I WOULD LIKE to express my appreciation for Kyabje Khenpo Rinpoche. When I first started reading and studying the King of Meditation Sutra, he answered many of my questions and revealed why this text is one of the pillars of the Tibetan meditation tradition. He comes from an older generation of meditation masters and has a deep respect for this sutra. The fact that he has such appreciation for the King of Meditation Sutra should inspire his friends and students to study these words. I would also like to thank Jack deTar for his help in writing this book. I would like to thank my secretary, Joshua Fouse, for his consistent help in all things, and Oriane Lavole for her translation of the root text quotations and her efforts on behalf of Lhasey Lotsawa Translations and Publications. Alan Pope and Libby Hogg worked hard to edit this manuscript; I am thankful for their efforts and I also appreciate the work of the many sangha members who transcribed my teachings throughout this whole process.