DOCTOR Well, how’s our scratch?
JEAN Scratch indeed! Funny, aren’t you. It still hurts.
DOCTOR Compared with Jacques and Surget, you’ve no cause for complaint.
JEAN Always the optimist.
DOCTOR And if, like our poor friend Hubert …
JEAN Hubert! He bores us to death with his Icarus. The idea! – suspecting us! Hiring a detective to follow us! Challenging us to a duel! In which we get wounded, what’s more. There’s no justice!
DOCTOR None of this is so very terrible when you compare it with losing a character. Just think – what if that had happened to you?
JEAN There are as good characters in the pool as ever came out of it! In any case, I have a file full of characters, hundreds of them, on the strength of which I can go on producing works based entirely on adultery and on ultra modern fin-de-siècle sentiments which may well soon be out of date, but which at the moment are extremely lucrative.
DOCTOR What are you complaining about, then?
JEAN My physical scratch.