Suggested passage map notes:
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Detail
Getting to the Answer: Reread the entire paragraph to assess the intention of the sentence in question, and determine which answer choice best shows the author’s reason for including this sentence. The author’s previous statements in the paragraph directly relate to the idea that the conscious endeavors described are the very activities that will reawaken people. Thus, (C) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Read the complete sentence for context clues and determine which answer choice’s definition best serves the idea presented. The sentence suggests the author wants to live actively and “suck out all the marrow of life” (line 41) rather than live in a resigned, accepting manner. Thus, (A) is correct because it best describes how the author does not wish to live.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Read the first paragraph expressly for the purpose of determining the author’s views. The author suggests that most people are only awake enough for physical labor, some for intellectual discussions, and very few for a higher calling. This implies that he feels most people are not working toward their fullest potential, so (D) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Choose the quote from the passage that best supports the correct answer to the previous question. Choice (B) is the correct answer not just because it shows the author’s belief that most people are not truly awake, but also because it shows that the author thinks most people spend their lives pursuing goals beneath their human potential.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Global
Getting to the Answer: Consider the entire passage to determine the author’s central claim about society. Then choose the answer choice that correctly reflects this. Throughout the passage, the author frequently mentions that our society focuses on mundane labor and details and that we shun a life of conscious endeavors. Thus, (B) is the correct answer.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Because the author’s views on religion are not explicitly stated, you must make inferences by examining details in the entire passage. Throughout the third paragraph, the author explains that he is going to the woods to determine the sublime or mean qualities of nature and God, and he states that far too many people hastily agree to preconceived ideas on these topics. Choice (A) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Choose the quote from the passage that best supports the correct answer to the previous question. Choice (D) is the correct answer because it offers the most direct evidence that the author believes a person should critically examine his or her religious beliefs before dedicating a life to them.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Read the sentence for context clues and determine which answer choice comes closest to reflecting the author’s intent. The sentence and paragraph as a whole describe the author’s indifference to the harshness of life for the sake of accomplishing a goal. Thus, (D), “austere,” is correct.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Function
Getting to the Answer: Carefully read the paragraph and ask yourself how these particular words help Thoreau convey his message. The author touches on many broad, negative aspects of human nature and existence in the paragraph, and the use of “meanly” and “wretchedness” strengthen the negative tone of the message. Choice (C) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Think about the author’s intention in this passage when he discusses his views on how life should be lived. Identify the types of actions he promotes and review the answer choices to find the one that is most similar. The author urges readers to “simplify,” and as an example he urges them to eat one meal a day instead of three and to reduce the number of dishes from 100 to 5. You can infer from this that Thoreau would advocate paring down one’s clothing to the bare essentials. Choice (C) is correct.
Suggested passage map notes:
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Global
Getting to the Answer: Consider which answer choice describes an idea that is supported throughout the text. The passage begins with DuBois’s arguments in favor of expanding access to public libraries and ends with the trustees’ response to his arguments, highlighting the difference between the two positions. Therefore, (C) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: The correct answer will support your response to the previous question. Choice (A) indicates that DuBois would present an argument “in behalf” (line 14) of others while asking the trustees to explain their side.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Make sure that your answer choice does not alter the meaning of the sentence in the passage. The paragraph in which the word appears indicates that speaking on behalf of so many others was not a responsibility DuBois took lightly, and the decision about who would speak had been previously decided. Choice (D) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Eliminate answer choices that are not suggested in the passage. Choice (A) is correct. The president of the Trustee Board did not make assurances, but he detailed a course of action that would potentially result in a new library for African Americans if the city council approved funding.
D/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Review your answer to the previous question. Read each choice and figure out which one provides specific support for that answer. Choice (D) indicates the trustees’ support for separate library facilities with approved funding. It best supports the idea that segregated library facilities would at least be considered.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Look for context clues in the sentence to help you determine the correct meaning. Choice (B) reflects the meaning of the phrase in the sentence; DuBois was arguing for the necessity of literacy and a strong comprehension of the books that a library offers.
C/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Detail
Getting to the Answer: Pay close attention to the reasons DuBois presents that support his argument for expanding access to public libraries. Avoid choices that sound plausible but take the ideas too far. Choice (C) is correct. DuBois specifically argues that the reason whites need public libraries “applies with redoubled force” (line 29) to poor African Americans.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Function
Getting to the Answer: Look for the argument in the passage that this particular example supports. Choice (B) is correct. Note that DuBois’s mention of the “catholic spirit” (lines 48–49) is used to remind the trustees that we create differences between us, and what we have in common should inspire us to ensure that everyone has equal opportunity to improve themselves.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Read the cited lines, and then read them in the context of the paragraphs that come before and after. Think about how the chairman’s words are affecting the author at this point in the passage. The chairman has just suggested that integrating the library “would be fatal to its usefulness” (lines 57–58), implying that African Americans and whites would be unable to use the library alongside each other without violence or chaos. Because DuBois’s aim is to integrate the library, he is frustrated by the chairman’s words, which echo the assumptions of past centuries. Choice (B) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Function
Getting to the Answer: Keep in mind that the question is asking how this portion of the passage functions in relation to the passage as a whole. DuBois argued in favor of expanding access to public libraries for all citizens. The Trustee Board’s president then responded to DuBois’s persuasive argument. Therefore, (D) is correct.
Suggested passage map notes:
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Global
Getting to the Answer: Keep in mind that the correct answer will reflect the central purpose and opinion of the author as expressed in the passage. The passage explores the impact and influence of Diderot’s Encyclopédie. The author states that the value of the work is not in its merit as a lasting technical reference or dictionary, but as a repository of historical knowledge and as an early attempt to extend the knowledge of the day to the masses. Choice (D) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Function
Getting to the Answer: Choose the answer that reflects that author’s overall point of view, or perspective, suggested by the passage. The passage examines the individual achievements of Diderot, specifically his efforts to extend the access to knowledge to a greater segment of European society. Choice (D) is correct, because it speaks to the author’s obvious respect for Diderot as an innovator.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Reread each quote in the context of the passage. This will help you decide the correct answer. The correct answer to the previous question asserts that the author admires the individual accomplishments of innovators such as Diderot. Choice (A) is correct, because it calls attention to Diderot’s contributions as revolutionizing encyclopedic thought.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Detail
Getting to the Answer: Scan the passage for statements about Diderot’s intentions and goals. Be sure not to confuse the results of his efforts with his goals. The passage states that Diderot’s goal “was to create an intellectual work instructionally useful to all” (lines 17–18). While the work did create political controversy and also became part of the historical record, neither of these was his main goal. Choice (C) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Decide which answer choice could be substituted for the word without changing the meaning of the sentence. The paragraph states that Diderot’s work was banned by the French government; therefore, the work’s circulation, once published, was done secretly. Choice (B) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Function
Getting to the Answer: The correct answer will reflect the meaning and intention behind the excerpted phrase as well as the surrounding text. The term “beacon” means a light that can be seen far away, usually with the purpose of guiding or attracting people to it. The phrase “free thought” in this context refers to the right of people to pursue knowledge. The surrounding text describes Diderot’s work as having political purpose in expanding access to knowledge beyond the established elite to the masses. Therefore, (A) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Eliminate answer choices that don’t represent the author’s ideas. The passage refers repeatedly to the impact of Diderot’s work in making information accessible to more people. The author states that political, economic, and intellectual elites opposed the publication of his encyclopedia because it lessened their control on trades and other valuable information. Choice (A) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Avoid answers that provide evidence for incorrect answers to the previous question. The correct answer to the previous question asserts that information was limited to a specific demographic, or segment of the population, at that time. Choice (C) is correct because it states clearly that the trade guilds, a select demographic, controlled certain knowledge and opposed the expansion of access to such knowledge.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Remember that you’re looking for the answer that will make the most sense when substituted for the original word. The sentence discusses the way in which Diderot changed the perception and exploration of knowledge, making (D) correct. The word “erudition” refers to learning acquired by reading and study.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Remember that the correct answer must be based on information in the passage, not on speculation. Based on the last sentence of the passage and the information in paragraph 4, (B) is correct. It’s the only answer choice directly supported by information in the passage.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Eliminate answer choices that cannot be inferred from the information in the passage and graphic. Choice (C) is the correct answer; Uranus was discovered after Diderot’s Encyclopédie was published. Other answer choices are either impossible, as in the case of (D), or cannot be inferred from the information provided.
Suggested passage map notes:
Passage 1
Passage 2
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Consider what the author of Passage 1 is saying in the first paragraph about the causes and consequences of acid rain. Avoid answers like (C) that go too far and are not directly supported by the evidence in the passage. The author clearly states that acid rain, largely caused by the burning of fossil fuels, is bad for the environment. It is reasonable to conclude that if the burning of fossil fuels is not reduced, the environment will be damaged. Therefore, (A) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Look back at your answer to the previous question. Think about the information you found in the passage that helped you choose this answer. The last sentence in the first paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the idea that burning fossil fuels will seriously damage the environment. Therefore, (A) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Detail
Getting to the Answer: Find where Passage 1 discusses the pH of rain water. Determine whether lower or higher pH levels indicate that rain water is dangerously acidic. The passage states that the pH of pure rain water can be as low as 5.5, and a pH level of 3 can cause soil and water to become too acidic. A pH level of 2.25 is less than 3, meaning it is even more dangerously acidic; therefore, the correct answer is (A).
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Remember that some answer choices might be synonyms for “tolerate” but do not reflect the meaning of the word in this context. In this context, “tolerate” most nearly means “endure.” Choice (B) is the correct answer.
D/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Reread the text, looking for evidence to support each of the answer choices. The first paragraph of Passage 2 states: “Many processes in the body produce acid wastes” (lines 42–43), from which you can infer that it’s normal to have acid wastes in the blood. Choice (D), therefore, is the correct answer.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Look for evidence that supports the inference you made in the previous question. In lines 60–64, the author explains how normal amounts of acid are neutralized in the blood. Choice (C) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Eliminate any answer choices that don’t make sense in the context of the sentence. In this context, “exhaust” means “to use up” or “deplete.” Therefore, (C) is the correct answer.
B/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Read paragraph 2 of Passage 2 again and determine the role of excess bicarbonate ions in the blood. Each answer choice is mentioned in Passage 1. Determine how each acts in the environment. Choice (B) is the correct answer. In Passage 2, the author explains that excess bicarbonate ions raise the pH of the blood, neutralizing acid wastes. In paragraph 3 of Passage 1, the author explains that alkaline materials in the environment, such as ashes from a forest fire, neutralize acid in the water supply.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: You are looking for a cause-and-effect relationship to answer this question. Skim Passage 2, looking for an explanation of what causes the body to break down fats for energy. In paragraph 4 of Passage 2, the author explains that low insulin will cause the body to break down fats for energy. Therefore, (D) is the correct answer.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Global
Getting to the Answer: Consider the main topic and purpose of each passage. Decide what the passages have in common. Each passage describes a different system, the environment and the human body, respectively, and how each system deals with acid. In each passage, the author describes how acid can be introduced into the system and neutralized in small amounts but also describes the ways in which large amounts of acid can damage or overwhelm each system, making (C) the correct answer.
A/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: The question is asking you about both passages. Eliminate answers that only address the information found in one of the passages. Although Passage 1 is about the environment and Passage 2 is about the human body, both passages are about delicate systems that need balance to remain healthy, so (A) is correct.
Suggested passage map notes:
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Avoid answers like (B), which are related to details presented but take the ideas too far. Think about the arguments presented by the author throughout the passage. In paragraph 3, the author lists drawbacks to hydrogen fuel as a replacement for gasoline. In this paragraph, the author notes that engines that run on hydrogen are more expensive than those that use gasoline. Choice (A) is the correct answer.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Read the previous question again. Look at each quote from the passage and decide which provides the strongest evidence. Choice (C) is the correct answer as it provides the strongest evidence that the author is concerned with the cost to consumers of using hydrogen fuel.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Detail
Getting to the Answer: Eliminate answer choices that contain details that are not stated directly in the text. In paragraph 1, the author states that hydrogen is found primarily with oxygen in water; therefore, (A) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Read the sentence again and replace “diligently” with each of the answer choices. Look for the answer that does not change the meaning of the sentence. When you consider the overall meaning of the sentence, (B) is the best choice. In this context, “persistently” means nearly the same thing as “diligently.”
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Pay attention to the parts of the passage that refer to petroleum-based fuels and the reasons scientists are seeking alternatives. Though the author does not explicitly state that petroleum-based fuels are bad for the environment, he or she does give the fact that hydrogen produces no pollution as a reason to look toward hydrogen and away from petroleum products. You can infer, then, that (B) is the correct answer.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Command of Evidence
Getting to the Answer: Read the previous question again. Look at each quote from the passage and decide which most clearly supports the idea stated in the correct answer for that question. In paragraph 2, the author lists potential benefits for using hydrogen energy over petroleum-based energy sources. No pollution is one of the potential benefits, which leads to the conclusion that petroleum products are bad for the environment. Choice (B) is therefore the correct answer.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Function
Getting to the Answer: Think about the purpose that paragraph 2 serves in creating the author’s overall argument. In paragraph 2, the author asserts that decreasing dependence on other petroleum-producing countries is a potential benefit to the development of hydrogen as a fuel. The inclusion of this point helps clarify why hydrogen fuel is important. Choice (D) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Vocab-in-Context
Getting to the Answer: Keep in mind that although all answer choices might be synonyms of “derived,” only one fits the context of the sentence in which the word appears. In this context, “derived” most nearly means (C), “obtained.”
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Locate the parts of the passage that discuss advances in extracting hydrogen molecules from water. Then, find the answer choice that makes the most sense in the context of the passage. In lines 66–71, the author discusses research initiatives that focus on hydrogen extraction. You can infer from the fact that there are “many ongoing research initiatives” (lines 66–67) that much more research will be needed before hydrogen extraction is perfected. Choice (A) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Inference
Getting to the Answer: Avoid answer choices that are supported only by the information in one of the sources. Look for the answer that is supported by both the passage and the graphic. The data presented in the graphic supports the author’s argument that hydrogen fuel produces less greenhouse gas than gasoline. Choice (D) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Agreement: Verbs
Getting to the Answer: Read the sentence and check to see whether the verb agrees with the subject. The verb “are” is in a plural form, but the subject is singular. Choice (B) is correct because it is the singular form of the verb “to be.”
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Precision
Getting to the Answer: Read the sentences surrounding the word to better understand the context in which the word appears. Then, substitute each answer choice into the sentence to see which fits into the context best. The passage states that the plastics are sorted by types. Only (D) has the correct connotation and fits within the context of the sentence.
C/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Development: Introductions and Conclusions
Getting to the Answer: Read the entire paragraph and write down the central idea. Then, review the answer choices and look for a close match with your prediction. The paragraph discusses the two methods used to sort plastics. Choice (C) is closest to this summation.
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Organization: Conciseness
Getting to the Answer: Watch out for choices like (A) and (B), which use extra words that do not add meaning to the sentence. It is better to be as direct and simple as possible. The word “thoroughly” indicates that the people doing the job are paying attention to every detail. Additional words such as “very” or “completely” do not add more meaning to this sentence. Choice (C) is the most concise and effective way of stating the information.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Organization: Transitions
Getting to the Answer: Look for the relationship between this sentence and the previous one. This will help you choose the appropriate transition word. Read the sentence using the word you chose to ensure that it makes sense. Choice (B) shows the relationship between the two sentences by giving an example of how the products are manufactured.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Sentence Structure: Commas, Dashes, and Colons
Getting to the Answer: Study the words in a series to see where a comma might need to be placed or eliminated. Only one answer choice will include the correct punctuation. Choice (B) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Graphs
Getting to the Answer: The graphic gives specific information about how much of each type of plastic was recovered. Study the graphic in order to select the correct answer choice. Choice (B) accurately reflects the information in the graphic.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Organization: Conciseness
Getting to the Answer: Watch out for choices that may include incorrect transition words. Choice (B) uses the present participle “depending” to join the sentences concisely and correctly.
A/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Development: Precision
Getting to the Answer: Check each answer choice for its connotations, and be sure to pick one that fits with the context of the sentence. Substitute each answer choice for the word to see which works best. Notice that the sentence sets up a contrast between plastics numbered 1 through 6 and plastics with the number 7, which may consist of one of many other plastics or a blend of plastics. Choice (A) is correct because the word “specific” indicates that each of the numbers 1 through 6 is used for only one type of plastic.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Structure: The Basics
Getting to the Answer: Two complete thoughts should be two separate sentences. Be careful of inappropriate transition words. Choice (C) divides the two thoughts into two complete sentences by adding a period and capitalizing the first word of the second sentence.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Introductions and Conclusions
Getting to the Answer: Read the entire paragraph and then read each of the choices. Decide which one sums up the paragraph best by stating the overall central idea. Choice (A) is the correct answer. It concludes the paragraph by stating the overall central idea of the paragraph and passage.
D/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Development: Introductions and Conclusions
Getting to the Answer: Read the entire first paragraph. The correct answer should offer descriptive details and introduce David Kaufman as a character. The first paragraph discusses David Kaufman specifically and his relationship to his job. While (A), (B), and (C) are informative, they do not add beauty or descriptive interest to the paragraph. Only (D) sparks the reader’s interest with descriptive language and relates directly to the following sentences, so it is the correct answer.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Sentence Structure: Commas, Dashes, and Colons
Getting to the Answer: Determine whether the information is all one thought or whether the sentence suggests that some part of it is an aside. The sentence is mainly discussing Kaufman, but it also introduces the idea of America’s history almost as an afterthought. By setting this aside within dashes, the sentence will draw attention to its parenthetical relationship to the rest of the sentence. Choice (B) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Agreement: Pronouns
Getting to the Answer: Determine whether the underlined word is being used as a place or a possessive. Then consider which answer choice would be most appropriate here. In this sentence, “there” is describing “baggage” belonging to these new Americans. It should therefore be changed to the correct possessive form “their,” making (C) correct.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Organization: Conciseness
Getting to the Answer: Eliminate unnecessary words. Then reorder the nouns and verbs to achieve the most concise language possible. Choice (C) contains no unnecessary words. It concisely explains the actions taken by the two different groups of people and is the correct answer.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Organization: Sentence Placement
Getting to the Answer: Consider the function of this sentence. At what point in the paragraph should this function be employed? The sentence is setting a scene, so it should be placed where it is now, at the beginning of the paragraph. To place it later would cause confusion in the following sentences, as the reader does not have all the information he or she needs. Choice (A), leaving it in its current position, is the correct answer.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Introductions and Conclusions
Getting to the Answer: The correct answer should introduce an idea that is supported by the sentences that follow. Consider whether the current sentence should be revised to do this. The rest of the paragraph discusses the relationship between immigrant communities and language ability, as well as information about Kaufman’s position. Therefore, the introductory sentence to this paragraph should tie together these thoughts. Choice (B) is the correct answer, as it ties Kaufman to his background in an immigrant community.
D/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Sentence Structure: Commas, Dashes, and Colons
Getting to the Answer: Determine whether the information enclosed in commas is separate or should be integrated into the rest of the sentence. The subject of the sentence is a compound noun: “his heritage and surrounding community.” Therefore, the nouns making up this compound noun should not be separated by commas. Choice (D) punctuates this sentence correctly.
D/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Development: Precision
Getting to the Answer: Consider the tone of this sentence as well as its meaning. Then review the answer choices to determine which one best matches both the tone and the meaning. The sentence suggests that Kaufman is trying to make his language abilities more refined and precise in order to help the immigrants. While (C), “tricks,” is tempting, it does not match the more formal tone of the passage. Choice (D), “nuances,” conveys the fact that Kaufman is trying to understand the subtleties of language; this answer maintains the passage’s formal tone.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Relevance
Getting to the Answer: Reread the rest of the paragraph to determine which answer choice would most effectively add specific, relevant detail to this section of the passage. The paragraph notes that Kaufman helps “at every checkpoint,” then mentions the variety of facilities Ellis Island possesses. Choice (B) adds detail about the variety of ways Kaufman helps at Ellis Island and is therefore the correct answer.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Organization: Conciseness
Getting to the Answer: Consider whether the sentence’s intended meaning can be conveyed in fewer words. All that is really needed in this sentence is “to help.” The reader will still understand what is happening. The other options are wordy and awkward. Choice (D) is the correct answer.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Precision
Getting to the Answer: Before looking at the answer choices, identify a word on your own that will convey the correct meaning for the context. The context of the sentence makes clear that the correct word is something that is “rendered . . . worthwhile.” In other words, it is a challenging situation that will be made worthwhile by living in America. While both (C) and (D) are negative words, (C), “difficulties,” specifically connotes something hard or troubling, so it is the correct answer.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Sentence Structure: The Basics
Getting to the Answer: Determine the relationship between the two different parts of the sentence. Then, choose the punctuation that fits best. In this sentence, two independent clauses are joined by the coordinating conjunction “so.” When two independent clauses are joined in this manner, a comma is needed before the conjunction. Only (D) combines the two independent clauses correctly.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Agreement: Pronouns
Getting to the Answer: Substitute the phrases for their contractions, such as “It is,” for “It’s” to determine the correct usage. “They’re” and “Their” are inappropriate because when the subject is not clear (such as “It is raining”), it is grammatically correct to use “it” instead of “they.” Choice (B) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Sentence Structure: Commas, Dashes, and Colons
Getting to the Answer: Commas should be used sparingly to help the reader understand the passage. Only one comma is needed to successfully combine two independent clauses with a conjunction. Choice (A) is the correct answer.
A/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Agreement: Verbs
Getting to the Answer: Read the entire paragraph to establish the verb tense. Identify the key verbs in the paragraph and their tenses. Both “turned” and “returned” are past tense, making (A) the correct choice.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Relevance
Getting to the Answer: Determine the focus of the paragraph by identifying its topic and purpose. Then, read the answer choices, looking for the choice that is least relevant. The paragraph has an informational purpose and is about the unusual route Morales took to a career in software sales. The opinion that “New Hampshire also has many fine backpacking trails” is extraneous to this topic and purpose. Choice (C) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Sentence Structure: The Basics
Getting to the Answer: Identify whether the underlined portion contains sentences or fragments, or a combination of both. Then, determine the best way to join them. The underlined portion contains a sentence and a fragment. Only (D) correctly rewords the fragment to make it an independent clause and then uses a conjunction to join the two parts of the sentence.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Introductions and Conclusions
Getting to the Answer: Read the entire paragraph and summarize the supporting details to help you determine the appropriate topic sentence. The supporting details of the paragraph all relate to Morales’s ability to come up with a creative solution to a company’s problem. Choice (C) is the correct topic sentence of the paragraph.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Precision
Getting to the Answer: Notice the prefixes used in the answer choices and think about what they mean. Then choose the word that best fits into the context of the sentence. The prefix “re-“ means “back,” as in “return” or “replace.” “Retaining” means to keep or hold back. This fits into the context of the sentence, so (B) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Precision
Getting to the Answer: Read the sentence to determine which word provides the correct meaning in context. “Vacillate” means to be indecisive, “convert” means to change into a different form, and “fluctuate” means to change continually. Choice (C), “transition,” means to move from one thing to another. Morales’s goal is to move from one field to another, so (C) is the correct answer.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Relevance
Getting to the Answer: Identify the topic sentence in the paragraph. Then, review the answer choices to find the one that best supports it. The topic sentence of the paragraph is about “big data.” Morales’s use of “big data” to gather information regarding health care supports the topic sentence. The other choices do not involve capturing data from outside sources. Choice (D) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Agreement: Verbs
Getting to the Answer: When a sentence contains a series of actions, make sure the elements are parallel and punctuated correctly. Then, determine whether you should eliminate or insert any commas. Choice (A) is correct, because there are three identifiable actions in the series: “quicken,” “improve,” and “save.”
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Precision
Getting to the Answer: Read for context clues and determine which answer offers the most appropriate word choice. The sentence states that Etta “passed away” before her art was given to the BMA. Because this was a gift after death, “bequeathed” is the most appropriate word choice in this sentence. Choice (A) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Development: Introductions and Conclusions
Getting to the Answer: After reading the paragraph, reread each sentence to determine which one summarizes the overall message of the paragraph. Aside from (C), all other sentences offer details and ideas that are not supported by the rest of the paragraph. Only (C) encapsulates the central idea that the Cones contributed their art to the BMA.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Organization: Transitions
Getting to the Answer: Reread the sentence to figure out what is meant. Then, choose the coordinating conjunction that creates the most logical and grammatically correct sentence. Choice (D) is correct. Because the second independent clause discusses what the sisters did despite the statement in the first independent clause, the coordinating conjunction “but” is most appropriate here.
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Agreement: Pronouns
Getting to the Answer: Read for context clues and determine which answer choice is most logical and grammatically correct. The possessive determiner “their” is grammatically correct and correctly explains the sisters’ ownership of the selections, so (C) is the correct answer.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Agreement: Verbs
Getting to the Answer: Read the surrounding sentences for context clues to determine which pronoun and verb combination creates the clearest and most effective sentence. The pronoun must be “they,” as it refers to both Etta and Claribel. The rest of the paragraph is written in the past tense, making “took” the correct verb. Choice (B) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Development: Precision
Getting to the Answer: Read the sentence for context clues, and determine which answer offers the most appropriate word choice. The sentence describes what the art collected by the Cones showed, or “depicted.” The other answer choices are less precise, making (B) the correct answer.
D/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Development: Relevance
Getting to the Answer: Read the entire paragraph and determine the central idea. Then read the answer choices, looking for the choice that distracts from the paragraph’s focus. The central idea of the paragraph is that the Cone collection documented the changes in post–World War I Europe. The statement “Today, there are more experimental forms of art than there were after World War I” may be accurate, but it does not relate to the central idea. Choice (D) is the correct answer.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Sentence Structure: Commas, Dashes, and Colons
Getting to the Answer: Reread the sentence to determine which set of punctuation marks creates a grammatically correct sentence. Introductory words such as “additionally” are followed by a comma when they begin a sentence. The word “Paris” is the beginning of a list and also should be followed by a comma. No other punctuation is required in this portion of the sentence, so (C) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Agreement: Idioms
Getting to the Answer: Reread the sentence for context clues to determine which answer choice provides the correct meaning. The current underlined word, “though,” means “despite,” creating an illogical contrast between the two parts of the sentence. The definitions for (B), “therefore” (for that reason), and (C), “thorough” (completed with exacting detail), likewise do not create logical sentences. The definition of “through” best expresses the idea that the sisters experienced freedom “by means of” their lifestyle. Choice (D) is the correct answer.
A/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Development: Relevance
Getting to the Answer: Determine the central idea of the paragraph, and decide which additional facts noted in the answer choices would have the greatest benefit to the reader. Because the paragraph is about how the Cones challenged traditional views of women, and because the author uses several undefined but important terms, (A) is the correct answer.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Agreement: Modifiers
Getting to the Answer: Review the sentence to assess which answer choice offers the correct use of plural punctuation to convey the proper sense of possession. The possessive plural of “Cones” refers to both sisters owning something and requires an apostrophe after the “s” with no additional letters or punctuation. Choice (B) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Look at the structure of the equation. It is written in the form y = mx + b. The question is asking about 20.942, which is m in the equation, and therefore represents a rate of change. The variable x represents number of months. The value of m is positive, so it represents the estimated monthly increase in the number of the plants after the natural disaster occurred. (B) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Quadratics
Getting to the Answer: The expression is a difference of two squares, so write each term as a quantity squared and then use the difference of squares rule a 2 – b 2 = (a + b)(a – b):
Choice (C) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Quadratics
Getting to the Answer: Factored form of a quadratic equation reveals the roots, or x-intercepts, of the equation, so start by identifying the x-intercepts on the graph. An x-intercept is an x-value that corresponds to a y-value of 0. Read the axis labels carefully—each grid line represents
, so the x-intercepts of the graph, and therefore the roots of the equation, are
. This means you are looking for factors that when solved result in these values of x. Choice (A) is correct because 2x + 1 gives you
and 4x – 3 gives you
D/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Don’t jump right into translating the line. Think about how the translation would affect the slope—it wouldn’t. Translating the line moves all the points by the same amount, so the slope doesn’t change. Find the slope of line P by counting the rise and the run from one point to the next, and you’ll have your answer. From the y-intercept (0, –2), the line rises 5 units and runs 2 units to the point (2, 3), so the slope is
. (D) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Rational Equations
Getting to the Answer: Solve the equation for t. Multiply both sides of the equation by t to get it out of the denominator, and then divide both sides by a:
This matches (B).
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Quadratics
Getting to the Answer: Imagine the graph of a parabola. The minimum value is the y-coordinate of its vertex and the axis of symmetry also passes through the vertex. Use these properties to identify the vertex, and then use it to write the equation of the parabola in vertex form, y = a(x – h)2 + k, where (h, k) is the vertex. If the minimum of the parabola is –5, then the vertex of the parabola looks like (x, –5). The axis of symmetry, x = 1, tells you the x-coordinate—it’s 1. That means (h, k) is (1, –5), and the equation of the parabola looks like y = a(x – 1)2 – 5. The value of a in each of the answer choices is 1, so (C) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Systems of Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: The solution to a system of linear equations shown graphically is the point where the lines intersect. Read the axis labels carefully. Each grid line represents
. The two lines intersect at (–5, –4), so A + B = –5 + (–4) = –9. (B) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Polynomials
Getting to the Answer: When adding or subtracting polynomial expressions, simply combine like terms (terms that have the same variable part). Pay careful attention to the exponents. To keep things organized, arrange the terms in descending order before you combine them. Substitute the given expressions for A and B into 3A + B. Distribute the 3 to each term of A and then combine like terms. Be careful—the first term of B is x 3, not x 2, so these cannot be combined:
This matches (C).
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Quadratics
Getting to the Answer: A quadratic equation can have zero, one, or two real solutions. There are several ways to determine exactly how many. You could graph the equation and see how many times it crosses the x-axis, you could calculate the discriminant (the value under the square root in the quadratic formula), or you could try to factor the equation. Use whichever method gets you to the answer the quickest. Notice that the first and last terms in the equation are perfect squares—this is a hint that it could be a perfect square trinomial, which it is. The factored form of the equation is (3x – 2)(3x – 2). Both factors are the same, so there is only one real value,
, that satisfies the equation, so (B) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Inequalities
Getting to the Answer: When an equation or an inequality involves fractions, there are a number of ways to approach it. You could distribute the fractions or you could clear the fractions by multiplying both sides by the lowest common denominator. In this question, clearing one fraction at a time will prevent having to work with messy fractions and large numbers. First, multiply everything by 5, and then divide by 3—this will clear the first fraction:
Now, multiply everything by 7 and go from there:
Choice (A) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Don’t let all the contextual information confuse you. The question at the end tells you that you are looking for the linear relationship between the pairs of numbers in the last two rows of the table. This amounts to writing an equation in the form y = mx + b. Take a peek at the answers—none of the equations have a y-intercept, so all you need to do is write the equation y = mx, or here, s = md. To find m, use any two ordered pairs from the table and the slope formula. Be careful—d represents x in the equation, so the dropper amounts should be written first in the ordered pairs. Using (0.5, 1.25) and (1.0, 2.5), the slope is:
This means the equation is s = 2.5d, which matches (D).
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Think conceptually before you start simplifying the equations. The only type of line that does not cross the y-axis is a vertical line (because it runs parallel to the axis). All vertical lines take the form x = a. In other words, a vertical line does not have a y term. Eliminate equations that will clearly have a y term once simplified. You don’t need to worry about the x terms or the constants.
(A): Although it may appear that the y terms will cancel, you must first distribute 0.5. The result is 0.5y on the left side of the equation and y on the right, which do not cancel, eliminate.
(B): No y terms on the left, but 4y on the right, eliminate.
(C): 0.25(8y) = 2y on the left, and –2(–y) = 2y on the right, which do indeed cancel, so (C) is correct.
You don’t need to waste time checking (D)—just move on to the next question. ( (D): –6y on the left and –3y on the right, which do not cancel.)
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Systems of Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Typically, solving a system of equations means finding the values of x and y that satisfy both equations simultaneously. Because the solution to the system satisfies both equations, you can substitute 2 and –1, for x and y respectively, and then solve for H and K. Before selecting your answer, check that you found what the question was asking for (the value of
, (D).
D/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Additional Topics in Math / Trigonometry
Getting to the Answer: If an angle with measure A such that
is drawn on a unit circle, its terminal side will fall in quadrant III, and sin A = k will be a negative value (because sine represents the y-value of the point that intersects the unit circle). If sin B = k also (and k is negative), then the terminal side of B must land in either of quadrants III or IV (because sine is negative in those quadrants). Choose an easy radian measure (in quadrant III) for angle A, such as
. Try each answer choice to see which one results in an angle that lies in the third or fourth quadrant:
, which is in quadrant I; eliminate.
, which is in Quadrant I (because it is the same as
rotated one full circle); eliminate.
, which is in quadrant II; eliminate.
, which is in Quadrant IV, so (D) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Exponents
Getting to the Answer: For this question, use the following rules of exponents: when you raise a power to a power, you multiply the exponents, and when you divide with exponents, you subtract them. Distribute the 2 outside the parentheses to the exponent in the numerator and in the denominator:
Now, subtract the exponents:
Unfortunately, x
5 is not one of the answer choices, so look for an answer choice that is also equivalent to x
5. You can eliminate (A) right away, and the exponents in (B) look too small, so start with (C), which simplifies to
and is therefore not correct. Choice (D) is correct:
1/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Inequalities
Getting to the Answer: If (a, b) is a solution to the system, then a is the x-coordinate of any point in the region where the shading overlaps and b is the corresponding y-coordinate. When a = 0 (or x = 0), the maximum possible value for b lies on the upper boundary line, y < –3x + 2. (You can tell which boundary line is the upper line by looking at the y-intercept.) The point on the boundary line is (0, 2), but the boundary line is dashed (because the inequality is strictly less than), so you cannot include (0, 2) in the solution set. This means 1 is the greatest possible integer value for b when a = 0.
/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Functions
Getting to the Answer: For any function f(x), the x is the input value and the output is the result after plugging in the input and simplifying. The question tells you that the output is 3 (not the input), so set the equation equal to 3 and solve for x:
12/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Additional Topics in Math / Geometry
Getting to the Answer: Use the relationship
. To help you remember this relationship, just think
. The unknown in this question is the diameter of the circle, which is twice the radius. You can find the radius of the circle by first finding the area of the whole circle, and then by using the area equation, A = πr
2. You have everything you need to find the area of the circle. Because this is a no-calculator question, you can bet that numbers will simplify nicely:
Now, solve for r using A = πr 2:
The radius can’t be negative, so it must be 6, which means the diameter of the circle is twice that, or 12.
/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Additional Topics in Math / Geometry
Getting to the Answer: When the equation of a circle is in the form (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r 2, the r represents the length of the radius. To get the equation into this form, complete the squares. You already have an x 2 and a y 2 in the given equation and the coefficients of x and y are even, so completing the square is fairly straightforward—there are just a lot of steps. Start by grouping the xs and ys together. Then, take the coefficient of the x term and divide it by 2, square it, and add it to the two terms with x variables. Do the same with the y term. Don’t forget to add these amounts to the other side of the equation as well. This creates a perfect square of x terms and y terms, so take the square root of each:
The equation tells you that r 2 = 49, which means that the radius is 7 and the diameter is twice that, or 14.
/Difficulty: Hard
Domain: Passport to Advanced Math / Functions
Getting to the Answer: Think about this question logically and in terms of function notation. Find the quantity that the company can expect to sell at each price using the demand function. Don’t forget that the quantity is given in hundreds. Then, find the total sales, the total costs, and the total profits using multiplication. Set up a table like the following:
Price | $12 | $10 |
Quantity |
q(12) = –2(12) + 34 = –24 + 34 = 10 |
q(10) = –2(10) + 34 = –20 + 34 = 14 |
In hundreds | 10(100) = 1,000 | 14(100) = 1,400 |
Sales | 1,000(12) = $12,000 | 1,400(10) = $14,000 |
Costs | 1,000(7) = $7,000 | 1,400(7) = $9,800 |
Profits | $5,000 | $4,200 |
The company will earn $5,000 – $4,200 = $800 more per month.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Heart of Algebra / Inequalities
Getting to the Answer: When trying to match an inequality to a real-world scenario, you need to examine the numbers, the variables, and the inequality symbol. The question asks how much is needed to meet or surpass the recommended amount, which is another way of saying greater than or equal to, so you can eliminate (C). Adult females should consume 75 milligrams of vitamin C and smokers should consume an additional 35 milligrams, so the total amount that a smoking female should consume is 75 + 35 = 110 milligrams. This means the right-hand side of the equation should be ≥ 110, and you can eliminate (A). To choose between (B) and (D), think in concrete terms. Multiplying (not dividing) the number of milligrams in each grapefruit or serving of spinach yields the total amount of vitamin C in each, so (B) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Scatterplots
Getting to the Answer: You don’t need to know the slope of the line of best fit to answer the question, so don’t waste valuable time trying to find it. Instead, use the labels on the axes to determine the meaning of the slope. On a graph, slope means the change in the y-values (rise) compared to the change in the x-values (run). In a real-world scenario, this is the same as the unit rate. In this context, the rise is the amount of money spent and the run is the number of minutes watching commercials. Thus, the unit rate, or slope, represents the predicted increase in money spent on brand-name products for every one-minute increase in time spent watching commercials, so (D) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Heart of Algebra / Systems of Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Whenever a question gives you information about a total number of items and a total cost of those items, you should write one equation that represents the total number (here, the number of packages) and a second equation that represents the total cost (here, the cost of the portraits). The number of parents who ordered basic packages plus the number who ordered deluxe packages equals the total number of parents (182), so one equation is b + d = 182. This means you can eliminate (A) and (C). Now, write the cost equation: cost per basic package (29.5) times number ordered (b) plus cost per deluxe package (44.5) times number ordered (d) equals the total bill ($6,509). The cost equation is 29.5b + 44.5d = 6,509. Together, these two equations form the system in correct answer (B). Don’t let (D) fool you—there are two choices of packages, but this does not impact the total amount of the school’s bill.
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Functions
Getting to the Answer: Understanding the language of functions will make answering this question very simple. Another way of saying “For what values of x does f(x) = –4?” is “What is the x-value when y = –4?” Draw a horizontal line across the graph at y = –4 and find the x-coordinates of any points that hit your line.
The line hits the graph at x = –7 and at x = 5, so (C) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Don’t let this fairly simple question fool you. Just because 3 and –3 are opposites, this does not mean the value on the right-hand side of the equal sign will be the opposite of 19. Solve for x, then substitute that value into the second equation for x and simplify:
Thus, 4x – 3 = 4(4) – 3 = 16 – 3 = 13. (C) is correct.
You might also recognize that 4x – 3 is 6 less than 4x + 3, so you can simply subtract 6 from 19 to arrive at 13. This is a great shortcut, but only works when the variable terms are identical.
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: To find the slope of a line from its graph, either count the rise and the run from one point to the next or choose two points that lie on the line and substitute them into the slope formula,
. Use whichever method gets you to the answer the quickest. Pay careful attention to negative signs. Using the points (0, –2) and (7, –8), the slope is:
Choice (C) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Compare the differences in the two lines to the statements in the answer choices. Pay careful attention to which line represents each state. Be careful—this is a real-world scenario, and the word “positive” does not refer to the slope of the lines. The key difference between the lines in the graph is their slopes. The dashed line (State B) has a steeper negative slope, while the solid line (State A) has a more gradual slope. This means that the crime rate for armed robbery in State B decreased at a faster rate than in State A. Because, in the real world, a positive impact means fewer crimes, State B’s law had a more positive impact on the crime rate for armed robbery. This matches (B).
C/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: When ratios involve large numbers, simplify if possible to make the calculations easier. Let p equal the number of cans of paint mixed. Set up a proportion and solve for p. Try writing the proportion in words first:
Choice (C) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Statistics and Probability
Getting to the Answer: Because the mean ages are different and you do not know how many men or women have college degrees and get married, you need to reason logically to arrive at the correct answer. The mean age of the women is lower than that of the men, so the combined mean cannot be greater than or equal to that of the men. Similarly, the mean age of the men is greater than that of the women, so the combined mean cannot be less than or equal to the mean age of the women. In other words, the combined mean age must fall somewhere between the two means, making (D) correct.
A/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: To answer a question that says “directly proportional,” set two ratios equal to each other and solve for the missing amount. Don’t forget—match the units in the numerators and in the denominators on both sides. Let f equal the number of feet that the diver can safely ascend in 90 seconds. Set up a proportion and solve for f. Because the first rate is given in terms of minutes, write 90 seconds as 1.5 minutes:
Choice (A) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Inequalities
Getting to the Answer: You could graph the cost function (y = 17p + 1,890) and the revenue function (y = 35p) and try to determine where the revenue function is greater (higher on the graph). However, the numbers are quite large and this may prove to be very time-consuming. Instead, create and solve an inequality comparing revenue and cost. If the revenue from a single pair of shoes is $35, then the total revenue from p pairs is 35p. If revenue must be greater than cost, then the inequality should be 35p > 17p + 1,890. Now, solve for p using inverse operations:
This matches (D).
B/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: This is a question about rates, so pay careful attention to the units. As you read the question, decide how and when you will need to convert units. First, determine how long it will take the athlete to complete the race. Set up a proportion:
The question asks for the total number of calories needed. The recommended rate of consumption is given in calories per minute and you now know the number of hours that it will take the athlete to complete the race. You could convert the number of hours to minutes (8 × 60 minutes = 480 minutes) and then multiply this by 3 (the calorie per minute rate given) to find that the athlete should consume 480 × 3 = 1,440 calories, which matches (B). Or, you could also convert the given rate (3 calories per minute) to a per-hour rate (3 × 60 = 180 calories per hour) and then multiply this by the number of hours it will take the athlete to finish the race (180 × 8 = 1,440 calories).
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: The rate of change (or slope) of a linear relationship is constant, so find the rate and apply it to the missing value. You could also look for a pattern in the table. Choose any two points (preferably ones with the nicest numbers) from the table and substitute them into the slope formula. Using the points (3, 0) and (–1, 14), the slope is
. This means that for every 2 units the x-value decreases, the y-value increases by 7, and the decrease from x = –5 to x = –7 happens to be –2. So, increase the y-value by 7: 28 + 7 = 35. (C) is correct.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Statistics and Probability
Getting to the Answer: Think about what the question is asking. The real estate agent wants to figure out which measure of the data (mean, mode, range, or median) is going to be most useful. The mode of a data set tells you the data point, or in this case the age range, that occurs most often. If the real estate agent markets to the age range that represents the mode, (B), she will be marketing to the largest group of clients possible.
A/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Statistics and Probability
Getting to the Answer: Some data sets have a head, where many data points are clustered in one area, and one or two tails, where the number of data points slowly decreases to 0. Examining the tail will help you describe the shape of the data set. A data set is skewed in the direction of its longest tail. The graph in this question has its tail on the right side, so the data is skewed to the right. When data is skewed to the right, the mean is greater than the median because the mean is more sensitive to the higher data values in the tail than is the median, so (A) is correct. If you’re not sure about the mean/median part, read the rest of the answer choices—none of them describes the data as skewed to the right, so you can eliminate all of them.
B/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Inequalities
Getting to the Answer: The question states that t represents the number of round trips. The cost of one round trip without the discount card is $35 per trip, or 35t. If a commuter purchases the discount card, round trips would equal the cost of the card plus $12.50 per trip, or 900 + 12.5t. Combine these into an inequality, remembering which way the inequality symbol should be oriented. You want the cost with the discount card to be less than (<) the cost without the card, so the inequality should be 900 + 12.5t < 35t. Now, solve for t:
Turn the inequality around to find that t > 40, which means a commuter must make more than 40 trips for the discount card to be a better deal, which is (B).
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: Etienne starts with $800. He spends 20% of $800, or 0.2($800) = $160, on gas. He has $800 – $160 = $640 left over. He budgets 25% of $640, or 0.25($640) = $160, for food and allots $300 for the hotel. He spends all the remaining money on entertainment, which is $640 – $160 – $300 = $180. Divide this amount by the original amount to find the percent he spent on entertainment:
(C) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Scatterplots
Getting to the Answer: When the dependent variable in a relationship increases by a scale factor, like doubling, tripling, etc., there is an exponential relationship between the variables that can be written in the form y = a(b)x, where a is the initial amount, b is the scale factor, and x is time. The question states that the number of microbes tripled every 24 hours, so the relationship is exponential. This means you can eliminate (C) and (D) right away. Choices (A) and (B) are written in the form y = a(b)x, with the initial amount equal to 2,000 and the scale factor equal to 3, so you can’t eliminate either one at first glance. To choose between them, try an easy number for h (like 24) in each equation to see which one matches the information given in the question. In the first equation,
which is 2,000 tripled, so (A) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Statistics and Probability
Getting to the Answer: When working with two-way tables, always read the question carefully, identifying which pieces of information you need. Here, you need to focus on the “Against” column and the “1L” and “2L” rows. To stay organized, it may help to circle these pieces of information in the table. There are 58 1Ls and 64 2Ls in the survey sample, for a total of 58 + 64 = 122 1Ls and 2Ls. There are 16 1Ls and 12 2Ls against the policy, for a total of 16 + 12 = 28. This means that 28 out of the 122 1Ls and 2Ls are against the new policy. Written as a fraction, this is
, which reduces to
. (A) is correct.
C/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Additional Topics in Math / Imaginary Numbers
Getting to the Answer: You will not be expected to raise a complex number like the one in this question to the third power by hand. That’s a clue that you should be able to use your calculator. The definition of i has been programmed into all graphing calculators, so you can perform basic operations on complex numbers using the calculator (in the Calculator Section of the test). Enter the expression as follows: (6 + 5i)3. On the TI83/84 calculators, you can find i on the button with the decimal point. After entering the expression and pressing Enter, the calculator should return –234 + 415i, which is (C).
You could, however, expand the number by hand by writing it as (6 + 5i)(6 + 5i)(6 + 5i) and carefully multiplying it all out.
B/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Scatterplots
Getting to the Answer: When an exponential function is written in the form f(x) = f(0)(1 + r)x, the quantity (1 + r) represents the growth rate or the decay rate depending on whether the y-values are increasing or decreasing. The y-values are increasing in this graph, so r represents a growth rate. Because the data is modeled using an exponential function (not a linear function), the rate is not the same as the slope. Look at the y-values in the calculator screenshot—they are quadrupling as the x-values increase by 1. In the equation, this means that (1 + r) = 4. Solve this equation to find that r = 3. (B) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: Pay careful attention to the units. You need to convert all of the dimensions to inches and then set up and solve a proportion. There are 12 inches in one foot, so the real pyramid’s height was (480 × 12) + 8 = 5,760 + 8 = 5,768 inches; the length of the passage in the real pyramid was 53.75 × 12 = 645 inches; the museum’s pyramid height will be 71 feet, 6 inches, or 858 inches; and the length of the museum’s passage is unknown. Set up a proportion and solve for the unknown. Use words first to help you keep the measurements in the right places:
The museum should make the length of its passage about 96 inches, or 96 ÷ 12 = 8 feet. (A) is correct.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Rational Equations
Getting to the Answer: You could use polynomial long division to answer this question or you could try to factor the numerator and see if any terms cancel. It is very tricky to factor a quadratic equation with a negative coefficient on x 2, so start by factoring –1 out of both the numerator and the denominator. To factor the resulting quadratic in the numerator, you need to find two numbers whose product is –24 and whose sum is 10. The numbers are –2 and +12:
This matches (D).
C/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: You’re given two ratios: ethanol to gasoline and methanol to gasoline. Your job is to “merge” them so you can directly compare ethanol to methanol. Both of the given ratios contain gasoline, but the gasoline amounts (4 and 9) are not identical. To directly compare them, find a common multiple (36). Multiply each ratio by the factor that will make the number of parts of gasoline equal to 36 in each:
Ethanol to Gasoline: (1:4) × (9:9) = 9:36
Methanol to Gasoline: (1:9) × (4:4) = 4:36
Now that the number of parts of gasoline needed is the same in both ratios, you can merge the two ratios to compare ethanol to methanol directly: 9:36:4. So the proper ratio of ethanol to methanol is 9:4, which is (C).
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Add reasonable numbers to the graph such as the ones shown in the following example:
Use the numbers to help you evaluate each statement. It took Julia and Ravi each 25 minutes to drive to the museum, so you can eliminate (C) and (D). Julia drove 20 miles in 25 minutes, while Ravi only drove 15 miles in 25 minutes; their rates are not the same, so (B) is not correct. This means (A) must be correct. Julia starts out farther away than Ravi, so Julia must have driven at a faster speed than Ravi to arrive at the museum in the same amount of time.
D/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Functions
Getting to the Answer: Transformations that are grouped with the x in a function shift the graph horizontally and therefore affect the x-coordinates of points on the graph. Transformations that are not grouped with the x shift the graph vertically and therefore affect the y-coordinates of points on the graph. Remember, horizontal shifts are always backward of what they look like.
Perform each transformation on the coordinates of the point, one at a time, following the same order of operations that you use when simplifying arithmetic expressions. Start with (x – 4). This shifts the graph right 4 units, so add 4 to the x-coordinate of the given point: (8, –3) → (8 + 4, –3) = (12, –3). Next, apply the negative in front of g, which is not grouped with the x, so it makes the y-coordinate the opposite of what it was: (12, –3) → (12, 3). Finally, the –6 is not grouped with x, so subtract 6 from the y-coordinate: (12, 3) → (12, 3 – 6) = (12, –3). Therefore, (D) is correct. You could also plot the point on a coordinate plane, perform the transformations (right 4, reflect vertically over the x-axis, and then down 6), and find the resulting point.
D/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Functions
Getting to the Answer: Sometimes, a question requires thought rather than brute force. Here, you need to understand that when dealing with compositions, the range of the inner function becomes the domain of the outer function, which in turn produces the range of the composition. In the composition f(g(x)), the function g(x) = x 3 is the inner function. Because the question states that x is either zero or a negative number (x ≤ 0), every value of x, when substituted into this function, will result in zero or a negative number (because a negative number raised to an odd power is always negative). This means that the largest possible range value for g(x) is 0, and consequently that the largest possible domain value for f(x) is also 0. Substituting 0 for x in f(x) results in –1, which is the largest possible range value for the composition. Because 1 > –1, it is not in the range of f(g(x)), so (D) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Quadratics
Getting to the Answer: To answer this question, you need to recall nearly everything you’ve learned about quadratic graphs. The equation is given in vertex form (y = a(x – h)2 + k), which reveals the vertex (h, k), the direction in which the parabola opens (upward when a > 0 and downward when a < 0), the axis of symmetry (x = h), and the minimum/maximum value of the function (k).
Start by comparing each answer choice to the equation, y = –3(x – 5)2 + 8. The only choice that you cannot immediately compare is (A), because vertex form does not readily reveal the y-intercept, so start with (B). Don’t forget, you are looking for the statement that is not true. (B): The axis of symmetry is given by x = h, and h is 5, so this statement is true and therefore not correct, eliminate. (C): The vertex is given by (h, k), so the vertex is indeed (5, 8) and this choice is not correct, eliminate (D): The value of a is –3, which indicates that the parabola opens downward, so this choice is also incorrect, eliminate. That means (A) must be the correct answer. To confirm, you could substitute 0 for x in the equation to find the y-intercept:
The y-intercept is (0, –67), not (0, 8), so the statement is not true and therefore the correct answer.
A/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: Don’t let all the technical words in this question overwhelm you. Solve it step-by-step, examining the units as you go. Notice that some of the numbers in the answer choices are just 1 apart, so think carefully before selecting your answer. Start by determining the number of megabytes the computer can upload in 1 weekend (48 hours):
Convert this amount to gigabytes (because the information about the scans is given in gigabytes, not megabytes):
Each client file is about 2.5 gigabytes in size, so divide this number by 2.5 to determine how many client files the computer can upload to the remote server: 907.2 ÷ 2.5 = 362.88 files. Remember, you should round this number down to 362, because the question asks for the maximum number the computer can upload, and it cannot complete the 363rd scan in the time allowed. Choice (A) is correct.
A/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Additional Topics in Math / Geometry
Getting to the Answer: This question does not provide a graphic, so sketch a quick diagram of the information presented. Be sure to show the direction of traffic for each street. The question describes two parallel streets, cut by a transversal. Start with that, and then add all the details:
Traffic traveling south on Main Street must make a 125° turn onto the new road. This is the angle between where the traffic was originally headed and where it is headed after it makes the turn. Traffic on 2nd Street is traveling north, the opposite direction. As shown in the diagram, the angle that the northbound traffic would make is supplementary to the corresponding angle made by the southbound traffic. When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, corresponding angles are congruent, which means that cars turning off of 2nd Street will make a 180 – 125 = 55° turn onto the new road. Choice (A) is correct.
11.5 or 23/2 or 69/6/Difficulty: Easy
Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Simplify each numerator. Then, cross-multiply. Finally, isolate the variable using inverse operations:
255/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Heart of Algebra / Systems of Linear Equations
Getting to the Answer: Translate English into math to write the two equations: The New York property costs 30 thousand dollars less than four times the cost of the Georgia property, so N = 4G – 30; together, the two properties cost 445 thousand dollars, so N + G = 445.
The system of equations is:
The top equation is already solved for N, so substitute 4G – 30 into the second equation for N and solve for G:
The Georgia property costs 95 thousand dollars, so the New York property costs 4(95) – 30 = 350 thousand dollars. This means the New York property costs 350 – 95 = 255 thousand more dollars than the Georgia property.
.52/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Statistics and Probability
Getting to the Answer: The probability that an event will occur is the number of desired outcomes (number of available cars that have a rating of at least 25 miles per gallon) divided by the number of total possible outcomes (total number of cars). “At least” means that much or greater, so find the number of cars represented by the two bars to the right of 25 in the histogram: 20 + 6 = 26 cars. Now, find the total number of available cars: 8 + 16 + 20 + 6 = 50. Finally, divide to find the indicated probability:
21/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Additional Topics in Math / Geometry
Getting to the Answer: Use the formula for finding the volume of a rectangular solid, V = lwh, to write an equation. Because the dimensions are given as the ratio 3:5:2, let the length, width, and height be represented by 3x, 5x, and 2x. Substitute the expressions into the formula and solve for x:
The length was represented by 3x, so multiply to find that the length is 3(7) = 21 feet.
8/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Scatterplots
Getting to the Answer: Draw the line of best fit so that approximately half of the data points fall above the line and half fall below it:
Look for the point that is farthest from the line you drew, which is (8, 6). Because time is plotted along the horizontal axis, this point represents a manager who spent 8 months in the training program.
37/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Exponents
Getting to the Answer: Although this question is in the calculator portion of the test, you get an overflow error if you try to use your calculator. This is because the numbers are simply too large. You’ll need to rely on the rules of exponents to answer this question. When a power is raised to a power, multiply the exponents. You want to be able to add the exponents later, so the bases need to be the same, and you’ll need to recognize that 32 is the same as 2 raised to the 5th power:
Now that the two bases in the exponent are the same, you can add their exponents:
Therefore, x = 37.
33/Difficulty: Medium
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: Questions that involve distance, rate, and time can almost always be solved using the formula Distance = rate × time. Use the speed, or rate, of the first car (64 miles per hour) and its distance from the destination (144 miles) to determine how long it traveled. You don’t know the time, so call it t:
This means it took 2.25 hours for the first car to arrive. You need the number of minutes, so multiply 2.25 by 60 to get 60 × 2.25 = 135 minutes. Now determine how long it took the second car. It started its drive at 2:18 p.m. and arrived at 4:00 p.m., so it took 1 hour and 42 minutes, or 102 minutes. This means that the first car had been traveling for 135 – 102 = 33 minutes before the second car started its drive.
220/Difficulty: Hard
Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages
Getting to the Answer: To get started, you’ll need to find the distance for each part of the third car’s trip—the question only tells you the total distance (25 miles). Then, use the formula Distance = rate × time to find how long the car traveled at 15 miles per hour and then how long it traveled at 30 miles per hour.
First part of trip (60% of the drive):
So the first part of the trip took 1 hour. Then the car did not move for 20 minutes due to the accident.
Last part of trip (40% of the drive remained):
So the last part of the trip took one-third of an hour, or 20 minutes. This means it took the third car a total of 1 hour and 40 minutes to arrive at the destination. Because the car arrived at 4:00 p.m., it must have left at 2:20 p.m. Enter the answer as 220.
4—Advanced |
3—Proficient |
2—Partial |
1—Inadequate |
When William Faulkner made his Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech in 1950, he was speaking at the height of the Cold War. The memory of the devastation of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan was still fresh in people’s minds, and it’s clear from Faulkner’s speech that people were afraid more destruction was to come. Faulkner felt strongly that in order for mankind to prevail, writers must write from the heart, rather than writing from fear. In this speech, he uses several techniques to persuade his audience of his claim: he establishes his authority, uses vivid language and imagery, and appeals to his audience’s sense of duty.
At the ceremony, Faulkner was speaking from a position of strength and expertise, having just been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In a subtle way, he reminds his audience of this expertise throughout the speech, lending credibility to his claims. In the first paragraph, he redefines the award as an honor for his life’s work in mining the human spirit to create great literature. He then reminds the audience of his position as an elder statesman by directing his speech to the “young men and women” who are also engaged in this great work, and goes on to tell them what they must “learn” and “teach themselves” about life and writing. By framing the speech as a lesson for younger writers based on his career-long exploration of the human spirit, Faulkner establishes his authority and commands respect for his ideas.
Faulkner also uses vivid language and imagery to create a vision of a higher purpose to which he would like his audience to aspire. In paragraphs 2 and 3, he paints a picture of the writer as an artist involved in a great struggle, which he characterizes with words like “agony” and “sweat.” According to Faulkner, a writer will never succeed if he avoids universal truths, and until the writer realizes this, “he labors under a curse.” To Faulkner, a writer who writes from a place of fear instead of compassion creates meaningless work that touches upon “no universal bones, leaving no scars.” On the other hand, a writer who writes with pity and compassion lifts the reader’s heart and reminds him of his “immortal” nature. This type of vivid language, which is clearly written from Faulkner’s heart, helps to support his argument that writing from the heart is the way to create great literature that inspires mankind to prevail.
Finally, in speaking to his audience of younger writers, he calls upon their sense of duty. It’s clear earlier in the speech that Faulkner is concerned that younger writers are being defeated by fear, and are failing to explore the rich material of the human heart. He asserts that rather than writing about defeat, they should elevate humans by reminding them of their great capacity for courage, compassion, sacrifice, and other noble qualities. These characteristics are unique to humans and are the “glory” of their past, which Faulkner exhorts them to carry into the future. In the final line, Faulkner calls upon writers to be more than just record-keepers—rather, they should actively inspire humankind to prevail.
In a time of great fear, William Faulkner used his Nobel Prize acceptance speech to express his belief that writers must write from the heart in order to ensure the success of mankind. To convince his audience that they should accept his claim, he first establishes his authority, then uses vivid language and imagery to illustrate the value of writing from the heart, and finally calls upon his audience’s sense of duty to elevate the human race. Through skillful use of these features, he constructs a persuasive argument.
William Faulkner believed that authors must write from their hearts to make sure that humans prevail on Earth. In his Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Faulkner uses his expertise, vivid language, and calls to his audience’s sense of responsibility to make his case.
In this speech, Faulkner speaks as both a writer and a teacher. He acknowledges that young writers are listening to him; and he has lessons to give to them. Since he just won the Nobel Prize his listeners believe him to be an expert and this makes them more willing to accept his message. He tells his young listeners that they have lost their way, and they must relearn the “problems of the human heart,” which are what make good writing. Faulkner tells his listeners that being afraid is the lowest of human feelings, and they need to put their fears aside and instead explore the higher truths of the human heart. Faulkner knows that his young audience is looking up to him, and so he uses his position of authority to guide them to strive for something greater than their fear.
Faulkner also uses vivid language to enhance his argument. Twice he uses the phrase “agony and sweat” to describe the struggle of the writer who writes from the heart. This type of vivid language makes the writer’s struggle seem like a goal worth fighting for. Faulkner describes writing that avoids the problems of the human heart as having no “bones” or “scars.” By using words that evoke the human body, Faulkner implies that this type of writing has no weight or depth. Faulkner uses very vivid language to paint a picture of a world after a nuclear apacalypse, which is what his audience fears. In this picture, the evening is “red and dying,” the rocks are “worthless” and man’s voice is “puny” but still talking. Faulkner then tells his audience he refuses to accept this bleak image—that man will do more than just exist, he will prevail. By using vivid language to describe the defeatist view of mankind, Faulkner makes his audience feel revulsion at this image, and makes the alternative seem much more appealing.
Faulkner wanted writers to write about courage, hope, love, compassion, and pity because these things uplift the human spirit. Faulkner calls upon his listeners’ sense of responsibility by telling them that they have a duty to write about these subjects. His implication is that if they don’t, mankind will fall back into the bleakness he described previously. He also says that the writer has a responsibility to be a “pillar” holding up mankind. By making his audience feel that they have a responsibility to help mankind, Faulkner strengthens his position.
In this speech, Faulkner makes an effective argument that writers must write from the heart to save mankind and help it prevail. To strengthen his argument, he uses the features of expertise, vivid language, and calls to responsibility.