Dear Reader,
This Matchmaking Mamas story owes its origin to two things.
First, in a general way, was my ongoing frustration that I couldn’t just pull strings behind the scenes in my kids’ lives and find the perfect match for each of them. Happily, my son stumbled across the perfect girl for him and they are now laying the groundwork for their own personal happily-ever-after. One down, one to go. I always try to look on the bright side.
The second thing that inspired part of this story is the fact that during the course of my adult life, I have been in charge of taking care of the medical well-being of three out of four parents, so I can very much relate to the hero’s feelings in this—plus I love to cook during those rare occasions when I have an hour to spare. So, channeling my feelings, I put together a story about a superbusy restaurant owner who became the man of the house at the age of ten, and a commitmentphobic doctor who seeks to fill the void she feels by being there for as many patients as she can. One of those patients is the hero’s mother...and we go from there.
Thank you for taking the time to read my latest effort to entertain you and, as always, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you someone to love who loves you back.
All the best,