Authors are listed only in case of special discussion or reference. Subjects of footnotes are listed. Chapter headings and bibliographical references are not included.
absentee shareholders, 16, 82, 83
accumulation of capital, 17, 23 f., 28, 36. See also capitalism
administration or administrators, British imperialist, 10 f., 87, 91, 92; in India, 63, 66, 87; imperialist, 11, 13–14, 66, 91 ff.; French imperialist, 14; German imperialist, 14; as a class, 17; and foreign rule, 91 ; and decrees, 123; and law, 124. See also “scramble for Africa”; South Africa
African tribes, 72 ff. See also Negroes
Alexander II, 119
Alexander the Great, 12
Alldeutscher Verband, see Pan-German League
Alter, William, 44
American Civil War, 57
American continent, colonization of, 66
American Revolution, 11, 61, 173, 178
anticlericalism, 43
Anti-Dreyfusards, 35
antisemitism, Nazi brand of, 149; In France, 42 f., 47, 53; in Austria-Hungary, 118 ff.; and the pan-movements, 82, 84 f., 108 f., 118–23; and romanticism, 49; in South Africa, 82, 84 ff.; in succession states, 154
Arab national movement, 98, 100
aristocracy, in Germany and Prussia, 45 f., 50; and middle classes, 44; in England, 56; decline of, 47, 53; and might-right doctrines, 58
“aristocracy of nature,” 63
Aristotle, 177
army, in France, 142; and nation-state, 109–10, 142; in imperialist expansion, 16–17; and parties, 142
Aryanism or Aryans, 37, 40, 45, 53, 55, 105
Asia, 62, 66; Asian labor in South Africa, 86
Augustine, Aurelius, 181
Australia, 8, 12, 30, 62, 66, 77, 79, 84
Austria, 104, 151, 155, 159; Social Democratic Party, 133
Austria-Hungary, 35, 148; antisemitism in, 118; and pan-movements, 35, 102, 104, 107–23; and nationalities, 108, 116, 117 f., 139 f.; bureaucracy in, 123; literature, 125; pa.ties in, 139 f.; Social Democratic Party, 145; end of Dual Monarchy, 148, 151
Bagdad Railroad, 16
bankers, and imperialism, 15–16; in South Africa, 78. See also financiers
Barnato, Barney, 79, 80, 82, 83
Barnato Diamond Trust, 83
Bassermann, Ernst, 130
Baudelaire, Charles, 51
Beaconsfield, Lord, see Disraeli, Benjamin
Benjamin, Walter, 23
“Black Hundreds,” 128
Bleichroeder, Gerson, 16
Bloy, Léon, 122
Blum, Léon, 143
Bluntschli, Johann Caspar, 133, 135
Bodin, Jean, 110
Boers, 71–87; and racism, 61, 77 ff., 87; and Dutchmen, 71, 73; and slavery, 74; and Christianity, 75; and British, 76, 77 ff.; and Jews, 85
Bolshevik movement or party or Bolshevism, 38, 137, 141; and Pan-Slavism, 102, 116, 129; and the Russian People, 129; and Nazism, 141. See also Soviet Russia; Communism
Boulainvilliers, Comte de, 42 ff., 51
bourgeois, and citizen, 24, 135
bourgeoisie, 60; and nation-state, 3; and imperialism, 6 ff., 30; in France, 36; and aristocracy, 46 ff., 56; and politics, 3, 6; in Germany, 4, 36, 49; and capitalism, 17, 30; and the state, 18, 29; and Western traditions and morals, 21 f., 25, 36; and civil services, 33–34; and mob, 35 ff.; in England, 36, 56, 61; in Netherlands, 36
bourgeois society, 21, 70, 167
Boxer insurrection, 65
Brentano, Clemens von, 49
Briand, Aristide, 152
British colonial possessions, types of, 12, 57 f.
British East India Company, 67
British Empire, vi, 7, 12, 87; and emigration, 8; India and, v, ix, 10, 62, 96; and imperialism, 89; its legend, 89 ff.; and Commonwealth, 101
British Imperial Parliament, 13
British Intelligence or Secret Services, 88, 96–101
British Labor Government, 132
British Labor Party, 31
British Liberal Party, 31
Broca, Paul, 40
Buchenwald, 176
Buffon, Ledere de, 57
Bulgaria, 160
Burckhardt, Jacob, 35
bureaucracy, in France, 124 f.; in Austria-Hungary, 123–30; and imperialism, 65 ff.. 93–94; in India, 87, 96, 101; in Algeria, 87; in Egypt, 87, 92 f.; as form of government, 83 ff., 124–25; totalitarian, 124 f.; in Czarist Russia, 126–30; and power, 136 f. See also administration
Burke, Edmund, 10, 55–56, 63, 65, 87, 134, 135; and Rights of Man, 179 f.; and French Revolution, 55
Cape of Good Hope, 12, 31, 67. See also South Africa
capitalism, and imperialism, 6, 12, 15 ff., 23, 27, 28, 29 ff.. 80–81; laws of, 16 f., 28; and bourgeoisie, 17, 25
Carlyle, Thomas, 60 f. Carthage, 67
Carthill, A., v, 8, 23, 58, 66, 96
Catholic Church, in Latin European countries, 138; and Fascism, 138
Cayla, Léon, 14
Cecil, Lord Robert, see Salisbury, Lord
Central Verein für Handelsgeographie, 103, 137
Chaadayev, P. Y., 113, 115, 120
Chamberlain, Sir Austen, 152 f.
Chamberlain, Houston Steward, 104
chauvinism, 106–107
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 7, 8, 27
Chinese, in South Africa, 86
Chomjakov, A. S., 127
chosenness, Jewish concept of, 75, 82, 113, 120 f., Boers’ concept of, 75 ff., 82; pan-movements’ concept of, 113–15, 120
Christianity, 36, 75, 79, 88, 122, 123, 179
Christlich-Deutsche Tischgesellschaft, 49
CIA, viii
civil services (government officials), in Prussia, 136; and British imperialists, 10; and imperialism, 33 f.; in England, 34, 78, 88 ff.; in Germany, 34, 136; and class system, 34
class system, 23; and nation-state, 110–11; and mob, 35; and party system, 137–42; in Europe, 140–45; breakdown, 140 f.
“cold war,” v ff.
colonial possessions, 12–14; increase of, 4; French, 5, 9, 13; British, v, 7, 11, 13, 57, 58, 91; Dutch, 9, 13; German, 13 f.
colonization, European, 30, 66, 67; in South Africa, 66 ff., 73; in America, 66; British, 8, 61, 62, 79
Color Bar Bill, 84
Commonwealth, British, 7, 8, 11, 28, 101
Communism or Communist Party, 142–45; in Czechoslavakia, 141; in France, 143; in Germany, 144 f.; in the United States, 160. See also Bolshevik movement
Comte, Auguste, 62
concentration camps, 3, 167–68, 176, 180, 187, 191; in Soviet Russia, 176
Congress of Berlin, 155
Congress of Organized National Groups in European States, 153 f.
Congress of Vienna, 155
Conrad, Joseph, 52, 65, 69 ff., 73
Conservative Party or parties, British, 7, 55; German, 31, 134
corporate state, 138 ff.
Crimean War, 107
Cromer, Lord, v, 5, 11, 13, 66; in India, 91; in Egypt, 91–96; and Rhodes, 99, 100
Cromwell, Oliver, 7
Czarist Russia, 81, 92, 103, 106 ff, 111 f., 116, 125 ff., 148
Czechoslovakia, 106, 141, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 156
Danilewski, N. Y., 103, 104, 106
Dark Continent, see Africa; South Africa
Darwin, Charles, 39
Das Schwarze Korps, 149
Déat, Marcel, 143
De Beers Company, 83
Declaration of Independence, 178
Declaration of the Rights of Man, 170, 178
decree, and law, 10, 123–30; government by, 14; and bureaucracy, 123–30; and power, 123–30
Delos, J. T., 110 f.
denationalization, 149, 157–70 passim; and totalitarian politics, 158, 168, 170
De Pass Brothers, 82
Bernburg, Bernhard, 14
despotism or despots, 66, 176; in Czarist Russia, 127 ff.; pre-World War I, 123. See also tyranny
Deutsche Bank, 16
Deuxième Bureau, 81
dictatorships, and Fascism, 137; and democracy, 137; military, 142
displaced persons, 159, 156–82 passim. See also statelessness
Disraeli, Benjamin, 51, 70; and Rights of Man, 55; and race doctrines, 60, 62 f.
Disselboom, Jan, 8
Dreyfus Affair, 12, 35, 70, 109, 128, 142; and socialists, 59
Dreyfus, Robert, 52
Dubuat-Nan?ay, Comte, 43
Dulles, Allan W., viii
Dutch Reformed Church, 75
Eastern Europe, 105
Egypt, 5, 13, 32, 46; British policy in, 6 f., 91–96; and India, 67, 91 ff.; and bureaucracy, 87 ff.
elite, imperialist, 24; and race doctrines, 53, 54
emigration, British, 8, 28, 68; to Canada, 30; German, 30; to South Africa, 68
empire, 6; ancient, 11; French, 7, 9; and Commonwealth, 7, 11; German, 30; Egyptian, 67; Asiatic, 68. See also British Empire; empire building; Roman Empire
empire, 6; ancient, 11; French, 7, 9; and 10, 14; Roman, v, 8, 9; French, 8
f., 14; and the nation, 10, 13, 14
Engels, Friedrich, 17
England, 87, 130 ff.; and France, 5, 94; and imperialism, 4 ff.; and Egypt, 6 f., 67; and Commonwealth, 7, 11; and Ireland, 7; and colonial possessions, 8, 61 ff., 66 ff.; civil services in, 34; and India, 63; and South Africa, 67 ff., 76 f., 83; traditions in, 89 ff.; public school system, 91; and Czarist Russia, 103
equality, 63, 114, 181 f.; and race doctrines, 41; Hobbes and, 20; in England, 56; and statelessness, 170
Esterhazy, see Walsin-Esterhazy
Europe, pre-World War I, 3, 27; and imperialism, 34; after World War I, 147 ff.
Evian Conference, 162
excommunication, 182
expansion, as “extension” or “overextension,” vii; new motivations for, vii ff., economic, 5 f., 27 ff.; and nation-state, 4–14, 30, 32, 34; Cecil Rhodes and, 4, 95; and imperialism, v ff., 5–14, 15–17, 80, 95; Hobbes on, 26; and law, 5; overseas and continental, vii, 102 ff. See also imperialism
export of capital or money, 10, 12, 16, 17, 27 ff., 105. See also foreign investments
extermination policies or extermination camps, 65, 72, 170, 176
Fascism or Fascist movements, 142; in Italy, 136 f., 138 f.; in France, 143; and totalitarianism, 136 f., 138 f.; and Catholic Church, 138; and foreign policy, 139; and class system, 142; and party sytsem, 143
Faure, Elie, 55
Fichte, Johann G., 46
financiers, 15, 16, 80, 82; Jewish, 16, 78, 83. See also bankers; Rothschilds
Finland, 164
foreign aid, as instrument of imperialism, vii, ix
foreign affairs, and the bourgeoisie, 18; and pan-movements, 104, 121
foreign investments, 15 f., 17, 29, 79, 80, 81. See also export of capital; absentee shareholders
Fouché, Joseph, 44
France, 35, 41, 67; foreign population in, 41, 65; and Germany, 143; and England, 5; as nation-state, 7; and colonies, 5, 9, 13, 14; and Negroes, 57; party system in, 133, 135 f. See also Third Republic; Vichy government
Franco, Francisco, 163
Franco-Prussian War, 54
Frederick II, 46
Freeman, Orville L., ix
Freemasonry, 138
French Revolution, 8, 24, 42, 43, 44, 50, 133, 135, 173, 179; and England, 55 f.; and nation-state, 109 f.; and Rights of Man, 110, 152
Gaulle, Charles de, v
genetics, 116
geopolitics, 103
Germanism, see Aryanism; Pan-Germanism
German Progressive Party, 4
German-Russian nonaggression pact, 38, 144
German South-East Africa, 14, 65
Germany, 158 f.; and colonies, 13 f.; and imperialism, 30; party system in, 131, 133, 144 f. See also Nazism; Pan-Germanism; Prussia; totalitarianism; Weimar Republic; Nazi Germany
Gestapo, 168 f.
Gladstone, William E., 4, 5, 7, 32
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur de, 38, 44, 45, 150–55, 63, 104
Granville, Lord, 93
Great Britain, see British Empire; England
“Great Game,” vi
Gründungsschwindel, 29
Guizot, François, 44
Haller, Ludwig von, 50
Hapsburg, monarchy, 108, 116, 118 f.
Harvey, Charles H., 60
Hasse, Ernst, 103
Hayes, Carlton J. H., 4, 27, 28, 39, 59
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 51, 118, 129; and Pan-Slavism, 129
Heligoland, 5
Hindenburg, Paul von, 144 f.
Hindus, 61
Hirsch, Baron Moritz, 16
history, theories of, 39, 46, 51; legends and, 88
Hitler, Adolf, 12, 45, 113, 141, 144, 155, 179; Mein Kampf, 102, 121; and Pan-Germanism, 102; and Austria, 104; and antisemitism, 121; and racism, 121; and decline of party system, 143 ff.; and extermination of Jews, 170
Hitler Germany, see Nazi Germany Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, 19–27, 35–37
Hobson, J. H., 3, 11, 15, 27, 28, 33
Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Hermann, Prince of, 34
Holland, see Netherlands Holy Bulgarian Synod, 102
Holy Roman Empire, 106
Home Rule Bill, Gladstone’s, 7
Hotman, François, 42
Huebbe-Schleiden, 5
human rights, see Rights of Man
Hungary or Hungarians, 106, 148, 154, 158
ideologies, 19th century, 39 f., 54; and science, 39 ff., 60; German, 46; and romanticism, 55; and legends, 88; and pan-movements, 105, 128 ff.; as organizational principle, 129; and parties, 134 f.
imperialism or imperialists, and nation-state or mother country or nationalism, v ff., 11
f., 14, 27, 33, 82, 88, 103, 105, 130 f.; “dollar,” vii; pre-World War II, vii; and bourgeoisie, 30; parties, 5; and overseas, 103 ff., 130; French, v, 4, 8–9, 10, 14, 94; dates of, 3; and totalitarianism, 18, 23, 98; Belgian, 4, 10; German, 4, 14, 30, 65, 137; and expansion, 5–14; initial stages of, 6, 93; British, v, 4, 7–8, 10–11, 89 ff., 99, 101; Dutch, 10; and rule by decree, 10, 123, 124; terminology, 11; and capitalism, 15 f., 27 ff., 80 ff., 83, 84; in pre-World War I Europe, 27; and unemployment, 30; and parties, 31 f., 130–45; and racism, 33, 38 ff., 63 ff., 75, 104; and colonial enterprises, 67; Cromer’s theory of, 93 f.; end of, 101
India, 23, 31, 101, 170; and British Empire, 8, 12, 62, 96; British rule of, 13 f., 62 f., 65, 96; and Egypt 67, 91 ff.; and bureaucracy, 87, 96; Kipling on, 90, 97
Indian labor in South Africa, 86
“indirect rule,” 10
inheritance theories, 56, 58, 60
intellectuals, 60; French, 55; and mob, 106; and bourgeois society, 21; German, 48 f., 106; Austrian, 104, 106; Russian, 116, 118. See also intelligentsia intelligentsia, and bureaucracy, 66; British, 87 ff.; Russian, 104, 112, 118, 119, 127
International Brigade, 161 f.
internationalism, of aristocracy, 43
“invisible government,” vii
Ireland, 7 f.
isms, see ideologies
Israel, State of, 179
Istria, 106
Italy or Italians, 47, 136 ff., 158, 159, 165. See also Fascism
Jahn, F. L., 46
Jameson, Sir Leander Starr, 13, 94
Japan, ix
Japanese-Americans, 167
Jefferson, Thomas, 57
Jesuits, 138
lewishness, 120
Jews, in Germany, 149, 160; as victims, 149, 176; foreign Jews, 80 ff.; and imperialism, 15 ff.; in South Africa, 80–85; and nationalities, 119, 169 f.; and race doctrines, 120; statelessness of, 158, 169 f.; in Bulgaria, 160; in Poland, 162. See also antisemitism
Johannesburg, 78
Joyce, James, 23
Junkers, see aristocracy
Kafka, Franz, 125 f.
Kant, Immanuel, 178
Kimberly, diamond fields of, 77, 82; club, 83
Kipling, Rudyard, vi, 11, 58, 69, 88–90, 97
Kirejewski, 127
Klemm, Gustav, 57
labor parties or movements, 31, 84, 133. See also socialism; Social Democratic Party; workers’ movements La Bruyère, Jean de, 42
Lapouge, Vacher de, 59
La Rochefoucauld, François de, 36
Latinism, 44
Laval, Pierre, 166
law, 179; national concept of, 7, 11; and empire building, 10; and expansion, 95; and decree, 124; in Czarist Russia, 128; and Rights of Man, 140 f., 170–82 passim; international, 178. See also decree
League of Nations, 151–55, 160, 161 “League of the Russian People,” 128
Lebanon, 165
Leontjew, K. N., 127
Leopold II, 65
liberalism and liberals, 25 f., 31, 53, 111, 115
Liberal Party or parties, British, 31, 32;
Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, 161
Linz Program, 119
literature, 19th-century, 21; Austro-Hungarian, 125; Russian, 126; and national-language growth, 151
Louis Philippe, 52
Loyola, Ignatius of, 94
Ludendorff, Erich, 138
Luke, Archbishop of Tambov, 113
Lumpenproletariat, 32
Luxemburg, Rosa, 28
MacDonald, Ramsay, 136
MacMahon, E. P. M. de, 144
Madagascar, 14
Maistre, Comte J. M. de, 40
Malan, Daniel François, 85
mandate system, 10
mankind, concept of, in the French Revolution, 171, 178 f.; and national principle, 6, 41, 47, 56, 62, 114; and race doctrines, 37, 56 f., 62, 107, 115 f.; as a political concept, 115
march on Rome, 143
Marks, Sammy, 82
Marwitz, Ludwig von der, 50
Marx, Karl, 23, 28, 32, 109, 129
Masaryk, Thomas, 104
masses, 142
materialism, 59
Maurras, Charles, 106
Mexico, 174
middle classes, in Germany or Prussia, 48 f. See also bourgeoisie
middle-class parties, 134
Middle East, vi
“might-right” doctrine, 39, 43, 53, 58
Mill, James, 34
minority groups, 141, 149–56, 170; and nation-state, 151–56; congress of, 153 f.; and territorial principles, 154, 156; stateless people and, 156; and Rights of Man, 171 f.
Minority Treaties, 150 f., 154 ff., 169
missionaries in South Africa, 75
mob, 155; characteristics of, 35, 118; and bourgeoisie, 35 f.; and the Jews, 122 f.; and intellectuals, 106, 128; and imperialism, 27 ff., 78 ff., 84, 86 f., 105 f., 118; and racism, 37, 101, 118; and idealo-gies, 129
Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 106, 131, 140
Moldavia, 155
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de, 41, 42, 44
Montlosier, Comte de, 44
Mosenthal family, 82
Mosul oilfields, 5
movements, 123–46 passim; and rootlessness, 76; and the state, 137, 145 f.; and class system, 142; international, 146. See also pan-movements; Nazi movement; Bolshevik movement
multinational states, 107, 109, 123
Munich crisis or pact, ix, 143, 150
Muravyev-Amursky, Nikolai, 107
Mussolini, Benito, 48, 137, 138, 139, 150, 158, 163
Napoleon I, 8, 45; legislation, 9; wars, 55; defeat of Prussia in 1806, 45
nation or nation-state, 109–11, 170, 178; and imperialism, v, 6 ff., 32, 130; and bourgeoisie, 3 ff.; in Eastern Europe, 108, 149–53; birth of, 110; and army, 109 f., 142; and world politics, 4–6, 14; and naturalization, 120, 164 f.; and party system, 141 ff.; and stateless people, 160 ff. See also nationalism
nationalism, 109–11; in Austria-Hungary, 107–23 passim, 139 f., 151; French, 46, 106 f.; English, 10, 34, 56 ff., 61; and imperialism, 10, 29, 32–34, 88; and racism, 41, 61, 113–15; German, 45–50; and class system, 110 f.; in Latin-European countries, 138
nationalisme intégral, 106, 107
nationality or nationalities, 149–56, 172; in Austria-Hungary, 111, 116, 139 f.; and the state, 109 ff.; and statelessness, 162 f.
National-Liberal Party, German, 130
national liberation movements, 8, 10, 47, 110, 151–56 passim “national mission,” 62, 113, 114
national rights, and Rights of Man, 55 ff., 171 ff.
National Socialism, see Nazism
national sovereignty, 158; and statelessness, 166; and Rights of Man, 171; and totalitarianism, 138 f.
Nazi Germany, v, ix, 36, 87, 143 f., 154, 157, 160, 168; and South Africa, 80; foreign policy of, 102; citizenship legislation, 168 (see also denationalization, Nuremburg laws)
Nazi movement or party, 86, 136 f., 140, 142, 144
Nazism, 4, 140; and Bolshevism, 38; and racism, 38, 45, 59, 85; and South Africa, 86; and Pan-Germanism, 102, 117, 140 f.; and Fascism, 137, 139; and party or class system, 137, 142. See also totalitarianism
Negroes, 56 f., 181; in United States, 71
Netherlands, the, 9 f., 12, 34, 36, 163, 168
Netherlands East Indies, 9 f.
Nicholas II, 121
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 51
nobility, see aristocracy
North Africa, 67. See also Africa
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), 47
November 1938 pogroms, 149
October Revolution, see Russian Revolution
one-party rule, 132 f., 137, 139 f.
Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft, 16
outlawry, 182
Palestine, 170
Panama scandal, 29
Pan-Germanism or Pan-Germans, 102–23 passim, 127, 128, 131, 138–41
Pan-German League (.Alldeutscher Verband) 30, 77, 103, 104, 105, 107, 118, 119, 130, 171, 137, 140
pan-movements, 35; and antisemitism, 108 f., 119; birth of, 3, 102; and totalitarian movements, 102, 141; and imperialism, 102–23; and capitalism, 104 f.; and nation-state, 112, 117 ff., 140 ff.; and racism, 114, 118 f.; and idealo-gies, 128 ff. See also Pan-Germanism, Pan-Slavism Pan-Slav Congress, 102
Pan-Slav federation, 107
Pan-Slavism, 77, 102, 107–23 passim, 126–30 passim
paramilitary organizations, 142
Parliament, 145; British, 33; Austrian, 123, 145; Russian, 123; Continental, 135 ff.; hostility to, 13, 131 ff., 136
“party above parties,” 33, 130, 136 ff.
party systems or parties, 31, 130–46
peace treaties, 141, 150–58, 170
Pearson, Karl, 60
peasantry, 116. See also kulaks
Péguy, Charles, 27
Pétain, Henri Philippe, 14
Plato, 179
Pobyedonostzev, C., 121, 123, 128, 130
Poincaré, Raymond, 109
Poland or Poles, 47, 108, 143, 148, 151, 153, 154, 155, 162
police, 16, 167, 169; in nontotalitarian countries, 168 f.
polygenism, 57 f.
poor whites, South Africa, 85
Popular Front policy, 142, 169
positivism, 114
power, and capitalism, 17, 23, 37; philosophy of, 17–27; in Czarist Russia, 117; and bureaucracy, 123–31, 135 f.; and totalitarianism, 124
Primrose League, 33
progress, 23–24, 40, 53, 58, 87, 114
proletariat, 151. See also working class propaganda, 38 ff.
“Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” 121
Prussia, 46, 155; Prussian Reformers, 46
Quislings, see collaborationists
race, problems, 57; and slavery, 57, 73; and imperialism, in Africa, 61, 65–87; in Asia, 86; society, 73 ff., 76 ff., 80, 82, 86
race doctrines, and lews, 120; and aristocracy, 43 f., 53; and nationalism, 40–41, 43, 53 f., 56, 62; French, 41–45, 50–55; German, 45–50, 55; English, 55–64; and middle class, 60 f.
racism, and imperialism, 33, 37 f., 63 f., 75, 77, 84; Nazi version of, 38; and pan-movements, 106, 114; philosophy of, 114 ff.
raw materials, 12, 28, 29; human, 73 ff.
refugees, political, 174 f. See also asylum, right of; statelessness
régime des décrets, 124
Rémusat, Comte de, 45
Renner, Karl, 111
repatriation, 156, 159, 161, 163
Resistance, French, 143
Reventlow, Graf E., 117
revolutionary movements or parties, 142
Rhodes, Cecil, 4, 12, 13, 16, 24, 31, 80, 83, 89, 91 f., 94 f., 100, 115
Rhodes Scholarship Association, 95
Richter, Eugen, 4
Rights of Man, 159, 160, 161, 177 f., 178 f.; and national rights, 55 ff., 110 f., 171–82; and French Revolution, 152; 19th century, 171 ff.; and statelessness, 171–76; definition of, 175 f.; and rights of citizen, 175 f.; and Burke, 179 f.
Robespierre, Maximilien, 5, 50, 179
Roget, General Gaudérique, 95 f.
Rohan, Henri, Duc de, 110
romanticism, 47–50, 55, 60, 106
rootlessness, 76, 77, 112, 116, 119
Russell, Lord John, 135
Russia, see Czarist Russia; Soviet Russia Russian refugees, 157, 158
Russian Revolution, 141
Ruthenians, 116
Salazar, v
Salomon, Saul, 84
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, 40, 118
Schoenerer, Georg von, 108 f., 112, 113, 117, 118 f., 121
“scramble for Africa,” 3, 27, 39, 63, 65 ff., 71
secret service, viii
secret societies, 94–95
Serbs, 148
Siemens, Werner von, 16
Siéyès, Abbé, 44
Slavophiles, 102, 104, 106, 108, 114, 119
Slovenia or Slovenes, 150, 172
Social Democratic Party, in Germany, 133, 144 f.; in Austria, 104, 133, 139 f.; in France, 142; in Sweden, 254. See also socialism
socialism or socialist movement, 31 f.
society, bourgeois, 70, 167; English, 55, 91; and mob, 35, 70; South African, 72 ff.
Society of Jesus, see Jesuits
“Society of the 10th of December,” 142
South Africa, ix, 15, 31, 57, 67–87; British rule in, 13, 61, 67 ff., 76. 77, 79; and racism, 57, 79 f., 80, 85, 86; immigration to and emigration from, 68, 78, 84, 86; population of, 74, 77, 84 ff.; and Nazi Germany, 80, 85; Jews in, 81–85. See also Boers; Rhodes, Cecil
Soviet Russia, 159; and United States, v ff.; foreign policy, 102, 116, 144; war with Germany, 144; and Russian refugees, 163, 175
Spain, 138
Spanish Civil War, 162
Spanish Republican Army, 174
Spinoza, Baruch, 43
Stalin, Josef, vi, be; and the police, 121; and Pan-Slavism, 102, 130; and Russian people, 129; alliance with Hitler, 144
state, hostility to, 117; state worship, 138; and the bourgeoisie, 29; and nation, 16, 109–11, 155; and party government, 132–37. See also nation or nation-state
statelessness, 147, 155–70, 173 ff.; and minorities, 155 f., 161 ff.; and nationality, 162–65, 173 f.; and nation-state, 171 f.; and totalitarianism, 170
Stefan, Metropolitan, 102
Stephen, Sir James, 55
Stoecker, Adolf, 109
succession states, 141, 148–55 passim
Sudan, Cromer and the, 94
supranationalism, 115
Sweden, 134
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 51
Switzerland, 153
Syria, 165
Thälmann, Ernst, 144
Third Reich, see Nazi Germany
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 38, 57
totalitarianism, 158, 170; and racism, 86, 101; and capitalism, 86; and imperialism, ix, 98. See also Bolshevism, Nazism
totalitarian movements, and pan-movements, 127 f., 140–46; and parties, 131–46. See also Bolshevik movement; Nazi movement
totalitarian regimes, 146, 182. See also Nazi Germany; Soviet Russia
trade and maritime stations, 4, 12, 66
Trotskyites, 149
Tudor, House of, 7
Turkey, 98, 106, 107, 159, 165
tyranny or tyrants, 5, 8; Hobbes on, 24
Tyrol, 172
Tyuchev, F. I., 113
Uganda, 10
uitlanders, 78 ff.
Ukraine or Ukrainians, 148
unemployment, 132, 148. See also superfluity
Unione Popolare Italiana, 158
Union of South Africa, see South Africa
United Kingdom, see England
United Nations, 160
United States, 57, 61, 157, 160. 167, 174; and Soviet Russia, v ff.; foreign policy, vi ff.
Valmy, 44
Valois, House of, 7
Verfassungspartei, in Austria, 117
Versailles treaties, 141, 150, 157, 169. See also Minority Treaties
Vichy government, 163
Victoria, Queen of England, 62
Villiers, Charles François Dominique de, 44
Vilna, 158
Vitu, 5
Volksgemeinschaft, 35
Voltaire, F. M. Arouet de, 56, 59, 122
Wagner, Richard, 51
Wallachia, 155
Weimar Republic, 131, 140, 154; System-zeil, 140
Western traditions and morals, 21 f., 64, 178; breakdown of, 3, 59; break with, 24, 36; in non-European countries, 89 f.; in England, 91
West Indies, 74
“white man,” or “white man’s burden,” vii, 37, 56, 75, 77, 82, 89, 101, 113
Wilson, Woodrow, 153
Witwatersrand, gold mines of, 77
workers’ movements, 31, 79, 151. See also labor parties; socialism
working class, 116. See also proletariat
World War I, vi, ix, 14, 31, 32, 41, 53, 87, 98, 101, 104, 119, 123, 137, 138, 140; and T. E. Lawrence, 98; and the Pan-Germans, 13; aftermath of, 147 ff.; and statelessness, 157
World War II, 12, 38, 141, 143, 156, 172, 175
youth movement, German, 107
Zanzibar, 5
Zimmerer, 14
Zulu tribes, 72