Abbreviations Used in the Notes
CCR Calendar of Close Rolls
CPR Calendar of Patent Rolls
CSP Milan Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts in the Archives and Collections of Milan 1385–1618
CSP Spain Calendar of State Papers, Spain
CSP Venice Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
EHD English Historical Documents
EHR English Historical Review
L&P Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII (online edition)
POPC Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council
PROME Parliament Rolls of Medieval England (online edition)
1. The French ambassador to England, Charles de Marillac, thought Margaret “above eighty years old”; Eustace Chapuys, the Imperial ambassador, reckoned her “nearly ninety.” L&P XVI 868; CSP Spain, 1538–42, 166.
2. For this and below see H. Pierce, The Life, Career and Political Significance of Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury 1473–1541 (Bangor: University of Wales, 1996), chapter 8 passim.
3. CSP Spain, 1538–42, 166.
4. Desmond Seward, The Last White Rose: Dynasty, Rebellion and Treason—The Secret Wars against the Tudors (London: Constable, 2010), 291.
5. CSP Venice, V (1534–54), 104–6.
6. Ibid., 108.
7. Maria Callcott, Little Arthur’s History of England (London: John Murray, 1835), 112. For further historical uses and development of the phrase, see OED “Rose,” 6a. Eng. Hist.
8. Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron, Wayne A. Rebhorn, trans. and ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 2013), 351 n. 3.
9. See for example, BL Arundel 66 f. 1v; BL Egerton 1147 f. 71; BL Royal 16 f. 173v.
10. Notably the D’Arcy family. See Henry Gough and James Parker, A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry (London: James Parker and Co., 1894), 500–501.
11. Rossell H. Robbins, ed., Historical Poems of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries (New York: Columbia University Press, 1959), 215–18.
12. Benjamin Williams, Chronique de la traison et mort de Richart Deux roy Dengleterre (London, 1846), 151; see p. 362, note 24 to chapter 18.
13. Henry Riley, ed., Ingulph’s Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland with the Continuations of Peter of Blois and Anonymous Writers (London: George Bell and Sons, 1908) (hereafter Croyland Continuations), 506.
14. A good example is BL 16 F II, especially f. 137: this book, commissioned under Edward IV, was unfinished on the king’s death and completed under Henry VII, whose artists liberally plastered it with red roses and other Lancastrian-Tudor insignia.
Chapter 1. “King of all the world”
1. Thomas Johnes, ed., The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet (London: H.G. Bohn, 1844), I, 439.
2. Thomas Rymer, Foedera, conventiones, literae, et cujuscunque generis acta publica, inter reges Angliae, et alios quosuis imperatores, reges, . . . ab anno 1101, ad nostra usque tempora, habita aut tractata; . . . In lucem missa de mandato nuperae Reginae (London, 1735), IX, 907.
3. Charles’s murdered friend was the constable of France, Olivier de Clisson.
4. For a comprehensive discussion of Charles’s illness, see Rachel C. Gibbons, The Active Queenship of Isabeau of Bavaria, 1392–1417: Voluptuary, Virago or Villainess? (Reading, UK: University of Reading, 1997), 27–40.
5. Henrici Quinti Angliae Regis Gratia quoted in EHD IV, 211–18.
6. Ibid.
7. For a succinct account of Henry’s conquests following Agincourt, see Juliet Barker, Conquest: The English Kingdom of France, 1417–1450 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012), 1–45.
8. In return for this Queen Isabeau in particular has never been popularly rehabilitated in French history. She is regularly slandered as the greatest whore and traitor of her age, whose numerous sexual misdeeds included an affair with Duke Philip and the bastard birth of the dauphin. For a sensitive rehabilitation see Tracy Adams, The Life and Afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), Gibbons, Active Queenship, and “Isabeau of Bavaria” in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6 (1996).
9. Speed quoted in Agnes Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest: With Anecdotes of Their Courts 12 vols. (London, 1840–48), III, 97.
10. Ibid., III, 98.
11. Janet Shirley (trans. and ed.), A Parisian Journal, 1405–1449 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968), 151.
12. Rymer, Foedera, IX, 920.
13. John Watts, Henry VI and the Politics of Kingship (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 113.
14. Ibid., 439.
15. Gower quoted in Gerald L. Harriss, Shaping the Nation: England, 1360–1461 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 588.
16. Ibid., 588–94.
17. The “Agincourt Carol” is printed in EHD IV, 214–15.
18. Quoted in Strickland, Queens of England, III, 101.
19. David Preest, trans., and James G. Clark, intro., The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham (1376–1422) (Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press, 2005), 438.
20. Charles L. Kingsford, Chronicles of London (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905), 162–65.
21. Strecche in EHD IV, 229.
22. Shirley, Parisian Journal, 356 n. 1.
23. Bertram Wolffe, Henry VI, 2nd ed. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001), 28.
24. For a discussion of all the royal minorities of medieval England, see Charles Beem, ed., The Royal Minorities of Medieval and Early Modern England (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), passim.
25. Ecclesiastes 10:16.
Chapter 2. “We were in perfect health”
1. Ralph A. Griffiths, The Reign of King Henry VI (London: A & C Black Publishers, 1981), 51–57; Wolffe, Henry VI, 29–38.
2. For more on the history of the residence, see Roy Brook, The Story of Eltham Palace (London: Harrap, 1960), passim.
3. Howard M. Colvin, History of the King’s Works (London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1963), II, 934–35.
4. For the best explanation of the conceptual framework and reality of government in the early fifteenth century, see Watts, Henry VI, 13–101.
5. The regency of France was in fact first bequeathed by Henry’s will to Philip the Good of Burgundy with a stipulation that if he declined the task then rule should fall to Bedford; on Charles VI’s death this is precisely what happened.
6. Kingsford, Chronicles of London, 279–80.
7. Ibid., 281.
8. CCR Henry VI 1422–29, 46.
9. Ibid., 54.
10. POPC III, 233.
11. Ibid., 86–87.
12. PROME 1428.
13. James Gairdner, ed., The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century (“Gregory’s Chronicle”) (1876), 159. For a detailed summary of the Gloucester–Beaufort dispute, see Griffiths, Henry VI, 73–81; Gerald L. Harriss, Cardinal Beaufort: A Study of Lancastrian Ascendancy and Decline (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988), 134–49; and Lucy Rhymer, “Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and the City of London,” in Linda Clark, ed., The Fifteenth Century VIII: Rule, Redemption and Representations in Late Medieval England and France (Woodbridge: UK: Boydell Press, 2008), 47–58.
14. Ibid.
15. Pedro, duke of Coimbra was the second son of Philippa of Lancaster and her husband, John I. His maternal grandfather was John of Gaunt and he was, therefore, a first cousin once removed of Henry VI. He was famous for his extensive travels around Europe, and would return to England later in the 1420s for Henry VI’s coronation.
16. Kingsford, Chronicles of London, 84.
Chapter 3. “Born to be king”
1. The best analysis of the battle of Verneuil is Michael K. Jones, “The Battle of Verneuil (17 August 1424): Towards a History of Courage,” War in History 9 (2002), which this account follows.
2. Shirley, Parisian Journal, 198; Jones, “Battle of Verneuil,” 398.
3. “Book of Noblesse,” quoted in Jones, “Battle of Verneuil,” 407.
4. Shirley, Parisian Journal, 200.
5. BL Add. MS 18850 f. 256v.
6. Jean de Wavrin, quoted in Jenny Stratford, The Bedford Inventories: The Worldly Goods of John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France (1389–1435) (London: Society of Antiquaries of London, 1993), 108 n. 15.
7. Barker, Conquest, 74. The French text of Bedford’s 1423 ordinances may be found transcribed as an appendix to B. J. H. Rowe, “Discipline in the Norman Garrisons under Bedford, 1422–35,” EHR 46 (1931) 200–206.
8. Barker, Conquest, 67–69.
9. B. J. H. Rowe, “King Henry VI’s Claim to France in Picture and Poem,” The Library s4, 13 (1932), 82.
10. BL MS Royal 15 E VI, reprinted in part in Scot McKendrick, John Lowden, and Kathleen Doyle, Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination (London: British Library, 2011), 379 and available in full online at
11. Although Bedford did not realize it, this propaganda strategy would be the model—or at least the archetype—for rival kings on both sides of the Channel for the century that followed. See below pp. 336–37.
12. Rowe, “King Henry VI’s Claim,” 78.
13. Friedrich W. D. Brie, The Brut: Or, The Chronicles of England (London, 1908), II, 454. For the siege of Orléans and the role of Joan of Arc in its relief see Barker, Conquest, 95–124.
14. For the latest biography of Joan, see Helen Castor’s Joan of Arc (London: Faber & Faber, 2014), which the account here follows in several places.
15. POPC III, 340.
16. See note 15 to chapter 2. For details here included of the ceremony see Brut, II, 454; Gregory’s Chronicle 161–77; the traditional order of service for English coronations in the fifteenth century, known as the Forma et Modus, is printed and translated in Leopold G. Wickham Legg, ed., English Coronation Records (London: A. Constable & Co., 1901), 172–90.
17. Gregory’s Chronicle.
18. Brut, II, 460.
19. Shirley, Parisian Journal, 271.
20. Ibid., 272. Parisian snobbery about the culinary efforts of other races seems to be a timeless trait.
21. Henry N. MacCracken, Minor Poems of John Lydgate (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961–62), II, 630–31; John G. Nichols, Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London (London: Camden Society, v53, 1852), 16.
Chapter 4. “Oweyn Tidr”
1. Francis Palgrave, The Antient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of His Majesty’s Exchequer (London, 1836), II, 172–75.
2. POPC V, 46–47.
3. For the lives of Owen Tudor’s ancestors see Ralph. A. Griffiths and Roger S. Thomas, The Making of the Tudor Dynasty (Gloucester, UK: The History Press, 1985), 5–24, and R. L. Thomas, “The Political Career, Estates and ‘Connection’ of Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke and Duke of Bedford (d. 1495)” (PhD thesis, University of Wales, Swansea, 1971), chapter 1, 1–29.
4. Letter of Catherine de Valois quoted in DNB, “Catherine de Valois.”
5. John A. Giles, ed., Incerti scriptoris chronicon Angliae de regnis trium regum Lancastriensium Henrici IV, Henrici V et Henrici VI (London 1848), 17.
6. Catherine’s own family history told her this: her eldest sister Isabella had been the child bride of another king of England, Richard II, and following Richard’s deposition and death she had returned to France to marry Charles, duke of Orléans.
7. PROME February 1426, item 34.
8. Sir John Wynn of Gwydir quoted in Thomas, Jasper Tudor, 13.
9. PROME September 1402, items 88–102.
10. Harriss, Cardinal Beaufort, 178–79 fn. 34 has speculated that Edmund Tudor may indeed have been the son of Catherine and Edmund Beaufort, in which case the later house of Tudor would have had Beaufort roots on both sides. It seems more probable to me that if Edmund Beaufort had any relationship to Edmund Tudor then it was that of godfather, rather than biological father.
11. See Thomas, Jasper Tudor, 19–20.
12. National Archives, SC 8/124/6186.
13. Excavations in the cemetery on the site at Bermondsey Abbey found a high incidence of bodily trauma, particularly of healed fractures among those buried there. Report by the Centre for Human Bioarchaeology,
14. Brut, II, 470–1.
15. The account of Owen Tudor’s arrest as given to the privy council, quoted here, is in POPC V, 46–50.
16. Ibid., 49–50. The article accompanying the council minutes detailing Owen’s arrest appears to be preparatory notes for a speech to the king himself, explaining what Owen had done and rehearsing all the reasons why Henry ought to be outraged by his stepfather’s “malicious purpos and ymaginacion.”
17. See Margery Bassett, “Newgate Prison in the Middle Ages,” Speculum 18 (1943), passim.
18. Robin Ddu quoted and translated in Howell Evans, Wales and the Wars of the Roses (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1915), 70 n. 3.
19. Priests were necessary to celebrate mass—then as now a rite which women were forbidden to perform. The most complete guide to medieval life at Barking Abbey can be found in Teresa Barnes, “A Nun’s Life: Barking Abbey in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Periods” (MA thesis, Portland State University, 2004).
20. Rymer, Foedera, X, 828.
21. Thomas, Jasper Tudor, 26; Rymer, Foedera, X, 828.
Part II: What Is a King?
1. Brut, II, 516.
Chapter 5. “My Lord of Suffolk’s good lordship”
1. For the idea that England’s medieval population had begun to conceive of the historical coherence of the Hundred Years War by the early fifteenth century, see W. Mark Ormrod, “The Domestic Response to the Hundred Years War” in Anne Curry and Michael Hughes, eds., Arms, Armies and Fortifications in the Hundred Years War (Woodbridge, UK: Boydell & Brewer, 1994), 83–85.
2. Craig D. Taylor, “Henry V, Flower of Chivalry” in Gwilym Dodd, ed., Henry V: New Interpretations (Woodbridge, UK: York Medieval Press, 2013), 218. The Nine Worthies were Hector; Alexander the Great; Julius Caesar; Joshua; David; Judas Maccabeus; King Arthur; Charlemagne and Godfrey of Bouillon, hero of the First Crusade.
3. Vita Henrici Quinti, translated in John Matusiak, Henry V (London: Routledge, 2013), 3–4.
4. For dating and provenance of the famous “Windsor” portrait of Henry VI, see notes at
5. See Griffiths, Henry VI, 241.
6. POPC IV, 134.
7. M. R. James, ed., Henry VI: A Reprint of John Blacman’s Memoir, with Translation and Notes (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1919) (hereafter “Blacman”).
8. Ibid., 36–38.
9. Harriss, Cardinal Beaufort, 251.
10. Now cataloged in Stratford, The Bedford Inventories.
11. Brut, II, 573.
12. Wolffe, Henry VI, 87–92; Watts, Henry VI, 128–34.
13. POPC V, 88–89.
14. John de Wavrin, ed., and William Hardy, trans., A Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, Now Called England (London, 1864–87), III, 178.
15. Ibid.; Barker, Conquest, 121–22.
16. Helen Castor, The King, the Crown and the Duchy of Lancaster: Public Authority and Private Power, 1399–1461 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 82–93.
17. James Gairdner, ed., The Paston Letters, new ed., 6 vols., (London, 1904), IV, 75.
Chapter 6. “A dear marriage”
1. The fullest modern account of Margaret’s coronation procession is in G. Kipling, “The London Pageants for Margaret of Anjou,” Medieval English Theatre 4 (1982); a more widely available summary is in Helen Maurer, Margaret of Anjou: Queenship and Power in Late Medieval England (Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press, 2003), 17–22.
2. Gregory’s Chronicle, 154.
3. Brut, II 486.
4. See above, pp. 46–47.
5. Maurer, Margaret of Anjou, 41.
6. Ibid., 21.
7. MacCracken, Minor Poems of John Lydgate, II, 844–47.
8. Joel Rosenthal, “The Estates and Finances of Richard Duke of York (1411–1460),” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 2 (1965), 118.
9. For a full list of York’s manors, see Ibid., appendix I, 194–96.
10. Commission transcribed from the original document in Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, P. Johnson, Duke Richard of York, 1411–1460 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988), 226.
11. T. Pugh, “Richard Plantagenet (1411–60), Duke of York, as the King’s Lieutenant in France and Ireland” in John G. Rowe, ed., Aspects of Late Medieval Government and Society: Essays Presented to J. R. Lander (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986), 122.
12. Christine Carpenter, The Wars of the Roses: Politics and the Constitution in England c.1437–1509 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 98–103 offers a succinct articulation of arguments against York as an isolated and ambitious rival for the crown during the 1440s. See also Watts, Henry VI, 237–38, especially nn. 137–40. A more “dynastic” reading of the decade can be found in Ralph A. Griffiths, “The Sense of Dynasty in the Reign of Henry VI,” in Charles Ross, ed., Patronage, Pedigree and Power in Later Medieval England (Gloucester, UK: Sutton, 1979), passim but especially 23–25.
13. All this closely follows Griffiths, ibid., 20–21.
14. Blacman, 29–30. Obviously, Blacman had an interest in talking up the king’s piety and chastity; nevertheless, his portrayal of a squeamish king who would swoon at the sight of naked flesh is both internally consistent and at one with our broader understanding of Henry VI’s character.
15. Maurer, Margaret of Anjou, 41.
16. The jewel was a gift when Margaret was finally pregnant in 1453. Joseph Stevenson, ed., Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the Reign of Henry the Sixth (London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861–64), II ii, 208.
17. Margaret’s role in the cession of Maine is discussed in Maurer, Margaret of Anjou, 25–38; also see B. M. Cron, “The Duke of Suffolk, the Angevin Marriage, and the Ceding of Maine, 1445,” Journal of Medieval History 20 (1994), 77–99.
18. Brut, II, 511.
19. John Davies, ed., An English Chronicle of the Reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI (London: Camden Society v44, 1838), 116.
20. Ibid., 62.
21. Ibid.
22. Kingsford, Chronicles of London, 157.
Chapter 7. “Away, traitors, away!”
1. Cecil A. F. Meekings, “Thomas Kerver’s Case, 1444,” EHR 90 (1975), 330–46, from which the below follows.
2. Brut, II, 485.
3. Quoted in Griffiths, Henry VI, 256.
4. Indictment from King’s Bench reprinted in EHD IV, 264.
5. PROME February 1449, item 22.
6. “Between 1437 and 1450 throughout the shires of England the personal influence of the king in the field of justice, law and order was at best a negative one.” Wolffe, Henry VI, 116–17.
7. See M. H. Keen and M. J. Daniel, “English Diplomacy and the Sack of Fougères in 1449,” History 59, 375–91.
8. Griffiths, Henry VI, 521; Harriss, Shaping the Nation, 584; Barker, Conquest, 404.
9. A simple cash conversion of £372,000 at 1450 prices would give us a rough figure of £202,000,000 in 2005 prices. But this does not quite do justice to the monstrous scale of Henry VI’s indebtedness, which according to the parliamentary figures was nearly 3,400 percent of his annual income and spiraling every year, regardless of the costs of war with France.
10. We would now call this the “structural deficit.” PROME November 1449, item 53.
11. A crude modern conversion of Richard’s debts owed by the crown would be £10 million. Again, this does no justice to the scale of the financial obligation.
12. In 1345 Edward III owed Italian merchants and bankers alone the equivalent of £400,000—perhaps £262,000,000 in 2005 prices. Cf. Ephraim Russell, “The Societies of the Bardi and the Peruzzi and Their Dealings with Edward III” in George Unwin, ed., Finance and Trade under Edward III (Manchester, 1918), 93–135.
13. “A Warning to King Henry” in Thomas Wright, Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History (London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1859–61), II, 229–31.
14. PROME November 1449, item 15.
15. Watts, Henry VI, 244–45.
16. PROME November 1449, appendix 1.
17. Ibid., item 49.
18. Ibid., items 50–52.
19. Frammesley was executed after a trial before the Court of King’s Bench. Roger Virgoe, “The Death of William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 47 (1965), 491 n. 3.
20. Paston Letters II, 146–47; Brut, II, 516; Virgoe, “Death of William de la Pole,” 494, 501.
21. Montgomery Bohna, “Armed Force and Civic Legitimacy in Jack Cade’s Revolt, 1450,” EHR 118 (2003), 573–74. For the course of Cade’s rebellion and discussions of its causes, see also Griffiths, Henry VI, 610–65 and I. Harvey, Jack Cade’s Rebellion of 1450 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991).
22. Magdalen College, Oxford, Charter Misc. 306, reprinted in Robbins, ed., Historical Poems, 63 and with slight variation in Charles L. Kingsford, English Historical Literature in the Fifteenth Century (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913), 359.
23. Stow published this in his Annals: it is partly reproduced and summarized in S. B. Chrimes and A. L. Brown, Select Documents of English Constitutional History, 1307–1485 (London: Adam and Charles Black, 1961), 290–91.
24. Kingsford, Chronicles of London, 162.
Chapter 8. “Then bring in the duke of York”
1. Bill of the duke of York, reprinted in Ralph A. Griffiths, “Duke Richard of York’s Intentions in 1450 and the Origins of the Wars of the Roses,” Journal of Medieval History 1 (1975). “Worschip,” i.e. worship, may be loosely likened to the modern concept of “respect”—which was due to a man of great birth and status.
2. Griffiths believes, in ibid. and “Richard Duke of York and the Royal Household in Wales in 1449–50,” Welsh History Review 8 (1976–77), that York did in fact disembark at Beaumaris. Cf. Johnson, Duke Richard of York, 78: “it is doubtful whether York managed a landing.” York’s own bill to Henry VI states that his “proposid” arrival was “stoppid and forebarred.” This—and the fact that York included this complaint in his bill at all—implies strongly that the attempt to prevent his initial landing at Beaumaris was successful.
3. “John Piggot’s Memoranda” in Kingsford, English Historical Literature, 372.
4. HMC Eighth Report, 266–67, reprinted in modern English in EHD 4, 265–67.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid., 371.
7. Carpenter, Wars of the Roses, 102.
8. For an argument in favor of York’s dynastic motivation see Griffiths, “The Sense of Dynasty in the Reign of Henry VI.” But York’s dynastic arguments in the context of the 1460s were made out of desperation (see pp. 172–73), in circumstances far removed from those of September 1450.
9. York’s first petition to Henry VI, printed in Griffiths, “Duke Richard of York’s Intentions,” 300.
10. See Johnson, Duke Richard of York, 84–85.
11. Ibid., 301–4.
12. For a sympathetic view of Somerset’s conduct in France, see Michael K. Jones, “York, Somerset and the Wars of the Roses,” EHR 104 (1989).
13. PROME November 1450, item 1.
14. “Bale’s Chronicle” in Ralph Flenley, ed., Six Town Chronicles of England (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1911), 137.
15. Kingsford, Chronicles of London, 162.
16. York had attempted, without royal license, to settle the Courtenay–Bonville dispute himself earlier in September 1451. For a full account of the dispute see M. Cherry, “The Struggle for Power in Mid-Fifteenth-Century Devonshire,” Ralph. A. Griffiths, ed., Patronage, the Crown and the Provinces in Later Medieval England (New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1981).
17. “Colleges: St Martin le Grand” in William Page, ed., A History of the County of London (London, 1909), I, 555–66.
18. Alfred Kempe, Historical Notices of St Martin-le-Grand (London, 1825), 141.
19. Paston Letters, I, 97–98.
20. Ibid., 103–8.
21. Kingsford, Chronicles of London, 163. Several more chronicles carry similar versions of this story. For a persuasive argument against believing this popular vignette see Johnson, Duke Richard of York, 112.
22. Ibid., 101.
Chapter 9. “Smitten with a frenzy”
1. “Bale’s Chronicle” in Flenley, Six Town Chronicles, 140; Kingsford, Chronicles of London, 163. In modern terms Henry’s illness might be characterized as a severe, catatonic episode of either depression or schizophrenia, but medical diagnosis is impossible and essentially futile at such a distance. For a recent discussion of Henry’s illness with reference to modern diagnostics, see Nigel Bark, “Did Schizophrenia Change the Course of English History?” Medical Hypotheses 59 (2002), 416–21, although note that the author’s interpretation of the historical course of Henry’s reign prior to 1453 differs sharply from that presented here. For Henry’s illness in context of his times and his family history, see B. Clarke, Mental Disorder in Earlier Britain (Cardiff: University of Wales, 1975), passim but especially 176–206.
2. “Bale’s Chronicle,” 140.
3. The other godparents were Cardinal Archbishop Kemp of Canterbury and Anne, duchess of Buckingham.
4. POPC VI 163–64.
5. Council minutes transcribed in Ralph A. Griffiths, “The King’s Council and York’s First Protectorate,” EHR 94 (1984).
6. Newsletter of John Stodeley in Paston Letters, I, 295.
7. For a full discussion see Helen Castor, She-Wolves: The Women Who Ruled England before Elizabeth (London: Harper, 2010), 339–43.
8. PROME March 1453, item 32.
9. Watts, Henry VI, 310 n. 220.
10. Stodeley in Paston Letters, I, 299.
11. Paston Letters, III, 13.
12. PROME July 1455, item 18.
13. Watts gives the Leicester meeting the pleasing title of a “pseudo-parliament”: Watts, Henry VI, 314.
14. C. J. Armstrong, “Politics and the Battle of St. Albans 1455,” in Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 33 (1960), 13–14. This remains the authoritative account of the first battle of St. Albans, and much of the account here follows its arguments.
15. Letter to the townsmen of Coventry, quoted in ibid., 12.
16. Paston Letters, III, 25.
17. For Clifford’s conduct, ibid. and Margaret Kekewich et al., eds., The Politics of Fifteenth Century England—John Vale’s Book (Stroud, UK: Sutton Publishing 1996), 192.
18. Paston Letters, III, 27.
19. Blacman, 40.
20. “MS Gough London” in Flenley, Six Town Chronicles, 158.
21. “Bale’s Chronicle” in ibid., 142.
22. Gregory’s Chronicle, 198.
23. CSP Milan, I, 16–17.
Part III: The Hollow Crown
1. CSP Milan I, 1471 item 227.
Chapter 10. “Princess most excellent”
1. Victoria County History, “Warwickshire,” VIII, 418–27.
2. Pius II quoted in Patricia-Ann Lee, “Reflections of Power: Margaret of Anjou and the Dark Side of Queenship,” Renaissance Quarterly 39 (1986), 197.
3. Mary Harris, ed. and trans., The Coventry Leet Book, or Mayor’s Register (New York: Kraus, 1971), I–II, 287–92.
4. Robbins, Historical Poems, 190.
5. The correspondent was John Bocking; Paston Letters, III, 75.
6. Brut, II, 526; Davies, English Chronicle, 79.
7. Brut, II, 525.
8. Ibid.
9. “MS Gough London” in Flenley, Six Town Chronicles, 160; Paston Letters, III, 130.
10. Davies, English Chronicle, 80.
11. “English Heritage Battlefield Report: Blore Heath 1459,” English Heritage (1995), 8–9.
12. Griffiths, Henry VI, 821.
13. The letter is preserved in Davies, English Chronicle, 81–83.
14. Ibid., 83.
15. Brut, II, 527.
16. Gregory’s Chronicle, 206.
17. Davies, English Chronicle, 83 also records that the duchess of York “unmanly and cruelly was entreted and spoyled.” It has been suggested—most recently in Philippa Langley and Michael Jones, The King’s Grave: The Search for Richard III (London: John Murray, 2013), 73, 235—that this reference indicates Duchess Cecily was raped at Ludlow in full sight of her children: this is a rather sensational interpretation of the evidence.
Chapter 11. “Suddenly fell down the crown”
1. Davies, English Chronicle, 83. On Warwick and Calais see Susan Rose, Calais: An English Town in France, 1347–1558 (Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press, 2008), 81–83, also Richmond, “The Earl of Warwick’s Domination of the Channel,” passim.
2. PROME November 1459, items 7–25.
3. G. Harriss and M. Harriss, eds., John Benet’s Chronicle for the Years 1400 to 1462 (London: Royal Historical Society, 1972), 224.
4. Davies, English Chronicle, 86–90.
5. Ibid., 97.
6. CPR Henry VI 1452–61, 542.
7. H. Stanford London, Royal Beasts (East Knoyle, UK: The Heraldry Society 1956), 22–23. It is also important to note that the falcon and fetterlock had explicitly “Lancastrian” connections. The diametric, “Tudor” view of the whole fifteenth century as a feud between rival houses is not sufficient to explain Richard, duke of York’s motives at this stage.
8. Gregory’s Chronicle, 208.
9. Official papers and letters were usually dated from the accession of whichever king was reigning. To renounce this practice implicity rejected the authority of the sovereign.
10. Letter to John Tiptoft, earl of Worcester, transcribed in Johnson, Duke Richard of York, 213–14.
11. Ibid.
12. PROME October 1460, item 11. This is the first recorded use in the fifteenth century of the dynastic sobriquet “Plantagenet,” used thereafter and now to describe all the royal descendants of Geoffrey “Plantagenet,” count of Anjou, duke of Normandy and father of Henry II of England.
13. A successful precedent from the earliest Plantagenet history was the treaty of Wallingford of 1153, sealed between King Stephen and the future Henry II, by which Stephen’s son Eustace was disinherited in Henry’s favor: this ended the civil war known as the Anarchy.
14. CSP Milan I, item 27.
15. Brut, II, 530.
16. Gregory’s Chronicle, 209.
17. Letter reprinted in Kekewich et al., John Vale’s Book, 142–43.
18. Brut, II, 530.
19. Edward Hall, Hall’s Chronicle Containing the History of England during the Reign of Henry the Fourth and the Succeeding Monarchs to the End of the Reign of Henry the Eighth (London, 1809), 250.
20. This, at any rate, is the story that Edward Hall would record many years later—his version of events is typically colorful, but the source was Aspall himself. Hall, Chronicle, 250–51.
21. CSP Venice I, item 92.
Chapter 12. “Havoc”
1. Paston Letters, III, 250.
2. This is now called a parhelion or sun dog, and is caused by the reflection of sunlight through ice crystals in the atmosphere. Hall, Chronicle, 251 gives the earliest link between this and Edward’s badge of the golden sun. But this may be a mistake: Stanford London, Royal Beasts, 30–31 argues that the “sun shining” had been a royal symbol since at least the days of Richard II.
3. Gregory’s Chronicle, 211.
4. Ibid. The possible and quite plausible identification of the woman as Owen Tudor’s mistress and David Tudor’s mother is made in Leanda de Lisle, Tudor: The Family Story (London: Chatto & Windus, 2013), 25.
5. The letter was sent on January 11, on which day Warwick also dictated a letter to the warlike Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan. CSP Milan I, item 55.
6. Ibid. item 63.
7. Ibid., item 54.
8. Henry Riley, ed., Registrum Abbatiae Johannis Whethamstede (London: Longman, 1872), 390–95.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Brut, II, 531.
12. The dating of March’s entry into London to February 26, 1461, and a discussion of the symbolism of his inauguration and coronation can be found in C. Armstrong, “The Inauguration Ceremonies of the Yorkist Kings and Their Title to the Throne,” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 30 (1948), 55 n. 2 and passim.
13. Gregory’s Chronicle, 213.
14. Kingsford, Chronicles of London, 173.
15. “MS Gough London” in Flenley, Six Town Chronicles, 162.
16. CCR 1461–8, 54–55.
17. Thomas Stapleton, ed., Plumpton Correspondence (London, 1834), 1.
18. CCR 1461–68, 54–55.
19. Pierpoint Morgan Library, New York, M 775 f. 122v, quoted at length in Andrew Boardman, The Medieval Soldier in the Wars of the Roses (Stroud, UK: Sutton Publishing, 1998), 126–27.
20. Hall, Chronicle, 255. For once the notoriously inflated assessments of army sizes have the semblance of authenticity.
21. For this suggestion, see George Goodwin, Fatal Colours: Towton 1461—England’s Most Brutal Battle (London: Phoenix, 2011), 157.
22. Ibid., 165–66.
23. CSP Milan I, item 78; CSP Venice I, item 371.
Chapter 13. “The noble and the lowly”
1. Charles Armstrong, ed. and trans., The Usurpation of Richard III: Dominicus Mancinus ad Angelum catonem de occupatione regni Anglie per Ricardum tercium libellus, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969) (hereafter “Mancini”), 65.
2. Mancini, 67; Croyland Continuations, 150–51.
3. James Halliwell, ed., A Chronicle of the First Thirteen Years of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth: by John Warkworth (London: J. B. Nichols and Son, 1889) (hereafter “Warkworth”), 5.
4. Reading Abbey had other royal connections, too: among the hundreds of relics kept by the abbey’s brothers was a portion of the arm bone of St. Edward the Martyr, the Saxon king who had been murdered at Corfe Castle in 978, while Henry II’s eldest but short-lived son William lay buried within the abbey. Victoria County History, “Berkshire,” II, 62–73.
5. Gregory’s Chronicle, 226.
6. Wavrin, Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, III, 184.
7. This description is based on the most contemporary of those portraits that survive, held at Queens’ College, Cambridge, and Windsor. Clearly as in all royal portraiture of the period there is an element of idealism and fancy to these images, but perhaps less than there is in the manuscript illustrations of Elizabeth, which depict a blond, pious generic queen in the guise of the Virgin Mary. For a guide to extant portraits, see David MacGibbon, Elizabeth Woodville (1437–1492): Her Life and Times (London: Arthur Barker, 1938), appendix 1, 172–74.
8. Paston Letters, III, 204–5.
9. Warkworth, 3.
10. See, for example, Mancini, 63.
11. CSP Milan I, item 137.
12. The only vaguely contemporary royal match to resemble that of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville was that between Edward the “Black Prince” and his notorious, much-wedded cousin Joan of Kent, which took place in 1361, when Edward was heir to the crown (and referred to informally as Edward IV). Even in this case, however, Joan’s royal stock was impeccable: her grandfathers were Edward I of England and Philip III of France.
13. James Gairdner, ed., Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III and Henry VII (London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861), I, 32.
14. Croyland Continuations, 115.
15. Letter from Lord Wenlock dated October 3, 1464: see J. Lander, “Marriage and Politics: The Nevilles and the Wydevilles,” Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 36 (1963) 133 n. 2(a) and Cora Scofield, The Life and Reign of Edward IV (London, 1923), I 354 n. 3; CSP Milan I, items 137–38.
16. A good historical comparison is Henry VIII’s second marriage, to Anne Boleyn—a match of shattering political significance brought about principally because of Henry’s romantic attachment and frustration. Edward IV was not, even at twenty-two, as selfish and self-centered an individual as Henry VIII but he was certainly capable of viewing policy decisions through the lens of his own personal desires.
17. Gregory’s Chronicle, 219.
18. Paston Letters, III 292.
19. Ibid.
20. Amusing but fanciful sixteenth-century accounts of the royal courtship in Fabyan, More, Hall and others have found their way readily into modern histories, particularly MacGibbon, Elizabeth Woodville, 34–40, which on this matter reads more like fiction than history.
21. Carpenter, Wars of the Roses, 170.
22. MacGibbon, Elizabeth Woodville, 46.
23. Ibid., 48–51.
24. Scofield, Edward IV, 380–84.
25. Warkworth, 5.
Chapter 14. “Diverse times”
1. Philadelphia Free Library MS Lewis E 201—this can be viewed in high resolution online via On the golden sun and its links to Richard II, see p. 352, n. 11 to chapter 10. Other similar genealogies, although less spectacular, include BL Harley Roll C.9 Membrane 19; BL Harley 7353; BL Lansdowne 456.
2. Elizabeth de Burgh’s marriage to Lionel of Antwerp in 1352 had originally brought the honor of Ulster into the Plantagenet line. See Alison Weir, Elizabeth of York: The First Tudor Queen (London: Jonathan Cape, 2013), 14.
3. Michael Hicks, Warwick the Kingmaker (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 1998), 254.
4. Charles Ross, Edward IV (New Haven: Yale University Press 1997), appendix III, 437–38.
5. Gregory’s Chronicle, 237.
6. Scofield, Edward IV, 414–20.
7. Hicks, Warwick the Kingmaker, 267.
8. Samuel Bentley, ed., Excerpta Historica: or, Illustrations of English History (London, 1831), 227–28.
9. Warkworth, 4.
10. Stevenson, Letters and Papers, II, part 2, 783.
11. Gregory’s Chronicle, 237.
12. Ibid.
13. Warkworth, 5.
14. PROME June 1467, item 15.
15. Croyland Continuations, 132–33.
16. Mancini, 63.
17. Roughly £2,250,000.
18. “False, fleeting, perjured Clarence,” as Shakespeare would later have it (Richard III, I.iv.52).
19. For this and a general discussion of the 1469 rebellions, including problems of evidence, see Keith Dockray, “The Yorkshire Rebellions of 1469,” The Ricardian 82 (1983), passim.
20. Warkworth, 6; Croyland Continuations, 445.
21. Paston Letters, V, 35.
22. The letter and manifesto are printed in the notes to Warkworth, 46–49.
23. Croyland Continuations, 446.
24. Warkworth, 7.
25. Ibid.
Chapter 15. “Final destruction”
1. Paston Letters, V, 45–46.
2. Croyland Continuations, 438.
3. “Chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincolnshire, 1470,” in Keith Dockray, ed., Three Chronicles of the Reign of Edward IV (Gloucester, UK: Sutton Publishing, 1988).
4. Ibid., 10.
5. CSP Milan I, 1467, item 146.
6. Paston Letters, V, 83.
7. Warkworth, 11.
8. Croyland Continuations, 462.
9. Ibid.
10. Blacman, 41.
11. CSP Milan I, 1471, item 210.
12. “The Arrival of King Edward IV,” in Dockray, Three Chronicles. Bolingbroke, of course, claimed to be returning from exile in France in 1399 to claim his usurped right to the duchy of Lancaster.
13. Ibid., 7.
14. Ibid., 10.
15. Cited in Ross, Edward IV, 166.
16. Andrew Scoble, ed., The Memoirs of Philip de Commines, Lord of Argenton (London: G. Bell, 1877) (hereafter “Commines”), 200.
17. Arthur Thomas and Isobel Thornley, eds., The Great Chronicle of London (London: George W. Jones, 1938), 215.
18. Ibid.
19. Letter from Margaret of York, printed in Wavrin, Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, III, 211.
20. John Bruce, ed., Historie of the Arrivall of Edward IV in England and the Finall Recouerye of His Kingdomes from Henry VI (London: The Camden Society, 1838), 17.
21. Ibid.
22. Croyland Continuations, 464.
23. Bruce, Arrivall of Edward IV, 19–20.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. Commines, 201.
27. Scofield, Edward IV, I, 579–60.
28. Bruce, Arrivall of Edward IV, 20.
29. Von Wesel’s letter of April 17, 1471, translated and reprinted most recently in Hannes Kleineke, ed. and trans., “Gerhard von Wesel’s Newsletter from England, 17 April 1471,” The Ricardian 16 (2006).
30. Ibid., 10.
31. Ibid., 10. The Neville brothers were granted a decent burial by Edward: their bodies were removed to Bisham Abbey to be laid to rest near their father, the Earl of Salisbury.
32. Letter to John Daunt quoted in P. W. Hammond, The Battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1993), 81.
33. Croyland Continuations, 465.
34. CSP Milan I, 1471, item 216.
35. Bruce, Arrival of Edward IV, 28.
36. Ibid.
37. Croyland Continuations, 466.
38. Bruce, Arrivall of Edward IV, 28–30 for all that follows, unless indicated.
39. Warkworth, 18.
40. Croyland Continuations, 466.
41. Ibid., 467.
42. Blacman, 44.
43. Bruce, Arrivall of Edward IV, 38.
44. Warkworth, 21.
45. W. St. John Hope, “The Discovery of the Remains of King Henry VI in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle,” Archaeologia (1911), 541.
46. CSP Milan I, 1471, item 220.
47. Ibid., 39.
48. Croyland Continuations, 467.
Chapter 16. “To execute wrath”
1. Robbins, Historical Poems, 148.
2. Henry Ellis, ed., Three Books of Polydore Vergil’s English History (London: Longmans, 1844), 154–55.
3. Griffiths and Thomas, Making of the Tudor Dynasty, 86–87. Bad weather marred the Tudors’ crossing of the Channel.
4. Foedera, XI 714, quoted in Michael Hicks, Edward V: The Prince in the Tower (Stroud, UK: The History Press, 2003), 57–58.
5. Paston Letters, IV, 298.
6. The Black Book, or Liber Niger Domus Regis Edw. IV, is printed in A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Household etc.(London, 1790), 15–86.
7. See David Starkey, “Henry VI’s Old Blue Gown: The English Court under the Lancastrians and the Yorkists,” The Court Historian, 1999, passim but especially 20–24.
8. The weak and sickly Herbert, earl of Pembroke was deprived of his title in 1479, when it was given to Prince Edward, and Herbert was forced to accept a demotion to the earldom of Huntingdon.
9. Had Warwick died a natural death, his brother Montague would have inherited the Neville patrimony; the daughters would have received the rest. Since Montague also died in battle against the king, and was posthumously convicted of treason, the entire Warwick inheritance came into royal hands.
10. Carpenter, Wars of the Roses, 187.
11. Ibid., 193–94.
12. Richard Buckley et al., “The King in the Car Park: New Light on the Death and Burial of Richard III in the Grey Friars Church, Leicester in 1485,” Antiquity 87 (2013), 536.
13. Poppelau quoted in Mancini, 136–37.
14. Colvin, History of the King’s Works, I, 499–500.
15. Or, in the more famous, more modern rendering given by the King James Bible, “The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1. For a detailed excerpt of Rotherham’s speech to parliament, PROME January 1478, items 1–3.
16. Romans 13:4.
17. In order to force Clarence to relinquish lands for redistribution to, among others, Gloucester, Edward had been forced to issue a general act of resumption in the parliament of 1473, excluding Clarence from a long list of persons exempted. For full details of the Clarence–Gloucester land feud, see Michael Hicks, False, Fleeting, Perjur’d Clarence: George Duke of Clarence, 1449–78 (Gloucester, UK: Sutton Publishing, 1992), 111–27.
18. The details of the Twynho case are contained in the petition by her “cousin” (probably her brother-in-law) Roger Twynho, who applied for and received a royal pardon on her behalf in 1478. One John Thursby was also hanged at the same proceedings on the equally specious charge of having murdered Clarence’s son Richard. PROME January 1478, item 17; Hicks, False, Fleeting, Perjur’d Clarence, 137–39.
19. Croyland Continuations, 478.
20. Ibid.
21. PROME January 1478, appendix 1.
22. For a discussion of the Malmsey wine story, see Hicks, False, Fleeting, Perjur’d Clarence, 200–204.
23. Romans 13:2.
Chapter 17. “The only imp now left”
1. Commines, I, 397.
2. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 164.
3. Griffiths and Thomas, Making of the Tudor Dynasty, 88–90.
4. Commines, I, 251.
5. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 164–65.
6. Ibid., 135; John Lewis, ed., The Life of Dr. John Fisher (London: Joseph Lilly, 1855), II, 269.
7. Michael Jones and Malcolm Underwood, The King’s Mother: Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 58–59; MacGibbon, Elizabeth Woodville, 108.
8. Jones and Underwood, King’s Mother, 61, quoting Westminster Abbey Muniments doc. 32378.
9. Croyland Continuations, 483.
10. Commines, I, 264.
11. Vergil’s pen-portrait was consistent with every other in also praising the king’s “wit,” “high courage” and “retentive memory,” his diligence, his tendency to be “earnest and horrible to the enemy [but] bountiful to his friends and acquaintance” and his fortune in war. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 172.
12. Mancini, 66–67.
13. Thomas Basin quoted in Scofield, Edward IV, 365.
14. Robert Gottfried, “Epidemic Disease in Fifteenth-Century England,” Journal of Economic History 36 (1976), 267–68 notes cases of influenza in the fifteenth century, “although it was not particularly virulent until 1485.”
15. Mancini, 70–71.
16. Walter Crotch, The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton (London, 1928), 39.
17. BL MS Sloane 3479, f. 53v.
18. Ibid., 69.
19. Croyland Continuations, 485.
20. Mancini, 74–75.
21. Gairdner, Letters and Papers, I, 4.
22. Croyland Continuations, 487.
23. Mancini, 82–83.
24. Croyland Continuations, 487, although the author writes with hindsight and may well be influenced here by his knowledge of subsequent events.
25. Great Chronicle, 230.
26. Croyland Continuations, 488.
27. Christine Carpenter, ed., Kingsford’s Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290–1483 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 416.
28. Croyland Continuations, 489.
29. Mancini, 90–91.
30. For a levelheaded discussion of the arguments over Edward V’s (and Edward IV’s) supposed illegitimacy, see Hicks, Edward V, 163–66.
31. Mancini, 96–97.
32. Croyland Continuations, 489.
33. Noted by Mancini 104–5—the English were well known for their fondness for cryptic prophecies of this sort.
34. Anne Sutton and P. W. Hammond, The Coronation of Richard III: The Extant Documents (Gloucester, UKL Sutton Publising, 1983), 77–79, 294–95.
35. Great Chronicle, 233.
Chapter 18. “Judge me, O Lord”
1. The Great Chronicle of London, 234 reports sightings of the boys during the mayoralty of Sir Edmund Shaa, which ran from Michaelmas 1482 to Michaelmas 1483, although the chronicler misdates this by a year and subsequently garbles the sequence of events between the disappearance of the princes, the death of Queen Anne, Buckingham’s rebellion and Richard’s apparent plan to marry Elizabeth of York.
2. Horrox and Hammond, eds., BL Harleian MSS 433, III, 2.
3. Great Chronicle, 234.
4. Mancini, 92–93.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. The Great Chronicle dates public rumors of their disappearance to “after Easter,” a date we can deduce to be April 18, 1484. But see n. 1 to chapter 18 for concerns over the chronicler’s dating of events during this period.
8. The remains found during that excavation are now kept at Westminster Abbey. They were tested, very inadequately, in 1933 in an attempt to determine cause of death. For a discussion, see P. W. Hammond and W. White, “The Sons of Edward IV: A Re-examination of the Evidence on Their Deaths and on the Bones in Westminster Abbey” in P. W. Hammond, ed., Richard III: Loyalty, Lordship and Law (London: Shaun Tyas, 1986), 104–47. Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey oppose further tests being carried out on the remains. A recent e-petition to HM Government requesting DNA analysis on the remains accrued only 408 signatures (
9. For the welter of grants to Buckingham, which effectively gave him power over the whole of Wales and the western marches, see Horrox and Hammond, Harleian MS 433, II, 3–4.
10. As set forth in Titulus Regius, PROME January 1484, item 5.
11. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 200 (“circumspection and celerity”) and 226–27. The analysis of Richard’s skeleton and teeth performed in Leicester in 2012–13 confirmed his spinal deformation and worn molars.
12. Croyland Continuations, 490.
13. Commines, II, 64.
14. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 197.
15. As described in the act of attainder passed posthumously against Buckingham, PROME January 1484, item 3.
16. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 192–93.
17. Or to borrow the delicious phrase of Carpenter, Wars of the Roses, 212, “he was a worthless man, and probably few lamented his passing.”
18. Griffiths and Thomas, Making of the Tudor Dynasty, 102–5; Jones and Underwood, King’s Mother, 62–63.
19. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 199.
20. Ibid.
21. Angelo Raine, ed., York Civic Records (Wakefield, 1939), I, 83.
22. Louise Gill, Richard III and Buckingham’s Rebellion (Stroud, UK: Sutton Publishing, 1999), 68.
23. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 202.
24. PROME January 1484, item 5.
25. Croyland Continuations, 496.
26. Text printed in P. W. Hammond and Anne Sutton, Richard III: The Road to Bosworth Field (London: Constable, 1985), 151.
27. See ibid., 151–52.
28. PROME January 1484, item 21.
29. PROME January 1484, item 27.
30. Rosemary Horrox, Richard III: A Study of Service (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 325–26.
31. A few entries from Prince Edward’s accounts are printed in Hammond and Sutton, Richard III, 174–75.
32. Ibid., 497. A tomb at the Church of St. Helen and the Holy Cross in Sheriff Hutton may be that of Edward, although another tradition holds that he was buried at his birthplace in Middleham.
33. Edward of Middleham was Richard’s only legitimate son. He had two, possibly three, illegitimate children: Sir John of Pontefract, captain of Calais; Katherine Plantagenet, who married William Herbert in 1484, but died a few years later; and, possibly, a boy called Richard Plantagenet, who was born around 1469 and died in December 1550, having lived his life anonymously as a London bricklayer. The eighteenth-century antiquarian Francis Peck recorded a family legend he had heard about Richard Plantagenet: before his death he supposedly claimed to have been an observer at Bosworth and to have been presented there to his father the king on the night before the battle. The story is unprovable, but a tomb to Richard Plantagenet lies in the ruined church of St. Mary’s in Eastwell, Kent.
34. Horrox and Hammond, Harleian MSS 433, III 124–25.
35. Ibid., III, 190.
36. Croyland Continuations, 499. There is evidence, albeit difficult and inconclusive evidence, to suggest that Elizabeth was aware of Richard’s intentions and may even have been considering them favorably. This has most recently been discussed by Weir, Elizabeth of York, 130–38, who concludes after some consideration that “there is no evidence as to [Elizabeth’s] true feelings for Richard III.”
37. Paston Letters, VI, 81–84.
38. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 204.
39. Commines, II, 64.
40. Great Chronicle, 237.
Chapter 19. “War or life”
1. These three standards were presented later in the year at St. Paul’s—we assume here that they had been associated with Henry’s campaign from his arrival in England.
2. Henry’s letters are quoted and discussed in Griffiths and Thomas, Making of the Tudor Dynasty, 159–65.
3. Croyland Continuations, 502.
4. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 221. Vergil uses this to suggest the king’s conscience “guilty of heinous offences”; Croyland Continuations, 503 agrees, suggesting that the king woke and “declared that during the night he had seen dreadful visions, and had imagined himself surrounded by a multitude of demons.” Neither source could be described as sympathetic to Richard—nevertheless, both were by assiduous and well-informed writers.
5. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 225.
6. Ibid., 223.
7. Ibid., 224.
8. Ibid.
9. As revealed in analysis of Richard III’s skeleton carried out by the University of Leicester in 2012–13, nicely summarized by Dr. Jo Appleby at
10. Ellis, Polydore Vergil, 224.
11. Croyland Continuations, 505.
12. Great Chronicle, 238.
13. Ibid., 239.
14. The accounts for Henry’s coronation are in Wickham Legg, English Coronation Records, 198–218.
15. Ibid. and Sydney Anglo, Spectacle, Pageantry and Early Tudor Policy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969), 11.
16. When the first Lancastrian king, Henry IV (then merely Henry Bolingbroke, duke of Hereford), had sallied forth for his duel with Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk, at Coventry in September 1398 his pavilion “was covered with red roses.” Williams, Chronique de la traison et mort, 151; the royal treasure subsequently taken over by Henry IV contained numerous items decorated with roses of different hues: Palgrave, Antient Kalendars, III, 313–58. “Rhos cochion mewn rhwysg uche”: quoted and translated in Evans, Wales and the Wars of the Roses, 6.
17. PROME November 1485, part I, item 9.
18. Gairdner, Letters and Papers, 421.
19. Bernard André, The Life of Henry VII, trans. Daniel Hobbins (New York: Italica Press, 2011), 34.
20. Ibid., 35.
21. Raine, York Civic Records, I, 156–59.
22. An interesting point of comparison is the birth of Edward II at Caernarfon Castle in 1284—another focal point of Arthuriana.
23. The deeds of these kings were not just entertainment: often they were intended for political education, too. In 1457 the scholar James Hardyng had produced a monumental History, which expounded on the deeds of the kings, beginning in the days of Brutus. Hardyng had presented his work to Henry VI, who appeared to take no notice of the moral that was intended.
24. André, Life of Henry VII, 38.
Chapter 20. “Envy never dies”
1. Simnel’s origins are discussed at length in Michael Bennett, Lambert Simnel and the Battle of Stoke (Gloucester, UK: Sutton Publishing, 1987), 42–55.
2. Denys Hay, ed., The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, AD 1485–1537 (London: Royal Historical Society, 1950), 13.
3. André, Life of Henry VII, 47.
4. Ibid., 46.
5. Ibid.
6. Hay, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, 63.
7. PROME November 1485, part I, item 8.
8. As, indeed, it still is.
9. Hay, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, 56–57.
10. André, Life of Henry VII, 60.
11. Hay, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, 67.
12. Ibid., 75.
13. André, Life of Henry VII, 66.
14. Warbeck’s Scottish expenses are printed in Gairdner, Letters and Papers, II, 326–35.
15. André, Life of Henry VII, 68.
16. Hay, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, 67.
Chapter 21. “Blanche Rose”
1. Licentiate Alcaraz quoted in Giles Tremlett, Catherine of Aragon: Henry’s Spanish Queen (London: Faber & Faber, 2010), 69.
2. Gordon Kipling, ed., The Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990), 39.
3. John Guy, The Children of Henry VIII (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), 4; David Starkey, Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII (London: Chatto & Windus, 2004), 76–77.
4. A third son, Prince Edmund, had been born in 1499, but died in 1500.
5. Thomas, Jasper Tudor, 19–20.
6. Hay, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, 123.
7. Seward, Last White Rose, 138.
8. PROME January 1504, item 21.
9. Philip claimed the crown in right of his wife; Joanna’s mother, Queen Isabella of Castile, had died in November 1504. Isabella’s other daughter, of course, was Catherine of Aragon.
10. Great Chronicle, 330.
11. Hay, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, 135.
12. In Flanders the treaty was known as the Malus Intercursus—the Evil Treaty—because it was so skewed toward English interests.
13. Charles Kingsford, ed., The First English Life of Henry V (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1911), 4.
14. See for example BL Royal 8 G. vii; BL Royal 11 E. xi; BL Add MS 88929.
15. The battle of Flodden was won on Catherine’s watch, on September 9, 1513.
16. Hay, The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, 203.
17. L&P IV nos. 1123 and 1131.
18. This conversation is reported by Robert Macquereau, Histoire Générale de l’Europe (Louvain, 1765) and repeated in J. J. Scarisbrick, Henry VIII (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997) 136. It is unsourced and may be apocryphal. The first mention of de la Pole’s death in the official record is to be found in L&P IV no. 1131: a letter of a clerk to Wolsey dated February 28, 1525. Yet Macquereau’s anecdote captures very well the relief that Henry surely felt at the termination of the de la Pole line.
1. James Osborn (ed.), The Quenes Maiesties Passage through the Citie of London to Westminster the Day before her Coronacion (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960), 31–33.
2. See, for example, the large Tudor rose in the stained-glass window at Great Malvern Priory, which sits to the left of the arms of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, or Catherine of Aragon’s window in the quire at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor.
3. Edward Hall, Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Famelies. As if the point were not sufficiently made, in his introduction addressed to the young King Edward VI, Hall pointed out that “I haue compiled and gathered (and not made) out of diurse writers, as well forayne as Englishe, this simple treatise whiche I haue named the vnion of the noble houses of Lancaster and Yorke, conioyned together by the godly marriage of your moste noble graundfather [i.e. Henry VII], and your verteous grandmother [i.e. Elizabeth of York]. For as king henry the fourthe was the beginning and rote of the great discord and deusion: so was the godly matrimony, the final ende of all discencions, titles and debates.” Hall, Chronicle, vii.
4. Stow’s 1550 edition of Chaucer, Trinity College, Cambridge, STC 5075, 5076.
5. Henry VI Part I, II.iv.27–73.
6. Arranged according to historical chronology, the full list of plays is Richard II, Henry IV Part 1 and Part 2, and Henry V (known as the “second tetralogy” with regard to the time of its composition); followed by Henry VI Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 and Richard III (the “first tetralogy”).
7. BL Royal 13 C VIII f. 22v, f. 62v, f. 63.