“And I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to Me,” says the Lord Almighty.
2 Corinthians 6:18 (NASB)
The Tree of Life Community Center, Suite 800
Evergrace, Texas
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Freedom followed the real estate agent, Thessaly Westenberg-Arteaga, through the property of suite 800, and with each step she took with the pearly-white woman with short dark-brown hair, dressed fashionably in a ruffled white blouse and scarlet-red skirt, through the beautiful building and its spacious surroundings, the more Freedom knew in her heart that this was the right place for her photography studio.
At the end of the tour, Freedom lifted her head, stretched out her arms, then spun around before she finally stopped and faced the blue-eyed agent with a gigantic smile on her flushed, light-brown face. “I love it! It’s perfect! When can I move in?”
Thessaly laughed. “This is the first property, and you’re already sold on it?”
Freedom bobbed her head. “Of course I am!”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what makes this the perfect place?”
Freedom thought for a moment, then tried to express what she was feeling. “There’s baked-in beauty and perfect peace in this place, from the outside all the way in, and there’s a sense of love and warmth here. It feels calm and comfortable, elegant but inviting, quite like home, and that’s saying a lot for me.
“From ages sixteen through eighteen, I grew up a military BRAT—born resilient and tough—and my adopted family, all in the military, was either stationed on base or was moved around a lot. Later, after I graduated high school, I enlisted in the Air Force for eight years, specifically as a photographer, then videographer, and eventually a photojournalist, and there was never one place that I could call home.
“So, this is all new for me, settling down, touring properties, buying a house, living in a tight-knit community, and starting my own business—eventually, showcasing and selling my photographs. For the past year, I’ve traveled the world with just a backpack, my passport, my guitar, and my camera, but I’ve never bought a house, owned a studio, or put down any roots.”
“Well, that changes today,” Thessaly said. “Thank you for your service too. I imagine it’s hard leaving your comfort zone, but I have no doubt you’ll be successful here in Evergrace. Now that we’ve found the perfect studio, we’ll work on finding the right home for you so you can have perfect peace, relaxation, privacy, and recreation.”
“I’m really impressed with this property,” Freedom said. “Does Elissandro Evergrace own it too?”
Thessaly walked toward Freedom, then leaned closer, like she was sharing a secret. “All of this property is under the auspices of the Tree of Life Community Worship Center, which is under the direction of the founding pastor, Elissandro Everall Evergrace, and before this place was built, he and the members of his church walked and prayed over and consecrated this property for the glory, honor, and purposes of God.
“After construction began, the pastor had members writing prayers and scriptures on the metal beams so they could bake in the presence of God. It didn’t stop there either. After the buildings were completed, the church held a dedication ceremony with more prayer, worship, and celebration. So, what you’re saying actually makes sense.”
“Wow!” Freedom lowered her hand to her belly, digesting everything Thessaly had told her about the property, the building, the church, and the pastor. “The people here really love God, don’t they?”
“Welcome to Evergrace!” Thessaly smiled, her teeth like her skin, pearly-white. “The people here love Elissandro Evergrace too.”
“My friend, Blest, just mentioned Elissandro Evergrace and his church to me this morning. It seems as though Elissandro Evergrace is all everyone talks about—almost like he’s some celebrity—more popular than the mayor.”
“In a way, he is,” Thessaly said. “He’s the most visible and outgoing of the founding family in Evergrace, even though there are Evergraces still around, including his parents, Elec and Edith, and his younger siblings, Edison, Edmund, and Elianne, and their children. After Elissandro finished college, he enlisted in the Air Force and became a highly decorated aviator, and he returned home a hero.
“Shortly afterward, he moved into Wintergrace Manor, the dream home he had built while he was in the military, allegedly for the woman he had loved and lost while he was away in college, then the military, and later, he founded and built the Tree of Life Community Worship Center, which is as grand and gorgeous as his primary home, Wintergrace Manor.
“Soon after he became a minister, he envisioned the Tree of Life Community Center, which includes large parcels of property and prime real estate for businesses and recreation centers that are family-oriented, faith-based, church-sponsored, and Christ-centric, and those include a bowling center, movie theater, skate rink, tennis court, golf club, after-school mentoring center, lake house, healthcare clinic, book store, waterpark, flight school, hotels for the homeless, banking, and financial centers.”
Everything Freedom heard impressed her. “He sounds like a powerful prince among mere men.”
“That’s Elissandro Evergrace.” Thessaly’s blue eyes sparkled, and her white face glowed. “He’s a gift from God; that’s what he is. He’s a good, godly, wealthy, and influential man, and he’s very busy, active, and athletic too.
“He’s the face of the family and the overseer of all things Evergrace-related. For example, he’s on the board of directors for Evergrace Home, which provides shelter, provision, protection, education, counseling, and healthcare for young, single unwed mothers. He’s headmaster of Evergrace Academy, a private school for followers of Christ Jesus, and he’s on the board of trustees at Evergrace University. Likewise, he’s the president of the family business, Woodstring, Inc., which manufactures and distributes musical instruments, including the famed and signature Evergrace guitars.”
“Listening to that makes me tired.” Freedom frowned. “When does he sleep or relax?”
Thessaly pressed her hand against the chest of her ruffled white shirt. “Don’t get me wrong; the man makes time for God and himself as well.
“He’s a well-rounded guy, even a musician, who loves playing guitar, and he surrounds himself with great people—usually the most qualified, talented, skilled, and faithful—and he trains them, so he can delegate some of his responsibilities and devote his time to what’s most pressing or important. Also, he has family support from his younger brothers and sister, Edison, Edmund, and Elianne, and their children, as well as the rest of the Evergraces who live out of state or abroad.”
“Does he have a family of his own—a wife and kids?” Freedom asked.
Thessaly shook her head. “He’s been a bachelor for as long as anyone can remember, but there are rumors from the old-timers that he used to hang out with a girl nicknamed Danny when he was younger. Some even claim he had Wintergrace Manor built for her.”
“What happened to her?” Freedom asked.
Thessaly shrugged. “Nobody knows, really, except she left town and never came back. Since then, Elissandro has been fending off would-be wives and gold-digging girlfriends, most of whom are money-hungry and power-thirsty.”
Freedom was intrigued. “How old is he?”
“Fifty-six, since January the twelfth, and he’s beyond handsome. The man is gorgeous, about six feet tall, with thick layers of salted black hair falling haphazardly across his forehead, and he has the most vivid dark green eyes.” Thessaly fanned her face. “If I wasn’t already married to a great guy named Juan Arteaga, I would toss my hat in the ring for him too. He’s that much of a catch.”
“If he’s that irresistible, maybe I should meet him too.”
Thessaly nodded. “You should! Really! He might be able to hook you up with some clients or business for the photography studio. For him, serving God is serving others. He’s a walking social network all by himself, too, and he has a great memory and unlimited connections and knows just about everyone in Evergrace, including the old-timers.”
Since Elissandro Evergrace was a staple in the community and around her mother’s age, maybe he knew Freedom’s mom, her family, and her friend, Eli. Naturally, Freedom would be evasive if he asked her how she knew Daiana Winters, and she wouldn’t let on that she was Daiana’s daughter. But it couldn’t hurt to make his acquaintance and find out more about her mom’s life in Evergrace before her marriage to Copeland Palmer.
“Is he easily accessible or fiercely guarded?” Freedom asked, already anticipating an introduction.
“He’s a private person—a family man—but he doesn’t isolate himself from people. He’s available to those who need him, and even though he’s one of the richest, wealthiest, most influential bachelors in Evergrace, he’s not proud, arrogant, or snobbish. He’s approachable and motivational—a great leader, a wonderful person, and a powerful preacher.”
The more Thessaly described Elissandro Evergrace, the more Freedom became excited about meeting him. “Have you met him?”
Thessaly laughed. “He’s my pastor.”
Freedom smiled. “So, you’re an insider?”
“I’m not part of his inner circle. I’m just part of his church family.”
“Is there any way you can get me an introduction?” Now that she knew just how magnificent, appealing, approachable, and connected Elissandro Evergrace was, Freedom couldn’t wait to sit down with him and share a deep conversation with him and, hopefully, find out more about her mother and the Winters in general.
If Elissandro Evergrace had a great memory and he grew up during the same time Freedom’s mother did, surely he could give her a clue as to the identity of her mother’s childhood friend, Eli, and, subsequently, the name of Freedom and Francesca’s father.
Thessaly snapped her fingers. “How about tonight, around nine o’clock?”
Freedom’s curiosity was piqued. “When? Where? How?”
“Tonight at Wintergrace Manor, Elissandro is hosting his annual Valentine’s Day gala, and my husband, Juan, and I were invited to attend. Unfortunately, Juan can’t use his invitation tonight. He’s on a business trip. That leaves me with one guest invitation to spare. Are you interested?”
Freedom’s jaw dropped. “You’re inviting me as your guest?”
Thessaly nodded. “Yes, I am.”
Freedom sputtered. “But we’ve just met. You don’t know me. Not really.”
“Still, I like you, and I’m willing to invest in your future—in you—here in Evergrace,” she said. “If you attend the Valentine’s Day gala, you’ll not only meet Elissandro Evergrace, but you’ll have the chance to hobnob with some of the richest, wealthiest people in the community, and you’ll be able to network and make connections, even find some clients and spread the word about the upcoming photography studio.”
Tears stung Freedom’s eyes. Rarely had anyone taken such a chance on her, especially after one meeting. “You’d do that for me? Really?”
“I love helping people; that’s my passion.” Thessaly reached out and gently touched Freedom’s shoulder. “As of today, you and I are friends, okay?”
Freedom nodded. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” She smiled, her lips glossy red. “But you should know, Elissandro is a military veteran and die-hard aviator and patriot to the core, and he loves honoring, supporting, and celebrating those who’ve been in the US military, and I can almost guarantee he’ll love you, especially when he learns you’re a military BRAT and Air Force veteran too.”
Freedom glanced down, mindful of her powder-blue blouse and blue jeans, as well as her tennis shoes. “I appreciate the invitation, Thessaly, but I’m not sure I have anything suitable to wear to a gala, nor will I have time to find anything.”
Thessaly waved her hand. “Don’t worry! I’ll hook you up with some friends of mine—a design team, including a twin brother and sister who just happen to have a suite not too far from here.” She grabbed her red handbag from a nearby counter and then led Freedom outside to the parking lot, where their vehicles were parked side by side: Thessaly’s red convertible and Freedom’s blue truck.
“Just follow me, and I’ll lead you directly there,” Thessaly said.
“All right!” Freedom said. “Lead the way!”
Soon, Freedom and Thessaly were parking their vehicles in front of an attractive building with a large designer sign identifying the business as D2Designs. After climbing from their cars, they walked through the glass doors together into a business full of designer and custom-made clothing, ranging from glamorous to casual: from dresses and pantsuits to blouses and pants and from sleepwear to underwear.
Freedom’s mouth dropped, and she was completely speechless. Never had she seen such an array of fabric in rainbow colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, nor had she seen so many mannequins dressed better than she.
Thessaly grabbed her arm. “What do you think?”
Freedom faced her. “There’s no way I can afford any of this, including the underwear.”
Thessaly laughed. “Didn’t I tell you not to worry? My friends are great people with kind, compassionate hearts, and they’ll hook you up tonight, free of charge, just like Fairy Godmother hooked up Cinderella for the Prince’s ball.”
Thessaly ushered Freedom toward a pair of slender and stylish twenty-nine-year-old Asian Americans, Destin and Design Oshiro, whom she introduced as “brother and sister fashion design sensations.”
Destin stepped forward with a wave of pitch-black hair slanted across his face, just shy of covering his light-brown eyes. In contrast to the explosion of color around him, he wore a black silk shirt and matching pants.
“Welcome to D2Designs!” he said, a smile on his olive-tan face and a twinkle in his light-brown eyes. “Thessaly phoned earlier and said you’re in need of an extreme makeover before Elissandro Evergrace’s Valentine’s Day gala.”
Freedom reached out her hand, firmly shaking his. “I am, and thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”
He laughed. “No worries! My sister and I love helping people in need.”
Design, a tall and stunning Asian-American woman with light-brown eyes and long hair the color of midnight, accentuated with lavender curls spilling over the shoulders and down the back of her dark purple blouse and flaring black pants, walked swiftly toward them, then stood beside her brother.
“Destin’s right!” she said. “In addition to designing clothes for high fashion and the runway, we design clothes for charitable causes, too, through our D2DonationDesigns program, which makes it possible for disabled, disadvantaged, and underprivileged kids and their parents to grab gently used and donated designer clothes off the rack, either free of charge or at affordable, discounted prices for minor and major life events such as weddings, proms, graduations, and galas.”
“It’s our chance to give back and bless others,” Destin said.
“That’s what our pastor tells us,” Design said. “We get to give, and we’re blessed, so we can bless others because to love God well is to love others like ourselves, and to serve God best is to serve others better.”
“That’s generous of you.” Freedom stepped forward, then shook Design’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”
Design smiled, her lip gloss shiny and lavender. “We feel the same. Welcome to D2Designs.”
Freedom released Design’s hand and then stepped back beside Thessaly. “How do you all know each other?”
“We attend the same church—Tree of Life Community Worship Center,” Destin said. “Our senior pastor and spiritual dad, Elissandro Evergrace, is your host for tonight’s gala.”
“Spiritual dad?”
Design nodded. “He’s a surrogate dad in our church family.”
“Some of the church members, especially the younger ones who’ve grown up without parents or dads in the home, call him dad outside of church,” Thessaly said. “He’s fine with it too.”
“Truly, like God, Elissandro Evergrace has been a father to the fatherless,” Destin said. “He loves Jesus, he loves God, and he loves people, and everyone loves him too.”
“From what everyone’s said about him, I can’t wait to meet him,” Freedom said. “I’ve never had a dad I could trust easily or really rely on, not someone I could go to for counseling and comfort nor depend on for protection and provision.
“Most of the time, I’ve been on my own, fending for myself, even though I have brothers and sisters who are still living.” She waved her hand toward Destin and Design. “I even have a twin sister, but she can barely stand me because we’re so different, and she blames me for our mom’s death.”
Tears welled in Freedom’s eyes. “Maybe if I had someone like Elissandro Evergrace in my life as a senior pastor and spiritual dad, I wouldn’t be so bruised, so broken, so bound, so messed up.”
Thessaly pulled Freedom into her arms, then hugged her warmly and tightly. “None of us is perfect, Freedom. We’re all works in progress, so don’t feel like you’re the only one who’s been bruised, bound, and broken. Like you, we’ve been wounded warriors, and like you, we’ve had our trials and temptations, but we put our hope, our faith, and our trust in one place and one person—Jesus Christ—the Son of God.
“Only through Him do we have access to God the Father, and only by grace through faith in Him do we have salvation and find eternal life.
“As much as we love our senior pastor and spiritual dad, we know he alone can’t save us, he can’t heal us, he can’t deliver us, he can’t change us, he can’t renew our mind, he can’t soften our heart, he can’t forgive our sins, he can’t reconcile us to God the Father, and he can’t guarantee us eternal life. Only Jesus can. More than Elissandro Evergrace, He’s the One you need.”
“In my heart, I know that. My mind is the problem.” Freedom stepped back, drying tears with her fingers. “I’m sorry I got so emotional. I’m just overwhelmed. My twenty-eighth birthday is tomorrow, and I’m in a new place, a new career, a new season—all without my mom, my family, any safety net—and I’m pregnant—eight months away from becoming a single mom.”
Destin, Design, and Thessaly encircled her, and the next thing Freedom knew, she was part of a big group hug.
“We’re here for you,” Destin said. “You’re not alone.”
“That’s right!” Design said. “God sent you here for a reason.”
“As long as you’re here,” Thessaly said, “you have family and friends too.”
“Thank you so much,” Freedom said. “I really appreciate this—all you’re doing for me.”
Thessaly thumbed her own tears dry. “That’s who and what we are, Freedom: the hands and feet of Jesus Christ on earth. And today, we’re claiming you as one of us, part of our family, and today, we’re going to pray for you, give you grace, and pour the love of Jesus over you and this baby.”
Thessaly bowed her head, closed her eyes, and prayed for Freedom. As she prayed, Freedom could feel a warm blanket of peace falling over her, covering her from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. By the time Thessaly said “amen,” all Freedom felt was love, peace, and acceptance.
She faced Thessaly, her chest warm. “Thank you! For everything.”
Thessaly hugged her tightly. “You’re welcome.”
Destin clapped his hands, then tapped his watch. “The clock’s ticking, ladies. If Freedom is going to make it to the Valentine’s Day gala, she’ll need to get glammed up now.”
Soon, he and Design were walking around Freedom, making their mental notes out loud.
“With your tall height, gorgeous skin tone, spiraling curls, and exotic eyes, you could rival any runway model or gloss the cover of any fashion magazine,” Design said. “It’s an honor and a blessing for us at D2Designs to dress and accessorize you for this gala too.”
“Thanks for trusting us,” Destin said. “We won’t let you down.”
After he and Design conferred and took measurements of Freedom, they asked Freedom about her color preferences. Then, they gave Freedom a tour of some of their original creations amid a flurry of motion among their store attendants.
Thessaly rushed ahead of them, then pulled a scarlet-red dress from the rack. “What about this?” she asked Freedom. “It’s daring—a showstopper too.”
Freedom frowned. “I’m not bold enough for red tonight. I’d rather wear something more sedate—elegant but laid-back—something that doesn’t draw that much attention to me.”
Destin and Design traded glances, and then Destin snapped his fingers. “We’ve got the right dress for you—one that you’ll love and one that will make you the envy of every woman in attendance.”
“Show me, please!” Freedom said.
Design strode to another rack, then pulled out a gorgeous cream-colored D2Designs creation from among the others. “Here’s something made just for you,” she said. “It’s our most elegant design—the Gracegown, with a pencil skirt and overskirt that adds extra volume, giving the gown more dimensions, also with removable off-the-shoulder straps.”
Immediately, Freedom fell in love with the dress.
Destin extended his hand. “If you would, please step into the dressing room and try on the Gracegown.”
“Gladly.” Freedom received the dress from Design; then, she walked toward one of the spacious and elegantly designed dressing rooms. Once inside, Freedom undressed and slipped into the gown. Instantly, Freedom felt like a fairy-tale princess preparing to go to the grand ball to meet her awaiting prince, except in her case, the princess was pregnant, and the prince was clueless, nowhere in sight.
Freedom looked at herself in the mirror, then ran her hand along the front of the Gracegown. “Wow!” she said, barely recognizing herself. “This is great… unbelievable.”
Feeling fanciful, she swayed from side to side, then swirled around before leaving the dressing room and returning to the front showroom, where Destin, Design, and Thessaly were waiting for her. “Here I am!” she said.
Thessaly was the first to rush toward her, then hug her. “You’re amazing! More beautiful than a fairy-tale princess.”
Design gave her a thumbs-up sign. “You’re beyond beautiful; you’re simply divine. I can imagine in our D2Designs Gracegown, you’ll be the envy of every woman at the gala and the topic of conversation on every man’s lips.”
Destin clapped his hands. “My sister’s right! You’re absolutely stunning already! You just need some accessories to complete the picture.” He turned and walked away, then returned minutes later with jewelry draped over his arm and a pair of clear, seemingly glass slippers in his hand.
Freedom’s jaw dropped. “You’ve got to be kidding me! Glass slippers?”
Destin and Design traded glances, and then both burst into laughter.
Destin lowered the shoes in front of her. “Actually, they look like glass slippers, but they’re more comfortable and flexible enough to fit the contours of your foot.”
Design removed the jewelry from her brother’s arm. “As kids, Destin and I watched cartoons and animated movies, and we were hooked on fairy tales, so how can we not work in fashion design without designing some fairy-tale princess gear?”
“Before the night’s over, Elissandro will definitely know your name,” Destin said. “He might even dance with you too.”
“Does he normally dance?” Freedom asked.
“No!” Destin, Design, and Thessaly chimed.
“Is he bad at it? Does he have two left feet?”
“That’s not the problem,” Thessaly said. “He’s danced before, and he’s quite good at it. He just prefers to stand on the sideline, observing.”
“Usually, if he’s in the right mood or spirit, he’ll dance with some of the kids or the elderly widows and older married women,” Design said. “But he usually shies away from dancing with young, single women, mostly to protect himself from matchmaking mommas, gold-digging girlfriends, and picture-posing wannabee wives.”
“Since he’s an Evergrace and a preacher, he’s got a big target on his back,” Destin said. “So he has to be careful about who he associates with and allows into his inner circle and his private life.” He tossed his head back, then brushed some of the pitch-black hair from his face. “But I imagine he’ll take one look at you in this D2Designs Gracegown and make an exception, offering you a chance to be his dance partner.”
“Now, stand still,” Design said, “so I can put this diamond star necklace around your neck and these crystal earrings in your ears.”
Freedom held herself still as Design decked her out in jewelry.
“Finished!” Design said.
“All we need now are the shoes,” Destin said. “If you would, have a seat, please.”
Freedom sat down on one of the cushioned seats, and Destin kneeled in front of her with the clear slippers that felt firm but flexible as he slid each one onto her feet.
Rising to his full height, Destin glanced at his watch, then his sister. “Our time’s almost out. What else do we need?”
“A great hairstylist for her glorious hair.”
Freedom raised her hand, raking fingers through her hair. “Will we have time to find someone?”
Thessaly waved her cell phone. “I’m already on it! Sascha will be here in five minutes with her bag of goodies.”
“Who’s Sascha?” Freedom asked.
“The best hairstylist in town, and she’s got a salon in the next suite. She just had a cancellation at the last minute, so she’ll be able to squeeze you in.”
“Is she a member of the Tree of Life Community Worship Center too?”
Thessaly nodded. “How did you know?”
Freedom shrugged. “I just made an educated guess.”
Soon, a short and curvy Hispanic woman with reddish-brown hair pulled into a ponytail rushed into the building, pulling a black box cart with a bulging black duffel bag behind her. “Hello! I’m here, darlings!” she said, walking straight for Destin, Design, and Thessaly.
“Just in time too!” Destin said, kissing her cheek, then pulling her toward Freedom. “This is Freedom, and she’s been invited to Elissandro Evergrace’s gala. Do you think you can come up with something creative but elegant in such a short time?”
Sascha bobbed her head, her dark-brown eyes on Freedom. “Of course, I can. Just give me some space and time to work, and I’ll whip out another Sascha Moreno masterpiece for you.”
“Here’s your client.” Design grabbed Freedom’s arm and pulled her to her feet. “Come on, princess. You’ve got a hair appointment.”
Before Freedom knew it, she was sitting in a chair in front of a mirror, with a black tarp covering her gown, and Sascha Moreno was standing behind her, working masterfully and efficiently, rearranging Freedom’s hair into a spiraling, braided crown, which Freedom could already tell would complement the Gracegown.
Finally, Sascha brushed hair from the black tarp, then removed it and stepped aside. “I’m finished, darlings! Behold the Moreno masterpiece.”
Design raised her hand, giving a thumbs-up sign.
Destin clapped.
Thessaly hugged Sascha, her blue eyes shining. “You did it! Just like I knew you would. It’s pure perfection.”
Freedom agreed, and she stood up, then grabbed Sascha’s hand. “Thank you so much! How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing,” Sascha said. “Everything’s free of charge—un regalo—my gift to you.”
“Really?” Freedom asked, unused to such charity and goodwill.
“Really,” Sascha said. “In Evergrace, we get to give, and we’re blessed to be a blessing.”
Tears clouded Freedom’s eyes. “That’s what I’m learning. Thank you. Again.”
“De nada—you’re welcome.” Sascha hugged her. “Have a great night. Vaya con Dios—go with God.”
Unable to say anything, Freedom nodded.
Design pulled a white, diamond-studded handbag from a nearby shelf and handed it to Freedom. “This is yours, too, and there’s a handkerchief inside, if you need it.”
“Thank you.”
Design smiled, then nodded.
Destin waved at Freedom. “Remember this: It’s all good, and it’s all God. Have a blessed night, and enjoy yourself.”
“I will.” Freedom grabbed her belongings, stuffing them in a large designer bag.
Thessaly grabbed Freedom’s arm and escorted her to her blue truck. “I’ll text you the address to Wintergrace Manor, and you can program it into your phone or into your truck’s GPS system. I’ve got to go home and get dressed myself, but I’ll meet you around eight thirty on the Wintergrace Manor lawn, and we’ll walk inside together. All right?”
Freedom nodded. “Sounds good to me.”
Thessaly reached into her red handbag and then handed Freedom a red envelope. “Here’s the guest invitation, which you’ll need to get into the gala.”
Freedom slid the envelope into the white handbag. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Thessaly hugged her again, then walked away, climbing into her red convertible, then speeding away.
Freedom took a deep breath, then climbed into her blue truck, dropped her phone and handbag on the passenger seat, put the designer bag and her camera on the back seat, and sat silently in the driver’s seat, just holding fast to the steering wheel.
So much had happened in such a short time, and now, here she was, dressed like royalty, wearing an expensive gown, with precious jewels in her ears and hanging from around her neck, and glass-like slippers on her feet, and a crown of hair beyond comparison. Truly, Thessaly, Destin, Design, and Sascha had blessed her, and all she knew to do was receive the blessings in the spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude.
Freedom heard the notification and glanced at her phone in the passenger’s seat beside the white handbag. She picked up the phone and saw that Thessaly had texted her the address of Wintergrace Manor. Immediately, she programmed it into her truck’s GPS system, and soon, she pushed the start button, and her blue truck came to life with a steady hum.
Soon, Freedom was following the directions, and within an hour, she was pulling up to the gates of Wintergrace Manor. And she was awestruck as she entered the gates and pulled ever closer to the mansion, with its spacious green grounds and twinkling lamplights.
Finally, Freedom reached the end of the driveway and saw a line of other vehicles, including limousines, stretched as far as she could see, and she just followed the closest one, watching as outside attendants dressed in matching red suits directed the parking.
After Freedom parked in her allotted space, she tucked her phone in the handbag, then grabbed the handbag and climbed from the truck, locking it, then walked toward the mansion with the rest of the guests, who were equally dressed in gowns and tuxedos.
As she walked along the grounds, Freedom drank everything in—the sights and the sounds—and she even heard orchestra music, and it practically danced through the air, tickling her ears, romancing her heart, and tempting her feet. She loved music; she loved dancing.
She almost wished she hadn’t left her camera tucked in the backseat of the truck, too, because tonight would have been a great night for taking photos.
She had just stepped on the red carpet leading up the steps toward the mansion when she heard the familiar ringtone of her cell phone. She stopped and opened her handbag, then pulled the cell phone out and realized it was Thessaly phoning her. She pressed the green phone icon. “Thessaly?”
“Yes!” she said. “I’m standing at the manor entrance, waving my hand. Can you see me?”
Freedom glanced toward the manor entrance, and sure enough, she saw a Thessaly Westenberg-Arteaga dressed in a full-body red dress, holding her phone to her ear and waving her free hand.
“I see you,” Freedom said. “I’ll be there; I’m on my way.”
“I’ll be waiting.” Thessaly disconnected, ending the call.
Freedom returned the cell phone to the handbag, then walked toward Thessaly. Within minutes, she had made it up all the steps, and she was standing beside Thessaly, who was still gushing over her appearance.
Thessaly looped her arm in Freedom’s. “You’re in for an overload of extravagance, elegance, and entertainment,” she said. “Everybody here is a walking-talking magazine cover, and you’re included. So, be confident. Be courageous.”
“If you’ll just introduce me to Elissandro Evergrace, I’ll be good,” Freedom said. “Meeting him is number one on my list tonight.”
“Don’t worry,” Thessaly said. “Before the night is over, you’ll get to meet Elissandro Evergrace.”
They crossed the threshold together, and it felt as though Freedom had stepped into a different class and a different world. Immediately, flashes of light flared on either side of her and Thessaly, and photographers scrambled for the best shots.
“Welcome to Wintergrace!” Thessaly said. “Now, let’s find our host so I can introduce you to him.” She ushered Freedom through the throng of people. “There he is!” She pointed, and Freedom followed her finger.
About twenty feet in front of them, standing in a group of tuxedoed men of various races, was a tall and handsome olive-tan man with dark, thick layers of hair sprinkled with gray and the most attractive green eyes, and he was dressed stylishly in a black tuxedo and a white shirt, with a crimson-red bow tie and cumberbund.
Cutting her way through the small crowd, Thessaly led Freedom directly to him, and the closer they got, the harder Freedom’s heart thumped her chest because the closer they got, the clearer the photographer in Freedom could see that she and Elissandro Evergrace shared quite a resemblance, including their green eyes.
Then, the journalist in her started asking questions. My middle name is Elissandra. Did my mother name me after Elissandro Evergrace? Was it possible? Could Elissandro Evergrace be my mother’s childhood friend? Her college sweetheart and first love? Could he be the missing branch in my family tree? Could he be my birth dad—my biological father? I have to get him alone. But how?
Suddenly, Thessaly and Freedom stood in front of Elissandro Evergrace, and his green eyes shifted intensely from Thessaly to Freedom, and they stayed on Freedom for quite a while. Then he smiled from ear to ear and clapped his hand on Thessaly’s shoulder. “Hello, Thessaly! How are you doing?”
“Fine, sir,” she said. “Since Juan had to cancel, I brought a friend tonight, who’s a military vet too—an Air Force photographer who’s just moved to Evergrace and is looking to open up a photography studio in one of our suites in the Tree of Life Community Center. Her name is Freedom Forrester, and she’ll be celebrating her twenty-eighth birthday tomorrow.”
“Happy early birthday!” Elissandro reached out his hand, and he firmly gripped Freedom’s hand, his green eyes gleaming. “Welcome to Evergrace.”
“Thank you.” Freedom could feel the love in his words and the warmth flowing from his hand, and she fought to keep her composure. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, sir. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you.”
“I’d love to hear more about you too.” He didn’t release her hand. Instead, he pulled her closer. “Do you mind if we share a dance?”
Freedom smiled because she wanted to know more about him, too, especially if he was really her dad. “Not at all,” she said. “Lead the way.”
Elissandro excused himself from Thessaly and the others, and then, he tucked Freedom’s arm in his and led her across the manor straight to the ballroom, where an orchestra was playing, and a crowd of men and women were already on the ballroom floor dancing.
Even though Freedom could feel the stares and hear the whispers, she ignored it all, focusing only on the man beside her, who she was becoming more sure was the one man she had been searching for most of her life—her mother’s first love and her own dad.
After they reached the ballroom floor, Elissandro pulled her into his arms and began to lead her gracefully and swiftly through the dance steps. “You look lovely tonight, especially in that gown, with your hair crowned into a braid,” he said, his eyes piercing and shiny.
“Thank you,” Freedom said. “All of this is courtesy of D2Designs and Sascha Moreno. Usually, I’m more comfortable in a T-shirt and blue jeans.”
He laughed, swirling her around the dance floor amid a chorus of camera flashes. “So am I.”
Freedom drew closer to him, then looked directly into his eyes. “My mom used to live in Evergrace when she was younger. She lived with her grandparents, Onesimus and Lizette Winters, but she moved away and never returned—never even mentioned her time here that much, except to say she had a childhood friend named Eli.”
Elissandro smiled with tears in his eyes. “Her friends called her Danny; her family called her Daiana, and I called her Twink and Twinkle because she was full of life, laughter, and light, and God made her a masterpiece… He created her to glow, to shine.”
Tears stung Freedom’s eyes, and her heart rammed her chest. Hard. “Are you my dad?”
He nodded. “Yes, I am.”
Freedom’s heart grew warm in her chest. “I’ve been looking for you all my life.”
Elissandro pressed her hand against his chest, over his heart. “Your mother wrote me a letter before she died that I received eleven years later—a week before this past Christmas—and since I learned that you and Francesca are mine, I’ve been searching for you too.”
Freedom’s eyes got wide. “You know who I am? Francesca too?”
He nodded. “I know your story, all of it, and regardless of what you call yourself, Faith or Freedom, you’re my daughter, and I’m your dad, and I love you.”
“I love you too! I really do!” She wrapped her arms around him, and she hugged him close and tight; then, she closed her eyes, with the world spinning around her, and she promptly fainted in her father’s arms.