19. Crimes and Punishments

THE ROMAN COURTS divided cases into the “private” and “public” in something like the way we divide “civil” and “criminal.” One of the important differences is that in Roman law some of our main criminal offenses (most thefts and assaults, seemingly including murder) were in the private category for most of our period. The public offenses also attracted much less attention from the Roman jurists than private-law matters, and surviving speeches from actual prosecutions have surprisingly little to say about legal issues. The explanation for all these facts may be that the Romans had a very political understanding of the role of the public courts. This is not to say that they were “political” in a corrupt sense (though that might be true as well). Rather, they existed only to treat matters that were inherently political in that they affected the community as a whole (say, electoral bribery or abuse of office). An offense to an individual victim with no broader consequences, no matter how heinous, just was not the right kind of offense for these courts. Mere law and order were not sufficient grounds. And to the extent that the community was defending itself in these courts, the law was not acting as a fair or impartial third party settling disputes. Hence, lawyers were neither interested or interesting in these contexts. In the rest of this chapter I will speak of “crime(s)” for convenience, but keep in mind that I really mean “public-law offense,” and that this is something slightly different.
Before discussing particular procedures and offenses, I will point out a few general principles of criminal liability. Most of these, as we saw in the last chapter, applied to delict as well. These rules were formalized later than the individual offenses (if at all), but they seem to have been generally observed even earlier. Committing a crime always involved an overt act. You could not be convicted for omission or for mere bad intentions. Intention, however, was important. Accidental and reckless action was not sufficient for a crime to have been committed; you had to have actual intent. So drunken brawlers were not to be treated as murderers, even if someone died in a fight. Finally, as long as someone committed the actual crime, other people could also be convicted if they were loosely attached. The standard phrase is “anyone by whose plan or effort” the crime was committed.

Republican Procedures

Beginning in the middle of the second century BC, trials before the assemblies began to be replaced more systematically by a procedure (the so-called quaestio perpetua or “standing inquiry”) that looked much more like the kind of trial we are used to, though it was still close in some respects to a private process. A separate court was established to try each offense, so there were slight procedural differences among them, though the details are not important here. There was no district attorney, crown prosecutor, or other state agent. Prosecutions had to be launched by private citizens, though the prosecutor need not have been a victim of, or even connected to, the crime. The would-be prosecutor went to the praetor to ask permission to proceed, though we do not know how often this was denied. If more than one person wished to prosecute, then a preliminary hearing was held in which the jury had to decide which party would do a better job of arguing the main case. The jurors were selected from a panel of rich and merely well-to-do citizens (the precise rules of eligibility were the subject of much political dispute) by a process of alternating rejections by the two sides. The end result was a panel of roughly twenty-five to seventy-five jurors (and, ideally, an odd number). The hearing of a case proceeded in much the same way as a private case: long speeches followed by witness testimony and other evidence. Both sides were typically represented by advocates. There was little intervention by the government in terms of admissible evidence, subpoenas (in most cases), discovery, and so forth. And not only was there no detailed charge to the jury (the elaborate legal instructions given by a judge today), but there was not even a formula of the sort given in Roman private cases. At the end of the trial, the jurors did not deliberate but simply voted, and a majority vote won. There was no appeal from their verdict.

Republican Offenses

Ambitus. This is electoral bribery. Buying votes directly was illegal from early on, but over time other forms of electoral malpractice were also included: giving out tickets to public games (or putting them on in the first place) or seats at feasts, making deals with other candidates to share votes, gathering an excessive entourage. The most immediate penalty was being disqualified from the election (only winners seem to have been prosecuted), but there was a further bar from seeking office for another decade. This was eventually strengthened to exile (perhaps with a limited term). At some point, the candidate’s principal agents became specifically liable as well.
Homicide. In early times, homicide seems to have been a criminal offense only under a few circumstances: using of poison, killing a near relative, and (later) having some connection to organized crime. The recognition of murder in general as an offense seems not to have happened until perhaps 81 BC. Even after this time, there seems to have been an emphasis on prosecutions for the kinds of killings just mentioned and for a fourth special type, so-called judicial murder, that is, the abuse of the criminal process to bring about someone’s death. The punishment was “capital” in the sense described earlier.
Falsum. The charge covered counterfeiting of coins and forgery of wills. The former offense was more narrowly defined than one might expect today. Nothing prevented persons from producing coinage in metals not used for the official currency. (Since money drew much of its value from its precious-metal content, this would not be a silly thing to do.) The penalty was capital.
Peculatus. While ordinary thefts were delictal matters, theft of state-owned property fell under this criminal category. A person who had legitimate possession of that property (at least initially) could not be charged with this offense, though he might be liable on other charges. The penalty was a combination of exile and restitution (the latter requiring a separate hearing to calculate the amount stolen).

Changes under the Empire

The most important change under the Empire was probably the collapse of most criminal jurisdiction into the cognitio procedure that was also coming into use for civil cases (Chapter 11). Just as in private law, this made the state much more activist than it had been. But the substantive effects of the change were much greater than they had been in private law. Since cognitio procedure was formally beyond the statutes that established the standing inquiries, it was not bound either by their definitions or by their penalties. While the old rules were not systematically thrown out, a substantially new system evolved. I will say more about the offenses later, but first we may note major changes in the range of penalties. First, while exile had been a way to escape execution, it now became a penalty in its own right. Depending on the specific offense, the exile might have more or less choice about where to go and might or might not have property confiscated. Second, physical punishments such as condemnation to forced labor and execution were established. Third, a two-tiered set of penalties was set up. Ordinary citizens (humiliores) were largely subject to the new corporal penalties, including aggravated forms of execution such as crucifixion. Elites (honestiores) were typically subject to fines or to the various forms of exile or (in extreme cases) to simple execution. At the very top of the social scale, the Senate began to sit as a court to try its own members whenever they were accused of criminal offenses.
In the early years of the Empire, two new statutory criminal offenses were added to the court system. One was adultery, defined as sex between a married woman and a man other than her husband. Both parties were equally guilty, but note that a married man could have sex with, say, a slave or prostitute without committing any legal offense at all. The penalty was a fine along with restrictions on remarriage, though much of the purpose of the law seems to have been to discourage injured parties from taking the law into their own hands. There was also a new crime of interfering with the public grain supply, punishable by a schedule of fines.