Other Computer Concepts

Computer hardware refers to the physical components of computer equipment, such as the central processing unit (CPU), monitor, keyboard, and printer. The keyboard, disk drive, and scanner are input devices; that is, you use these devices to put information into the computer. Output devices include the monitor and printer; these display information from the computer.

Office computers should be password protected for security and integrity of patient information. This will ensure that unauthorized people cannot get any information about your patients. Each person working in the office should have a unique password. A monitoring system is another tool used to ensure that patients’ medical records are secure. Whenever someone goes into the system to access information, the system tracks the user’s name and which files have been viewed.

Backup files are used to protect information from being lost, damaged, or destroyed. Backup files need to be made regularly. Storing backup files on a Zip disk, CD, or other method of storage is the best way to protect the information. In case of a computer virus or fire, you will still have the information. Backup files are often maintained in an off-site location for protection.

Computer viruses are common and your office should protect computer systems with up-to-date antivirus software. A virus can appear on your computer by opening an infected disk or opening infected email or downloading information from the Internet. A good rule to follow is not to open an email from someone you do not know. There are computer detection and protection programs that can be purchased to fight viruses.

The Internet was developed by the U.S. government and is a global network of millions of computers. The intranet is a local network internal to a company.