Special Procedures

Electrosurgery or electrocautery is the use of an instrument delivering an electrical current to vaporize tissue and to seal blood vessels. Patients receiving treatment with electrocautery must have a grounding pad applied to prevent burns. The grounding pad must be close to the area of the surgery and applied tightly to the skin. The pad should not be applied over areas of bone, areas that are extremely hairy, or areas with metal implants. After use, the skin in the affected area should be checked for burns.

Cryosurgery uses a probe with liquid nitrogen to destroy tissue by freezing it on contact. It is frequently used for removal of skin cancers. It is less invasive than other types of surgery and has fewer complications.

Microsurgery uses magnification by a microscope for small areas. The instruments used are small and delicate. Special training is necessary to assist and care for the microscope and instruments that are used.

Laser surgery is the use of light waves for the thermal vaporization, coagulation, and ablation of tissue. Lasers also are used for photocoagulation therapy. They are used in various medical specialties including ophthalmology. Special training is necessary to use and maintain the laser. There are some safety considerations that must be followed whenever lasers are used. Eye protection must be worn by the patient and all personnel that are in the area of the laser. Sterile normal saline must be kept on hand for irrigation and suction equipment must be available to suction the plume of smoke that is generated by the laser.

Endoscopy procedures are used to visualize hollow body organs or body cavities. The scopes may be rigid, semi-rigid, or flexible. They allow for direct visualization inside the cavity in order to perform diagnosis and treatment procedures. Endoscopes are equipped with cameras, a light source, an irrigator, suction, and monitor.