The Charnwood Forest lies to the north-west of Leicester, although it’s more of an open rocky area than an actual forest. Criss-crossed by many roads, it is home to a collection of climbs, the longest of which is this one. The climb from Woodhouse Eaves to the Beacon Hill Country Park entrance serves as a very popular test for local riders. A friend of mine uses it to prep his legs before trips to the mountains, as its steady 8% gradient is a good conditioner for that type of climbing, albeit a little shorter in distance. Leaving the village, the pitch of the slope soon assumes its constant degree of incline. From now to the summit there are slight variations but nothing significant, so pick your gear and settle into a rhythm. Midway, the course gently bends right taking you into the next long straight. This then leads to the kink left and the pronounced brow at the entrance to the Beacon Hill car park.