Patient History Interview

After the patient’s vital signs have been taken and accurately recorded, you may be expected to obtain a patient health history. This will be done in detail at the first visit and then reviewed and updated with every subsequent visit. The process may start prior to the first visit with a brief telephone history when the initial appointment is scheduled. The gathering of information should be done in a comfortable and private setting. Recording of the information should be complete and not reflect any opinion or interpretation by the medical assistant.

Components of the Medical History

All areas of the medical history should be documented carefully in the patient chart. Care should be taken to use correct accepted medical terminology and only approved abbreviations when documenting in the chart. Unclear or unapproved abbreviations can lead to problems with communication between health care workers. All entries must be signed and legible.

Patient education and teaching also must be documented in the chart. There should be notations about the patient response to education and teaching so follow-up can be continued on subsequent visits. Referrals to other agencies or support services for follow-up should be documented.