Is there a better route into England than this? I’m not sure, but what a perfect introduction to the country’s hills. Leaving Wales behind – not that there is any fanfare or sign of a border – you cross a small stream and begin to climb. The lower slopes are a solid grind, over 10% and rising in a straight line to the first of the two significant hairpin bends. The pitch relents a touch here allowing you to turn to your left and take in the stunning views out over the country you’ve left behind. The gradient won’t ever really get on top of you on this climb, but it will test you. Continuing upwards, kinking slightly left and right, you reach the second, fantastic right-hand hairpin. Get out of the saddle and power through it to begin the final stretch (which isn’t as tough as the lower slopes). You finish as you pass an amazing house with the most enviable views imaginable.