Under His Command

Sophie Luna
Copyright 2015 Sophie Luna
All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction. The characters and stories are all fictional and any resemblance to real life individuals is purely coincidental. In addition, this is a story of adult content. Inside, this story is filled with naughty nasty acts between consenting, legal aged adults.

If this is what you are searching for, then go on in. The water is fine!

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EMMA SHIVERED as she passed by the security guard. It was a cool October night but more than the nippy wind, Emma shivered from the outer wrought iron gates of Club Roux. Hidden off the main street by the gates and high bushes, the plain brick building was hard to see, especially at night. Emma wondered how many people walked down the same sidewalk she had just walked off of without realizing they were passing by one of the most notorious BDSM clubs in all of San Diego.

With a little squeal, Penny danced in place as she waited for the line of club members to file in, her auburn ponytail bouncing in the wind. She turned and gave Emma’s cold hand a quick squeeze. With a genuine smile, she said, “Thank you so much for coming with me! I really needed this!”

Emma wrapped her coat around a little tighter and squeezed back. “Of course! Tonight we are going to stomp on Kyle’s memory!” Penny, having just broken up with her boyfriend of two very rocky years, was ready to hit the town and mingle. But she felt nervous and awkward entering the market after two years of domestic lockaway. Begging, she asked Emma to accompany her to her favorite club from before she had become a taken woman--Club Roux.

Never having been to a BDSM club, Emma felt more than a little queasy at the thought of throwing herself into such a dark corner of the sexual spectrum but she saw how valiantly Penny was trying to pick up the pieces of her life, post breakup. How could she say no?

As they neared the entrance, Penny pulled out her membership card and signed Emma in as her guest. A girl in a furry pink bikini asked for their coats. Emma reluctantly handed hers over. She had let Penny dress her after Emma had come out wearing a turtleneck tank and mini skirt. “There’s no way they’d let you in like that! ” Penny howled as she snorted and snickered at her outfit. Trying not to be too miffed about her friend’s insensitive reaction, Emma let Penny squeeze her into a pleather mini and a tiny black bikini top. Feeling absolutely exposed, Emma grabbed a sheer gauzy blank tank and threw it over herself. Penny, recognizing a losing battle when she saw one, just sighed and nodded her approval.

Entering the lobby, Emma could immediately feel the heat of the club. The lights were dim and the walls were papered in a dark, rich red that seem to pulse in the haze of the club. A calm steady beat of music was echoing through the walls and deep into an intimate part of Emma’s body. Shaking her head to regain focus, Emma tried not to let her mouth fall open as she looked around the sheer richness and luxury of the club that the plain outer brick exterior belied.

Behind her, Emma heard a soft giggle. A slight man with blonde hair in only a leather harness and a loincloth gave her sympathetic look. “Sensory overload?” he asked understandingly.

Emma wondered if her blush could be seen in the darkness of the club. She gave a shy nod. The man smiled. “Don’t worry. We’re all like that in the beginning. But as soon as you start playing, you’ll forget all about those nerves,” he said as he patted her arm comfortingly.

Play! Emma almost choked at the thought. No way! She was here simply as moral support for Penny. She’d hardly even been intimate with a man in over a year. There was no way she was now going to throw herself suddenly into whips and chains. Anxiously, she pulled Penny aside before they entered the club. “Penny,” she whispered, “remember—you promised that you wouldn’t leave me!”

Penny nodded absentmindedly, her eyes already roving greedily over the club scene. Emma could feel the excitement and eagerness buzzing through her friend’s body. The nervous friend that had pleaded for support mere hours ago had disappeared. Penny had been been an active member of Club Roux before her jealous boyfriend forbade her from going anymore. Always the more adventurous one, Penny had regaled Emma with crazy stories of her Club Roux exploits. Suddenly, she began to feel genuinely nervous. If the right kind of man found her friend tonight, Penny might just get too excited to really remember her promise. And where would that leave Emma?

Quickly, Penny pulled her in past a wide double door entrance into the main club floor. Penny pushed their way to the bar which was at the middle of the floor. Ordering two seven and sevens, Penny looked around, eyes agleam. “Oh my god, the men have gotten so gorgeous while I was away! I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on all this!”

Emma had to agree. The men and women all seemed to have an aura of confidence in their body and attitude. Although Emma had felt like she was practically naked under the flimsy sheer tank, she soon realized she was the most covered up out of all the women. Penny had worn a sexy black one piece swimsuit that had cut outs leaving very little to the imagination. Well , Emma thought looking around the room, it’s not like it matters anyway . She was here for Penny, even though it was becoming evident that that was less and less a need.

As they waited for their drinks, various people began to recognize Penny. They came over, exclaiming how much they had missed her. Courteously, Penny would also introduce Emma to these old friends. Emma smiled but felt truly intimidated meeting men in masks and women in nipple clamps. Penny seemed to find it all as normal as Sunday brunch. As a man in a leather vest bid Penny wished her welcome as he strolled away with a slim man on a chain leash, a loud squeal came from their right.

Penny looked over and gave a loud squeal herself. “Oh my goooooood! ” Penny screamed as she nearly got knocked over by a blonde haired girl in a tight spandex skirt and bra set.

“Penny! When did you come back!” screamed the blonde.

“Just tonight! I’m here with—”

“Oh my god! This is, like, fate ! Master Michael was just asking about you!”

No! Really? Master Mich—”

“Come ON! You have to say hello to him!” And without any further squealing, the blonde disappeared with Penny into to a distant corner, leaving Emma gaping in shock.

Taking a few steps forward, Emma could hardly get sight of the blonde or Penny’s trademark red hair. The club was much larger inside than she had imagined and it was teeming with people. Looking around, she saw people tied to large Xs being whipped and others strung up on chains. Did she really want to go wandering in that to find her friend?

Turning back to the bar, Emma saw the two seven and sevens. Perhaps Penny would just say hello to her friend and come back. A greeting would probably just take a few minutes and Penny would surely then return to the bar. Emma decided that staying at the bar would be the best plan then.

Having no choice but to stay where she was, Emma took a seat on one of the tall barstools and decided to make the best of the situation and indulge in one of her favorite pastimes--people watching. And boy was she in the right place for that!

Right across the bar from her was a woman strapped to one of the large Xs. What did Penny call them again? St. Andrew’s crosses? Completely nude, the woman’s breasts were slowly rising and falling in patently clear arousal. But Emma could see also in the widening of the woman’s eyes and sheen of sweat glistening over the her body the added element of fear. And clearly, there was reason for that. The man standing in front of her, dressed in a leather vest and dark pants, was holding a leather flogger. Tauntingly, he slapped the leather fringe against his thigh in an ominous rhythm.

Slowly, the man walked closer over to the helpless woman. He leaned in and whispered something to her ear. As he whispered, he was stroking one of the woman’s breasts, flicking his fingers across her taut nipple. Emma didn’t think the woman seemed to be in a mindset where she could understand coherent speech. Suddenly, the man pinched her nipple tightly. The woman’s reaction was electric. Her whole body tightened as her eyes rolled back. Emma was shocked to feel the heat of the pinch as deeply as if it had been her on that cross. Maybe people watching isn’t such a good idea , Emma thought as she took a fortifying sip of her drink.

As she contemplated whether she should stay at the bar any longer, a sudden crack of a whip broke the air accompanied by a long gusty wail. Completely taken by surprise, Emma jerked around in her stool, elbowing the second glass of seven and seven off the bar. Emma winced as she heard the crash of the glass but couldn’t see the pieces too well in the dim light. Nothing sexier than clumsiness, you big klutz, Emma sighed. Not wanting anyone to cut themselves, Emma slowly slid off her seat and cautiously tried to kneel down without having her skirt ride up over her ass.

But before she was even halfway down, a pair of strong hands grabbed her by the waist and with surprising ease, lifted her back onto her seat as if she weighed no more than the drink that had spilled. “Whoa, whoa, little one. Let’s be careful here.”

Emma, now returned to her seat, sat back and looked up at the stranger and felt her breath choke in her throat. He was well over six feet tall. With a light tan and dirty blonde hair, the man seemed to exude an overwhelming presence, only further helped by his muscular physique which his leather vest seemed barely able to cover. So busy was she absorbing this muscled stranger, that she was taken aback to look up and see his dark green eyes examining her intently. Emma felt a blush quickly rise up against her cheeks.

Taking both of her hands in his much larger, callused ones, he turned hers over. “No cuts? No bleeding?” He gently massaged up and down her arms for any blood and leaving in its wake a sea of goosebumps. Emma shivered and shook her head, finding her voice missing.

With one more searching look, the stranger nodded then called out to the bartender, notifying him of the accident. A barback was quickly dispensed to clean up the shattered glass and spilled drink.

Before she knew it, Emma was sitting over a freshly swept floor with an overwhelming gorgeous stranger standing beside her. Leaning one elbow against the bar, the man nodded his head towards the bottles of alcohol stacked neatly behind the mahogany bar. “Let me buy you a replacement. What was it you were drinking?”

“Er...seven and seven,” Emma whispered. She cleared her throat. What was wrong with her? She never reacted this way with a man before. “But it was my friend’s drink. Mine’s ok.”

The man looked a little surprised and looked around Emma. Finding no one around, he locked eyes with her again. “And where is this friend of yours? I wouldn’t want either of you to go thirsty,” he said, lips twitching. Emma felt a ball of heat blossom in the pit of her stomach. The way he focused his complete attention on her was unnerving and overwhelming.

“Sh-she went to say hello to a friend,” Emma said, cursing herself for stammering. “She’ll be back soon.” Emma wondered if Penny maybe knew this man. “I’m Emma.” She extended her hand.

The man looked at her hand and a definite smile slowly spread across his tanned face. Looking back up and pinning her with his gaze, the man enveloped her hand in both of his, rubbing his large rough fingers against her soft palm. “Very nice to meet you, Emma. I’m David. Master David for the submissives,” he said with a marked look and a quiet authority that made Emma question who wouldn’t be considered a submissive next to him.

“Err...well, I’m not really one of those. I’m just here to...to...support my friend,” Emma finished lamely. It was hard to speak in front of such a gorgeous man who also happened to still be stroking her hand and completely disregarding her personal space.

A definite gleam came into David’s eyes. “Not really one of those?” he repeated. With patient ease, David carefully looked Emma over from top to bottom. “Are we sure about that?”

Feeling her heart race and palms sweat, Emma gulped. Get a grip, girl! Trying to find a modicum of control, she straightened her back and tried crossing her legs. But as she swept her right leg over her left, she felt a smear of wetness on her calf. Reaching down, she touched her leg. She was shocked to see the glistening stain of blood on her fingers, glowing black-red in the dim club lighting.

The change in David was instantaneous. “You’re hurt,” he said as he flagged down a barback. He grabbed a clean towel, threw it over his shoulder, then without the slightest hesitation, bodily picked up Emma into his arms without any sense of strain.

“Hey!” Emma exclaimed. Embarrassed and surprised, she tried to pull at her skirt that was most definitely riding up her butt. “Put me down! It’s probably just a little cut!”

Ignoring her completely, David carried her with ease as he strode through the club. Emma noticed how other club members seemed to automatically give way to this tall and powerful man. Emma had no idea where they were going but David seemed to. Walking towards the rear of the club, there was a secluded section partitioned off with a latticed half wall. There were dark maroon couches lined up against the red fabric walls. Softer music was playing in this part of the club. A man and a woman were cuddling in one corner of the room already.

David took a seat at the opposite end of the room, furthest from the entrance and sat with Emma on his lap. She could feel through the thin material of her skirt the strong and powerful muscles of David’s thighs. With a growing awareness of the heat blooming inside, Emma immediately tried to scramble off his lap.

With an amused huff, David kept a tight grip around her waist, making Emma feel like she was fighting against a brick wall. Emma tried pulling at his wrist but she might as well have tried pulling out a tree trunk with her bare hands. But still she yanked and pulled. With an aggrieved sigh, David put a finger on her chin and lifted her face to him. With a bottomless gaze that held power and depth, he said in a voice of authority, “Be still.” Emma stilled.

Still holding her chin, Emma felt David’s gaze search her face. This intimacy of such deep probing made her feel uncomfortable. And there was something else. A quiet power that seemed to just constantly exude from him that felt like was answering a hidden unknown part of her. The way he had simply picked her up like a doll and held her in place all seemed to echo a deep warmth within her. Unable to withstand the sheer force of the man, Emma lowered her gaze. With an amused voice, Emma felt David’s breath against her temple as he murmured, “‘Not really one of those’, eh?”

But before she could think of any kind of response, David grabbed the towel off his shoulder and gently turned her right calf to the light. It was a cut about four inches long but shallow. The bleeding had already mostly stopped. A piece of the shattered glass must have bounced and cut her leg without her knowing. With a familiar ease, David wrapped the towel around her calf and pressed with firm pressure. Emma noticed how small her calf looked in this man’s hand. He was easily gripping nearly her entire calf as he kept the pressure against the wound. David’s arm was still around her and the steady strength of it gave her unexpected comfort. All of this was so confusing. She didn’t know who this man was. Yet the way he was so familiar with her and her body was unnerving in its surprising comfort.


DAVID LOOKED down at the little bit that was on his lap and felt a smile tugging at his lips. She looked so lost and confused that he couldn’t help but pull her in a little tighter. Besides his natural instinct to protect a girl from foolishly cutting herself on a dark dance floor with jagged pieces of broken glass, it was her timid sweetness that had kept him at the bar. There was a quiet warmth that pulled at him and made him want to explore who she was. When she had stammered her excuse at being found at a BDSM club, David did wonder if perhaps his attentions would be too much for her. But one thorough look was all he needed. Whether she knew it or not, this girl was submissive to the core.

And feeling her here on his lap, a soft weight of womanly comfort, David knew it just felt right. He looked down at her soft brown curls and couldn’t help loosening his hold on her waist to brush back those shining locks. The touch made Emma look up at him, those soft blue eyes full of question and subconscious longing. Fate had given David a little help in capturing this little creature. And David was no fool. He didn’t waste such golden opportunities.

Running a finger down her soft cheek, David locked eyes with Emma. “So, if you’re here only to support a friend, what were you thinking of doing all night?” He could see her gulping and trying to gather her wits together. David smothered a smile. It wasn’t really playing fair. An experienced dominant, gathering her up on his lap, eliminating her personal space, and asking her questions while continuing to establish a physical connection by touching and caressing her. She stood no chance. But from the slow fire of longing starting to burn in her eyes, David knew that this was something Emma wanted, even needed, whether she recognized it yet or not.

“I...I...” Emma stuttered. He could see her confusion as she crinkled her brow. So she had had no plans. This one really hadn’t known what she was throwing herself into, had she? But seeing her unknowingly lean towards David’s hand against her cheek, he knew he would show her just what she had walked into.

Gently stroking her lip while never breaking their eye contact, he said, “Have you ever been in a BDSM club, little one?” God, the sweet pink flush of her cheeks was heartbreakingly lovely.

Emma shook her head vigorously, causing her curls to shake. David smiled. “Do you know what BDSM is then?” He received an adorable glare from her, obviously feeling as though her intelligence had been insulted. Raising an eyebrow, he gave her derriere a firm slap. The shock and blush that immediately suffused Emma’s face went straight to his cock. “Watch yourself, little one. Around here, submissives don’t frown at dominants.”

“I’m not—”

“So if you’re familiar with BDSM,” he said ignoring her protest and enjoying watching her struggle not to glare at him for it, “tell me what you’ve done. What’s your experience been?”

The blush deepened on Emma’s cheeks and the urge to grin at her embarrassment was nearly impossible to overcome. But overcome he did. He didn’t want her to feel he was being condescending.

“Just...just handcuffs and some...spanking.” Emma nearly choked on the last word. So nothing too extreme. David wondered if the play had been light because she hadn’t liked it or because that was as submissive as she could be.

David pulled her chin up so he could match her gaze. Without any preamble, he asked directly, “And how did you like the handcuffs and spanking?” He could feel Emma trying to pull her face away from his probing eyes and question but that was one of the foundational rules of BDSM—openness. She had to be open with him and he with her. No escaping, little one .

Sighing in frustration when she couldn’t pull away, Emma gave a noncommittal shrug. “It was ok.” From the way her eyes tried to dart away from his face, David could see the experience had not been a positive one. Well, he’d have to fix that.

He shifted her up into a more intimate cuddle on his lap. Pulling the towel away, he saw that the bleeding had stopped altogether. Turning her delicate calf up towards the light, he could see that the cut was already stitching itself. It was nothing too serious, thank god. Throwing the towel into a basket in the corner, he turned his full attention back to the little huffy weight on his lap.

“Little one, in this club, we don’t encourage voyeurs. This is a club for active members of the community to engage in consensual play. So that leaves us with two options. I can help you find your friend and you two can decide whether to stay or leave for the evening. Or, you can join the party and I can help you find out how submissive you truly are. Which is it to be?”


EMMA FELT like her eyes might pop out of her head at David’s words. How truly submissive I am? But she wasn’t! She knew she wasn’t! But looking up into David’s forest green eyes, with their fan of knowing crinkles at the corners, she knew she wasn’t being totally honest with her.

That spank earlier had felt like a lightening bolt straight to her pussy. She couldn’t believe how easily and effortlessly David was handling her, adjusting her, and spanking her. And with every caress and stroke (and yes, even spanks), she felt herself heating up. How long had it been since she had had a man pay her any attention? And this wasn’t just any kind of attention. David’s gaze held such knowing and dark promise. He seemed to only want to watch her and understand her.

No one had come rushing around looking for her. Penny must still be with Master Michael or otherwise just not too worried yet for her friend. And if Penny was having a good time, Emma would hate for her to leave the club because of her. Emma shook her head. But be honest. Even without Penny in the picture, Emma was definitely feeling interest. And the interest was soaking her panties.

With a deep breath, she nodded. “Ok,” she whispered. “I-I’ll stay. With you.” And she shivered with anxiety and anticipation.

David’s eyes creased in pleasure at her words. “Thank you, little one. Your trust means a great deal to me.” Emma felt trapped by those fathomless eyes and those gorgeous well-molded lips. “Now,” David said, with an air of business and decision, “first things first. Are you familiar with safe words?”

Emma shook her head.

David narrowed his eyes at her. “You played with handcuffs and didn’t have a safe word? Retroactive punishment might be called for later, I see.” Emma couldn’t stop herself from gasping. Ignoring her, David continued, “A safe word is an agreed upon out. If someone safe words, that means all activity must stop. If you ever feel threatened or fearful of your safety, you can use your safe word and everything will stop.”

“Everything?” Emma asked timidly, wondering if people really abided by this rule.

“Everything,” David repeated firmly. “This is a strict rule of BDSM and law at Club Roux. The club safe word is ‘sky.’ Anyone hears that word and they will make sure that all activity ceases in that scene.”

Emma nodded. Sky . She could remember that. And it gave her some measure of comfort to know that there was an escape option if David did turn out to be a secret serial killer. But looking at the man, Emma couldn’t believe any serial killer could be so devastatingly handsome or would take the time to tend a wound.

As she contemplated the whole idea of safe words, Emma noticed David sitting her more upright on his lap, her legs now bent over his thighs and resting on the couch. She could feel the shift in his energy. It was as if he had been holding back a side of him but was now unleashing that force, that power, and Emma could feel her bones melting as she was propped against his muscled chest.

“Alright, little one,” David said in a voice commanding Emma’s full attention. “A submissive should find herself always open to her dominant. Emma, open your legs for me.”

“Wha-!” Emma balked. She immediately looked around. A threesome had joined the previous couple in the room. Although they all seemed privately engaged in their own activities, that still was five strangers in a room with her. She couldn’t just sit there and wantonly open her legs for him!

David’s eyes hardened as he firmly pulled her chin back to him. He gripped her more tightly about the waist as she tried to squirm off his lap. “A submissive’s only response to an order should be ‘Yes, sir.’ Now, one more time, open your legs for me.”

With how tiny her skirt was, if she even slightly opened her legs, that little bit of fabric would roll right up. Damn that Penny for dressing her! Looking up at David’s implacable gaze and set jawline, she knew this was the moment. You wanted to stay, you dummy . Trying not to look back to check if any others had entered the room, Emma parted her legs. An inch.

With an exasperated grunt, David put his hand on her thigh, so far up that Emma knew he must be feeling the heat radiating from between her legs. “I’m giving you five seconds to spread your legs before we go outside and find ourselves a cross for you to spread them on.”

Oh well then. Definitely not wanting to find herself on a cross with all those people staring, Emma spread her legs. And sure enough, the pleather skirt rolled up her hips into a pleather donut.

But before Emma could worry any further about furtive stares of strangers, she felt a large, rough hand cup her mound. With a firm finger, David gave a slow, confident stroke down her soaked panties. Emma bit her lip to keep from moaning. David murmured in approval. “Good girl. Nice and wet like a good submissive.” The heat of his gaze and the hardening of his cock beneath her bottom fired up a need inside that Emma had never known before. That approval, that hot look of desire made Emma feel like a jello mold, quivering with a burning longing.

Taking his hand away, David sat up straighter. Pulling Emma nearly off his lap, he locked eyes with her as ordered, “Straddle me.” Before Emma could protest this new position which would most certainly expose her ass and who knows what else to any passing stranger, David’s jaw tightened.

Emma gulped. “Yes, sir,” she whispered. His rumble of approval seem to vibrate through her body. Standing, she adjusted herself over his thighs and carefully straddled him. Her pleather skirt wasn’t even near where it should be anymore and was resting comfortably high at her waistline. The club air was gently stirring against her exposed ass and her barely there lace panties.

“Now what is my shy little one thinking?” David asked as he gently rolled her right nipple between finger and thumb. This time, Emma couldn’t hold back the moan. He was exerting just the right pressure between pleasure and something darker. And the roughness of the fabric against her sensitive nipples made the sensation that much more tantalizing. She knew she must be dripping. This was crazy. She was feeling more aroused than she had ever felt with any previous boyfriend or lover with a man she hardly knew! Her belly quivered in anticipation and her nipples had bunched together, hard and plump as cherries. How much further would David take this? Would he fuck her? Emma’s cheeks burned but she could feel her body roar with desire at the thought.

David pinched hard, sending a shooting bolt of pain straight through her body down to her curling toes. “When I ask a question, little one,” David murmured, cruelly rolling her abused nipple, “I expect an answer. Now, tell me. What are you thinking?”

Oh god. How could she tell him she had been thinking of him fucking her? A lie! She had to lie. Could she get away with it? One look at the raised eyebrow and the gleam in David’s eye told her that he knew what she was thinking and was warning her against it. Dying of embarrassment, Emma mumbled, “I..I was thinking...a bed...you...tonight...just....” She closed her eyes, shamed at not even being able to make a complete sentence.

A dark chuckle emerged from below her. “Well, well, my little submissive was thinking about getting fucked tonight.” Emma took a sharp intake of air. Said in his deep voice with his one hand still abusing her right tit while his other hand was now slowly cupping her mound, she couldn’t think of anything except feeling the entirety of David within her. Looking down, Emma nodded.

A hard finger inexorably raised Emma’s head. She felt pierced by those emerald eyes, alight with a dark promise. A smile played at his sensuous lips. “You’re only choice of the night, little one,” he said, rubbing a thumb across her lips. “Do you want to get fucked out on the club floor or in a private room?”

Emma was taken aback by the two options. Fucked on the club floor? On one of those crazy scary looking pieces of equipment? She imagined that woman tied to the cross being whipped while everyone watched. No, definitely no. But thinking about the other option of a private room, Emma realized why she had been given a choice. At least out on the club floor, she’d be surrounded by people. She could feel safer. In a private room, it would just be the two of them. Could she do that? Be alone with this man? The thought frightened her but along with the thrill of fear was the slower burn of excitement and want. Yes, she decided, she could.

Looking into David’s eyes, trying to impossibly gauge what he was thinking, Emma replied, “Private room.” A quick look of surprise passed by on David’s face. Then he raised his eyebrows and looked her over searchingly, making Emma feel shy under such close scrutiny.

“Well, I guess I underestimated my little submissive. Quite the brave one, aren’t you?” he murmured. He suddenly leaned in, gripping her by the nape, and captured her lips. Surprised by the sudden kiss, Emma gasped and David’s probing tongue plunged into her mouth. She felt her chin scraped against his stubble as he roughly bit her lip. “You taste delicious. Let’s see how good you taste elsewhere.”


EMMA FOLLOWED behind David as he led her towards the side of the club where a dim hallway was seen. As she passed by various club members and scenes in play, she saw a woman on a raised platform, tied down on her back with her knees bent and spread open wide for everyone to enjoy. A man in a leather vest and pants was using a small flogger to whip the vulnerable pussy to a pulsing red. A loud satisfying wail accompanied each slap of the flogger. Emma felt her eyes grow wide as she watched the flogging, feeling every whack deep against her own moistness. It was only as Emma rounded the corner that she saw the victim’s face. That red hair was unmistakable. Penny!

As Emma followed David into the hallway, revealing doors to different rooms inside, she felt less worried. Penny was having fun and obviously felt comfortable enough to be tied and pussywhipped. It was clear Penny wasn’t in any mind to be worrying about her friend, if indeed she had been worried at all. If Penny was getting a piece of the action tonight, so would Emma.

David stopped by a door. God, he was huge. Standing at 5’6, Emma wouldn’t consider herself a short woman. And with no lack of curves, she certainly did feel small but standing next to David, she suddenly did. Next to David’s massive muscles and towering height, she felt small and dainty. She looked up. “Emma, the club rules still apply in the private rooms. Sky is still the safe word. If said, it will be recognized regardless of what room we are in. Understand?”

Emma nodded. David’s eyes tightened. “Yes, sir,” she corrected. He nodded his approval and opened the door.

The room had the same coloring as the club except it held a large plush bed with dark silk sheets and in the corner, a padded wooden bench. What else could be needed in a private room besides a bed? Emma looked at the silky sheets. Should she head over there?

But before Emma moved, David gripped her tightly by her upper arm and guided her to the padded bench. “Now,” he said, positioning her at one end of the bench, “I recall my saying some retroactive punishment was in need.” Emma gulped. He wasn’t serious, was he? “Irresponsible and reckless submissives can find themselves in danger if not careful. It’s a responsibility of a good dominant to make sure they do not make the same mistake twice.” The gleam in David’s eyes grew brighter. “First thing’s first, strip.”

Come on, Emma, sex doesn’t happen with your clothes on . Nervous hardly encapsulated how she felt but the growing heat was much more powerful. She couldn’t leave without seeing what was possible for her in this dark den of sex. With shaking hands, she quickly peeled herself out of her skirt and top. When she was left in her bikini top and soaked panties, David’s eyes darkened. Emma knew. She quickly took them off and stood naked in front of this dangerously gorgeous man who seemed to carry her pulse within his hands.

With a slow appreciative gaze, he looked her over. Emma had always had gotten naked in the dark, under the covers, before having sex. She hardly thought any of her boyfriends had ever taken the time to really look her body over. And thank goodness. She was well aware of her pudgy stomach and her rounded thighs. But as David took in every aspect of her, she could see the desire growing his eyes. “Absolutely beautiful,” he murmured, voice deep with satisfaction. Emma’s body heated at the words. He found her beautiful. Amazing.

But Emma was soon snapped out of her reverie as David’s gaze returned back to the bench. His grin had nothing but unbending power to it. “Now, little one, bend over.”

Emma balked. Wasn’t the private room for sex? Surely he wasn’t planning to have sex with her while she was bent over this ridiculous looking bench, was he? She was naked and ready, for heaven’s sake! “Bu-But....”

David’s gaze was implacable and his expression coldly stern. “I’ve told you already that there is only one appropriate response to a dominant. You’ve made me repeat myself. That’s an additional five swats.”

Five ?” Why Emma even bothered asking, she didn’t know. Five swats of what even?

David raised an eyebrow. “Now ten.”

Emma didn’t know what to do. Throat dry, she swallowed her fear as best she could. Emma looked past David at the door. She knew she could use her safe word. Even through his unmovable stance, Emma knew that David would respect her safe word. But then everything would end. It would all stop and that wasn’t what she wanted.

With her heart beating in her ears, Emma nodded, “Yes sir.” Gingerly, she laid herself over the narrow padded bench. There was also padded wood on either side on the bench, allowing Emma to be on all fours, relatively comfortably. David reached under the bench and pulled out cuffs. He quickly cuffed both her wrists and ankles.

Finished with the restraints, David ran a roughened hand across her bare ass. “Beautiful,” he murmured again. Emma blushed as she rested her cheek on the padded bench. Her ass? Beautiful? She would’ve brushed off this compliment as something said in the heat of the moment but with her tied down and her ass so clearly exposed under his careful scrutiny, Emma knew he meant it. And that made her feel all the warmer.

“Now, for playing recklessly in the past, you will receive five swats. For questioning my orders, five more. For then questioning my punishment, a final five. Fifteen swats and I want you to count every single one for me, little one.” The merciless authority in his voice as he laid out the punishment so clearly made Emma’s pulse race and her pussy moisten. A spanking! He was going to spank her. With her ass out and swats being discussed, she knew she was about to be spanked. Humiliation and intense arousal warred inside her.

A thin brown crop suddenly appeared in view of her. “I like my submissives to know what they are receiving their punishments with,” David said, with the keen tone of an expert spanker. “Now, little one, don’t forget to count.”

Before Emma could wonder what to expect, a whooshing sound ripped through the air before a thin cracking line of pain crossed her exposed cheeks. Emma could hardly draw breath from the shock of it. By sheer instinct, she jerked and pulled at her restraints. This was nothing like the spankings she had received in the past from limp-handed boyfriends. This actually hurt! As the initial pain slowly diminished, a lingering burn remained.

“Apparently, we will have to do this again since I seem to have a forgetful submissive on my hands,” David said evenly, seemingly with no regard to Emma’s gasps of pain.

Oh right! Count! Emma closed her eyes trying to quell her fear so she could remember to count.

Another crack of the crop. “One!” Emma cried as she felt the heat intensify on her ass. The pain diminished more slowly now and she could feel tears about to gather at her lashes.

Another crack. “Two!”

Crack. “Three!”

Crack. “Four!” Emma now felt tears flowing freely down her cheeks and onto the leather padding below. She was starting to hate her decision. She was starting to hate David. This wasn’t fun. This wasn’t the sex that was promised.

Crack. “Five!”

Crack. “Six!” Now her ass was on fire. There was no way she could take more.

After the tenth swat, Emma gasped sharply as she felt David suddenly grab her ass and squeeze, intensifying the burn. “You know, sweetheart, submissives injure themselves often when they don’t establish ground rules with their dominants. They find themselves in risky situations, tied down, sometimes gagged, and with no other recourse in telling their partner how they feel.” David squeeze once more making Emma cry out. “If you play in the future, I want to know that you will play safe.”

Crack. “E-eleven!” Emma began to cry in earnest now. She had been reckless. She had known it then too. But she would be safer now. She would play better now. Because she had seen David take all those precautions for her that she should’ve taken for herself the first time. He had made sure to establish a safe word. He had played with her in public first, to allow her chance to leave without pressure if she wanted to. He had walked her through the middle of the crowded club floor instead of hugging to the emptier sides of the wall to make sure that she was seen entering the private rooms with him. And again, at the room, he had made sure to remind her of her safe word and her right to use it. From her cut calf to now, he had taken such care for her safety.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll be good. I’ll be better,” Emma cried out between strokes. David paused and leaned down and kissed her teary face, gently brushing back her hair.

“That’s right, little one. That’s a good girl,” he whispered gently. His eyes were lightened with relief but his mouth was set firmly. “But fifteen was set. And fifteen you’re going to receive.”

And with no regard to her loud cries, David finished off the remaining strokes. With quick efficiency, David released Emma from the cuffs. And then gently picking her up, he carried her to the bed, sitting with her in his lap. He gently stroked her and murmured in her ear as she slowly regained control over her crying. “That’s my girl,” he whispered as he kissed her forehead.

Emma sniffed and raised her eyes to him. How different it felt with this man. He took control over everything with such ease. From her injury to her spanking, his strong and steady presence had controlled everything. Even now, sitting on his lap in his arms, Emma felt such warmth and security in being under his command. It wasn’t just his strength. It was that he also seemed to care about her wellbeing.

As Emma felt her tears dry, David’s touch became less gentle and more exploratory. She felt his hands probing between her legs. Emma was shocked to find herself wetter than ever. David grunted in pleasure. “My little one is a little bit of a pain slut, isn’t she?” he murmured more to himself as he leisurely stroked her wetness. Before Emma could protest, he swung her off his lap and onto the bed. Emma giggled in surprise as she landed with a plop on the bed. David grinned. “Now there’s a lovely sound.”

David quickly undressed and Emma gazed appreciatively over the tanned and ripped body. There didn’t seem to be an ounce of fat on him. Every muscle glowed and rippled in the dim lighting of the room. And the thick, veined cock was a copy of its thick and veined master.

Naked, he kneeled on the bed. Wordlessly, he grabbed Emma’s wrists together in one hand as he reached back towards the headboard. So engrossed in watching the Adonis undressed that she hadn’t noticed the cuffs above her. With quick efficiency, David had her wrists strung up against the headboard. Emma gave an experimental tug. She was going nowhere. David smiled darkly at the little flicker of worry that must’ve crossed her face.

“I’ve been waiting to taste that sweet pussy, sweetheart. I want to see if you taste as delicious as you look.” And without further ado, he slid down between her legs. Emma felt him inhale deeply. Self-consciously, she tried to pull away. But David wrapped his arms around her thighs and kept her easily in place. She might as well have been fighting against iron bands. “Oh yes, you do smell tasty.”

Emma gasped as she felt a firm tongue slowly swipe up her pussy, ending with a tiny flick against her clit. Oh god, after getting so aroused from the spanking, his tongue felt so good . Emma could feel the pleasure radiate throughout her body.

David hummed against her pussy in pleasure as he slowly licked between her labia. He lightly circled and flicked against her clit. He kept this slow rhythm going, driving Emma crazy with need. She tried to lift her hips up to increase the speed but David’s arm kept her bound to her position. She felt and heard David’s muffled laughter. “No, sweetheart,” he whispered thickly. “You’re going to take what I give. No more. No less.”

Emma groaned from the tortuous pleasure exacted by that expert tongue of his. Pleasure began to mount. All her focus, attention, thoughts could only center on the delicious sensation of David’s tongue between her legs. As she felt him lightly flick on one side of her clit, a finger plunged inside her. Emma’s back arched as she moaned with exploding heat. Capturing her clit, David licked at a stronger, faster pace. He alternated on each side of the sensitive nub, not letting up as Emma felt the storm gathering and rising. His thick finger kept plunging into her, keeping pace.

David kept a firm arm across her stomach, preventing her from rising or arching and the restraint only intensified the rising pleasure. The nerves tingled down her spine and she felt the balloon of ecstasy began to expand. She was bound and restrained by this man. She could only take what he chose to give. As she felt herself edging at the precipice, David suddenly sucked on her clit hard while plunging in two fingers to the hilt. Emma screamed as she felt herself lose control. Every nerve seemed to be sparking and burning. She felt her climax explode across her entire body, leaving her shaking and used. David’s fingers continued to milk every last quiver out of her. Emma’s closed her eyes feeling completely depleted. She had never come so hard before. Her chest felt bruised from her rapidly beating heart.

David leaned above her and captured her lips in a bruising kiss. God, could the man kiss. David looked down at her, smiling. “I like that glazed look on you, little one.” He bent his head to her nipples, sucking and biting at each one, abusing the tender flesh till he had her squirming.

“No more...I can’t....” She was just too sensitive everywhere. She needed a rest. Just a break before continuing. Any more stimulation and she felt like she could very well die of pleasure.

David bit down hard on her nipple, causing Emma to choke on her breath. With a steely gaze, David looked down at her. “Yes you can, little one. And you will.” With that, he raised her up against the pillows and situated himself between her legs. From a discreet nightstand, he pulled out a condom. Neatly sweeping each thigh over his shoulders, David plunged himself to the hilt into Emma.


DAVID FELT Emma arch against him as he sheathed himself completely in her. From the clamping of her pussy and the loud gasp, he knew she had just come again. Her tissues were so sensitive. He grinned to himself. What an easily roused submissive. It was enjoyable and entertaining to watch her rise to his every touch.

With a steady pace, David began to plunge in and out, his cock stretching her tight pussy. He could tell it had been awhile since a man had been where he was tonight. Watching her ass glow red from her spanking, David’s cock had painfully throbbed. But regardless, he kept himself in firm control. He was determined to make it an unforgettable night for her.

Emma was shaking her head, muttering incoherently. David knew she must be overloading from sensitivity but he was going to keep fucking. He knew he could push her past it. And he would. She was going to come again whether she liked it or not.

David smiled again to himself. But she would like it. He knew she would.


EMMA TRIED to squirm away but to no avail. She was pinned like a helpless worm against a strong and calculating hawk. There was no way she could have more than two orgasms in one night. No way. With every stroke of David’s cock, she could feel her sensitive tissues cry out in surrender.

But as David continued the relentless thrusting, Emma felt the impossible heat rise again. From the tips of her toes to her blushing cheeks, she felt the slow burning pleasure begin to sizzle throughout her body. Each thrust became a cry of joy instead of pain. She could feel her pussy tightening in preparation. As she felt herself rise with the thrill of increasing pleasure, she lifted her head. Together. She wanted to feel it this time together.

David caught her lips, eyes wide with surprise and then dark with understanding. He plunged his tongue in past her lips, exploring her mouth with the same thoroughness as he was her lower crevice. He roughly sucked her lips as he increased the rhythm of his thrusting. “I want to hear you scream again,” he whispered against her lips, plunging faster and deeper with each thrust.

Emma felt the heavy balls slap against her pussy as she felt David’s cock reach deeply into her womb. She kissed back, letting her tongue slide against David’s, as she felt the ecstasy within her rise to a breaking point. A callused finger reached down and pinched her clit as David’s cock plunged in hard. “Come for me, Emma,” he ordered hotly.

Emma screamed. The room sheeted white against her eyes. Her toes curled and her back arched till she thought she would hear her spine snap. The overwhelming tingle of pleasure cascaded through her body. Feeling otherworldly, she felt David pump quickly into her and then felt the tightening of his balls. She heard him roar as he released into her. Joined together still after having the most intense orgasm of her life, Emma felt totally, completely, genuinely happy.


QUICKLY, DAVID released Emma’s wrists. Free now, she curled up into David’s strong arms as they both tried to regain their breath. Kissing her forehead, he slowly ran his hand up and down her body. It wasn’t in any further sexual suggestion, just in comfort. Emma closed her eyes to enjoy the wonderful sensation of a man enjoying and taking care of her body.

She opened her eyes as she felt the rumble in David’s chest as he spoke. “So little one, I’m sure you know now there is only one correct response to a dominant.” He gently caressed her breasts. “With that in mind, will I be seeing you tomorrow night?”

Emma smiled into his muscled chest.

“Yes, sir.”

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