Sleepwear for Night Sweats
One of the most important things you can do to relieve night sweats is wear sleepwear that will help you stay cool and comfortable by absorbing the perspiration and wicking it away from the body.
I tried different sleepwear that was supposed to help me, but none of them worked. I decided to do my own research on different fabrics. I wanted to create a fabric that would absorb the perspiration and also help keep the body cooler, leaving me feeling dry and comfortable and resulting in a better night’s sleep.
Through my research, I found that women going through menopause were not the only ones suffering from night sweats. Women with medical conditions such as cancer and heart disease were also experiencing the same problem. Being overweight can contribute to night sweats, and even some prescribed medications have a side effect of making the body sweat.
After many years of research, I have created a line of sleepwear and accessories made of a special microfiber fabric. Our micro-blend yarn combined with just the right amount of cotton provides the absorption and evaporation to wick sweat away from the body, leaving you feeling dry, cozy and comfortable throughout the night and resulting in you having more energy throughout the following day.
If you would like to view the full range of sleepwear and read in more detail about the fabric, you are welcome to visit:
Methods of Relaxation
Meditation is good for the mind, body and soul. It brings us to a calm and relaxed state. There are many different techniques you can use to meditate. If you think you would enjoy meditation classes, you can find information about attending in your local paper, health magazines, or health clinic. You can also search on the Internet. If you would rather meditate in the privacy and comfort of your own home, you can choose from a wide range of CDs, DVDs or on-line sources.
Listening to some soft music when you first go to bed will help relax you for a good, quality sleep. You can also listen to the music if you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep.
A gentle massage from your husband or partner when you first get into bed is lovely, or you could take a warm bath. Relaxing the muscles not only helps your body feel calm, but also helps your mind and soul to relax.
Any form of gentle exercise is beneficial in helping you sleep, but be sure you do not do any strenuous exercise within four hours of going to bed. Strenuous exercise excites the body, and makes it harder to fall asleep. Yoga is an excellent way to relax. Yoga is very gentle on the body, and many women love to practice Yoga just for the enjoyment of it.
Natural herbs, herbal teas and supplements can help with women having difficulty sleeping, but be very careful. You can overdose on herbal supplements, so make sure you understand how much you should be taking.
Below are some helpful tips to help you sleep better at night:
Helpful Tips for Bedtime
Also, keep notes of what you eat as there could be a certain food affecting you.
Pleasant Dreams!