This book is dedicated to five men and their families:

U.S. Army veteran John Hamen, who was imprisoned and executed by Houthi rebels after a courageous attempt at escape. He did not go down without a fight.

U.N. contractor Mark McAlister, who survived six months of captivity by the Houthis and refused to disavow his Christian faith.

SEAL team member Jeremy Wise, a member of the church I help pastor. Jeremy gave his life serving his country at the Camp Chapman CIA base in Afghanistan. He left med school to become a SEAL.

Green Beret Dane Paresi, who served twenty-seven years in the Army and earned the Bronze Star and various other medals. Like Jeremy, he died a hero at Camp Chapman.

And SEAL Team 6 member Ryan Owens, another warrior who did not flinch in the face of death. In Yemen, he laid down his life for his friends.

The story of our freedom is written by men like them.