About the Author
The Reverend Cynthia Bourgeault, Ph.D., is an Episcopal hermit priest presently living in British Columbia, where she divides her time between solitude and her role as resident teacher for the Contemplative Society. Over the past two decades she has visited, studied, and taught in Benedictine monasteries throughout the United States and Canada, while earning her “outside” living variously as a college professor, medievalist, editor, and parish priest. She is an oblate of New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur, California, and a past Fellow of the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research at St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. A regular contributor to Gnosis magazine, she is the author of many articles and audiotapes on the spiritual life (including Singing the Psalms, a 1997 release from Sounds True) and is an internationally known retreat leader.