Boy does this hill have a nasty surprise up its sleeve. Locals will be well aware of its delights and will come mentally prepared, but riding it for the first time is a proper shock to the system. Once you’ve found the base in Abberley the road rises gradually steeper away from a couple of houses. Yes it’s hard here but not too challenging, and you’ll be asking yourself what all the fuss is about. Ahead you see a brow where the road appears to head straight over it, but you’ll notice it’s a dead end and in fact you must head right. Here is where it hits you, out of nowhere, just around the 90-degree corner – you’re faced with a wall. Easily 20%, it will have you furiously clicking down through the gears and hoping you have the strength to make it to the bend ahead. While your legs are screaming, the road kinks right and continues on a punishing pitch, up through the woods all the way to the abrupt summit.
