Most of the pieces here were produced quickly, intended to be transient, not for public view. They provide a place to work out creative ideas and problems, or just have fun — arranging forms, dealing with life, escaping, studying subjects, trying approaches, getting “one of those days” down on paper. They range from traditional to unexpected. They come as loose drawings, sketchbooks, journals and colorful painted sketches. Some were done on location or en plein air. Some are small, while others are sizeable. Whatever they are, they reveal something about the creative processes, inner history and finished work of the artist.
Thank you to all of the wonderful artists presented here who were eager to participate and patient with our demands; as well as Stefanie Laufersweiler, Wendy Dunning and all the editors and production staff at F+W Media for making the process of this book as smooth as it possibly could be. You are all such pleasures to work with.
Editorial Director
North Light Books