Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:13–17 (NIV)
The Courtyard
Wintergrace Manor
Evergrace, Texas
Saturday, December 7, 2019
In the courtyard of Wintergrace on his wedding day, Justice, in a black suit with a blue cumberbund surrounded by blue and white roses, stood on the platform with his best man, his brother Jacson, and his other brothers, Jordan and Jaron, along with his groomsmen: Rio, Warrior, Blest, Judah, and Ryan.
Soon, the ceremony commenced when the bridesmaids marched toward them in long royal blue gowns: Netanya, Dynasty, We-ming, Francesca, Thessaly, Lauren, Priyanka, and the matron of honor, Kyana.
After Everly, Echo, and Gift tossed blue rose petals on the ground, Freedom, wearing an elegant white wedding gown courtesy of Destin and Design Oshiro, made her entrance with their sons, Everson, Eston, Essam, and Given, and she was absolutely gorgeous, quite stunning, even breathtaking.
The boys escorted Freedom halfway up the aisle, where Christopher Cross was waiting with a great big smile on his face to loop his arms through Freedom’s as the boys stepped aside, then went to their seats next to their three sisters, Everly, Echo, and Gift.
Then, Christopher handed Freedom off to Grandpa Randle, who ushered her toward her grandfather, Elec, who walked her to the platform and relinquished her hand to her dad, Elissandro Evergrace, who was officiating the ceremony.
Elissandro kissed her hand, then stepped aside so Justice could claim his bride’s hand.
Elissandro smiled and led Justice and Freedom through their wedding vows, and before Justice knew it, he and Freedom were reciting their own vows, pledging themselves to each other and to God.
Finally, Elissandro declared them husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Justice and Freedom Shield. Justice did what he had wanted to do for the last two years: he told his wife he loved her, then he kissed her deeply, passionately, and thoroughly, romancing her lips with his and giving her a preview for what she could look forward to later, even amid the sound of cheers, whistles, and handclaps.
After he stepped back, he noticed that Freedom’s face was flushed, but her green eyes were twinkling as she leaned toward him and whispered against his ear. “I love you, too, and I’m ready for our honeymoon night just as much as you.”
Later, at the reception, under a large white tent twinkling with lights and filled with family, friends, and loved ones, Justice played the piano and serenaded his wife; then, he swirled her around the dance floor before dancing with each of their daughters as Freedom danced with each of their sons.
After they tossed the garter belt and blue-and-white rose bouquet, which Ryan and Michaela, who had begun a romantic relationship in earnest, caught respectively, Justice and Freedom cut the wedding cake and fed each other one gigantic piece, all the while hugging and laughing.
By midnight, Justice and Freedom had kissed all of their kids, said all of their farewells, hopped into the back of a black limousine, and headed to the nearest airport, Skyler Regional Airport in Heaventon Hope, so they could travel to Dallas to continue on their air travel to Israel—the Holy Land—where they would spend their two-week honeymoon and walk where Jesus did.
On the airplane, Freedom leaned her head on Justice’s shoulder, and she laced her fingers with his. “I love you,” she said.
“I love you too.”
She raised her head, looking at him. “Thank you for not giving up on me, for not giving up on us, as a couple, as husband and wife, even when I was being stubborn and pushing you away.”
Justice smiled, then kissed her forehead. “You make my life richer, happier, more peaceful, and complete, and I couldn’t do life anymore without you. I didn’t want to either.”
Tears gleamed in her eyes, and she covered his chest with her hand. “Thank you for fighting for me, the kids, and this family; thank you for shielding us, praying for us, and protecting us too.”
“You’re welcome.” Justice raised her hand to his lips, then kissed it. “I plan to spend my entire lifetime covering you and the kids in prayer and giving you and the kids as much PPL—protection, provision, and love—as possible, and that’s a promise.”
She smiled through her tears. “Then, I’m blessed not only with a good, godly husband with a heart of compassion but a good, strong man, who, all these years, has been my shield and my protection.”
“That’s who I am, what I’ll always be, from now until forevermore,” Justice said, pulling her closer into the warmth of his body so he could snuggle with her and kiss her one more time. “But truly, love, God is my strength, my salvation. Without Him, I could do nothing, and I would be nothing. He’s my Rock, my Foundation. His Son—Jesus—is my Source, my Savior, my Light, my Life, my Shield of faith, and there’s no reason to fear because God’s got you, me, and this family covered 100 percent. That’s how good He is; that’s how great He is; that’s how amazing He is.”