“You look pale Michelle, is everything okay?” Kana swept in from behind Daniel and sat next to Michelle. She looked at Kana and then at Daniel. She knew what Kana was trying to do, but she wouldn’t let him.
“I’m fine, Kana. Now, have you met my very good friend Daniel?” She waved her hand toward Daniel on her other side.
Kana didn’t bother to get up. “Nice to meet you. And how do you know Michelle?” he asked like some overprotective big brother.
Daniel didn’t fall for his trick. “We met at the airport,” was all he said. He knew better than to be drawn in by the likes of Kana. It wasn’t the first time Daniel had to deal with jealousy. He had seen it many times on movie sets.
“And what exactly are you doing here?” Kana went on, curious to find out more about his competition.
“Kana,” Michelle snapped. “That’s none of your business. You might think you are part of this family, but you are not. It is none of your business what I do and who I do it with.” Michelle realized how that sounded as soon as the words left her mouth.
She turned to Kana. “I’m sorry Kana. I’m just tired. Please forgive me.”
Kana recoiled and stood up. “No, my apologies. I hope you two have a lovely evening.” Kana turned to George and the ladies. “Mr. Clemens, ladies,” he said, bidding them farewell with a quick wave.
Michelle sat in silence, feeling like she had screwed everything up again. Daniel sat down next to her, unsure what to do. He wanted to give her space, but he didn’t know anyone there and was afraid he might get separated from them and miss his ride home. He looked at Michelle and leaning over to her, figured he’d better take that chance. “Listen, I don’t want to cause any trouble. I’m just gonna find my way back to the house and then get a hotel.”
Michelle looked up at him and sighed. “No, don’t do that. Please, it’s not you. It’s just ... well, it’s complicated.” She reached over and put her hand on his arm, drawing him back to the table.
George keenly watched the events unfolding and made his move. He pounded both fists on the table and shouted to Michelle and Daniel. “Listen kids! You’re too old to be at the old folks table. We don’t have the energy of you young folks dear. Go on, now, go and enjoy yourselves. We’ll be here when you get back.”
George shooed them off, and even though Michelle was confused and tired, she grabbed Daniel’s hand and escorted him away from the parade route and to another part of the venue. Craft and art booths lined the side streets and food vendors dished up Hawaiian delicacies on every corner. After viewing several art exhibits and sampling a variety of delicious foods, they found a spot in front of a small stage. Musicians banged on steel drums and congas while three grass skirt clad women moved in rhythm to the beat. A large man with a long black ponytail stood in the middle of the stage with a tall, thin microphone stand in front of him and a tiny ukulele in his giant hands. The music was soft and soothing. Michelle felt much better away from the loud music and the crowds. Her nausea had passed and even the anxiety she felt had subsided for now.
“So, what do you think?” Michelle asked Daniel as he watched the stage.
“I think they’re great!” he said.
“No, what do you think about the whole festival?” she giggled, shaking her head.
“Oh,” Daniel laughed. “I think it’s amazing. Probably one of the most colorful, exciting and entertaining festivals I’ve ever been to. And the history behind it all is quite interesting.”
Michelle nodded. Daniel watched the lights of the stage reflect off her bronze skin. He couldn’t take his eyes from her. She was so calm, so relaxed, so different than the first time he had met her. Even with all she was dealing with, she seemed so at peace being home in Haleiwa.
“What?” she surprised him by asking suddenly
Daniel wondered if she had caught him staring. He stammered, “Nothing, no, it’s just that you look so calm, so peaceful.”
Michelle blushed and put her head down slowly, not wanting to get closer to Daniel but wanting so much to be open and honest with him. She was so worried that her feelings would get the best of her, and then he too would leave and she would be left with another gaping hole in her heart.
“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” Daniel got worried he might have pushed her away.
“No,” Michelle said, lifting her head to face him. Her eyes twinkled brighter than the stars. “No,” she repeated, reaching out to touch his hand in reassurance. “It’s just that I am peaceful, I am calm.” Michelle exhaled long and slow and turned her face toward the stage searching for the right words. “It’s just that I haven’t felt like this in so long. I haven’t felt ... happy until now.”
Michelle laughed at the irony of it all in spite of herself. Just eight years earlier, she had fled Haleiwa, her family, and Hawaii to find happiness. Her restless heart had attached itself to a man and a dream. And for all of that time she had been searching, searching for the right man, the right job, the right home, only to end up back here with everything she ever wanted right in front of her. But, she thought acridly, everything she wanted was what she couldn’t have.
“Well,” Daniel said, glad he hadn’t offended her. “It shows. And I can see why. This place is truly amazing. The island, Haleiwa, Trinity Ranch, all of it. I’m so glad I decided to stay another day.” Daniel thought about leaving in the morning, and his heart ached. The last thing he wanted was for this moment to end. And then he remembered. “But there’s one thing I haven’t seen yet.”
“What?” asked Michelle, curious at his lead.
“That waterfall you and your grandfather were talking about.”
Michelle’s eyes lit up. She had forgotten their discussion earlier in the morning. “Oh, yes, the Waimea Valley waterfall. Well,” she said, leaning in close to Daniel as she put a finger up to her mouth. “Shhh, it’s our little secret.”
“Oh, that’s too bad.” Daniel knew he was flirting but couldn’t help himself. He wanted to spend more time with Michelle and to take advantage of every second he had with her. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to imagine it.” He turned his attention back to the concert stage.
“Well, if you stayed another day I could show it to you.” Michelle surprised herself by offering the invitation. She knew she was on shaky ground with her heart but felt compelled to follow her feelings for Daniel. “I mean, if you want to see it that badly, it’ll be worth your while.”
“Okay,” Daniel said, almost too quickly. He had hoped for the invitation but didn’t want to push things with Michelle. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he knew for sure that he felt so close to Michelle and wanted any excuse to spend more time with her. “I’d like that.” Daniel smiled and Michelle blushed. They scooted just a little closer and turned back to enjoy the music as the tropical night air surrounded them.
Michelle said goodnight to Kahili and Mave and kissed George on the cheek. She waved shyly to Daniel and then headed upstairs to get ready for bed. She heard Elizabeth walk down the hallway and enter her room. Michelle spun around with a glow that only a pregnant woman in love could have.
“You looked beautiful on that float tonight, Mother,” Michelle said to Elizabeth, adding, “And Father looked very handsome.”
“Thank you, dear,” said Elizabeth, walking over to Michelle. “You look radiant too. Did you and Daniel have a good time?” Elizabeth already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from Michelle.
“Oh yes, we had a great time,” said Michelle. She sat down on the bed next to her mother. “Mother, what do you think of Daniel?”
Elizabeth looked out the window and paused a moment. “I think he’s a very nice Christian man.”
Michelle played with the hem of her nightshirt. “I’m kind of ashamed to admit it, but I’m feeling very strongly attracted to Daniel. I know I can’t do anything about it because he’s engaged, which is almost like being married. I feel so confused.”
Elizabeth scooted closer to Michelle, putting her arm around her daughter. “Michelle,” Elizabeth said softly, looking out into the clear Hawaiian night sky. “Until a couple recites their wedding vows, anything can happen. Just trust God with finding the love of your life for you. Until then, act honorably with Daniel as a Godly woman would do and don’t cause problems between him and Kimberly.”
Michelle didn’t want to hear that but knew her mother was right. “I know, but it is so hard for my heart not to be attracted to him.”
Elizabeth stroked Michelle’s hair softly. “I know it can be hard for someone to keep their emotions inside, especially when they feel true love.”
Michelle exhaled, feeling the sting of the tears at the corner of her eyes. She didn’t know if it was the feelings for Daniel, the pregnancy hormones or both. “Nothing will probably happen between us anyway. Besides, because Daniel doesn’t have a good ancestry, Father would probably never approve.”
“Never approve of what?” Larry’s voice jolted the women and they both turned around. Larry had been walking down the hall when he heard his name being mentioned.
Neither women spoke, but just looked at each other and then back at Larry. “I saw you dancing with that Daniel man. I know you were having a good time with him at the festival. And it seems like you were more than just friends.”
Michelle cringed under the weight of Larry’s words, but Elizabeth held her firm. Larry continued, “Daniel doesn’t have a noble future—a stuntman ... huh! And, he has no family to speak of.”
“Father,” Michelle had had enough. “The decision isn’t up to you, and why are you always so concerned about family image? What should matter most is that I find the right person God has planned for me, someone I can love with all my heart!”
“I won’t approve of Daniel. I’m just telling you that now!” Larry barked insistently. “If anything serious develops between you and Daniel, I will not approve! You,” he said, pointing a hard finger at his daughter, “are just being the same, stubborn, rebellious daughter you were eight years ago!”
Michelle breathed in slowly and tried her best to control her racing emotions. When she finally spoke, her words were slow and measured. “Father, I love you and respect you. But I will not let you control my life now that I’m an adult.”
Elizabeth got up and walked over to Larry. She placed her hand on his back and turned him gently toward the door, trying to calm him and Michelle. “Larry, leave us alone now, Michelle is already stressed out enough.”
Larry spun around and faced Elizabeth, angrier than before. “Why do you always side with her and protect her?!”
Elizabeth looked sternly at Larry and in seconds, Larry turned back around and stormed out of the room. Michelle wept softly on the bed with her head in her hands. Elizabeth went and comforted her. “You see, Mother? You see? How will I ever tell him I’m pregnant?”