
I could never have written this book without the help of many people. Special thanks to two colleagues at Marianopolis College, Philip Dann and Kate Sheckler, who introduced me to their friends at Montreal’s École nationale de cirque. One of those friends was Selene Ballesteros-Minguer, who got me hooked on the world of rope climbing. ENC administrators Daniela Arendasova, Laurence Cardin, Marilou Cousineau and Christophe Rousseau gave me access to the facility. Librarian Anna-Karyna Barlati made me feel at home in her library. Kia-Melinda Eastman helped me learn about tissu. Aaron Marquise, my favorite clown in Montreal, kept me entertained and taught me that intelligence is a big part of clowning. Summer circus camp students Ainsleigh Jackson, Elodie Paquin and Ryan Madis answered my questions and demonstrated their routines. Aerial instructor Sarah Poole patiently answered many questions and reviewed sections of the manuscript.

Thanks also to the entire team at Orca Book Publishers, especially to Robin Stevenson for her gentle, incisive input. Thank you to aerialist Adrienne Jack-Sands and photographer Ibon Landa for the stunning cover image.

And, as always, thanks to my husband, Michael Shenker, and my daughter, Alicia Melamed, for their love and support and for letting me talk out another story with them. All of you have shown me that when the stars align, work can feel like play.