
Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

This morning, I had the most brilliant idea.

I think I should do a flip off a trampoline and land with flair on a horse’s back.

The idea was so incredible that I hurried to the corral to ask Chica Linda if she wanted to be in the show. She’s been refusing to be part of the circus, so I’ve been doing the clown act with Boomerang. I thought that maybe this idea would get her excited. If she was willing, I could land on her back. The crowd would love it.

Of course, when I asked, Chica Linda gave me a look as if I were crazy. There was no way I was going to flip and land on her back.

I told her I was sure that Boomerang would be into the idea. In fact, Boomerang would probably love jumping on a trampoline himself, if there were one big enough.

Chica Linda snorted.

I told her to let me know if she changed her mind.

If the trampoline idea doesn’t work out, I have a few other ideas up my clown sleeve that are all for Boomerang. Maybe I could pretend I don’t know anything about horses and try to put a saddle on Boomerang while he’s moving. Or teach Boomerang to throw a baseball. Or…

Hang on, Lucky, Solana, and Abigail are here to report big news. Be right back….

Well, Diary, it turns out the caravan is making a surprise stop on the way to our next show in Triple Creek.

Fito and Estrella have been sneaking around and whispering a lot lately, so we all knew something was up, but we thought it was something small—like changing the ticket colors or adding food coloring to the popcorn.

But Solana heard from the lion tamer, who heard from an acrobat, who heard from the fire-eater, who overheard Fito and Estrella saying that we are going to Low Shores.

Before I could ask why that was important, Solana blurted out that there is going to be a gathering and exhibition festival for all the traveling circuses!


Abigail claimed it was her unicorn wish come true, that she’d wished we could go to a festival, and now we were!

Can you believe that Abigail spent her lucky unicorn wish on the idea of a festival? Sounds silly to me… especially since unicorn wishes aren’t a thing. But since she seems sure that the unicorn wish is the reason we are heading to a festival, it kind of makes me wonder…

However it happened, this is great news. I mean, I’ve been in riding exhibitions before, so a circus one must be similar, right? At an exhibition, riders get to show off their skills, not in competition, but for fun. Since we haven’t seen other circus acts yet, I’m excited to see what the other clowns will be doing.

The pressure is on. If I’m going to the exhibition, then it’s gotta be the most amazing clown act I’ve ever done. I don’t know what it is going to be yet, but my amazing friends offered some new ideas for the show. They suggested:

• I could ride while juggling pies (that was Abigail’s idea).

• Boomerang could ride a bike (also Abigail’s idea).

• I could teach Boomerang a dance (Solana’s idea).

• I could teach Boomerang to play a musical instrument (Lucky’s idea).

Of everything we thought of so far, Lucky’s might be my favorite idea, but what instrument? And how would I teach a horse to play? I have to think more about that.

If Durango City was the best show I’ve done so far, this one is going to be even better than that!