Enlightenment Ain’t what it’s cracked up to be is a bone-deep description of the decades-long spiritual journey of Robert K. C. Forman, one of America’s most respected spiritual teachers. If ever a book was written from the heart, this is it. It is both a summation and an update of a work in progress. Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up to Be describes the dazzling heights of spiritual awareness, but it also lays bare the twists, turns, and surprises of spiritual maturation, warts and all. Beware: If you need your spiritual guide to be serious, elevated, reserved, and pious, go elsewhere. But if you want eye-ball to eye-ball honesty, integrity, and humor super-charged with compassion, love, vulnerability, and deep wisdom, this is your book.
Larry Dossey, MD. Author: Healing Words and The Power of Premonitions
This book is more than a memoir of a profoundly revealing spiritual journey. It is a deep invitation to be your authentic self--to fully own, embody and express every aspect of yourself. The honesty, openness and transparency of Robert’s spiritual journey instantly captivated me. I read the book in one long, joyous sitting. I literally could not put the book down. It is illuminating, entertaining and impactful. If your looking for guidance as to what is truly spiritual and enlightening, then read this book.
It is definitely chicken soup for the spiritual seeker's soul!
Jack Canfield, Co-creator of the New York Times #1 bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series
Bob Forman’s Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up to Be is especially recommended for its honesty, openness, insight, wisdom, and significance. Points he brings up—in a thoroughly enjoyable memoir-type format—are absolutely central to the furtherance of this dialogue. Pick it up, give it a read, and ponder deeply its points—you won’t regret it!”
I loved it.
Ken Wilber, Author of Integral SpiritualityKen Wilber, Author of Integral Spirituality
What Robert Forman has learned about and accomplished in spiritual growth is inspiring. But even more than a touching personal memoir, Forman opens our thinking to new ideas of what ‘enlightenment’ or spiritual growth could actually be in the modern world. This is a vitally important issue: we have more to do in saving our world and our selves than learn to sit around in a cave feeling good and looking holy like the ancients did. Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up to Be is a great book.
Dr. Charles T. Tart, Author States of Consciousness, and The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit Together.
Robert K.C. Forman offers a touching, humorous, and honest account of ordinary and extraordinary spiritual events. Relevant to anyone interested in the scientific exploration of what still remains mysterious.
Angeles Arrien, Ph.D, Cultural Anthropologist, Author of The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom
Some spiritual memoirs are so authentic, honest and well-told that they stir the soul. Others offer trenchant observations and wise commentary about the modern spiritual scene. This is one of the rare books that do both. Compelling, intriguing and thought-provoking, it is a graceful exposition of one man’s journey, but it illuminates the path that millions are embarked upon.
Philip Goldberg, Author of American Veda: From Emerson to the Beatles, How Indian Spirituality Changed the West
Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up To Be is a powerful breath of spiritual fresh air! It is one of the most refreshingly authentic accounts of the spiritual life I’ve ever read. In its clarity, honesty and depth, this book is the real deal. From the first page you are in conversation, encouraged to encounter and re-examine your own journey into how to integrate your spirituality with the rest of your life. Forman’s extraordinary blend of personal courage, psychological awareness, formal cross-cultural philosophical training and direct spiritual experience is as unusual in the spiritual marketplace as it is helpful.
Melissa Gayle West, M.S., LMHC, Author: of: Exploring the Labyrinth: A Guide for Healing and Spiritual Growth
Robert K.C. Forman does a beautiful job of linking spiritual autobiography with discussion of what it means to be on a spiritual path and engaged in personal development. Self-revealing and extremely well-written, it takes on the hard issues of the spiritual path and treats them with wisdom. This is definitely a book that I’d buy, for it makes the case that our conventional spiritual understanding is too simple for the complex lives we now lead. Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up to Be stands head and shoulders above most other spiritual writings.
Paul Ray, Ph.D. Author, The Cultural Creatives