According to legend, Hisamori Takenouchi founded the martial art of jujitsu. He was a samurai master of the bokken (wooden sword) and the jo (short staff). Before founding the first known jujitsu school in 1532, he was a soldier, serving a daimyo (lord) in feudal Japan.
Takenouchi lay on the now-quiet battlefield, drifting in and out of consciousness. All around him wounded soldiers moaned in pain. A dead samurai lay mere inches from his face. Takenouchi’s shoulder throbbed, and his head pounded. Blood streamed down his face.
He knew that if he stayed on the battlefield much longer he could be killed by wild animals or by treasure hunters picking through the casualties for something of value. He struggled to his feet, fighting the nausea that washed over him in waves. If he could make it to the forest, he could hide in the underbrush. He might even find some moss to stop the bleeding in his shoulder when he removed the arrow sticking out of it.
Moving carefully around bodies of men and horses, Takenouchi made his way to the edge of the field. Blood and pain clouded his vision. Just a few more feet, and he would be under cover. Just a few more feet.
Takenouchi awoke. He was lying on a mat covered by warm animal skins. An old man squatted by an open fire, stirring something in a large pot.
“Where am I?” Takenouchi asked.
“You’re awake,” said the old man. He stood and went to Takenouchi’s mat in the corner of the room. “How do you feel?”
“Well enough, considering the injuries,” Takenouchi replied, trying to sit. The room went dark for a moment, and he fell back onto the mat. “Rest,” the old man said. “Your head is healing. Somebody clubbed you pretty hard. And you lost a lot of blood when I removed the arrow from your shoulder. All day yesterday, I thought I was going to lose you.” Takenouchi reached up to where the arrow had been. A thick bandage covered the spot. “You removed it?” he asked.
“Yes,” said the old man. “I’ve fought my share of battles. I know a thing or two about treating injuries like yours.” He returned to his pot and spooned a dark liquid into a bowl. “Drink this,” he said. “You need to rebuild your blood.”
Takenouchi gingerly propped himself up and accepted the bowl. He tasted the dark liquid. It was faintly bitter but warm and comforting.
“You can call me Sato,” said the old man. “This is my house, and you are welcome to it.”
“My name is Takenouchi.” He looked around. Sato’s house was tiny, a single room, barely enough space for a couple of sleeping mats and a cooking fire. “Do you live here alone?” he asked. “It’s a long way to the nearest town.”
“Alone?” the old man said. “Yes, in a way I guess you could say I live here alone.” He took a tattered cape from a hook and wrapped it around his shoulders. “But I like to think that I live with the trees, and the sky, and the animals. And occasionally a visitor like you. I meditate, I do some exercises, and I live off what the forest and my garden provide. It’s a good life.”
“But you were a soldier, a samurai?”
“I was,” Sato said. “Until I tired of the killing.” A look crossed the old man’s face, a look Takenouchi had seen on old soldiers before, a look of both strength and deep sadness. Takenouchi’s mind wandered to the battlefield he had just left. He understood how the old man felt.
Days passed, then weeks. Each day, Takenouchi spent more and more time working in Sato’s garden and walking in the forest that surrounded his house. Gradually his strength returned. The pain in his head eased.
One day while walking, he found a long, straight oak branch. He cut it down and brought it back to Sato’s cottage. Sitting cross-legged beside the garden, he whittled away the excess until he had a bokken, a wooden practice sword. Carefully, he checked the balance and then smoothed the surface by rubbing it with sand. That night he slept with his weapon beside his mat the way that soldiers usually did.
The next morning, cautiously at first, Takenouchi began his practice. His shoulder ached, but the ache was an old pain, the pain of a limb that was healing, not the pain of a limb being newly injured. He found an old tree stump and dropped a stroke down onto its center. He had a lot of work to do to build the strength in that arm again. A soldier with a weak side didn’t last long in battle.
After several weeks of training, Takenouchi’s shoulder was nearly back to normal. His headaches were almost gone, and he decided it was time to go back to work. He approached Sato in his garden.
“I think the time has come for me to leave,” he said. He felt a lump in his throat. He had grown very fond of the old man.
“Will you go back to being a soldier?” Sato asked. “It is what I do,” Takenouchi replied.
“You will go back to killing and possibly being killed yourself?” “It is what a soldier does.”
“Then may I ask something from you, as a soldier, before you leave?” “Certainly,” Takenouchi said, bowing to his old friend. “Anything. I owe you my life.”
“Attack me,” said Sato stepping out of the garden. “What do you mean?”
“Attack me. Try to grab me. As a favor.”
Takenouchi didn’t understand, but as a favor to Sato, he walked up and tried to grab his arm.
“No, no,” Sato said, “Attack me.”
Takenouchi lunged for the man’s throat. But before he could grasp it, he felt his wrist being brushed away. His elbow locked out. His arm cranked over his head. Not sure what happened, Takenouchi picked himself up from the dust.
“Attack me,” Sato commanded again.
This time Takenouchi rushed him. Sato could obviously take care of himself. Takenouchi ducked low, thinking to knock the man over. But in midstride, he felt Sato’s foot knock his own feet out from under him. A quick twist of Sato’s hips propelled the young samurai again into the dust. Takenouchi scrambled to his feet and grabbed for his bokken. Sato stood calmly waiting for him. Takenouchi swung the sword, thinking to thump the old man on the head. But Sato was quickly inside the swing, locking up Takenouchi’s arms and stripping the sword from his hands.
“Are you hurt?” Sato asked.
“No,” said Takenouchi. “Of course not.”
“But had you attacked a superior foe like that in battle, would you be hurt?”
“Hurt, or dead,” replied Takenouchi.
“But I was able to stop you without hurting you,” Sato pointed out. “Yes.” Takenouchi wasn’t sure what Sato’s point might be.
“Come, sit,” said the old man walking to the doorway of his cottage. “Let me tell you what I have learned here in the forest these many years. A soldier sees an attack and says, ‘I must kill or be killed.’ I see an attack and I know that I must keep it from hurting me. But whether I choose to kill or even hurt my attacker is up to me.”
Takenouchi sat for a moment, taking in what Sato had said.
“You don’t have to kill,” Sato said. “If you know how to take your attacker’s center, each time, every time, you can keep yourself safe. Then you can choose to kill or not kill.”
“Can you teach me?” Takenouchi asked.
“I was hoping you’d ask,” the old man rose and headed back to his garden. “First, help me bring in enough cabbage for our supper.”