Answers and Explanations

Review Questions

  1. A

    A speculum dilates a body orifice, such as the vagina. A curette (D) is used for scraping. A catheter (B) drains fluid from a body part. A snare (C) is an instrument used for the removal of an object, usually within a blood vessel. An extractor (E) is used to remove an object from a body part.

  2. B

    Skin cancers frequently are removed via cryosurgery. In this procedure, a probe with liquid nitrogen destroys tissue by freezing it on contact. Electrosurgery (A) uses an electrical current to vaporize tissue and to seal blood vessels. Laser surgery (C) uses light waves for the thermal vaporization, coagulation, and ablation of tissue. Microsurgery (D) uses a microscope and tiny instruments. Endoscopic procedures (E) are used to visualize areas inside the body such as organs and cavities.

  3. E

    When preparing skin for surgery, first cleanse the area, then shave if necessary, rinse, apply antiseptic solution, and drape.

  4. D

    General anesthesia causes unconsciousness and typically is used in major surgery. Nerve blocks (A), infiltration (B), and topical (E) are all types of local anesthesia (C).