

No book is the product of only one mind. For Teaching Eliza , I have to include in my acknowledgements Jane Austen and George Bernard Shaw, whose brilliant writings have given me so much joy and so much inspiration. I wish I could thank them personally.

The first of those I can thank in person is my husband, Mikael, who never once said, “Aren’t you done writing yet?” I also wish to thank Gavriel and Hadassah, who cheered me on; my various friends and relatives, who listened to me blather on about my latest project and even read some of my scribblings; the terrific JAFF community I have found; and to a wonderfully encouraging group of fellow authors whose names I dare not write down in case I inadvertently miss someone!

Special thanks to Ginger Monette, for her invaluable advice, Donna Kraus for all those little things that add up to something big, and to Sophia Meredith, without whose insight, editing, and guidance at every step of this project, Teaching Eliza would never have seen the light of day.

Cover design by Mae Phillips at