that? We get to take a vacation.’
A resigned disgust filled Reaper’s face. ‘Seriously? Like I don’t have enough crap to deal with between Vex and Simon? Now I have to deal with you two?’
‘What the hell, Reaper?’
Vex and Simon’s outrage stumbled over each other, but they subsided when Reaper shot them a hand.
The intimidating leader of the Vultures stared at Charity. ‘Your expertise extend to dealing with the Queen Bitch?’
Charity leant into Ruin as he grinned like a loon, anticipation and happiness adding a teasing note to her voice. ‘Don’t worry, Reaper. I promise to share how to deal with Lilith. It’s a well-guarded secret, but because I like this guy, and he likes you, I figure it’s worth it to keep you breathing to keep him happy.’
Faint humour crept into his dark gaze. ‘Bitch.’
Her smile grew. ‘See, told you you’d get around to calling me that.’