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Page references in italic indicate illustrations.
400 Club 41
Aberystwyth University 258
abortion 57, 68, 165, 197–206, 246, 304
on demand 402
National Abortion campaign 420
under NHS ‘mental health’ criteria 204–5
reform legislation see Abortion Act (1967)
and the thalidomide scandal 205–6
widening gap between statute and social practice 203
Abortion Act (1967) 10, 199, 203–4, 218, 304
Abortion Law Reform Association 203, 206
Ad Lib club 167–8
Adam, Andrea 289
Church of England Adoption Society 69
advertising 265
erotic 348–9
and country estates 79–81
and distribution of nation’s wealth 79
and pop culture 55
Agit Prop 357
agony aunt columns 334–5, 378–9, 397
Aitken, Jonathan: The Young Meteors 328
alcohol 217, 242, 261, 277, 282, 284, 342, 411
Aldridge, Alan 350
Alexander, Sally 403
Alfie 242–4
Allen, Woody: What’s New, Pussycat? 192
Allsebrook, M. 385
Amis, Kingsley 93
amphetamines (speed) 209n, 219, 368
Andress, Ursula 192
Andy, Bob 407
Angry Young Men 93
Animals (rock band) 162n
Annabel’s Club 168
anti-authoritarianism 307, 387
anti-materialism 3, 288–9, 294
Anti-University 391
Antonioni, Michelangelo: Blow-Up 241–2
Apple (Beatles’ company) 349
Architectural Association 212–13
Armstrong, Brenda 322
Armstrong, Neil 372
Armstrong-Jones, Antony, later 1st Earl of Snowdon 11, 12
Armstrong-Jones, David, later 2nd Earl of Snowdon 171
Armstrong-Jones, Sarah, later Lady Sarah Chatto 171
art galleries 216, 229, 230, 413
art students 217–18
Arts Lab, Drury Lane 216, 299–301
Asher, Jane 235
Astor, Bill (William, 3rd Viscount Astor) 60, 114, 115, 119
Atlantic City protests 356, 396
Attlee, Clement 162n
austerity 17
Austin, H. W. 219–20
The Avengers 191
avocado pears 3
Ayres, Gillian 229
Bacon, Francis (artist) 230
Baez, Joan 374
Bailey, Bert 82
Bailey, David 81–3, 241, 377–8, 396
Bakewell, Joan 106, 125, 168, 220, 247, 250, 251, 266
Banks, Lynne Reid: The L-Shaped Room 68–9
Barbarella 349
Barnfield, Julie 374–5
Battersby, Audrey 285, 356, 403
Bazaar shops 37
Cathy Come Home 250
Dad’s Army 191
Doctor Who 191
Easy Beat 137
gender pay gap 247
Hancock’s Half Hour 191
Late Night Line-Up 168, 247, 250, 381
Between the Lines 149n
Man Alive 380–81
Meeting Point 148
as middle-class bastion 387
Play School 417
programmes for mothers and children 21
Reith Lectures see Reith Lectures
Royal Family 367
Steptoe and Son 191
Table Talk 106
and teenage tragedy songs 16n
That Was the Week That Was 96, 97, 147
Till Death Us Do Part 191
Top of the Pops 3, 167, 231n, 238, 400
Wednesday Play 167
and Whitehouse’s Clean-Up TV campaign 147–51
Beardsley, Aubrey 253–4
Beardsley-inspired hippie aesthetic 348
Beatles 9, 91–2, 98, 100, 138, 139–43, 155, 157, 168, 183, 235–7, 398, 400, 406–7
‘All You Need is Love’ 308, 363
and Apple 349
‘Eleanor Rigby’ 231
and Epstein 92, 100, 101, 169, 236, 237
‘Girl’ 221
A Hard Day’s Night 169
‘I Wanna Be Your Man’ 142
‘Love Me Do’ 101
‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ 290, 412
Please Please Me 138
Revolver 231
‘Run for your Life’ 221
Sergeant Pepper 284, 290, 297, 299
‘White’ album 349
‘Yellow Submarine’ 231
Yellow Submarine 349–51
beatniks 37, 103, 216, 218, 238
‘beatnik girl’ runaways 134
and the underground see underground movement
Beaton, Cecil 237–8, 291, 293, 407–8
Beauvoir, Simone de 262, 263, 312
Bedford, Sybille 24–5
Bell, Anne Olivier 12, 182, 265–6, 267
Bell, Vanessa 46
Bellville, Belinda 81
Benjamin, Floella, Baroness 32–4, 111–12, 144, 255–6, 342–3, 345, 347–8, 397, 417–18
The Arms of Britannia 32
Benjamin, Mr (Dardie) 33, 255, 342
Benjamin, Mrs (Marmie) 33, 34, 112, 144–5, 255, 342–3, 347–8
Benjamin, Sandra 111–12, 144, 343, 345
Bennett, Alan 95
Bennett, Keith 224
see also Moors murders
Bentwich, Helen 248
Best, George 238
Bestic, Alan: Turn Me On Man 219
Better Books 216
Beveridge, Sir William 17–18
Bewitched 191
Beyfus, Drusilla 74, 362, 365–7
Beyond the Fringe 94
New York transfer 95
Bhagavad Gita 302
Biba 168, 194, 234–5, 236, 289, 377
Big Three (band) 98
bike culture 163–4
Bilocca, Charlie 314
Bilocca, Ernie 314
Bilocca, Lillian (‘Big Lil’) 314–16, 317–21, 397
‘The Last Testament of Lillian Bilocca’ production 415
Birley, Annabel 235
Birley, Mark 235
Birmingham Evening Mail 149
Birmingham University 59
birth control see contraception
birth deformities 28–31, 106–10, 205–6
and ‘mercy killings’ 108n
see also thalidomide children
Birtwell, Celia 298
Black Arts Workshop 344
black female pride 344–5
Blackburn, Robin 387
Blaise’s club, Queensgate 217
Blake, Bob 91
Blake, Peter 299
Blenkinsop, Yvonne 317–18, 320
Bloomsbury Group 291n
Blow-Up 241–2
Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans: ‘Not Too Young to Get Married’ 16
bohemianism 12, 100–101, 216, 218, 280, 290, 299, 373, 398
London 37, 127, 213, 230, 237, 291n, 299, 354
‘New Bohemianism’ 299
see also underground movement
Boland, Rosie 321
Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band: ‘I’m the Urban Spaceman’ 327
Booker, Christopher 93–4
Boothby, Robert, 1st Baron 133
Boty, Pauline 168
Bournemouth 161
Bowie, David 377
Boyd, Jenny 239
Boyd, Pattie 83–5, 86, 166, 167, 169–70, 235–7, 289, 297–8, 410–11
see also Moors murders
Brain, Sir Russell 36
Bray, Christopher: 1965: The Year Modern Britain was Born 196
British Black Panther movement 344–5
British Medical Journal 108
British Pathé 11, 168, 248, 374
Bron, Eleanor 97
Brook, Helen 245
Brook Advisory Centres 245
Brook Street Bureau 188
Brooke-Dales, Amanda 200–201, 328–9, 363–5, 397
Brophy, Brigid 196
Brown, James: ‘Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud’ 345
Browne, Coral 382
Buck, Alan 187
Buckton, Peter 260
Buddhism 421–2
Bugliosi, Vincent 399
bullying 112
bunny girls 273–8, 279, 397, 417
Burchell, Ellen Frances (mother of Michael Caine) 193
Burroughs, William 214
Butler, Bernard 363–5
Butler, R. A. 68
Butlin’s 108–9
Butterfly Boutique, Chalk Farm Road 253
Byrds 217
Callil, Carmen 199–200, 284, 415
Cammell, Donald: Performance 407
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) 34, 102–4
Candy 349
cannabis see marijuana
capitalism 265, 282, 288, 388, 395, 397
and baby-boomers 55–6
image problems 3
Cardiff, David 266
Caribbean immigrants 40, 111–12, 240
Carmichael, Stokely 325n
Carry On … series 192
cars 13, 44, 52, 54, 55, 60, 65, 82, 85, 236, 237, 238, 267, 288
boys and toy cars 21
burning 325
and road-widening schemes 40
spare parts 349
Tory car ownership 182
and women strikers at Dagenham 321
Carstairs, G. M.: This Island Now (Reith Lecture) 86, 147
Carter, Angela 48, 75, 166, 328, 356
Carter, Sydney 25
Cartland, Barbara: Etiquette Handbook 211–12
Casbah Coffee Club, Liverpool 98, 422
Castro, Fidel 102
Cathy Come Home 250
Cavern Club, Liverpool 62, 98, 100
‘celebrity’ abortionist 201, 202
as a creation of television 238
Chandler, Chas 239
Chappell, Jessica 140–41
Charleston, Sussex 46
Charlton, Val 357
Chassay, Tchaik (Michael) 73, 213, 217, 411–12
chauvinism 101, 196, 220–21, 311, 389
Checker, Chubby (Ernest Evans) 162
Cheek, Mavis see Wilson, Mavis
Chelsea 41, 166, 170–73, 216, 235, 353
Bazaar 37
‘Chelsea girl’ 66–7
Habitat 169
King’s Road see London: King’s Road
Cherry B 375
Chesham, Buckinghamshire 22, 25, 38, 141
Child, June 361
childbirth 22
illegitimacies as percentage of 1961 total births 68
and phocomelia 28–31, 106–7, 205–6 see also thalidomide children
and postnatal depression 162
free twenty-four-hour nursery demand 402
nursery maids 79–80, 170–73, 287
child-rearing 285–6
Chipping Campden 152
Chisholm, Anne 93, 94, 96–7, 96, 116–17
Chow, Michael 377–8
Christianity and the Church
abortion issue 204
Christian discipline 304, 342–3
Christian idea of the family 69
and cynicism at university 158
and divorce 332–3
male élite of the Church 12
and moral standards 70, 71, 87, 147, 329–31, 342–3
National Festival of Light 407
practices 156–7
religious faith energising life 156–7, 158, 159, 418–19
and Robinson’s Honest to God 147
South Bank theologians’ views of ‘new morality’ 147
women and a Christian way of life 149, 154–5
women barred from top jobs in the Church 248
Christiansen, Kathleen 332–3
Church see Christianity and the Church
Church of England Adoption Society 69
animations 349–51
and lesbianism 382–3
New Wave 196
and ‘Swinging London’ 241–2, 279
treatment of women 191–2, 248, 349
Civil Rights movement 344
Clapton, Eric 239, 335–6, 410–11
gender overlap with 72, 81–2, 167, 256, 312
and Le Corbusier 212
permeability of class boundaries 72, 81–2, 167
and the riches vs the nouveaux 167
and sex 38–9
and television 238
upper-class ‘dopists’/aristo-hippies 293–4
working-class women gaining political and social power 315–22
Cleave, Maureen 138
Cleveland, Carol 274, 275–6, 278
Clobber 233
clothes 47, 64, 67, 168, 192–4, 238, 268
of 1964’s Chelsea women 166, 172
Bunny costumes 274
to discourage sexist attentions 251, 254
and fashion see fashion
hippy 281
and indecency 70
of jaded partygoing debs 81
Mod girls’ 136–7
puritan ideas 333
purity of white gloves 48
Rocker 162
school clothes and fashion rebels 153–4
and self-identity 3
and sexualised looks 38
and street cred 99–100
student 258
wedding dresses 11, 12, 66, 236, 284
see also specific items of clothing
club culture 42–5
Cocker, Joe 374
Coddington, Grace 85, 166, 235, 377–8
Cogan, Alma 47
cohabitation 13, 131, 231, 351, 360
Cold War 102
Cuban missile crisis 102, 104–6
Cole, Marilyn 276
Columbia Records 47
Common Market 134
Connery, Sean 378
Connor, William (‘Cassandra’) 121–2
Conservative Party see Tories
and flower power 288
and women’s employment 50, 54–6
contraception 2, 12–13, 201, 227, 245–6, 261, 263
birth-control policies 218
demand for free 402
Family Planning Act (1967) 245–6
and Family Planning Association 36, 246, 408
and fear of population explosion 36
and fertility regulation research 36
the Pill 10, 36, 76, 77, 202, 205, 244, 246, 329, 363, 388
Coronation Street 20
council housing 177–9
counterculture 290, 309, 342, 348, 351
energised by ultra-conservative antagonism 218
gender differences concerning emergence of 220–22
hippy see hippies
in India 370–72
and Oz 351–2
and the permissive society 218–20 see also permissiveness; sex: sexual liberation and ‘free love’
the underground see underground movement
country houses 79–80
Covent Garden 215
Cox, Dorothy 221
Cox, Kenneth 221
Crawley and Horsham Hunt 80
Cream (band) 162n
Cromwellian Club 168
Crowther Report (1959) 14
Cuban missile crisis 102, 104–6
cultural meritocracy 81–2
Cumberlege, Julia, later Baroness 154–5, 159
cynicism 158
Czernin family
Mary Hazel, Baroness Howard de Walden 170, 171
Dad’s Army 191
Dadzie, Stella 345n
Dagenham strikes 321
Daily Express 88, 90–91, 92–3, 118, 192, 221–2, 233, 235, 325
Daily Mail 68, 69, 90, 190, 223, 247, 304, 382, 393
fashion pages 168
Ideal Home Exhibition 18
Daily Telegraph 223–4, 333, 393
Daly, Jennifer 393
Darling 192
Davenport-Hines, Richard: An English Affair 115n
Davies, Hunter 13, 14, 41n, 82, 246–7, 339–40
The New London Spy 126
Davies, Nigel (aka Justin de Villeneuve) 233, 235
de Villeneuve, Justin 233, 235
death penalty abolition 218
Debenham, Harriet see Lear, Harriet, née Debenham
Delaney, Shelagh: A Taste of Honey 81
Delmar, Rosalind 256
Dempster, Nigel 74, 75, 212, 213
Deneuve, Catherine 377–8
Denness, Barry 131–2, 313, 316, 319, 321, 416
Denness, Mary, née Taylor 5–6, 129–33, 313, 314, 316, 317–18, 319–21, 397, 415–16
Denning, Alfred Thompson, Baron 113, 120, 122
Dennis, Felix 352
Deverson, Jane: Generation X (with Charles Hamblett) 88–9, 202, 245, 254, 260
Devlin, Bernadette 406
Diamond, Neil; ‘Sweet Caroline’ 359
Dine, Jim 229
dinner 19, 190, 208, 209, 210, 211
discrimination 17–18, 24, 89–91, 92–3, 245, 246–7, 249, 390
against gay women 126, 381–2, 383, 397
in women’s employment 10, 18, 24, 90–91, 92–3, 223, 247–9
Diski, Jenny, née Simmonds 105–6, 220, 301–2, 303, 304
divorce 332–3, 360, 361, 362, 411, 414
courts 221
Doctor Who 191
domestic technology/appliances 13, 20, 267, 268
domestic violence 129
Donovan, Terence 81–2, 85, 289
Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, Baron Home of the Hirsel 174, 185
Downey, Lesley Ann 224
see also Moors murders
Downham school, Essex 73
dress see clothes
amphetamines (speed) 209n, 219, 368
cannabis/pot see marijuana
dope smoking 183, 217, 219, 237, 291, 350, 367, 368, 377
marijuana see marijuana
opium 291
overdoses 399
pep pills 209
pressure to take 354
psychedelic see psychedelic drugs
and status 217
and upper-class ‘dopists’ 293–4
Dubuffet, Jean 229
Duffy, Brian 81–2
Duffy, Maureen 126–7, 380, 381
The Microcosm 379
Dundee University 419
Dunn, Nell: Up the Junction 196–7
Durden-Smith, Jo 102
Dyhouse, Carol 257n
Dylan, Bob 169, 190, 259, 287, 374
Dyne, Rachel 323–4
Easy Beat 137
Edinburgh, Prince Philip, Duke of 367
Crowther Report on 14
and gender 22, 48 see also women’s education
grammar-school life 282–3
higher 14, 48, 49, 57–8, 59, 90, 93, 124–5, 155, 157–8, 419, 420 see also universities
marriage and women’s education 14, 48, 49
and public-school snobs 99
racism in school 112
religious education and school assemblies 151–2
secondary co-educational 399–400
sex education 22–3, 71, 162, 375
West Indian 33
women’s see women’s education
Edwardia, Manchester 238
Edwards, Theresa 397
Eisenstein, Charles 421n
Elle 233
Ellis, Eirlys 69
women’s see women’s employment
working mothers 20–21, 68, 161
Epstein, Brian 92, 100, 101, 169, 236, 237
equality, gender 14, 158, 220–21, 264, 307, 321, 384, 402–3, 405
National Joint Action Committee for Women’s Equal Rights 390
in pay 54–5, 247n, 248, 271, 321, 357, 374, 390, 396, 402, 406
eroticism 43, 85, 186, 192–4, 300, 348–9
see also Lawrence, D. H.: Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Essex University, Revolutionary Festival 391–2
Establishment 18, 77, 93–5, 96, 97, 113, 147, 155, 306, 351, 363
anti-Establishment sophistry 158
under attack 12, 55, 93–4, 158, 288, 294–5, 308, 351, 404
and Bron 97
closing ranks 116
equating liberal reforms with moral delinquency 218
hippies’ anti-Establishment message 288, 294–5, 303–4, 308, 363
medical Establishment 396
and Private Eye 94–6
Establishment Club, Soho 95, 96, 97
Etchingham, Kathleen 59–60, 239, 340, 346
Eton College 416
Evans, Edward 224
see also Moors murders
Everly Brothers 5
‘Claudette’ 16
Exeter University 417
eyelashes, false see false eyelashes
eyeliner 6, 38, 47, 57, 132, 136, 139, 166, 172, 186, 289
Fabian, Jenny 338, 339–40, 397
Groupie (with Johnny Byrne) 336–9, 379
Fabulous 140
Faithfull, Marianne 168, 216, 221, 235, 239–40, 291, 297, 378, 399
‘As Tears Go By’ 168
false eyelashes 3, 84, 143, 215, 230, 233, 242, 277, 356, 400
black 178
Christian idea of the family 69
disadvantaged in home-owning/housing 175–81
dispossessed in south London 176, 179–80
generational hostility and the unstitching of 304–5 see also generation gap
replacing community 174
family planning see contraception
Family Planning Act (1967) 245–6
Family Planning Association 36, 245, 408
Fanthorpe, U. A. 379
Farren, Mick 309
Farson, Dan 230
of 1964’s Chelsea women 166, 172
beatnik 47 see also beatniks
Biba 168, 194, 234–5, 236, 289, 377
boutique phenomenon 233–5, 234
‘Chelsea girl’ 66–7
Daily Mail’s fashion pages 168
and eroticism 192–4
London-centric 37
magazines see women’s/fashion magazines
men’s 289
Mod 136–7, 143, 153, 157, 186–7, 235
move towards girliness (1964) 173
News of the World’s fashion pages 193
school fashion rebels 153–4
and sexualised looks 38
sway of fashionable ideas 158
and Vidal’s salon 85
see also clothes
Fawcett, Millicent 244
Fawcett Society 244–5, 249n, 406n
and bike culture 164
embraced 48
feminine looks 157
proclaimed 347
sacrificed 229
undermined by homelessness 180
feminism 271–2, 307, 311–12, 393
Bray’s claim of 1965 mainstream entry 196
call to revolt 357–8
and Greer’s The Female Eunuch 404
Marxist denunciation of ‘bourgeois feminism’ 262
media reports of feminist militancy 405
and Miss World contest 405
vocabulary 89n
Women’s Liberation movement see women’s liberation
Ferrier, Kathleen 78
Ferrier, Louise 352–4
film see cinema; pornography
fishing industry, Hull 129, 132, 313–21, 317, 415
Fishman, Nina 324
Flannery, Joe 63
Fleet Street 41
Fletcher, Michael 91
Flower, Liz 276
flower children/power 215, 280–81, 280, 288, 291, 308, 348, 363
see also hippies
Fontana, Wayne 98
comfort food 284
continental 231
dinner 19, 190, 208, 209, 210, 211
fast food 285
preparation 19, 21 see also cookery
Foot, Paul 94
footballers 238
Ford Dagenham 321
Foreign Office 248
Forster, Margaret 12–14, 17, 49, 266
Fortnum & Mason 41
400 Club 41
Four Pennies 187
Frampton on Severn 374–5
Franklin, Aretha 345
Fraser, Ronald, ‘Respondent 13’ interviews 388–90
Freddie and the Dreamers 98
The Feminine Mystique 124–5
on acid 296
and the Playboy Club 272–8
of sex 13, 27, 163, 189–90, 328–9
Fury, Billy (Ronald Wycherley) 162
Gavron, Hannah: The Captive Wife 174, 175–6, 180, 285–6
Gay Liberation Front 406
Gebler, Ernest 378
class overlap with 72, 81–2, 167, 256, 312
and education 22, 48 see also women’s education
and the emergence of the counterculture 220–22
equality see equality, gender
gendered vocabulary 394
harassment see sexual harassment
misogyny see misogyny
and motivations for first having sex 87, 89
power struggle see sexual power struggle
role division 354–5, 359–60, 389 see also discrimination; home
separation of the sexes at universities 154
sexism see sexism
and shopping 50
wage parity/disparity 10, 54–5, 89, 232, 247n, 248
women see women
general elections
1964 election 182
1966 election 223
1970 election 406
and the embracing of equality 307
and rise of the rebellious teenager 59, 63–4, 73–6, 87–8, 308
teenagers rejecting parents’ values 59, 63–4, 87, 286–7, 302, 308
tension, hostility, and unstitching of the family 304–5
Genet, Jean 214
Gerry and the Pacemakers 98
Ginsberg, Allen 215
Girl Guides 64–6
Gisborn, Valerie 89–90
Glad Rags 233
Good Housekeeping 195
Gormanston, Sir Nicholas 373
Granada Television, World in Action 322–3
Granny Takes a Trip 233
Grant, Linda 142
Sexing the Millennium 301
Grech, Ric 338
Green, Felicity 37, 192, 193, 280–81
All Dressed Up 291n
Days in the Life 354–5
Green, Peter 239
Greene, Sir Hugh 150–51
Greenham Common air base 103–4
The Female Eunuch 10, 404–5, 405
Grenfell, Joyce 360
Griffith-Jones, Mervyn 23, 120
Griffiths, Marcia 407
Grosvenor, Peter 221–2
girl Mods as precursors to 137
Guardian 104, 109, 125, 244, 325–6, 361
‘Mainly for Women’ page 195–6
Guide to Housework (1960) 19
Guildford Technical School 56–7
Gurley Brown, Helen: Sex and the Single Girl 123–4, 125
Gurney, Ann 152–3
gynaecology 246
Hack, Mr (butler) 80
Haight-Ashbury movement 298
hairdressing 374
Halasz, Piri 228
hallucinogens see psychedelic drugs
Hamblett, Charles: Generation X (with Jane Deverson) 88–9, 202, 245, 254, 260
Hamilton, Lewis 418
Hammond, Celia 84
Hancock’s Half Hour 191
‘Happenings’ 168
Hardy, Françoise 223
Harper, Caroline 9, 292–5, 367, 368–72, 401, 420–21
Harris, Rolf 253–4
Harrison, George 139, 140, 169, 235–7, 297–8, 410, 411
Harry, Prince 416
Hawkins, Don 417
Haworth, Jann 298–9
Heal’s emporium, Tottenham Court Road 253–4
Hefner, Hugh 397
Heliczer, Kate 215
Hell’s Angels 399
Hemmings, David 241
Hendrix, Jimi 217, 239, 240, 289, 296, 298, 336, 340, 345, 346, 374, 407
Jimi Hendrix Experience 337
‘Purple Haze’ 308
Henri, Adrian: ‘Mrs Albion you’ve got a lovely daughter’ 194
Herbert, Lord Henry 237–8
Hewison, Robert 128
Too Much 213
Hewlett, John 333
Higgens, Grace 46
Hills, Joan 298
Hindley, Myra 224–7
see also Moors murders
hippies 279–81, 280, 310, 311, 369–72, 376
anti-Establishment message 288–9, 294–5, 303–4, 308, 363
anti-materialism 288–9
aristo-hippies 293–4
Beardsley-inspired hippie aesthetic 348
‘chick work’ 353–5
counterculture 288–9, 290, 309
flower children/power 215, 280–81, 280, 288, 291, 308, 348, 363
hippy sound 289–90
at Legalise Pot rally (1967) 308
and Manson murders 399
San Francisco Haight-Ashbury movement 298
Hobsbawm, Eric 265
Hobson, Valerie 114
Hodgkin, Dorothy 248
Hogg, Beryl see Marsden, Beryl, née Hogg
Hogg, David 7, 27–31, 106, 107–10, 206–7, 410
Hogg, Margaret 7, 27–32, 106–10, 206–8, 396, 400, 410
holidays 54, 55, 65, 138–9, 169, 284, 377–8
at Butlin’s 108–9
Hollies 98
Holton Park Grammar School, Oxfordshire 153–4
Home (of the Hirsel), Alec Douglas-Home, 14th Earl of Home, Baron 174, 185
housekeeping money 133
housework see housework
kitchens 211
post-war Establishment/conventional vision of the woman at home 18, 19–20, 54, 82, 148, 155
as a refuge and a prison 174
and a woman’s concern of ‘what to do about dinner’ 19, 208, 209, 210
a woman’s ideal/dream home 18, 19–20, 174–5, 176
decriminalisation of male homosexual acts under Sexual Offences Act (1967) 218, 304, 381
female see lesbianism
Gay Liberation Front 406
on television 147
Honey 258
Hope, Bob 405
Hopkin, Mary: ‘Those Were the Days’ 327
Hopkins, John ‘Hoppy’ 216, 309n
hormonal compounds, for fertility regulation 36
Hornby, Lesley see Twiggy
Horney, Karen 312
housekeeping money 133
Houseman, Alfred Edward: A Shropshire Lad 152
‘chick work’ 354
housing 174–81
bedsits 285
council 177–9
country houses 79–80
flat-sharing 283–5
and Le Corbusier 212
slums see slums
see also home
Howerd, Frankie 95
Hugh-Jones, Christine, née Williams 306–7
Hughes, Robert 352
Hulanicki, Barbara 168, 192, 194, 235
trawler industry 129, 132, 313–21, 317, 415
University 3
Hull Daily Mail 5–6
Hull Fishing Vessel Owners’ Association 316
hunting 80
Hurst, Margery 188
Hussein of Jordan 44
Huth, Angela 381
Huxley, Aldous 214
Hyatt, Christine 384
I Was Lord Kitchener’s Valet (shop) 235
Ideal Home Exhibition 18
women’s see women’s identity
If 349
Ike and Tina Turner 217
illegitimacy 20, 68, 69–70, 97, 160, 183–4
discrimination against 178, 223
and Powell’s speech 343–4
from West Indies 32, 33–4, 40, 111–12
indecent assault 254n
India 370–72
Indica Books and Gallery, London 216
individualism 65–6, 76, 220, 350, 359, 398
Ingham, Mary 22, 26–7, 38, 106, 139, 140–41, 247, 258–9, 261, 283, 331–2
Inglis, Ruth 196
Ingrams, Richard 94
International Poetry Incarnation 215–16
Ironside, Virginia 222
Isle of Wight Festival (1969) 374, 376
Issigonis, Alec 40
IT magazine 216
ITV, The Avengers 191
The Naked Spy 115n
Jackie 195
Jackson, Margaret 36
Jagger, Mick 142–4, 221, 235, 236, 240, 267, 289, 291, 297, 324, 373, 399
in Performance 407
‘Street Fighting Man’ 324n
James, Clive 352
Jay, Douglas 250
Jefferson Airplane 374
Jenkins, Roy 304
Jenkins, Sophie 103–4, 105, 106, 200, 256, 324, 326
Johnson, Matt 51
Johnson, Pamela Hansford 223–4, 225–6
Johnson, Paul 139
Jones, Brian 142, 236, 239, 373
Jones-LeCointe, Altheia 344, 345, 407
jumble sales 310–11
Jung, Carl Gustav 214
juvenile delinquency 68
Kaberry, Sir Donald 182
Kahn, Stefanie 408
Kee, Jenny 353–4
Keeler, Christine 45, 60, 112–22, 119, 396, 416
Kelly, Tony 305
Kennedy, Jaqueline 145–6
Kennedy, John F. 104, 105, 106, 145
Kensington 84, 168, 185, 229–30, 235
Council 415
Gardens 171
Market 377
Kerouac, Jack: On the Road 58–9
Kilbride, John 224
see also Moors murders
The Killing of Sister George 382–3
A Kind of Loving (1962) 81
Kingston Peridot (Hull trawler) 314
‘Days’ 327
‘Dedicated Follower of Fashion’ 235
Kinsey Reports 123
kitchens 211
kitchen appliances see domestic technology/appliances
The Knack 192
Knepp Castle, Sussex 80
Knight, Dame Laura 248
Bazaar 37
Krishnamurti, Jiddu 370
Kynaston, David 2
Labour Party 174, 182, 183, 185, 304
Ladybird, ‘Learning to Read’ series 20, 21
Lamb, Larry 408
Housing Department 177, 250, 251
Lancet 108
Lane, Nicola 354–5
Larkin, Philip: ‘Annus Mirabilis’ 128
Lasky, Melvin 228
Laslett, Rhaune 240
Late Night Line-Up 168, 247, 250, 381
Lategan, Barry 233
Laura Ashley 268
Laurie, Peter 15n
lavatories 18–19
Lavery, Brian W. 313n
Lawrence, D. H.: Lady Chatterley’s Lover 10, 23–7, 26, 38–9, 71, 106, 147, 189, 375
Le Corbusier (Charles Édouard-Jeanneret) 212
Leach, Edmund 304–5
Lear, Harriet, née Debenham 59, 209–10, 286
Leeds 97
Leet, Pauline M. 89n
Lennon, Cynthia, née Powell 100–101, 143, 221, 285, 297
A Twist of Lennon 101
Lennon, John 92, 98, 100, 102, 142, 285, 297, 414
a female fan’s letter to 336
‘Give Peace a Chance’ 102
and pacifism 102
and Cynthia Powell 100–101, 143, 285, 297
wedding 101
in the cinema 382–3
discrimination against gay women 126, 381–2, 383, 397
and the Gateways Club 127, 381, 382
and The Killing of Sister George 382–3
literature 127–8
support with Minorities Research Group 127–8, 379
Leslie, Ann 90–93, 246, 284, 325, 378
The Golden Notebook 312
Levin, Bernard: The Pendulum Years 2
Lichtenstein, Roy 350
Between the Lines 149n
Listen with Mother 21
Little Richard (Richard Wayne Penniman) 61
Liverpool 8, 57–8, 61, 98–9, 138, 183–4, 228, 285, 421
Mersey Sound 98
Rialto dance hall 98
Lloyd, Margaret 376
Lloyd Webber, Andrew 416
Logue, Christopher 230–31
London 40–41, 165–7, 267–8, 377
Ad Lib club 167–8
Aitken’s interviews with young Londoners 328
ambitious young women moving to 59–60, 79, 131, 253, 293, 308
Annabel’s Club 168
anti-Vietnam war demonstrations 323–4
Arts Lab, Drury Lane 216, 299–301
Blaise’s club, Queensgate 217
bohemianism 37, 127, 213, 230, 237, 291n, 299, 354
Carnaby Street 165, 235, 251, 279, 330
Chelsea see Chelsea
Covent Garden see Covent Garden
Cromwellian Club 168
and cultural meritocracy 81–2
demonstrations in Trafalgar Square see Trafalgar Square demonstrations
discrimination in south London against immigrants 178
flat-sharing 283–4
Fleet Street 41
Indica Books and Gallery 216
Kensington see Kensington
King’s Road 127, 167, 174, 187, 192, 193, 197, 231, 235, 352, 381
Knightsbridge see Knightsbridge
Lambeth see Lambeth
London-centric fashion 37
Marie Stopes clinic 245
Mod-land periphery of 135
Murray’s night club 44–5
Notting Hill see Notting Hill
Piccadilly 40–41
population 40
Post Office Tower 169
Queensway 40
Round House, Chalk Farm 216
Royal Tournament 79
royal wedding (1960) 11–12
Shaftesbury Theatre 346–8
‘Swinging’ 165–6, 200, 209, 213, 228, 228, 232–3, 237, 239–43, 272–9, 376
UFO 216
underground movement see underground movement
Vidal’s Mayfair salon 85
Wellcome Trust 208
London School of Economics (LSE) 306–7, 385–6, 388–90, 406
London Transport 223
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962) 81
Longleat 291
Lord John (shop) 235
Loreto Convent, Theydon Bois 153
Losey, Joseph 242
Love, Mike 401
Lownes, Victor 278
LSD 217, 241, 295–8, 303, 350, 368–72, 401, 420, 421
‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ 290
LSE see London School of Economics
Lulu (Kennedy-Cairns) 400
MacCarthy, Fiona 378
MacLaine, Shirley 378
Macleod, Iain 116
Macmillan, Harold 94, 116, 120
MacNab, Padraic 77–8
MacNab, Veronica 77–80, 170–73, 287, 419
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 302, 370
Maitland, Sara 56
Major, John 152
male chauvinism 101, 196, 220–21, 311, 389
Man Alive 380–81
Manchester University 409
Manners, Elizabeth 304
Manson, Charles 399
Manson murders 399
Marcus, Frank: The Killing of Sister George 382
Margaret, Princess 11–12, 14, 41
Marie Stopes clinic, London 245
marijuana 113, 169, 183, 219, 242, 284, 288, 291, 297, 299, 308, 350, 375, 407
Legalise Pot rally (1967) 308, 310
see also drugs: dope smoking
Marks, Roger 105n
Marowitz, Charles 299–300, 352
marriage 10, 186, 282, 284, 363–6
bar imposed by Foreign Office 248
bridal age 14–15
Crowther Report on marriage following education 14
and domestic violence 129
failure 332–3 see also divorce
fidelity 362
group marriage 305
guidance 365
vs ‘living-in-sin’ 331–2
‘open’ 352
and pop music 16
pregnancy necessitating 51, 101
pressure of convention and culture into getting married 15–17
and romantic love 15–16
royal wedding (1960) 11–12, 14
shotgun weddings 68
‘symmetrical’ 360
and ‘togetherness’ 360, 361, 366
and women’s education 14, 48, 49
see also wedding dresses; wedding rings
Marriage Guidance movement 365
Marryat, Mary 335
Marsden, Beryl, née Hogg 8–9, 61–4, 99–100, 239, 340–42, 421–3
Marsden, Dennis: Mothers Alone 180–81
Marshall, Sir Archibald 120
Marshall, Cherry 84
Martha and the Vandellas: ‘Third Finger Left Hand’ 16
Martinsmith, Anthea, later Anthea Millican 7–8, 155–9, 238, 329–31, 418–19
Marwick, Arthur: The Sixties 2
Marx, Karl 263
Maughan, Susan 63
‘Bobby’s Girl’ 49
Mawby, Ray 381
McCartney, Paul 139, 140, 141, 142, 235, 327
‘Hey Jude’ 327
McGough, Roger 99
McGowan, Cathy 138
McGraw, Ali 377–8
McKenzie, Scott 280
McLaren, Lucy 386–8
McLean, Sharley 126
McSharry, Deirdre 235
Meeting Point 148
Melly, Diana 221
Melly, George: Smashing Time 279
Melody Maker 48
menthol cigarettes 3
meritocracy, cultural 81–2, 167
Metropolitan Police 116
Miles, Barry 216
Miller, Roger 228
Millican, Anthea see Martinsmith, Anthea
Millican, Anthony 156, 238, 330, 331, 418
miniskirts 3, 10, 192–4, 230–31, 232, 257, 300, 378, 401
Minorities Research Group (MRG) 127–8, 379
Miracles (Rhythm and Blues group) 61, 345
misogyny 58, 96, 144, 192, 214, 220–21, 232, 245, 255–6, 299–301, 303, 304, 309, 312, 398, 400
and culture of male control 101, 122–3, 221–2, 227, 245, 310, 389
and a woman’s exclusion from bus-driving 322
Miss America beauty contest 355–6, 396
Miss World contest 405–6
Mitchell, Adrian 215
Mitchell, Juliet 262–3, 356, 391, 403
Women: The Longest Revolution 196, 263–4
Mitchell, Mitch 339
Mod fashion 136–7, 143, 153, 157, 186–7, 235
modelling 39–40, 60, 83, 84–6, 114, 169
Modesty Blaise 242
Mods 245
Monroe, Marilyn 82
Montgomery, Elizabeth 191
moon landing 372
Moorhouse, Geoffrey: Britain in the Sixties: The Other England 18–19, 152
Moors murders 10, 134–5, 223–6, 227
Moraes, Henrietta 240–41, 297, 373
Moral Re-Armament movement 147
Adam’s reportage into teenage morality 71–2
attacks on moral certainty 160
breakdown of old-fashioned morals 226, 398
and the Church/Christian belief 70, 71, 87, 147, 329–31, 342–3
decline in public morality, and hostilities in seaside towns 161
of Hair 346
liberal reforms equated with moral delinquency 218
moral guidance 71
‘moral majority’ 151, 153, 159, 219
moral panic 20
new morality and ‘living-in-sin’ 331–2
permissive see permissiveness
protests about laxity 67, 68, 70–71
prudish 24
Robinson’s ‘new morality’ 147
sexual licence and teenage morality 68–73
South Bank theologians’ views of ‘new morality’ 147
student morals 258–61
war and moral certainty 17
and Whitehouse’s Clean-Up TV campaign 147–51, 159, 407
Morgan, Robin 355–6
Morris, Desmond 339
Morrison Duncan agency 214
mortgages 246
child-rearing problems 285–6
Ideal Mother 20–22
life style effects of 282
mothering-versus-work dilemma 285–6
unmarried mothers 69, 160–61, 180–81, 183–4, 200–201 see also illegitimacy
working mothers 20–21, 68, 161
Muggeridge, Malcolm 218
Mulligan, Carey 49n
Murdoch, Iris 196
Murray, Percy 44
Murray’s night club, London 44–5
and the ‘We generation’ 359–67
National Festival of Light 407
National Joint Action Committee for Women’s Equal Rights (NJACWER) 390
National Organisation for Women (NOW) 264, 356
National Service 17
National Transport and General Workers’ Union 315
National Union of Seamen 315
National Women’s Liberation Conference 10, 402–3
National Women’s Register 125n
Hippie Hippie Shake 353
New Left Review 263, 264, 387n
New London Spy 43, 187–8, 199, 221, 283
New Statesman 139
New Wave cinema 196
News of the World 109, 115n, 119, 175, 193, 208, 343, 344
Nichols, Dandy 191
Nicholson, Vivian, née Asprey 50–54, 53, 396
Nicol, Maureen 125n
North, Melissa 73–6, 202–3, 212–14, 216–17, 220, 283, 291n, 295–7, 298, 327, 376–7, 398, 401, 411–12
Notting Hill Gate 40, 126, 213, 240, 407
NOW (National Organisation for Women) 264
nuclear weapons
and CND see Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
dropped on Japanese cities 35
fear of nuclear annihilation 35
women heading anti-H-bomb movement 102–4
naked women 42–3, 114, 168, 242, 297, 336, 348, 349, 408
Page 3 girls 408
restrictions 43
in Selene commune 305
strip clubs 41–3
nursery maids 79–80, 170–73, 287
Nuttall, Jeff: Bomb Culture 302
O’Brien, Edna 378
Obscene Publications Act (1959) 23, 404
Pendennis column 383–5
obstetrics 246
O’Callaghan, Lil 321
Oh! Calcutta! 407–8
Oldham, Andrew 143
O’Mahony, Pauline 176–80, 181, 251–2, 397
one-parent families 161, 332–3
Ono, Yoko 298
Openshaw, Manchester 19
opium 291
Orlon 192–3
Ormsby-Gore, Jane 291
Ormsby-Gore family 373
Orsino (‘mother ship’) 320
Orwell, George 152
Osborne, John 93
O’Toole, Peter 192
Ouspensky, P. D. 214
Oxford University 90, 93, 248–9, 256, 260–61
Isis (paper) 94
Oxshott 56
‘Schoolkids Oz’ 404
pacifism 102
Padel, Ruth 335–6
Palisades 233
Pallenberg, Anita 239
Palmer, Sir Mark 373
Palmer, Rosalyn 56–8, 97–9, 183–4, 414–15
Palmer, Tony 354
Pankhurst, Emmeline 125
Pan’s People 231n
Paolozzi, Eduardo 229
Paris student protests 325–6
Park, Cheryll 301
Parker, Howard (‘H’) 296
Partridge, Frances 291–2
see also misogyny
Patrick, Angela 153
Payne, Freda 407
peace 3, 102, 104, 280, 288, 309, 348, 361, 362–3, 398, 422
Peacocke, Thomas 333
Peake, Maxine 415
Peart, Fred 318
Pelly, Claire 238
Penguin Books, Lady Chatterley’s Lover case 10, 23–7, 26, 38–9, 71, 147
penicillin, for STDs 36
penis worship 336
pensioners 1
pep pills 209
Performance 407
permissiveness 1, 3, 8, 21n, 127, 151, 154, 209, 301, 304, 363, 382, 407
of art students 217–18
blurring of pornography with 191
counterculture and the permissive society 218–20 see also counterculture
and drugs 217, 219 see also drugs
Greer’s debunking of permissive society 404
growth of the permissive society 218–19
Labour’s permissive reforms 304
and pornography 191, 300–301 see also pornography
and societal breakdown 223–6
Thatcher and ‘permissive claptrap’ 398
young women by 1970 analysing costs and benefits of permissive society 408
phallocentrism 302
penis worship 336
phocomelia 28–31, 106–10, 205–6
see also thalidomide children
Piccadilly 40–41
Pill, contraceptive 10, 36, 76, 77, 202, 205, 244, 246, 329, 363, 388
Pink, Mr (butler) 80
Pinter, Harold 195
Pitt, Angela 278
Plath, Sylvia 285
Platters 61
Play School 417
Plunket Greene, Alexander 235
International Poetry Incarnation 215–16
and the underground see underground movement
and the 1968 ‘revolution’ 324–5
Metropolitan Police 116
sexual harassment within the police force 89–90
Pollyanna 233
polo 292
Pony 375
and affluence 55
macho rock-star culture 340
musical see popular music
pop artists 350
the underground see underground movement
popular music 47, 287, 327, 407
bands and performers see specific bands and performers by name
female pop fans 9, 139–43, 336 see also groupies
groupies see groupies
hippy sound 289–90
imported black music 345
Isle of Wight Festival (1969) 374, 376
Juke Box Jury 46
lyrics reflecting majority sentiments 16, 49
and marriage 16
Mersey Sound 98
Mod music 186
and penis worship 336
on Radio Caroline 167
Rhythm and Blues 61
rock see rock’n’roll
and the Speakeasy Club 240, 421
and teenage crazes 55
teenage tragedy songs 16n, 163
Top of the Pops 3, 167, 231n, 238, 400
wedding ring in pop lyrics 16
Woodstock 374
population explosion fears 35–6
pornography 71, 168, 226, 300–301, 351, 355
blurring of permissiveness with 191
Post Office Tower 169
poverty 6, 50, 61, 68, 85, 130, 180–81
Powell, Cynthia see Lennon, Cynthia, née Powell
Powell, Enoch 343
Pre-School Playgroups Association 21n
fathers’ refusal to accept liability 202, 245
marriage necessitated by 51, 101
and sexual ignorance 183
termination see abortion
treatment of pregnant women by male professionals 246
and unmarried motherhood 69, 160, 183 see also illegitimacy
unwanted 165, 199, 200, 201, 203 see also abortion
women sacked for 246
prejudice 69, 90, 220, 246–7, 249, 262, 344, 399
see also bigotry; discrimination
Presley, Elvis 5, 16, 61, 143, 290
Pringle, Alexandra 166
and the Profumo affair 116–17
Proby, P. J. (James Marcus Smith) 162
Procul Harum: ‘A Whiter Shade of Pale’ 308
Profumo, John (Jack) 114–15, 116, 117, 121, 416
Profumo, Valerie 123
Profumo Affair 10, 113–22, 138
and Lord Denning 113, 120–21, 122
and television programme content 147
promiscuity see sex: promiscuous
Proops, Marjorie 383
propaganda 149, 219–20, 357, 389
Agit Prop 357
prostitution/prostitutes 41, 68, 118, 120, 147
psychedelic drugs 217, 219, 241, 286, 290, 295–8, 303, 350, 368–72, 401, 420, 421
Punch 95
Pure Hell of St Trinian’s 70
Quant, Mary 37, 44, 66–7, 168, 192, 193–4, 235
Queen Charlotte’s Ball 81, 185
Queensway, London 40
Quinn, Patricia 59, 166–7, 241, 274, 275, 277, 278, 377, 401, 417
racism 32, 34, 70, 112, 223, 343, 344
and black female pride 344–5
and rise of Black Power 344–5
and sexual harassment 255–6
Radio Caroline 167
Radio Luxembourg 16n
rationing, post-war 17
Ravelrig Barnardo’s Home 287
Raymond, Paul 42–3
Raymond Revuebar, Soho 42–3
Reade, Joan 134
Reade, Pauline 134, 135, 135, 224
see also Moors murders
Reading, Patsy 273, 274, 275, 277–8, 401, 417
Reading University 8, 155, 157–8, 261, 418
Ready Steady Go! 138
Redding, Otis: ‘Sittin’ On the Dock of the Bay’ 327
Reed, Kristina 142, 145–6, 185–90, 198, 199, 234, 397, 413–14
refrigerators 13
Reich, Wilhelm 214
The Function of the Orgasm 302
Reid, Beryl 382
Reith Lectures
Leach 304–5
Buddhist 421–2
Christian see Christianity and the Church
religious education 151–2
Remo Four 98
Revolutionary Socialist Students’ Federation 357
Reynolds, J. 384
Rhodes, Zandra 298
Rhyl 376
Rhymes, Douglas: No New Morality 147
Rhythm and Blues 61
Rice-Davies, Marilyn (‘Mandy’) 39–40, 44–5, 60, 112–15, 118, 119, 120–21, 122, 396, 416
Richard, Cliff 5
‘Congratulations’ 327
Richards, Keith 142–3, 239, 297, 336
Richardson, Tony 377
Rigg, Diana 191
Ripley, Lynn Annette (Twinkle): ‘Terry’ 163
Rippon, Geoffrey 117
Robbins, Harold: The Carpetbaggers 293
Roberts, Graham 260–61
Roberts, Nesta 325–6
Robinson, Jane 68n
Robinson, Jo 405
Robinson, John 147
Rockers 161, 162, 163–5, 245, 271
rock’n’roll 55, 61, 142–3, 144, 213–14, 239–40, 267, 290, 399, 406–7
macho rock-star culture 340
rock sexism and misogyny 101, 221, 335–42
see also specific rock bands
Rocky Horror Show 417
Roeg, Nicholas: Performance 407
Rolling Stone magazine 399
Rolling Stones 142n, 143–6, 231, 373–4, 375, 400
‘(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction’ 190
Aftermath 240
Beggars Banquet 324n
‘Let’s Spend the Night Together’ 308
‘Street Fighting Man’ 324n
Ronettes: ‘I’m So Young’ 16
Room at the Top (1959) 81
Ross Cleveland (Hull trawler) 314, 316–17
Round House, Chalk Farm 216
Rowbotham, Sheila 259–60, 290, 310–12, 322, 323, 325, 357–8, 391–2, 393, 394, 396, 402, 409
Promise of a Dream 409
Women’s Liberation and the New Politics 394–6, 395, 397–8
royal family
Princess Margaret’s wedding 11–12, 14
values 387
Royal Family (documentary) 367
royal presentations 81
Royal Tournament 79
Ruskin College, Oxford 10, 402–3
Saddleworth Moor murder 134
Sage, Lorna 246
Sainsbury’s 266
St Keverne (Hull trawler) 316
St Romanus (Hull trawler) 314
St Tropez 377–8
Salvation Army 70
San Francisco 298
Sandbrook, Dominic 288
Sandford, Jeremy 250
Sartre, Jean-Paul 195
Sassoon, Vidal 85
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960) 81
Saunders, Kimberley 4–5, 160–65, 202, 268, 269–72, 397, 401, 419–20
Savile, Jimmy 252–3
Scafe, Suzanne 345n
Scaffold: ‘Lily the Pink’ 327
Schofield, Michael: The Sexual Behaviour of Young People 86–8, 288
Scott, L’Wren, née Laura Bambrough 399n
Scott, Sir Walter: The Lady of the Lake 77
SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) 357
Searchers 98
Searle, Ronald, cartoon of depraved schoolgirls 71
Second World War aftermath 17
and baby-boomers breaking away from parents’ mindset 59
and the Establishment see Establishment
and fear of nuclear annihilation 35
and fear of population explosion 35–6
secretarial work 187–8
Selene Community 305
sewerage 18
agony aunt advice sought on 334–5, 378–9, 397
attitudes/allusions to sex before marriage 2, 86–7, 97, 334–5
and chastity 86–7
‘chick work’ 353–5
and class 38–9
and contraception see contraception
and Covent Garden Arts Lab 299–301
detached from reproduction 203
and eroticism see eroticism
fashion and sexualised looks 38
forced sex within marriage 221
fun of 13, 27, 163, 189–90, 328–9
gang bangs 352
and the generation gap 68–73
and Greer’s The Female Eunuch 404
growing voice in 1963 of female sexuality 123–5
homosexuality see homosexuality; lesbianism
and humiliation 301
Kinsey Reports 123
and Lady Chatterley’s Lover 23–7, 38–9, 71, 106, 189
‘liberated’ woman asserting herself through 395
literary sexual abandonment 196
male narrative of women not liking 122–3
and the male predator’s licence to exploit women 244
men’s demand for 222, 226, 303
men’s fear of ungoverned power of women’s sexuality 122–3
Mods and sexual politics 137
motivations for first having 87, 89, 188–90
objects 263, 396, 397, 403 see also women: objectification of
paid see prostitution/prostitutes
penis worship 336
pornography see pornography
post-war attitudes 2
problem of saying no, or feeling obliged to have 303, 355
promiscuous 36, 77, 83, 114–15, 119, 121, 122, 198, 202, 222, 227, 239, 250n, 260, 303, 328–9, 340, 341–2, 354, 355, 397
Robinson’s ‘new morality’ and sexual love 147
scandal of Profumo affair see Profumo Affair
Schofield’s survey of young people’s sexual behaviour 86–8, 288
sexual embarrassment 97
sexual ignorance 22–3, 57, 77, 78, 162–3, 183, 198, 200
sexual liberation and ‘free love’ 2, 189–90, 203, 216, 218, 222, 258–61, 264, 293, 295, 301, 310, 328–9, 338–9, 352–3 see also contraception; permissiveness
sexual licence and teenage morality 68–73
and the sexual supermarket 38–45, 328
sexualisation of behaviour and cultural references 158
social ills seen as result of sexual repression 302
sophisticated beauty and raw sex 85
and status 259
student sexual activities 157, 258–61
symbols 238
television and the acceptance of sex outside of marriage 148
threesomes 353
at Vidal Sassoon’s salon 85
white women sleeping with black men 346
and Whitehouse’s Clean-Up TV campaign 147–51, 159
women enjoying sex without shame 114–15, 121–2, 189–90, 203
Sex Discrimination Act (1975) 89
Sex in Marriage 365
sexism 83, 85, 89–91, 92–3, 150, 191–2, 214, 221–2, 243–6, 249–52, 271, 303–4, 309, 336, 354–6
culture of tabloid sexism 408
and discrimination see discrimination
dressing to discourage sexist attentions 251, 254
in film 191–2
and groupies see groupies
harassment see sexual harassment
male chauvinism 101, 196, 220–21, 311, 389
many-headed nature of 400
misogyny see misogyny
tabloid 408
and vilification of Whitehouse 150
welcomed by women competing to attract men 257
sexual harassment 89–90, 222, 250–56, 400
Sexual Offences Act (1967), decriminalisation of male homosexual acts 218, 304, 381
sexual power struggle 122–3, 190–91, 222, 232, 276, 303, 312, 321–2, 394–5
and equality see equality, gender
and the women of Hull’s fishing community 314–21
see also women’s liberation
sexually transmitted diseases 36, 71, 87, 328
Shaftesbury Theatre, London 346–8
Shakespeare, William: King Lear 122
Shangri-Las: ‘Leader of the Pack’ 163, 164
Shapiro, Helen 46–8, 62, 63, 67, 138, 140
‘Walking Back to Happiness’ 46, 47
Shearer, Ann 361
Sheffield 223
Shell (student magazine) 159
Shelter 250
Sherrin, Ned 377
Shirelles 61
shopping 13–14, 50, 53, 65, 265–6, 377
Short, Renée 203
showgirls 42
Shrimpton, Chrissie 143–4, 221, 240, 399n
Shrimpton, Jean 82, 83, 84, 86, 166, 192–3, 235, 396
The Truth About Modelling 85–6
Simon and Garfunkel 407
Simone, Nina 345
Simple, Peter 393
Sindy dolls 268–9, 269, 270, 271, 397
mini see miniskirts
Slade School of Fine Art 298–9
slums 8, 50, 61, 91, 174, 176, 184, 414
clearance/demolition of 40, 177, 180, 197
Small Faces: ‘Lazy Sunday’ 327
Smallbone, Chrissie 316–18, 320
Smashing Time 278–9
Smith, Jeremy 79
Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 124
Smythe, Pat 134
Snob 233
Socialism 185–6
Society for Cutting Up Men (SCUM) 357
Soft Machine 298
Spare Rib 409
Speight, Johnny: Till Death Us Do Part 191
spirituality 3
freewheeling 76
see also religion; transcendence
Spock, Benjamin: Baby and Child Care 21
Stafford, Jo 8
The Stage 274
Starr, Ringo 143
Steele, Tommy (Thomas Hicks) 162n
Stephens, Sir Robert 417
Steptoe and Son 191
Stones 143–4
Storr, Anthony 125
Stott, Mary 195–6
Straker, Peter 348
street credibility 85, 98–100, 216, 377
Street Offences Act (1959) 41
strip clubs 41–3
Stubbs, Una 191
student movement 307
anti-authoritarianism 307, 387
anti-Vietnam War demonstrations 322–4
in Paris 325–6
and Revolutionary Socialist Students’ Federation 357
Suck magazine 378
Sugden, Edward (‘Teddy’) 201n
Sullivan, Jenny 375–6
Summerskill, Edith 209
Sun 408
Sunday Mirror 121–2
Sunday Telegraph 193
Sunday Times 71–2, 82, 108, 125, 393
Sundays 152
Supremes 345
Sussex University 256–7
Sutcliffe, Millie 414
Sutcliffe, Stuart 414n
Suzman, Janet 284
Sweet Fanny Adams 233
Swinging Blue Jeans 98
Sylvestre, Cleo 144
Table Talk 106
Tante Marie School of Cooking, Woking 293
Tate, Sharon 399
Taylor, Mary see Denness, Mary, née Taylor
Adam’s reportage into teenage morality 71–2
bike culture 163–4
and fun 75–6
girls’ letters to agony aunts 334–5, 378–9, 397
juvenile delinquency 68
Mods see Mods
pop crazes 55
rejecting parents’ values 59, 63–4, 87, 286–7, 302
rise of the rebellious teenager 59, 63–4, 73–6
Rockers see Rockers
Schofield’s survey of 86–8, 288
sexual licence and teenage morality 68–73
teenage tragedy songs 16n, 163
vandalism and ‘teenage wreckers’ 67–8
advertising 265
and the celebrity 238
children’s 21
and consumerism 265
current affairs programmes 106
drama adaptations 196–7
glamorising and trivialising women 191
Granada 322–3
ITV, The Avengers 191
and moon landing 372
and the royal family 12, 46, 367
soaps 20
viewing 97
Whitehouse’s Clean-Up TV campaign 147–51, 159, 407
see also specific programme titles
Tennant, Emma 291
Tennant family 373
thalidomide children 28–31, 106–10, 206–7, 287, 410
and ‘mercy killings’ 108n
That Was the Week That Was (TW3) 96, 97, 147
Thatcher, Margaret 398
Thaves, Bob 138n
This Island Now (Carstairs’ Reith Lecture) 86, 147
Thunderball 191–2
Till Death Us Do Part 191
The Times 70, 150, 161, 204, 223, 346
Top Gear 233
Top of the Pops 3, 167, 231n, 238, 400
car ownership 182
Douglas-Home government 174
Townsend, Peter, Group Captain 12
trades unions 133, 283, 322, 390–91
and the Hull trawler community 315–16, 318
Trafalgar Square demonstrations
anti-Vietnam War (1968) 322–4
CND (1960) 34
Cuban missile crisis 104
by working women (1969) 390, 396
transcendence 147, 217, 280, 287, 371, 422
and drugs see psychedelic drugs
transcendental meditation 302
transistor radios 3
Transport and General Workers’ Union 133, 322
trawler industry, Hull 129, 132, 313–21, 317, 415
Tupperware 210–11
Turner, Ike and Tina 217
Turner, Janet M. 384–5
Twentieth Century 127
Twiggy (Lesley Hornby) 67, 136, 138, 166, 233, 235, 281
Twinkle (Lynn Annette Ripley): ‘Terry’ 163, 239
twist 137
Tynan, Kenneth: Oh! Calcutta! 407–8
Tyrell, Theresa 5, 253–4, 349–51, 397, 412–13
UFO 216
underground movement 212–17
and Green’s Days in the Life: Voices from the English Underground 354–5
and International Poetry Incarnation 215–16
and pornography 355 see also pornography
psychedelic drugs as portal to 217
Undertakers (band) 62–3
unemployment 268
United States of America 39, 104, 123, 279–80
Beatles in 169
Cold War see Cold War
Cuban missile crisis 105–6
Miss America beauty contest and Atlantic City protests 355–6, 396
San Francisco hippy district 298
Vietnam War see Vietnam War
women’s liberation movement 311, 391
universities 14, 48, 49, 57–8, 59, 125, 155, 256–62, 419
Aberystwyth 258
Birmingham 59
cynical attitudes at 158
Dundee 419
Essex 391–2
Exeter 417
Hull 3
Manchester 409
Oxford see Oxford University
‘plate-glass’ 256–7
and separation of the sexes 154
student movement see student movement
student sexual activities 157, 258–61
Sussex 256–7
Up the Junction 196–7
urbanism 212
Usborne, Peter 94
Utopia 3, 227, 288, 306, 327, 390, 394, 398
Vadim, Roger 378
Valance, Ricky: ‘Tell Laura I Love Her’ 16
Vanity Fair 169
Vedas 302
venereal disease 36, 71, 87, 328
Veness, Thelma 15n
Vereker, Patricia 356
anti-war demonstrations 322–4
and ‘Tell Me Lies About Vietnam’ 215
Virago Press 415
Vitti, Monica 242
voting age 182n
Walker, Philippa 272n
Walker’s Court, Soho 41–2
Ward, Stephen 60, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 201n
Warhol, Andy 350
Watch with Mother 21
‘We generation’ 359–67
wealth 229
affluence see affluence
distribution of nation’s 79
façade of 268
Weatherhead, Leslie 70, 71, 87, 218
wedding dresses 11, 12, 66, 236, 284
wedding rings 15, 16, 101, 142, 164, 236, 420
Wednesday Play 167
Weldon, Ron 20
Welfare State 17
National Assistance 50
Wellcome Trust, London 208
Wells, John 95
West Indies
education and pride at being British 33
immigrants from 32, 33–4, 40, 111–12
Westminster Abbey 11
Weymouth, Alexander Thynn, Viscount 291
What’s New, Pussycat? 192
Wheeler, Sir Robert Eric Mortimer 250
Whitehorn, Katharine 284
Cooking in a Bedsitter 284, 285
Whitehouse, Mary 8, 147–51, 159, 197, 218, 300, 351, 407
Who 374
‘My Generation’ 190
Widdecombe, Ann 154, 159–60, 204
Wilde, Marty (Reginald Leonard Smith) 5, 162n
William, Prince 416
William of Gloucester, Prince 216
Williams, Christine 306–7
Wilson, Harold 174, 182–3, 185–6, 223, 227, 318
Wilson, Mavis, later Mavis Cheek 37–8, 67, 183, 227–8, 229–33, 400–401, 413
Yesterday’s Houses 413
Wilson Line 131
Wingfield, Mary 384
Winsor, Kathleen: Forever Amber 39
Woburn Abbey, festival of the flower children 280
Woman of the Year lunches 168
Woman’s Own 16, 195, 283, 334–5
Woman’s Realm 195
Woman’s Weekly 334–5
adhering to beliefs in a changing society 157, 158
artists 229
black female pride 344–5
bunny girls 273–8, 279, 397, 417
carers for elderly relatives 374
and a Christian way of life 149, 154–5
cinema’s treatment 191–2, 248, 349
clothes see clothes
and club culture 42–5
demonised 113–22
dinner concerns 19, 208, 209, 210
discrimination against 10, 17–18, 24, 89–91, 92–3, 223, 245, 249
‘dolly birds’ 174, 193–4, 194, 227, 242, 253, 272, 279, 300, 349, 375n
earnings 10, 54–5, 232, 247n, 248 see also equality, gender: in pay
education see women’s education
employment see women’s employment
equality with men see equality, gender
female body 168
female psyche 396
femininity see femininity
feminism see feminism
fertility regulation research 36
fictional exploration of female zeitgeist 196
finding a voice 123–5, 148–50, 154–5, 159–60
gaining political and social power 315–22, 323–4
girl-power and Beatlemania 140–42
girls seen as insignificant 6
and Greer’s The Female Eunuch 404
harassment of see sexual harassment
and the home see home
and housekeeping money savings 133
housewives as pillars supporting British way of life 18
housework see housework
how-to-catch-your-man game 285
Ideal Mother 20–22
identity see women’s identity
lesbian see lesbianism
Liberation movement see women’s liberation
male jealousy and ownership of 221
male predator’s licence to exploit 244
male terminology for 220
Marxist views of 263–4
and misogyny see misogyny
and motherhood see motherhood
naked 42–3, 114, 168, 242, 297, 336, 348, 349, 408
objectification of 137, 263, 300, 335, 396, 397, 398, 408
perfect wife 48
as Playboy ‘playmates’ 194–5
in politics 249, 321, 398, 406
power struggle with men see sexual power struggle
pregnant see pregnancy
prejudice against 90, 220, 246–7, 249, 262, 344, 399 see also misogyny
rise of the rebellious teenager 59, 63–4, 73–6
sadistic imagery of nubile women 351
segregation of 132
and sex see sex
shopping see shopping
from social élites 290–91
teenagers rejecting parents’ values 59, 63–4, 87, 286–7, 302
television as threat to sanctified domain of 148
‘Tupperware ladies’ 210–11
TV’s glamorising and trivialising of 191
unmarried mothers 69, 160–61, 180–81, 183–4, 200–201 see also illegitimacy
and Utopia see Utopia
‘womanly’ virtues/values 3, 7, 102, 287, 293
working mothers 20–21, 68, 161
and ‘The Brain Bunnies’ 258
and Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique 125
higher 14, 48, 49, 57–8, 59, 90, 93, 124–5, 155, 157–8, 256–62, 306–7, 419, 420 see also universities
and public-school snobs 99
sex education 22–3, 71, 162, 375
and student morals 258–61
women’s employment 18, 20–21, 51, 283, 284
bus driving issue 223, 322, 406
in clubs 41–5
discrimination in 10, 18, 24, 90–91, 92–3, 223, 247–9
equality, and gesture politics 356, 396
and male bigotry 322
a married woman’s income taxed as husband’s 247–8
modelling see modelling
mothering-versus-work dilemma 285–6
as nursery maids 79–80, 170–73, 287
pay equality 54–5, 247n, 248, 271, 321, 357, 374, 390, 396, 402, 406
in prostitution see prostitution/prostitutes
rise between 1951 and 1961 54
sacking of pregnant women 246
secretarial 187–8
wages 10, 54–5, 232, 247n, 248 see also (above) pay equality
working mothers 20–21, 68, 161
women’s identity
clothes and self-definition 3
and Hindley 226–7
lack of identity 312
measured against defining moments 10
re-evaluation of 372 see also women’s liberation
women’s liberation 2, 10, 226–7, 264, 309, 311, 326–7, 398, 401, 409, 414–15
birth of movement 390–98
call to revolt 355–8
and equality see equality, gender
and escapism 370–72
and Greer’s The Female Eunuch 404
and Lady Chatterley’s Lover 10, 23–7, 106 see also Lawrence, D. H.: Lady Chatterley’s Lover
and lesbianism 378–83
and men’s liberation 309
National Women’s Liberation Conference 10, 402–3
and the Observer’s Pendennis column 384–5
and re-evaluation of identity 372
Revolutionary Festival, Essex University 391–2
and Rowbotham’s, Women’s Liberation and the New Politics 394–6, 395, 397–8
transatlantic movement 311, 391
Women’s Liberation Workshop 391, 392–3
women’s/fashion magazines 16, 81, 84, 85, 169, 195–6, 210, 233, 346
letters to agony aunts 334–5, 378–9, 397
Women’s Resource Centre 247n
women’s rights 320, 384, 393, 402–3, 405
National Joint Action Committee for Women’s Equal Rights 390
see also equality, gender
Wonder, Stevie 345
Woodcraft, Elizabeth: The Saturday Girls 135, 136, 137
Woodstock 374
World Association of Girl Guides 65
World in Action 322–3
Wortis, Henry 311
Yellow Submarine 349–51
York, Michael 377
York, Peter: Style Wars 265
York, Susannah 382
Zec, Donald 119–20
Zeffirelli, Franco 377