For current work on the Spanish comedia, the reader is advised to consult, besides general journals on Spanish literature, the specialized Bulletin of the Comediantes, which comes out of Vanderbilt University’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

Allen, John J. The Reconstruction of a Spanish Golden Age Playhouse: El Corral del Príncipe, 1583–1744. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1983.

Burningham, Bruce R. Radical Theatricality: Jongleresque Performance in the Early Spanish Stage. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2007.

Durán, Manuel. ‘Lope y el teatro de acción.’ Hispanófila, number 18 (1963): 3–14.

Elliott, J. H. Imperial Spain: 1469. London: Penguin, 2002 [1963].

Fox, Dian. Refiguring the Hero: From Peasant to Noble in Lope de Vega and Calderón. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991.

Gerstinger, Heinz. Lope de Vega and Spanish Drama. Trans. Samuel R. Rosenbaum. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1974.

González Echevarría, Roberto. Celestina’s Brood: Continuities of the Ba- roque in Spanish and Latin American Literature. Durham: Duke Uni- versity Press, 1993.

———. Love and the Law in Cervantes. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005.

Hayes, Francis C. Lope de Vega. New York: Twayne, 1967.

Larson, Donald R. The Honor Plays of Lope de Vega. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977.

McCrary, William C. ‘Fuenteovejuna: Its Platonic Vision and Execu- tion.’ Studies in Philology 58 (1961): 179–192.

McKendrick, Malveena. Playing the King: Lope de Vega and the Limits of Conformity. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, and Rochester: Tamesis, 2000.

Morley, S. Griswold, and Courtney Bruerton. The Chronology of Lope de Vega’s Comedias. New York: The Modern Languages Association of America, London: Oxford University Press, 1940.

Ostlund, DeLys. The Re-creation of History in the Fernando and Isabel Plays of Lope de Vega. New York, 1997.

Parker, Alexander A. The Approach to the Spanish Drama of the Golden Age. London: The Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Councils-Diamante Series, 1957.

Rennert, Hugo Albert. The Spanish Stage in the Time of Lope de Vega. New York: Dover, 1963 [1909].

Shergold, N. D. A History of the Spanish Stage: From Medieval Times Until the End of the Seventeenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.

Spitzer, Leo. ‘A Central Theme and Its Structural Equivalent in Lope’s Fuenteovejuna.’ Hispanic Review 23 (1955): 274–292.

Trueblood, Alan S. Experience and Artistic Expression in Lope de Vega: The Making of La Dorotea. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.

Umpierre, Gustavo. Songs in the Plays of Lope de Vega: A Study of Their Dramatic Function. London: Tamesis, 1975.

Vega, Lope de. Peribáñez y el Comendador de Ocaña: Fuenteovejuna, ed. Felipe B. Pedraza Jiménez. Madrid: Biblioteca EDAF, 2003.

Wilson, Margaret. Spanish Drama of the Golden Age. London: Per- gamon, 1969.

Wright, Elizabeth R. Pilgrimage to Patronage: Lope de Vega and the Court of Philip III, 1598–1621. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2001.