à Beckett, Sir William, 182, 183
Aborigines, 3, 7
Kulin tribe, 1, 2, 17
Adelphi Theatre, 122, 155, 165
Age, 90, 91, 103, 173, 177
Akehurst, Arthur Purcell, 162, 183, 188
aloofness from events, 148
arrival at Stockade, 148, 150
defence of Stockade, 159–60, 164, 169, 176, 178
see also Independent California Rangers
Amos, Commissioner, 102, 154, 155, 181
Anderson, Henry, 1, 2, 3
Archer, William Henry, 27, 89, 111, 120, 126
Argus, 31, 148, 175, 177, 185, 199
Armstrong, Commissioner David, 12
Aspinall, Butler Cole, 183
Atkinson, Captain, 156
Avoca River, 2
Bakery Hill, meetings:
Ballarat Reform League launched, 94–8
Ballarat Riot arrests, 65–6, 84
Diggers Rights Society formed, 84–6
monster meeting, 119–23
parliamentary representation, 92–4
pledge to resist force, 131
Ballarat goldfield:
history, 1–3, 8–9
population, 84–5, 90–1, 119
social conditions, 15–16, 22, 27, 43
township, 26–7, 90–1
yields, 24, 90
Ballarat Reform League:
calls monster meeting, 111
delegation to Hotham, 107–10
delegation to Rede, 151
evidence taken, 77
findings, 74, 76–9
grievances and demands, 94–7
launched, 94
leadership, 127–8
no intention to attack, 113–14
meeting to reorganize, 147–8, 155
structure, 119–20, 122
submission of Ballarat Riot
enquiry, 77–8
see also Lalor, Peter
Ballarat Riot, 61–3, 74
Ballarat Riot Board of Enquiry, 74–5
Ballarat Star, 51
Ballarat Times, 26, 55, 60, 75, 87, 91, 97, 104, 112, 118, 119, 170, 177, 182, 184
Bank of Victoria robbery, 49, 59
Barry, Sir Redmond:
treason trials, 186–8, 189, 190, 200
Bath, Thomas, 26, 80
Bath’s Hotel, 26, 91
Bayne, James, 52
Beattie, James, trial, 190
Beechworth, 18, 33
Beckett, Sir William, Chief Justice, 182, 183
Bendigo goldfield, 18, 22
delegates at Ballarat meetings, 73–4, 120
meetings protesting licence fee, 73–4
Bentley, Catherine, trial, 46–8, 101
Bentley, James Francis:
background, 46–7
bailed, 66
death, 101
D’Ewes, association with, 47
diggers’ committee for prosecution, 59–60, 64–5
diggers’ opinion, 62
discharged, 50, 53
Eureka Hotel burning, 61, 102
letter in support, 60, 87
rearrested, 65–6
requests police protection, 58
Scobie, James, murder, 48
trial, 86, 101–2, 105
Berry, Graham, 190, 196
Black, Alfred, 129, 146, 150, 170
Black, George, 51, 92, 94, 106–7, 109, 110, 129, 143, 149, 170, 171
addresses diggers, 92, 121
Ballarat Reform League, 78, 96, 107
Creswick reinforcements, 143
delegation to Commissioner Rede, 133–4
delegation to Hotham, 106–10
Diggers’ Advocate, editor, 51, 109
leadership, 130
monster meeting, 121–2
reward for, 170–1
Boldrewood, Rolf, 202
Bourke, Richard, Sir, 3–4
Broadhurst, Lieutenant Edward, 61–2, 68
Bunninyong, 2, 27, 157
Burke, Robert O’Hara, 73
Butler, John, 52
California, 4, 5
Campbell, James McFie, 171, 190
Canadian Gully lead, 24, 43
yields, 24, 89
Carboni, Raffaello:
arrest and iniprisonment, 163, 165, 171, 176, 180, 181
and attack on 12th Regiment, 115
background, 24, 25
and Ballarat riot, 59, 62, 89
and goldfields administration, 26, 31–2, 54, 89–91
later life, 197, 199
leadership, 128, 129, 130, 133, 152
licence system, opinion of, 31, 44, 126, 135, 136
monster meeting address, 119–21
sly grog, 88
stockade, account of, 125, 142, 146–7, 158–9, 165
trial and acquittal, 188–9
Carey, Frank, 53, 87, 108, 149
Carr, Dr, 48, 94, 176, 189
Carter, Sub–Inspector, 163, 176
Catholics, 54, 56–7, 84, 120
Cavanagh brothers, 9, 10
Chapman, Henry, 183
Childers, Hugh, 80
Chinese, 4, 20, 34, 85
Christophers, Hyman: Letter to
Hotham, 114–15
claim jumping, 53
Clarke, Marcus, 202
Clifton, William Snow, 81
Clunes goldfield, 8, 141
Commission on the Goldfields 1854, 193–4, 195
causes of Eureka Stockade, 193–4
Constitution 1856, 110, 185, 196
Cope, Thomas, 186
Corio Bay, 1, 2
Creswick goldfields:
support Ballarat Diggers, 120, 143–4
yields, 89
Crowe, A. W., 162
Curtain, Patrick, 130, 159
Daley, Victoria, 202
de Chabrillan, Count (French Consul), 167, 169
‘Declaration of Independence’, 146
democracy, 38, 129, 201–3
D’Ewes, John:
Ballarat Riot, 58–9, 65–6
Ballarat Riot Board of Enquiry, criticism, 76–7
Bentley, James, association with, 47–8, 50
protects Bentley at inquest, 50
sacking of, 78, 107
co-operation between, 15, 23, 43–4
delegations, 65–6, 92, 107–10, 132, 133–6, 189
literacy of, 26–7
nomadism, 9, 15–16, 43, 72, 202
radical faction, 146
resentment of squatters, 21
see also nationalities
Diggers’ Advocate, 51, 109
‘Diggers Congress’, Bendigo, 33
Diggers’ Gazette, 149
Diggers Rights Society, 85
Dignun, Thomas, 141, 171, 190
Doveton, Gold Commissioner, F. C, 10–13, 16, 17
Downing, Fr Matthew, 28, 119, 120, 122
Doyle, Dr, 169
Dunlop, John, 8, 16
Dunne, Alicia, 159, 170
Dyte, Charles, 60, 78
Ebden, Charles Hotson, 20
Electra, H.M.S., 145
Emery, John, 60, 87
Emmerman, William, 141
Empire, 172, 175
Esmond, James, 8, 141, 152
Eureka Commemoration Address, 199
Eureka Hotel, 46, 47, 48, 50, 58, 60–1, 62
burning of, 58, 62–3, 75, 78, 83, 84, 86, 99, 101, 109, 185
see also Ballarat Riot; Ballarat Riot Board of Enquiry; Bentley, James Francis
Eureka lead:
co–operation amongst diggers, 43
mining methods, 22–3
yields, 88–9, 104, 119
Eureka Stockade:
arms, 142, 155
arrests, 164–5, 166–7
atrocities, 160–5
attacks on, 150, 157–65
Catholics in, 163
conditions in, 140–1
construction of, 130
Council on Eureka, 129–30, 142, 148
drilling of diggers, 141, 142, 147
Irish at, 149
legend of, 201–3
logistic and psychological disadvantages, 128
purpose of, 140
spies in, 143, 149, 150, 151, 154, 165, 176
see also treason trials
Evans, Police Inspector Gordon, 58–61, 63
Farrell, John, 47, 50, 101
Fawkner, John Pascoe, 110
Hotham monument, 198
opinion of diggers, 144
Ferguson, Charles, 159, 176–7
Reports of Committee on Financial State of Colony, 105–6
Flatow, Manasha, 102
Fletcher, Thomas
bailed, 65, 66, 84
Ballarat Reform League demands release, 107
Eureka Hotel burning, 65, 77
trial, 91, 92, 102–4, 105
Forest Creek:
protest at licence fee increase, 73
support expected, 120
Foster, Henry, Inspector, 186
Foster, Colonial Secretary John
Fitzgerald Leslie, 106, 167
arrival, 35
assurance to Legislative Council, 99
resignation, 173–4
Frazer, Alexander, 171
Free Trade Hotel, 88, 156
Furnell, Sub–Inspector Samuel, 112
Gardyne, Lieutenant, 117
Geelong, 2, 8, 73
Geelong Advertiser, 86, 143
Gilmore, Mary, 202
Gipps, Sir George, 3, 4, 100–1, 105
disorder feared, 5, 18, 105
early finds, 4, 5, 6, 7–9
ill-preparedness for, 5–6
lure of, 18–19
proposed export duty, 11–12, 30
rivalry with New South Wales, 8
Gold Commission, 10–11, 30, 49, 88, 193–4
agitation for abolition, 73, 74, 78, 92, 197
Carboni’s opinion, 54
corruption within, 52–3, 80
Gold Diggers’ Advocate, see Diggers’ Advocate
Gold Fields Act, 197
Gold Fields Commission of Enquiry, 193–4, 197
Gold Regulations, 55
Golden Age, 33, 34
Golden Point fields, 9, 16, 22, 26
Goodenough, Henry, 130, 165, 184, 186, 189
Goold, Bishop:
diggers deceived, 193
diggers’ grievances, 119–20
opinion of Hotham, 185, 195
Grange, Hugh:
letter to Hotham, 41
Grant, James, 80
Gravel Pits lead:
co–operation amongst diggers, 43
yields, 88, 104
Green, John, J.P., 59, 61, 92
Green, Samuel, 141
Gregorius, Joannes:
assaulted by Constable Lord, 54–6, 85
Hackett, Police Magistrate Charles, 133
Ballarat Riot Board of Enquiry, 67, 78
Carboni’s trial, evidence, 189
diggers’ opinion, 126
Eureka Stockade, 156, 168
‘Happy Jack’, 141
Hardy, John Richard, 82–3
Hargraves, Edward Hammond, 5
Harrison, John, Captain, 73
Hasleham, Frank, 162
Hastie, Thomas, 2, 27
Hayes, Anastasia, 141, 169, 180
Hayes, Timothy:
Ballarat Reform League
committee chairman, 120
Catholic petition signatory, 56
Eureka Stockade, second anniversary, 199
imprisonment, 171
leadership, 130
licences, burning, 123
trial and acquittal, 186–7
Hefele, John, 141
Holyoake, Henry:
addresses diggers, 66
Eureka Hotel arrests, 92
leadership, 84, 85
monster meeting, absence from, 120
Hotham, Sir Charles:
administration, 36, 56–7, 81–3, 85–7, 99, 100, 114, 195, 198
arrival in Victoria, 35, 38, 39, 73
background, 36
and Ballarat Reform League, 77–8, 97, 107, 119–20, 134
and Ballarat Riot, 64–5, 74, 77, 79
character, 36, 79, 91–3, 198–9
death, 180, 198
Eureka Stockade attack, 166–7, 168, 174
fiscal problems, 41–3, 80–1, 82–3, 105–6, 198
foreigners, role in unrest, 86–7, 173, 177–8, 180
licence system, 41, 42, 82, 93–4, 126–7, 134–5
military force, 37, 68–9, 86, 93–4, 110, 115, 139, 145, 175–6, 180, 182, 185, 198
treason trials, 180, 182, 185, 191
Howitt, William, 12
Humffray, John Basson:
arrival at Ballarat, 29
Ballarat Reform League, president, 94
Ballarat Riot, 63, 82, 84, 91
Carboni’s opinion, 29
Chartism, 29
delegation to Hotham, 106–8
later career, 197, 199
leadership, 78, 85, 121, 130, 146, 151–2, 187
licence hunts, 127
moral force advocate, 29, 120, 121, 146
Independent California Rangers, 148, 150
Eureka Stockade defence, 159, 176
Ireland, Richard Davies:
Eureka Hotel burning case, 102
treason trials, 183, 186, 189
anti–British sentiment, 128
at Ballarat, 120, 147
at Bendigo disturbance, 25
cohesiveness, 26–7, 54–7
at Eureka, 26
at Eureka Stockade, 170, 172, 177, 200
leaders of diggers, 130
‘Tipperary Mob’, 68, 88, 118, 126
Irwin, Samuel, 51, 78, 143
Johnston, Assistant Commissioner, 50, 126, 154
conduct towards Fr Smyth, 55–7
Joseph, John, 129
arrest, 171
Eureka Stockade role, 160
imprisonment, 176, 178, 180
trial, 183–4
Julien, Robert, 141
Kay, Captain J. H., 79, 81
Kelly, Ned, 200
legend, 203
Kelly, William, 94
Kennedy, John, 81
Kennedy, Thomas:
background, 59
at Ballarat Reform League, secretary of, 94
at Creswick, 143
delegation to Hotham, 106, 108, 110
at digger meetings, 85, 92, 121
Eureka Stockade, absence from, 158
leadership, 85, 93, 130
not arrested, 171
Kenworthy, Dr, 116, 148, 177
King, Constable John, 160, 202
Labor Party, 202
Lalor, James Fintan, 28
Lalor, Patrick, 28
Lalor, Peter:
atrocities at Eureka Stockade, 161
background, 28–9
Ballarat Reform League, 122
Commission on Gold Fields, 193–5, 197
committee of prosecution of Bentley, 60, 64
defence of Eureka Stockade, 142, 157–62
injured, 162
leadership, 85, 129–33, 146–50, 152, 158–9, 196–7
Legislative Council career, 196–7, 198
marriage, 170
Southern Cross oath, 131
Crown lands, 4, 10
Land Fund, 106
Land Laws, Crown control, 82
Selection Acts, 100
Lane, Henry Bowyer, 92
Lang, John Drummond:
Eureka Stockade, causes, 172
Langley, Sub–Inspector Thomas, 186
La Trobe, Sir Charles J.:
background, 6–7
departmental corruption, 80–1
departure, 33, 34, 35, 36
fiscal problems, 105
gold, attitude to, 9–10, 20, 22
goldfields policing, 25–6, 33–4, 82
Legislative Council authority, 7
licence system, 9–10, 13–14, 21
liquor laws, 15
miners’ franchise, 34
unpopularity, 25
law enforcement on diggings, 11–15, 26, 29, 32, 36–7, 40, 44, 51–7, 61, 63, 65, 73, 86, 104, 111–15, 117, 125, 131–2, 139, 145
see also Eureka Stockade
Lawson, Henry, 202
Lazarus, Samuel, 163
Learmonth, 1, 2, 3
Legislative Council, Victoria, 7, 19, 20, 27, 30, 99, 144, 168, 174
miners’ representation, 194, 196
licence burning, 123, 143, 148
licence fee, 20, 41, 119, 161
abolition, 195
Ballarat Riot Board of Enquiry finding, 78
Commission on Goldfields finding, 193–4
early agitation against, 10, 11, 14, 15, 30, 32, 36, 39
enforcement with arms, 36
fiscal problems, solution, 35–6, 37–8
Legislative Council attitude, 174
licence hunts, 31–2, 52, 85–6, 126–8, 140, 144, 147
Lindsay, Jack, 202
Macarthur, D. C., 105
McCrea, William, 74, 78
McGill, James:
absence from Eureka Stockade, 158
leadership, 130, 148–50, 169
monument meeting, 199
not arrested, 171, 177
strategy for defence, 148–50
McInerney, Michael, 141
McIntyre, Andrew:
Ballarat Reform League demands release, 107
diggers meet in support, 84
Eureka Hotel burning, 65
trial, 86, 91, 92, 102–4
MacMahon, Captain, 67–8
Macquarie, Lachlan, 105
Mair, Captain William, 13
Mann, Leonard, 202
Manning, John:
imprisonment, 171
leadership, 130, 152, 171
trial and acquittal, 183, 184, 192
martial law, 168, 172, 185
Martin, Peter, 46, 47
Marx, Karl, 97–8
Meikle, Hugh, 59
Melbourne, 3, 8, 9, 43, 82, 116
unemployment, 41, 80
Melbourne Morning Herald, 162, 173, 190
Merivale, Herman, 188
40th Regiment, 26, 61, 69, 110, 145, 158
hardships suffered, 91–2
12th Regiment, 67, 110, 115, 116, 145
Miller, Monty, 148
Milne, Sergeant Major:
Ballarat Riot Board of Enquiry, 76, 78, 79
career terminated, 79
diggers’ opinion, 52
Miners Association, 73
Miners’ Right, 194, 196
mining methods, changes, 23
Mooney, Thomas, 48
Mount Alexander, 16, 30
Mount Buninyong, 2, 22
Murphy, Dr Francis, 11, 12
nationalities, 27, 37, 40, 82, 85
at Eureka Stockade, 169, 171–2, 173, 177–8, 190
New South Wales:
goldfields regulations, 5–6
rivalry with Victoria, 5, 8
self–government, 5
Nicholls, Henry, 149, 199
Nickle, Major–General, Sir Robert, 110, 139, 145, 154, 172, 173
O’Brien, John, 186
Ophir goldfield, 7
O’Shannassy, John, 51, 185, 195
Ovens goldfield, 26
digger agitation, 73, 74
Owens, Dr, 73
Palmer, Sir John, 15
Parkes, Sir Henry, 185
Pasley, Captain Charles, 117, 124, 125–6, 132, 139, 151
attack on Eureka Stockade, 154, 156, 164–5
Pergo, the Spaniard, 171
Peters, Andrew, 176, 184, 186, 189
Peters, William, 30–1
police, Victoria:
attack on Eureka Stockade, 156–62
cost to maintain, 7
numbers, 25–6
Port Phillip, 3, 4, 6
separation, 5–7
Port Phillip Bay, 2
Port Phillip Patriot, 6
Powell, Henry, 162
Prahran Reform League, 183
Price, Inspector John, 181
Quinlan, Will, 141
Readford, Joseph, 81
Rede, Commissioner Robert:
and American involvement in unrest, 115–16
background, 48
Ballarat goldfield report, 48–9
Ballarat Riot, 59, 61–71
and Catholic petition, 56
Eureka Stockade, 139–40, 143–5, 151–3, 154–5, 168
fears democratic revolution, 135–6, 201
judicial enquiry into Scobie’s death, 50
later career, 199–200
and licence system, 52, 93, 124–5, 134, 138–9, 152
military force, 66–7, 69–70, 92, 112, 113, 124, 132–5, 139, 150–3
and monster meeting, 111–13, 116–19
Regan, John, 8, 16
republicanism, 30–1, 32, 73, 118, 129, 146, 191, 193, 203
Richardson, Henry Handel, 202
Richmond, Dr Webb, 73
Riot Act, 59, 61, 68, 118, 121, 126, 141, 144, 156
Robertson, John, 141
‘Romeo’, the Italian, 171
Roney, Michael, 160
Ross, Captain:
and Ballarat Reform League, 78
death at Eureka Stockade, 159–60
leads a division of diggers, 129–31
and Southern Cross flag, 129, 131
Russell, Lord John, and treason trials, 191–2
Sacramento, H.M.H., 51
Sampson, Robert, 102
Sanderson, Rev. J., 15
Scobie, James, 45
death, 46–8, 64, 101, 110, 166, 199
inquest, 48, 77
judicial enquiry, 50, 60, 77, 101
reward for killer of, 64
see also Ballarat Riot
Scott, Mrs Andrew, 1
Scottish at Ballarat, 46, 47–8, 86
Seekamp, Henry:
arrest urged, 118–19
background, 75–6
and Ballarat Reform League’s significance, 97
Ballarat Times editor, 60
Eureka Stockade second anniversary, 199
evidence at Ballarat Riot Board of Enquiry, 75–6
imprisonment, 170, 182
Select Committee on the Management of the Gold Fields, 30
Shannahan, Teddy, 15
shepherds, 3
sly grog, 15, 26, 52, 76, 88
Smyth, Fr Patrick:
Catholic petition, 56
community opinion, 54–5
death, 200
delegation to Rede, 132–5
Eureka Stockade, 138–40, 147, 163
licence incident with Constable Lord, 54–6, 119, 120
peacemaking attempts, 138–40, 147, 151, 200
shelters Lalor, 169
treason trials, 187
Southern Cross, 129, 131, 141, 144, 157, 160, 166, 175, 199, 203
oath to, 131
symbolism, 122, 201–2
Specimen Hill, 158, 162
attitude to diggers, 25, 37
events at Ballarat, 99–100, 175
land regulations, 4, 81, 99–100
role in Legislative Council, 7, 37, 81, 99–100
settlement, Ballarat district, 1–4
Star Hotel, 85, 146
Stawell, William Foster:
Ballarat Riot, 102, 103, 104
opinion of diggers, 190, 191
treason trials, 183, 185, 186, 190–1
Stewart, Dr, 169
Stewart, Major–General, 5
Strusinski, Adam, 83
Sturt, Police Magistrate Evelyn, 13, 74, 78, 176
Sydney Morning Herald, 185, 190, 199
Tarleton, James Monroe:
American involvement in Eureka Stockade, 115–16
arrival in Victoria, 34
loyalty of Americans, 86–7, 115, 118
Taylor, Sub–Inspector, 133, 156
Thomas, Captain:
attack on Eureka Stockade, 154, 156, 157, 163, 164, 188
commands Camp defences, 121, 124
duty to law and order, 111, 136, 164, 168
Thompson, James Russell, 60
Thonen, Edward:
death, 141, 160
leadership, 129, 152
role in Eureka Stockade, 144, 160
‘Three finger Jack’, 126
Toy, Ferdinand and Thomas, 171
trade unionism, 202
treason, 179
treason trials, 183–92, 195
juries, 182–4, 188–92
release of state prisoners, 193
Tuohey, Michael, 171, 190
Urquhart, W. A., 16–17
Vannick,Jan, 190
Vern, Frederick:
Ballarat Reform League, 78, 94
evidence to Ballarat Riot Board of Enquiry, 77
Gold Commission corruption, 53
leadership, 51
licence burning, 122
reward, 170
rivalry with Lalor, 130, 143, 147
role in Eureka Stockade, 51, 149, 158, 170
Victorian Reform League, 197
Vinegar Hill, Ireland, 128, 149
Vinegar Hill, Parramatta, 149
Wall, Joseph, 160
Webb, William, 160
Webster, George, 189
Webster, Magistrate, 156
Welsh, Michael, 48
Westerby, Henry (Yorkey):
arrest, 70, 86
Ballarat Reform League demands
release, 107
Eureka Hotel burning, 61
trial, 91, 102–4
Westgarth, William, 19, 180, 193
Willis, Alexander, 51
Wise, Captain Henry Christopher:
arrival at Ballarat, 117
attack on Eureka Stockade, 158–60
death, 173, 184, 189
Withers, W. B., History of Ballarat,22, 168, 198
Wright, Chief Commissioner, 112, 114, 144
Ximines, Sub–Inspector, 63–4
Yarrowee Creek, 2, 9, 17, 52, 133, 155, 156, 203
Young, Ellen, 104
Young, George, 115, 149
Yuille, William, 1, 2, 3, 8, 16