Edge Hill dominates the skyline to the north-west of Banbury – a raised peninsula jutting up from the northern edge of the Cotswolds. Of the number of ways up the ridge, I’ve chosen the B4086 through Knowle Wood. Although not as tough or as steep as the A422 (Sun Rising Hill) to its west, it’s a far nicer ride than the very busy A-road. Start the climb at the junction with Gosport Lane and head up towards the ridge. You’ve a gentle prelude as the road bends smoothly upwards and around to the right. Through the corner your legs will be tested, as the road straightens and heads up towards the woods. Once into the protection of the trees, the gradient starts to bite. The road is wide and well surfaced and, although never drastically steep, is certainly a slog and, if anything, gets that little bit steeper as you approach the summit at the T-junction. From here you can head down into the beautiful Cotswolds.