JANET BROWNE, Darwin: Voyaging, Jonathan Cape, 1995.

JANET BROWNE, Darwin: The Power of Place, Jonathan Cape, 2002.

CHARLES DARWIN, The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, ed. Frederick Burkhardt et al., 13 vols, further vols forthcoming, Cambridge University Press, 1985–.

FRANCIS DARWIN, Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, John Murray, 1887.

FRANCIS DARWIN, More Letters of Charles Darwin, John Murray, 1903.


There are various annotated editions of The Voyage of the Beagle and The Origin of Species. Definitive texts and their variants can be found in The Works of Charles Darwin, ed. P. H. Barratt and R. B. Freeman, 29 vols, Pickering & Chatto, 1986–.


MEA ALLAN, Darwin and His Flowers: The Key to Natural Selection, Faber, 1977.

BERNARD GRANT CAMPBELL, Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man, Heinemann, 1972.

RICHARD DAWKINS, ed., The Descent of Man, Gibson Square Books, 2003.

RICHARD DAWKINS, River Out of Eden, Weidenfeld, 1993.

GAVIN DE BEER, Charles Darwin: Evolution by Natural Selection, Nelson, 1963.

R. A. FISHER, The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, Oxford University Press, 1930.

M. T. GHISELIN, The Triumph of the Darwinian Method, University of California Press, 1969.

S. J. GOULD, Ever Since Darwin, Burnett Books, 1978.

H. E. GRUBER, Darwin on Man, Wildwood House, 1974.

GERTRUDE HIMMELFARB, Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution, Doubleday, 1959.

ADRIAN DESMOND and JAMES MOORE, Darwin, Penguin, 1992.

LAURIE ROHDE GODFREY, ed., What Darwin Began: Modern Darwinian and Non-Darwinian Perspectives on Evolution, Allyn and Bacon, 1984.

MICHAEL RUSE, The Darwinian Revolution, University of Chicago Press, 1979.

G. G. SIMPSON, The Meaning of Evolution, Yale University Press, 1949.


C. BIBBY, T. H. Huxley: Scientist, Humanist and Educator, Watts, 1959.

W. GEORGE, Biologist Philosopher: A Study of the Life and Writing of Alfred Russel Wallace, Abelard-Schuman, 1964.

W. GEORGE, Gregor Mendel and Heredity, Priory Press, 1975.

K. LYELL, ed., Life, Letters and Journals of Sir Charles Lyell, John Murray, 1881.

W. B. TURRILL, Joseph Dalton Hooker, Nelson, 1963.

L. WILSON, Charles Lyell: The Years to 1841, Yale University Press.