Use Of References

Occasionally, you will be given a word that you are not familiar with, and you will not know the correct spelling, pronunciation, or meaning. On such occasions, health care personnel refer to special dictionaries that define medical terms in detail. There are many different dictionaries available both online and in print, but they are similarly organized. The primary reference portion on terms is organized in alphabetical order. The top of each page has guide words indicating the first and last word on the page. Each entry has a pronunciation guide and tells the origin of the word. A definition or description follows. Additional word sources are suggested to find additional facts. It is important that you become familiar with the use of medical dictionaries to check on spelling and other information.

Most medical dictionaries have reference information following the medical terms. There is usually a lab value reference guide, dietary information, first aid information, addresses of health-related organizations, vitamin and mineral charts, and anatomical figures depicting bones, muscles, and organs.