Reprint Information

Luis Alfaro, “Dia De Los Muertos,” which originally appeared in the Los Angeles Reader, and “Heroes and Saints,” which will be appearing in several upcoming anthologies. Both are reprinted with permission of Luis Alfaro.

Gloria Anzaldúa, “Fear of Going Home: Homophobia.” from Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, copyright 1987 by Gloria Anzaldúa. Reprinted with permission of Aunt Lute Books.

Tess Ayers and Paul Brown, “Seven Bad Reasons to Get Married” and “What to Answer When Your Mother Asks, ’Why in the World…” from The Essential Guide to Lesbian and Gay Weddings, copyright 1994 by Tess Ayers and Paul Brown. Reprinted with permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.

Stephen Basile, “No Room in the Closet for This Quilt.” A longer version of this article was published in December 1992 in On the Wilde Side, a LesBiGay monthly magazine for the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut gay communities. Reprinted with permission of Stephen Basile.

Susan Baumgartner, “It’s Not Impossible to Be Queer in Idaho,” originally appeared in the Washington Blade (March 18. 1994). Reprinted with permission of Susan Baumgartner.

David Becker. “Coming Out of the Privilege Closet,” is excerpted from an article that originally appeared in Gay Community News (January 28, 1990). Reprinted by permission of Gay Community News.

Lisa Ben, Vice Versa, reprinted with permission of the June Mazer Collection.

Dorothee Benz. “It’s in the Jeans: Biology, Culture, and the Struggle for Gay Liberation,” first appeared in Democratic Left, the magazine of the Democratic Socialists of America (January 1994). Reprinted with permission of Dorothee Benz.

Kathie Berquist, “Dating: Tips on Approval,” originally appeared in the “Kathie Klub” column of Nightlines (July 6, 1994). Reprinted by permission of Kathie Berquist.

Malcolm Boyd, “Reflections on a Birthday, a Bombshell, and a Parade,” is an abridged version of the same article in Lambda Gray (Newcastle Publishing Co., 1993). Reprinted with permission of Newcastle Publishing Co., Inc.

Sharon Bradshaw, “Wedding Belles,” originally appeared in Outlines (October 1993). Reprinted be permission of Outlines.

Randy Burns, “We Are Special,” excerpted from the preface to Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian Anthology, Will Roscoe, coordinating editor (St. Martin’s Press, 1988). Reprinted by permission of Randy Burns.

Michael Callen, “Fighting for Our Lives,” excerpted from the introduction to Surviving AIDS by Michael Callen (HarperCollins, 1990). Reprinted by permission of Richard Dworkin, executor of the estate of Michael Callen.

Barbara Cameron, “Gee, You Don’t Seem Like an Indian from the Reservation,” is an excerpt of a longer piece with the same name in This Bridge Called My Back (Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, 1981). Reprinted with permission of Barbara Cameron.

Susie Day, “Stonewall 25 Radical,” is an excerpt from an article that originally appeared in the San Francisco Bay Times (Volume 15, Number 20, July 1, 1995). Reprinted with permission of the San Francisco Bay Times.

Frank DeCaro, “Gays in the Fashion Industry,” originally appeared in the June 1994 issue of Newsday. Reprinted with permission from the Times-Mirror Co.

Dallas Denny, “You’re Strange and We’ve Wonderful,” is an excerpt from a longer article of the same title that appeared in TransSisters: The Journal of Transsexual Feminism (Autumn 1994). Reprinted by permission of Dallas Denny.

Vashte Doublex, “Ageful Equals Rageful,” first appeared in Sinister Wisdom (Issue 53, Summer/Fall 1994). Reprinted by permission of Vashte Doublex.

David Ehrenstein, “And I’d Like to Thank…,” originally appeared in The Advocate (June 1993). Reprinted by permission of David Ehrenstein.

FAB, “The Gift;” appeared originally as part of a longer work titled “Mothers’ Dreams,” in esto no tiene nombre, revista de lesbians latinas. Reprinted by permission of her daughter, tatiana de la tierra.

Jack Fertig, “Stonewall 25—A Celebration,” originally appeared in the San Francisco Bay Times (Volume 15, Number 20, July 1, 1995). Reprinted by permission of the San Francisco Bay Times.

Liz Galst, “Rich and Gay?,” originally appeared in the Boston Phoenix (May 18, 1993). Reprinted with permission of the Boston Phoenix. “A Taste of Heaven,” originally appeared in Gay Community News (March 27, 1988). Reprinted be permission of Gay Community News.

Frank Golovitz, “Gay Beach, 1958.” is an excerpt from a piece that appeared in ONE Magazine (July 1958). Reprinted by permission of Jim Kepner.

Jewelle Gomez, “I Lost It at the Movies,” from Making Face, Making Soul, 1990. Reprinted with permission of Aunt Lute Books.

Jewelle Gomez, “When I First Saw Audre Lorde,” is excerpted from “The Marches” in Forty-Three Septembers, copyright 1993 by Jewelle Gomez. Reprinted by permission of Firebrand Books, Ithaca, New York.

Grear Greene, “Friends of Dorothy,” first appeared in Sinister Wisdom 53. Reprinted by permission of Grear Greene.

James Earl Hardy, “Behind the Mask,” originally appeared in The Advocate (November 15, 1994). Reprinted by permission of The Advocate.

Craig Harris, “Gay, Gifted and Black. There Ain’t No Turning Back,” is an excerpt from an article that originally appeared in Gay Community News (October 18, 1994). Reprinted by permission of Gay Community News.

Jeffrey Hilbert, “The Politics of Drag,” is an except from a longer piece that first appeared in The Advocate (April 23, 1991). Reprinted by permission of The Advocate.

Bruce Hilbok, “Notes from a Diary: A Gay Deaf Man’s Concern with Communication,” is an excerpt from a longer piece that originally appeared in The Advocate (February 7, 1984).

Mike Hippler, “Remembrances,” is an excerpt from “An (A.C.) D.C. Journal,” which appeared in the Bay Area Reporter (October 15, 1987). Reprinted by permission of the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Historical Society.

Fenton Johnson, “Dating Again” and “Caring for Each Other,” appeared as a single piece in the “About Men” column of the New York Times Magazine (May 9, 1993). Reprinted by permission of Fenton Johnson.

Audre Lorde, “I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities,” originally appeared in Sister Outsider (Firebrand Press, 1984). Reprinted by permission of Firebrand Books, Ithaca, New York.

William Macleish, “Coming Out for Love,” an earlier version appeared as “About Men/The Uninvited,” in the New York Times Magazine (November 8, 1993). Reprinted by permission of the New York Times.

Eric Marcus, “The Most Common Myths About Gay Men and Lesbians” and “The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Gay Men and Lesbians” are excerpted from Is It A Choice? (HarperCollins Publishers). An earlier version of “Greg Louganis” appeared in Uncommon Heroes (Fletcher Press, 1994). “Stonewall Revisited” is excerpted from a longer piece with the same name that appeared in 10 Percent (June 1994). Reprinted with permission of Eric Marcus.

Ed Mickens, “Is There a Lavender’Glass Ceiling’?,” adapted from The Advocate (July 12, 1994). Reprinted by permission of Ed Mickens.

Paul Monette, “The Politics of Silence.” This is an earlier version of the piece with the same name that appeared in Last Watch of the Night (Harcourt Brace & Co., 1994, 1993). Reprinted by permission of Harcourt Brace.

David Nava, “Why Have a Gay Pride Parade?” Copyright 1995 by David Nava. Reprinted by permission of David Nava.

Joan Nestle, “Butch-Femme Relationships,” The Encyclopedia of Homosexuality (Garland Publications, 1990). Reprinted by permission of Garland Publications.

Niraj, “The March on Washington,” excerpted from a piece that appeared in Trikone (July 1993). Reprinted by permission of Trikone, P.O. Box 21354, San Jose, CA 95151–1345.

Beryl Pears, “A Light-Hearted Look at Lesbian Novels,” originally appeared in the Lesbian Newsletter (June 1993) in Wellington, New Zealand. Reprinted by permission of Beryl Pears and the Naiad Press.

Bob Pimentel, “The History of the Gay Rodeo,” originally appeared in Round Up: The Gay Western and Rodeo Magazine (Spring 1993). Reprinted by permission of Bob Pimentel, International Gay Rodeo Association president.

Louise Rafkin, “Homecoming Queer” and “The Mine Field of Lesbian Fashion” originally appeared in Queer and Pleasant Danger (Cleis Press, 1992). Reprinted by permission of Cleis Press. “Where Do I Belong in This Parade, Anyway?” originally appeared in the San Francisco Bay Times. Reprinted by permission of the San Francisco Bay Times.

Ma Rainey, “Prove It on Me;” Lyrics reprinted by permission of Milestone Records.

REB, “I Was Queer’ When Gay Meant Happy,” originally appeared in Holy Titlamps (Summer 1993). Reprinted by permission of Larry-bob, editor.

Colin Robinson, “You Dared Us to Dream We Were Worth Wanting Each Other,” is an excerpt from a piece with the same name that appeared in Gay Community News (February 5, 1989), Copyright 1989 Colin Robinson. Reprinted by permission of Colin Robinson.

Andy Rose, “Yom Kippur Morning at Hehilla Community Synagogue;” reprinted by permission of Andy Rose.

Catherine Saalfield, “Make DYKE TV, Not War,” appeared in earlier form as “Give Me My DYKE TV,” in The Independent Film and Video Monthly (October 1993). Reprinted by permission of Catherine Saalfield.

Mab Segrest, “Southern Reflection,” is an excerpted version of a speech given by the author at the 1988 Southeastern Lesbian and Gay Conference. Another version appeared in Memoir of a Race Traitor by Mab Segrest (South End Press, 1994). Reprinted by permission of Mab Segrest.

Danahy Sharonrose, “Myths/Realities of Bisexuality,” copyright 1989 by Danahy Sharonrose. Reprinted by permission of Danahy Sharonrose.

Terri L Smith, “As the Twilight World Turns,” originally appeared in the LRC Community News (September 1993). Reprinted by permission of Terri L. Smith.

Luis Torres, “Square Your Sets!” originally appeared in Round Up: The Gay Western and Rodeo Magazine (Spring 1993). Reprinted by permission of Luis Torres.

Vicki Torres, “Just What Is the Much Feared Gay Lifestyle?” originally appeared in the author’s “Lavender Latina” column in the Washington Blade (January 21, 1994). Reprinted by permission of Vicki Torres.

Daniel C. Tsang, “Notes on Queer ’n’ Asian Virtual Sex,” originally appeared in Amerasia Journal (vol. 20, number 1). Reprinted by permission of the Asian American Studies Center at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Daniel C. Tsang.

Urvashi Vaid, “1993 March on Washington Speech,” reprinted by permission of Urvashi Vaid.

Howard Wallace, “An Injury to One … ” originally appeared in Crossroads magazine (1994). Reprinted by permission of Howard Wallace.

Eric C. Wat, “Blood, Thick and Thin,” originally appeared in Amerasia Journal (Vol. 20. Number 1). Reprinted by permission of the Asian American Studies Center at University of California, Los Angeles, and Eric Wat.

Karen Williams, “Buy Lesbian … Or Bye! Lesbian” and “Festie Dyke” have appeared in a number of publications. Reprinted by percussion of Karen Williams.

T. R. Witomski, “The Ins and Outs of Gay Bars,” originally appeared in Gay Life (Doubleday, 1986). Reprinted by permission of Doubleday.

Rex Wockner, “Gay Sheep Come Out of the Closet,” copyright 1989, reprinted by permission of Rex Wockner.

Kathi Wolfe, “Stonewalled? A Journal,” is excerpted from The Disability Rag and Resource (September/October 1994). Reprinted by permission of Kathi Wolfe.

Tze-Hei Yong, “New Mexico APL,” originally appeared in The Very Inside: An Anthology of Writing by Asian and Pacific Islander Lesbian and Bisexual Women, Sister Vision Press, 1994. Reprinted by permission of Tze-Hei Yong.

Allen Young, “Impressions of the March,” excerpted from a piece with the same name in Gay Community News (October 27, 1979). Reprinted by permission of Gay Community News.